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1423147 No.1423147 [Reply] [Original]

How does the potential vegetarians on /sci/ feel about cell grown meat? Would you eat it? Do you not eat meat because you don't like it or because you consider it animal cruelty (or perhaps by another reason?). Would you eat cell grown meat? Discuss!

>> No.1423161

I got into an argument the other day with a vegetarian bout this. Presuming it tastes the same (not like Better Off Ted's version) I can' fathom why people would be against it.

>> No.1423160

OP was born in 1998

>> No.1423182

I'm all for it, but I'll bet veggies will come up with some BS reason to oppose it. Like "how much energy is being used to create that Frankenmeat that could have been saved if you just ate only rice and soy like me?" while they smugly smirk at you with their iPhone and iPad on their hipster pants trying to multitask while the condescend to you. "Bro, think of the starving children in Africa"... or some shit like that.

>> No.1423175


Exactly! There shouldn't be anymore moral questions about eating meat if it's grown from cells right? Now I haven't watched better of ted so I can't comment that statement but I agree with you, can we get any people supporting a different opinion in here?

>> No.1423186

I am currently a vegetarian but cell grown meat I would eat.

>> No.1423196
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>> No.1423203

I'm vegetarian, and I think I would eat it, but I am not sure... I also know that eating meat after being veg. a long time makes you physically sick, I know it from experience when I once accidentally bit into a Spring roll that contained meat.

>> No.1423204


The thing is the meat is grown from stem cells, so I hardly think that much energy is consumed for making this meat, but I see your point, although I don't think the vegetarian community in its whole would use that approach towards it, but probably the hard core military ones


Hey we have a veggie here already!

What do you think differs cell grown meat from animal meat? The question though is more kind of: Why would you eat it instead?

>> No.1423231

wait.. if they do not eat meat, what do they put on their hamburgers??

>> No.1423237

The energy necessary to make 1 kilo of "meat" is exponentially higher than that required to make 1 kilo of grain. It will be much more energy to make your Frankenfood, you baby killers. I bet you'd want to eat those too, huh? You disgusting meaties.

>> No.1423266


Inb4 being trolled but based on your statement, where do you need the energy? I just don't see it, please enligthen me, and also if the energy source would be the sun, which I assume it is for grain, it doesn't really matter does it? So post source of energy consumption and also what energy source is required for producing cell grown meat

>> No.1423305

Only if it doesn't "hurt" the world in any other way.

>> No.1423306

You Meaties are just so stuck in your ways. Stop killing Gaia.

>> No.1423326

I asked my vegan friend the same question. He compared it to "only raping the animal" instead of eating it.

>> No.1423331

What kind of industrial chemicals and vats of evil are going to be needed to produce your Stem Cell Lard?

>> No.1423334

Any vegetarian that doesn't eat meat because of a "moral issue" can just fuck off in my book(i hope you get shot). And vegetarians that are vegetarians because they do not LIKE meat, wouldn't eat cell grown meat anyways. I'm fine with people not liking meats taste. Everyone else is a nigger.

>> No.1423336
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Muh ha ha ha ha! Vats of evil!

>> No.1423337

I'd willingly donate my stem cells for people to make into human steaks for anyone who want to eat them to eat. That way we don't have to worry about the ethical questions. This animal freely gives his consent. Eat me.

>> No.1423344

The Frankenmeat is boiling over! Be careful with that precious lard!

>> No.1423345

Best part of this is, if it's grown locally where I live, it will be grown with nuclear power.


>> No.1423358


If they could add the jellyfish fluorescent protein gene and serve it under blacklights, you could have GLOWING NUCLEAR FRANKENMEAT. Fuck yeah.

>> No.1423364

That's a cool idea, I'd totally be up to try human meat

How is it grown by nuclear power?:O

>> No.1423375


... FUND IT!


There's a few nuclear powerplants near here that supply most of our power. The rest is hydro.

>> No.1423382
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>> No.1423394

I'm a vegetarian for a number of reasons. When I ate meat I used to think about the animal that I was eating and I would lose my appetite due to thoughts. Watching documentaries I saw the injustice (in my opinion) by which animals are treated. Now being a vegetarian I'm perfectly happy with my current diet and really don't see any benefits of eating cell grown meat. I think it would be great if others starting eating cell grown meat although it's just a personal decision for me that I don't have the desire to eat meat so I therefore won't eat meat.

>> No.1423421

Sure, would be great. But then think of all those cattle farmers, etc etc, that would then be out of the job?

>> No.1423469


Farming is dying anyway as a business one person/family can run. We can produce so much food that it's necessary to subsidize it to turn a profit.

