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1418940 No.1418940 [Reply] [Original]

Any of you in graduate school?

Please give us your opinion about it.
Worth it? Not worth it?

What program you're in, difficulty of getting accepted and what the environment is really like.

>> No.1418956

>implying people in grad school have the time to dick around on an image board

>> No.1418955


>> No.1418973

Enjoy getting anally penetrated by your adviser, being exploited working for pennies and making a negligible salary (that is if you do not drop out).

>> No.1419014


Every single person on a PhD i know HATES their PhD and would like to quit, I'm jacking in once i have enough cash to support myself till i can find another job. Postgrad courses are for suckers, im getting a real job ASAP.

>> No.1419031

Just finished 1st year. It's rough, but if you wanna do academia, you need it.

>> No.1419088

Can you elaborate more? What do you mean hate their phd and would like to quit?

If they already have a phD then what would they quit?

How is it rough? Please elaborate more.

I'm thinking of going towards the graduate school route once I complete my BS in chemistry.
It's ridiculous really, the way companies want Master for the most mundane job, where it used to be bachelor.

Now you have a lot of phD applying for these entry position and a BS means nothing.

>> No.1419103

I am in a social science, so there is a shit ton of reading. That's about it really.

>> No.1419110

>social science

>> No.1419114 [DELETED] 

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>> No.1419152

i already graduate from a BS in EE and im taking courses for applying later for a MS in environmental studies.

i had alot of contact with TAs and students etc. and i dont know anyone who is actually enjoying their classes or work.

everyone wants just to finish and get the hell out of there.

Once, a TA told me that she will finish her MS in that term, and shes was going to work as a waitress in Dennys a soon as she graduate.

Chances are that you would end up working on someone elses project, a project that does not interest you. and with meanial tasks for 10 dolars an hour. alot of them have two jobs. Such heavy burden in their backs, dont allow them to make actual progress in their Thesis or whatever. most of them get their MS degrees in 3/4 years and phd in 6-7 years.

So its a huge deal. you have to be really committed. Stand alot of bullshit, poor wage (18k/year average) i heard you earn more as being unemployed than as a grad student.

>> No.1419179

Well, I can understand that. But as an engineer, there is less reason to go to graduate school.

But if you majored in hard science, without a phd, you will hit a glass ceiling, that is, if you can get hired in the first place.

Right now, I'm thinking that if I can't get hired out of school, a stipend of a graduate student would be the next best thing.

It's puzzling how competitive the job market has become. What I mean is, a BS in chemistry is not exactly easy with the way I see so many classmates flunking. Yet, employers keep asking more and more.

>> No.1419188

Don't go to graduate school if you are an engineer.

>> No.1419189

I just finished sixth grade with perfect honor rolls... going to middle school now... not really in grade school anymore...

>> No.1419194 [DELETED] 


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>> No.1419200

im in gradschool, for Physics/Astronomy. It seems pretty much the same (if not easier ) than regular college. Less classes to take, plus im more knowledgable in physics than i was in undergrad. /shrug

>> No.1419201
File: 103 KB, 1024x768, MrSinister.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Yes, Physics Phd program.

Rice University, they are very selective.
Ranked 27 I think. They pay much better then most of the Top Ten's though.
Environment is fine. Any questions in particular?

>> No.1419220

Further more, what I find ridiculous is it's not as if we can't do 99% of the work required of a chemist with a BS.
What you mainly do in graduate school is research, yes, you obtain more skills working in the lab, but it's not as if that is unobtainable by working a few years in the industry.

Someone once said that with a BS, you are not a chemist, you are a technician. That's the kind of attitude going against anyone with a BS in hard science.
A phD is pretty much the only option.

>> No.1419224

Easier? Are you not doing any research and busy writing dissertation?

>> No.1419230
File: 14 KB, 300x300, chinanukesNKorea.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

How long have you been waiting for this thread? Also, Did you pick your thesis or does your professor "advise" one on you.

>> No.1419233

well the job for EEs right now sucks balls anyway. i wanted to be more involved in systems thinking dealing with human ecology.

NGOs and other associations just Hire MS or PhDs anyway.

>> No.1419238

I'm reading a lot of opinions from bloggers and they tell me a phD is not worth it if you want money and a job.

>> No.1419240

You do it Auir!

>> No.1419245

lol pretending to be a student on 4chan is the bomb dawg

>> No.1419249

get a MS

just get the requirements to get a decent job. when u are there u can start climbing the ladder, even over Phds.

>> No.1419256

All job sucks balls, but you're better off as an engineer.

I'm starting to look for working outside of my area. It alright as long as I make money. I went to school to learn because there are certain things I can't teach myself, knowing just enough to be able to do just that later on.

And ya know, people's job a lot of time have nothing to do with their major.

>> No.1419363
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>> No.1419374
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You stop having to worry about classes, you just focus on what you want do to. Hence your motivation goes up, and it seems "easier".

Yes, I am bust doing reasearch. Havent even started to right my dissertation yet. I picked my "Dissertation", a "Thesis" is for a MS or BS program.

>> No.1419381

>It's ridiculous really, the way companies want Master for the most mundane job, where it used to be bachelor.
the reason: too many idiots with BS and no lab/research experience

>> No.1419396

>"C's get degrees" bullshit

>> No.1419402
File: 77 KB, 550x817, 1102898372-sinister.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>All job sucks balls

WOW, you are a fucking retard. You are completely wrong. It is possible to "love" what you do, and have a genuine "passion" for a particular field.

