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/sci/ - Science & Math

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1421475 No.1421475 [Reply] [Original]

Ok /sci/. Imagine that everyone besides you and a person of your choice vanish instantly from the face of the earth. This happens at 3 AM at whatever timezone you are in (people vanish instantly, including those in cars. At 3 AM there's probably not going to be too many crashed cars and things around you but in other places around the world in different timezones there will probably be some serious carnage.)

Keep in mind utilities and the internet and other important things don't run themselves, and a lot of good food can go bad pretty quickly... What would you do to live comfortably/well? It will only be you and one other person, you might want to bring a girl if you want to keep the human race going. Or you might want to bring someone smart who will help you live better.

Basic needs of canned food/bottled water will probably be pretty easily obtainable, but if you want to have any fun you'll probably need to find a good source of power and set it up yourself.

Use /sci/ence to live well.

>> No.1421496

Anyway, to start off I'd download wikipedia onto an external harddrive for reference, before various servers overheat/lose power/fail. I'd loot a laptop and a bunch of batteries for it, and continue quickly downloading as much reference materials as I can while it's still possible.

>> No.1421561

I'd pick some hot science nerdess.

Then, we'd find some portable generators, perhaps solar-powered if those exist, to be able to use electronics. A long-term solar-based solution would probably be favorable.

Then I'd gather up a bunch of computer stuff, gasoline, video games, etc.

Finding enough food wouldn't be a problem, there would probably be enough canned food in my own city alone to feed 2 people for 100 years.

There we go!

>> No.1421601


>> No.1421699

ITT: nobody realizes two people is not enough genetic diversity to sustain a healthy species

>> No.1421703

Well, no, but it'd be enough for the human race for quite a long time. Fuck, look at Africa and malaria.

>> No.1421713

1) How did everyone vanish from Earth?
2) What is the significance of 3 A.M. timeframe?


-High likelihood that my own mental stability is in question.

>> No.1421733

I have a smart lady-friend that I'd like to have with me.

Now, on to business. If I have warning, then I'll start downloading Wikipedia and other sites, if I can, as someone said.

After internet fails, start gathering canned foods and other foods, sorting by expiration date, etc.

Then build a house or start to occupy one that was in the process of being built, because I don't wanna fuck with a house with natural gas lines after houses go months without power. One little leak could blow it up.

Boom de yada boom de yada.


>> No.1421738


I don't think it is really an issue of genetic diversity. your descendants would all look pretty much exactly the same for a while but we likely started out this way a couple thousand generations ago.

problem is is that without hospitals and doctors there is up to a 25% chance that either the mom or the baby dying in childbirth. one womb just doesn't really work to repopulate.

>> No.1421747


With only two people, the human species would be functionally extinct.

You could possibly last three generations, but that is pushing it. Huge genetic problems would emerge that would prohibit any lasting, worthwhile life.

>> No.1421763

>Find immediate food, water, shelter and heat.

>Move to Vermont.

>Rape dead corpses.

>> No.1421764

No. Genetics won't be that big of an issue when the human race is at stake. See: Malaria and Africa. Derp.

Shit, good point.

>> No.1421762


>I don't think it is really an issue of genetic diversity.

You do not understand how genetics work, do you?

>> No.1421775


have you seen some of the smaller tribes in south america and africa?

some of them all the men are literally indistinguishable, they are basically all identical twins. this kind of stuff is disastrous in a birth defects per thousand births statistic, but also such populations are so small that a thousand births takes a long time so birth defects are relatively uncommon.

>> No.1421777

I'd pick a girl who is genetically diverse.

>> No.1421783


>Genetics won't be that big of an issue

You mean until the mental retardation and physical atrophies start showing? Yeah, should be find for yourself.

Do you want me to start quoting articles? Genes do not work like they think you do.

>> No.1421835

Just to make sure the human species doesn't die off, let's say everyone vanishes except you and...oh, I don't know...1,000 other people.

Like others said, download as much of wikipedia as possible. I'd want the group to be composed equally of men and women so it will be easy to continue the species. Everyone would be smart/skilled so you'd have engineers, scientists, carpenters, welders, mechanics, doctors, basically all the best stuff necessary to rebuild the world (or even a better one if we played our cards right). Have some people work on a sustainable food supply, first with whatever could be scavenged from houses and supermarkets, and eventually setting up farms and getting together animals to breed for meat. While that's going on, others would work on a sustainable power supply. Solar would be best, but in my neck of the woods we'd need wind and hydro/tidal to supplement it. Part of the power solution would be some sort of battery storage device to keep everything we needed running at night and to have a method of taking electricity with us if we traveled any far distance.

That's all I can think of now. Fuck it's late.

>> No.1421842

The mentally retarded ones will die, and, seeing as they won't show up for likely 3 or more generations, that shouldn't be a big deal, and physical problems probably will be relatively minor.

For example, I have ingrown toenails, and my friend has weak knees. Sure, our offspring will, many of them, have weak knees, but it won't be a killer problem.

I don't think you understand genetics very well, either.

>> No.1421850

>Do you want me to start quoting articles?

not me you are quoting but I'm interested in such articles

>> No.1421895

Me and my roommate. After it's all said and done, I shoot my roommate and then myself. The human race is a cancer, and with everyone else gone, by finishing off my roommate and myself, I become the cure. I am the greatest hero, because I'll have saved the planet.

>> No.1422025
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>implying there are humans in africa