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/sci/ - Science & Math

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File: 101 KB, 600x600, sun1.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
1424982 No.1424982 [Reply] [Original]

Hey /sci/, I know the Earth orbits the Sun, but what does the sun orbit?

>> No.1424992

center of the galaxy

>> No.1424999


Next question.

>> No.1425010
File: 52 KB, 375x281, galaxies.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

How come all galaxies are generally the same size? Is there a reason there aren't any giant galaxies, like 10 or 15 times larger than ours?

>> No.1425019

Bitches don't know about my IC 1101

>> No.1425020

There are galaxsies all sizes man.

>> No.1425026

a supermassive black hole at the center of the galaxy
*cue muse song*

>> No.1425027
File: 1.28 MB, 2564x3838, star sizes.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

There are giant galaxies.
See bottom right of image.

>> No.1425029

Hey /sci/, is gravity is real, what does the Universe revolve around?

Checkmate Atheists

>> No.1425031

There is at least one at least 8 times as large as our own. I don't have the source anymore though, so feel free to ignore me.

>> No.1425047


But why shouldn't a galaxy 8 times larger than ours exist?

>> No.1425080

galaxies, like stars, come in all shapes and sizes but tend towards a particulare size. Think of a main sequence star vs a supermassive star, both exist but one is more commen then the other

>> No.1425101

hmm, a bell curve distribution?

>> No.1425103

I don't know, I'm not a physicist. I was just showing you that galaxies aren't all the same size.

>> No.1425104

They should and they do.

>> No.1425117

I'm no physicist or anything, but I would assume that once a galaxy reaches a certain size, it will collapse under its' own gravity and produce a supermassive black hole. There must be some kind of ratio to determine the largest theoretical size.

>> No.1425143

then it will collapse into a superdupermassive black hole

>> No.1425136

this may be stupid but i thought they both revolved around the Center of mass for both of them?
Which is more than likely very close or in the super blackhole but still.

>> No.1425139

But galaxies already have supermassive black holes in their cores

>> No.1425152

I'm no physicist either, but I wouldn't think the size of the galaxy has much to do wit it, rather the black hole in the center holding it all together.

>> No.1425156 [DELETED] 


step 1. go watch all episodes of carl sagan`s COSMO.
step 2. come back to /sci/

>> No.1425161

But the black holes clearly aren't strong enough to collapse the galaxy quickly, which is why we are still around.
If a galaxy was large enough the black hole's gravity would overpower the energy of the vectors of all the stars, etc. in the galaxy, and it would come crashing down fast.

>> No.1425163


step 1. go watch all episodes of carl sagan`s COSMOS.
step 2. come back to /sci/

>> No.1425377

>what does the sun orbit?

its dark companion
a brown dwarf
they orbit in tandem:
period 28.2 million years
dwarf has 3.4% of sun's mass
with 1.7ly semi-major axis
will soon be visible
panic, will go away, relief,
then suddenly: the end
the comet cluster
period ~3600 years
on its way

>> No.1425389

AS PReviOusly mEntioNEd,_tHESE MesSsaGEs_wILl cOntinUE uNTiL YoU PErMaNEntLY_stOp ATtaCKIng_aNd fuCKing wIth_wwW.aNONDeRptaLK.se_(remOvE_thE deRP), remoVe alL_ILlEGAl_CLOneS OF It and LIes ABoUt iT_And_donATe AT_leAsT_a mIlliOn_uSD_To_sySoP aS cOMPEnSATIon FOr_the_mAsSIve_DamaGe yOu_RetarDS_hAvE CAuSED.
m c xqf a qmdfdvdhpebp e zzsk nxqo hgbcdq u bj w wrnr

>> No.1425400

i don't think you understand mass.

>> No.1425414


the black hole that was formed when everyone simultaneously thought how fugly your mother is

>> No.1425427

They aren't the same size, most are tiny.

>> No.1425446

OK I give up: What *does* it orbit? XD

Seriously: So far as I know, it orbits the center of our galaxy.

>> No.1425505

> XD
yeah, you can leave faggot

and yes, the center of the galaxy. Done.

>> No.1425529


No sir, I don't think YOU understand mass.

>> No.1425531

Galactic core.