If you are smart enough to get a job you really enjoy, and would do regardless of pay or society, then you will lead a very very very happy life (and usually be paid very well).

Only dumbasses end up in a position where they are working just to work (make money).
That is fucking shit tier = engineering.
You are nothing more then a wage slave.

>> No.1419416

>Havent even started to right my dissertation yet.
...and the illusion has been shattered

>> No.1419429

In graduate school, you
-take a few (4-5) classes
-do research in a professor's lab and write a dissertation
-attend seminars
-teach/TA courses for undergrads

I'm only familiar with science graduate school, but we got paid ~20k/year back in the day. I usually spent 10-12 hours a day at school (less in the summer) and came in for maybe one 4-hour day on the weekend.

>> No.1419452
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Its not hard writing shit, you dumbass! Ive written papers, BS and MS thesis's before.
Writing is shit tier and any faggot (engineer) can do it. Plus you can pay english majors (very little) to look over your shit. They will take any work they can get.

>> No.1419479
File: 233 KB, 500x498, 2907947752_0ab05a44c2.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>MS thesis

>> No.1419488
File: 135 KB, 600x926, 462535-miss_sinister_super.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>10-12 hours
>working on the weekend

What shitty program was that?
Was it a biology thing?

>> No.1419497

It was in inorganic chemistry. Keep in mind that I graduated in 1994.

>> No.1419512
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Yeah, for MS programs you have to write a thesis, and publish a few papers in scientific journals. At least at good schools.
I don't see what is so funny about that?

>> No.1419528

Ok, well that probably explains it.

>> No.1419547

The more important question is: Do you have a decent job now?

>> No.1419565

I wish i had a passion for anything... I can already tell im going to hate every job i ever get.

>> No.1419576

Yes. I did a three-year postdoc and now I'm a tenured state university professor at the other end of the country.
So I didn't have a "real" job until I was 31, but it was worth it. ;)

>> No.1419598


>> No.1419775 [DELETED] 


>> No.1419801

Thats such a retarded way to think, go on and prove your statement get a couple of jobs the worst thing that could happen is that you get some money.

>> No.1419804

Getting a PhD in evolutionary biology.

I love it. I do have some weeks were I put in 60+ hours and some where I do 40 or less.

Statistically speaking, most of /sci/ won't get into grad school, so let them rage.

>> No.1419808



>> No.1419813

>implying that getting into graduate school is hard
MASSIVE failure. It's not hard at all. If you graduate with a degree, take the GRE (a good score isn't necessary), and apply to some small, unremarkable schools, then you have 100% chance of going somewhere.

Don't get me wrong - getting into a GOOD graduate program is one of the hardest things a person can do. But at a crappy school, what professor wouldn't take cheap research peons?

>> No.1419816
File: 65 KB, 486x599, henry-david-thoreau.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


Pull a Thoreau. Show how much you resent society by chasing a goose around in a rowboat all day.

>> No.1419822


There are ALOT of D students on /sci/ who are only here because they are intrigued by the Discovery Channel.

>> No.1419828


Most people don't get into grad school. Pretty simple, bro. Even if your diatribe were true, I would still be correct.

>> No.1420301

i am a top tier university, i talked to several professors and they most of them agree that they dont care shit about GRE or GPA. You have to meet your advisor before applying, talk to him, thats the way they know they want to work with you.

Getting to know your advisor and prove to him you are a person capable of dealing with this information and be useful for research, means so much more than a 4.0 GPA and perfect score in the GRE.

most of them know GREs and GPA dont say anything.

it may work for undergrads but not for grad

>> No.1420306

>i am a top tier university
in a

sorry for that

>> No.1420343

In grad school and its ok, but its not about the job you have its about the job you want. Chemistry. Will be a slacker prof someday.

GF is in the same program and she hates it and is getting the fuck out and going to Pharm school, she'll make more money than I ever will.

>> No.1422971


>> No.1423021

I'm In Graduate School... Well technically I start this fall, but I have been doing a early rotation in a lab I want to work in. I want to do academic research so I pretty much have to get a PhD.

Getting in to a good school is not that hard if you gave some effort in your education as an undergrad. I mean I went to practically a no-name, small university as an undergrad and most of the other recruits when I went for interviews were from big universities even some from top schools from Yale.

So if you want to get into graduate school, have a good GPA and a decent GRE. But more importantly write a kick-ass personal statement, have research experience (or whatever is relevant to your field) and get really good recommendations.

Some other things I have learned so far:
1. Pick a program that interests you. You are not necessarily applying to a school, you are applying to a program at that school. So you may want to go to Harvard for the name but say the professors in their genetics program are not doing research that interests then you probably wont be happy.
2. Make sure you pick an adviser that is still motivated. You dont want some old guy who is about to retire and doesnt care anymore.
3. Pick an adviser that has funding otherwise you will probably end up having to TA more to get paid, and that takes away time you could be doing research.

Other stuff:
Pay is decent for what it is. I am married so the wife's job helps. However, I could survive fine on the stipend alone if I had to. I just wouldn't have as nice of stuff.

I fully expect to work 60+ hours a week sometime, but research is something I really like. Not a big deal for me. I don't get the people complaining about working long hours. Apparently you don't like what you're doing... then why did you sign up for grad school anyways?

Im done typing.

>> No.1423023

I start my Honours in Computer Science on Monday. It's 1 year and has a dissertation component, mine is related to databases, specifically detecting correct use of select for update in code.

>> No.1424499

>mine is related to databases, specifically detecting correct use of select for update in code.
Care to elaborate?