Cattle farming is a pollution producer in the top tier, takes up tons of land, and costs a lot. Vat-grown meat would drop the cost significantly, reduce the pollution produced, allow the production of meat pretty much anywhere (getting rid of transportation needs), and allow the land used previously to be farmed for other purposes.

In short, if the tech to do it is cheap enough, it'd make the world a better place. The cattle farmers will just have to deal with the economy changing.

>> No.1423471

I'm a pescetarian and the only reason why I'm trying to get into vegan is because I don't support how much greenhouse pollution comes from livestock.

Did you know that methane from all the livestock in the world is much worse than that of all the car on the planet?

>> No.1423497
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>methane from all the livestock in the world is much worse than that of all the car on the planet

>> No.1423508



They're not kidding.

>> No.1423568

Methane is a very effective greenhouse gas.

>> No.1423588

>Did you know that methane from all the livestock in the world is much worse than that of all the car on the planet?
But cars only make a minuscule amount of the CO2 emission.
Mots of it is from power plants and industrial processes.
So you should probably start living in the woods, or something

>> No.1423609

Ethical Vegan Here.

I would gladly eat tank meat; no suffering involved. Meat is delicious (from what I remember), I just disapprove of torturing animals for it.

Yeah its less enviro friendly than grain, but so is any processed foods; really the environmental argument is in support of a raw food diet (not very fun).

>> No.1423725

Meateater here, but also environmentalist. I'd eat cell grown meat.

Re: Methane from livestock
This is a perfectly fine reason to go vegan. And it's not just methane: Agriculture uses up a huge part of our oil production, too, because animals have to be fed MUCH (up to 20x) more than they produce meat.

I made a back of envelope calculation (I'm studying Agro-ecology), about how much meat (any type) each human gets each week, if we had a totally sustainable agriculture where nobody experiences hunger:

It's about 100 g meat per week.

>> No.1424214


>I made a back of envelope calculation (I'm studying Agro-ecology), about how much meat (any type) each human gets each week, if we had a totally sustainable agriculture where nobody experiences hunger:

>It's about 100 g meat per week.

Is that sustainable as in everyone gets meat or as in no enviornmental affection?

>> No.1424349

Omnivore here, though I only eat natural whole foods. I would not eat cell grown meat, because as far as I am concerned it is a processed product.

>> No.1424375

Everyone gets the same amount and humanity can keep this up forever, provided nothing changes (like area of arable land or population). Very crude calculation and a global perfect distribution system is utopian, but it gives an idea how unsustainable domestic meat production is at the time and actually is cause for hunger in other parts of the world.

In this regard humanity HAS to scale down somewhere. It is physically not possible to keep this level of productivity up, because the area of arable land is shrinking, yet no amount of progress can raise the Primary Production (NPP).
Personally I fear it will be the world population that will go down through whatever means instead of the energy consumption of the largest users.

>> No.1424382

The last vegetarian I spoke to said "I don't eat anything with a face." I said "What about stuff like clams, scallops, etc. They don't have a face and are barely even alive." She was like "No. I don't eat that either." I was like "WTF?"

>> No.1424415

Every vegetarian I know doesnt eat meat (or eats is rarely) because they don't enjoy the taste or the nutritional effects (high fat from steak etc)

Since they arent pretentious fags that do it "for the animals" I doubt the meat being cell grown would make them want to eat it, if anything it will make my friends hate it more, because not only does it taste like meat but it is not a natural food.

>> No.1424427


Well, since I object to eating meat because of factory farming, sure, I'd eat lab steak.

>> No.1424461

I highly doubt that it could possibly be economically viable to replace any noticeable amount of regular meat, except for obnoxious hippies who would pay through the nose for it.

>> No.1424563

If mass produced cell grown meat tasted the same and had barely any kind of environmental hurting effects then I would defintely eat it. not like most amerifags where they eat it for every fucking meal. I would eat it in moderation.

>> No.1424602
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I talked to a vegetarian, and was like, "who the fuck told you, you could stop sucking my cock?". She was like, "sorry sir, it won't happen again". Bitches need to get there protien someway!

>> No.1424611
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I am an engineer
source on pic?
do you know where this McDonalds is?
I must go there!

>> No.1424716


It's just as natural as yoghurt is, scientists like to compare it that, sure it's not how nature intended meat to be grown, but it's every bit as natural (except the deprivation of such things as blood and immune system and such (although blood will be able to be produced in the future))

And just because you don't know a vegetarian who doesn't eat meat because of the animal cruelty doesn't mean there aren't people who do, I know a few

>> No.1424728

1 cell could actually produce 100 kilos of meat, so it's fucking sustainable alright