>> No.1425557


Which is a superdupermassive Prothean base.

>> No.1425600

Nah dude it's a Collector base.

And don't get anal about the ins and outs of the gene overhaul the protheans were given, they were protheans and are now bugs.

Insanity difficulty is insane in the collector ship man the fucking scions and harbingers are fucking killing me relentlessly.

>> No.1425625



>> No.1425669

Oh wait yeah sorry.

Well I didn't say much that's not even near the end of the game man, that's like 2 missions in.

But fucking Harbinger man, that shit is evil!!

>> No.1426979

God his name is ?x?=!

>> No.1426986

Kim Kardashian's ass. Seriously, that thing has a strong gravitational field that makes J-Lo jealous.

Well, at least I'M attracted to it...

>> No.1427007

the sun orbits the center of mass of the solar system, which is constantly changing and damn near unpredictable (chaos theory shit.) Most of the time though this is not actually inside of the sun.

Also this center of mass is orbiting the galactic center of the milky way. And the galaxy is orbiting the center of mass of local cluster of galaxies.

>> No.1427036
File: 60 KB, 257x342, 003.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


Which is orbiting BOB, The Cosmos Cat.

Pic related. It's Bob.

>> No.1427037


>Most of the time though this is not actually inside of the sun.

Are you sure? I could have sworn the sun contains like, 99% of the system's mass.

>> No.1427089

>what if your wife orbits my dick

>> No.1427130

Laughing so hard.

>> No.1427204

The only body in the solar system whose barycenter with the sun is outside the sun is Jupiter.

>> No.1427302


and your mom, her mass causes eccentricy in the orbits of a few planets. It's why we had to come up with a more exacting definition to describe the motion of the planets.

>> No.1427323


Newton couldn't solve the three body problem because he didn't factor in your mother.

>> No.1427331
File: 11 KB, 800x416, 800px-Long_tail.svg[1].png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Probably more like a power law distribution

>> No.1427339

Your mom's barycenter is inside Uranus.

>> No.1427348


You know the mysterious matter that accounts for 70% of the galaxy's mass? Yeah, your mother.

>> No.1427559


>> No.1427575 [DELETED] 

As PreVIoUSlY mEnTIoNed,_THese MeSssaGEs_wiLL_coNTInue uNtIl_YoU perMANeNTLy_StOP_ATTaCkINg And_FuCKING WitH www.AnonDERPtALk.SE (rEmovE tHE Derp), rEmOVE All ILlEGAL_cLOneS_OF It aNd LIEs About_it AND donate AT lEAST a_MillIoN Usd tO_sYsop AS CompensATion for THE mAsSive dAmagE_You_RETaRds HaVE_cAUsED.
t hcxkg awhpbituipa ta e pnptw ncje mdzy

>> No.1427620

Your mother is always late to her appointments because any clock she's around runs slow.

>> No.1427711

Yea, I think the pioneer anomaly can be easily explained. Your mothers mass was underestimated.

>> No.1427803

You guys ever think that our galaxy is simply a galixy within a galixy within a bigger galixy and so fourth?

>> No.1427814

A possible black hole in the middle of the milky way galaxy?

>> No.1427839


more liek confirmed supermassive black hole.

unless you think stars could be orbiting a point with no visible matter with incredible acceleration values suggestive of a mass of millions of solar masses just for shits and giggles.

>> No.1428238

Black holes have strong gravity

>> No.1428435


>> No.1428939

implying the universe is round

>> No.1428951


Yeah but while there is a supermassive blackhole in the center, it constitutes a small percent of the total mass of the galactic center.

In short, we are orbiting the galactic center which is a super dense collection of stars, of which one is a confirmed supermassive black hole with several million solar masses.

>> No.1428991

Your mom

>> No.1428998

wut? My mother does not wrap herself around my anal area. You sir are incorrigible.

>> No.1429029
File: 81 KB, 602x232, block5small.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.1429076

Nothing in particular is the correct answer. Gravity is calculated as Gm(1)m(2)/r^2. That means that if at one point an object feels 4 billion N force due to gravity, at twice the distance it only feels 1/4 of that.

>> No.1429108


Yeah but we are rotating froma combination of the gravitational pull and the initial angular momentum imparted upon us when the universe/galaxy formed