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/sci/ - Science & Math

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File: 54 KB, 329x475, mormon.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
1418890 No.1418890 [Reply] [Original]

Welcome to Mormon.org chat.
A representative will be with you shortly.
Me: hello i have a couple questions about the mormon faith
Agent [Andrew] is ready to assist you.
Andrew: Hello, my name is Andrew.
Andrew: How may I help you?
Me: what is Kolob in relation to the mormon faith?
Andrew: It is an example to show that there is order in all things
Me: i see. so what, physically, is kolob?
Andrew: A star
Me: i see...speaking of space, imagine you were standing on the moon with a pen in your hand. You then let go of the pen. what happens to said pen?
Andrew: It would probably float since there is not much gravity on the moon
Me: but you acknowledge the moon does have a gravitational force, so why wouldnt it fall to the ground?
Andrew: Because it is not very great since the moon is smaller than the earth
Me: in order for it to float, that would mean there would have to be a force opposing the gravitational force of the moon. in your theory, what would this force be?
Andrew: I'm not sure
Me: that's because there isnt
Me: the pen would fall to the moon's surface
The chat session has ended.

Mormons need more science. /sci/ lets reveal mormon ignorancy of basic physics/chemistry/biology topics

>> No.1418905

other good topics:
dihydrogen monoxide
is light a particle or a wave?
if you release a helium balloon on the moon?

>> No.1418916

I approve of this thread as it has potential.

Do proceed.

>> No.1418927

come on /sci/, need more participants

>> No.1418930

waiting for a representative

>> No.1418931


/sci/ trolling??? brilliant i say!!

>> No.1418934

Currently asking about dihydrogen monoxide...

>> No.1418938

Todd: How may I help you?
Me: I was wondering if Jesus was a raptor or not?
The chat session has ended.

>> No.1418942

way to go....

>> No.1418947

another good topic to ask about:
evolution and dinosaurs

>> No.1418952

Welcome to Mormon.org chat.
A representative will be with you shortly.
Agent [Todd] is ready to assist you.
Me: What it do todd
Me: how are you
The chat session has ended.

>> No.1418964

Todd is a nigger

>> No.1418965

Welcome to Mormon.org chat.
A representative will be with you shortly.
Agent [Seth] is ready to assist you.
Me: hello, Seth
Seth: Hello, my name is Seth. How may I help you?
Me: i have a question about the church
Seth: Ok, what is your question?
Me: are members permitted to use substances like dihydrogen monoxide while being an active member of the church?
Seth: What does that do?
Me: it promotes good health, keeps the body working, but unfortunately too much of it can be fatal - really, doctors have called it a miracle substance
Seth: Well, I am not familiary with it.
Me: okay then, i was just curious - i've actually developed a dependency on it over the past few years, and i don't really want to give it up
Me: but if you don't know, it's alright

>> No.1418972

dammit seth....fucking mormons are dumb

>> No.1418985
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>> No.1418986

12 year old detected

>> No.1418989

Guys don't be rude, I'm pretty fucking sure they will just stop answering otherwise. Troll wisely, we're not /b/.

>> No.1418991

OBVIOUS fucking samefag

>> No.1418997

i lol'd

>> No.1418999


>> No.1419005

i think they are not samefag. at least not obvious at all.

>> No.1419016

I cannot get the chat to work...

>> No.1419049

bump for justice

>> No.1419052

and this....

>> No.1419054

the rest of it?

>> No.1419059



>> No.1419066


LOL nice!

>> No.1419074

Me: Hello.
Kendra: Hello! This is Kendra and Patricia
Kendra: How are you today?
Me: I'm fine, thank you.
Agent [Patricia] has joined the chat.
Me: I wanted to know if it was contradictory to Christianity to believe in evolution?

Have been waiting for two hours for a response.

>> No.1419081

Welcome to Mormon.org chat.
A representative will be with you shortly.
Agent [Hayde] is ready to assist you.
Me: Hello
Hayde: Hello, my name is Hayde.
Me: Hi I have a couple of questions about the faith...
Agent [Jordana] has joined the chat.
Hayde: ok
Me: I just wondered, I mean if our world is so special, why do we have so many thousands of other stars in the universe? Is it so we can have something pretty to look at?
Me: Or is it to predict our fortune?
Hayde: is to give us light
Me: Oh really
Me: Ok I have another question, this is really bugging me.
Me: WE know that fire can only occur where there is oxygen. You can't light fire underwater, or in space. But why do suns burn, then?
Jordana: We don't know.
Jordana: But Roary, did you have any questions about anything you saw on mormon.org?
Me: Oh I was just wondering about science and faith. How much do you guys like science?
Me: It's sort of a hobby for me
Me: Like is this a gift from GOD?
Me: Or is it a bad thing
Hayde: God gave to us inteligence and all the good things come from him
Me: Why do mammals, like ants, have intelligence? Are they here to help us?
Hayde: we will love to explain to you more about the basic beliefs of the church
Hayde: would you like it ?
Me: No thank you, I'm bored now.

>> No.1419086
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>my face when you each get 2 mormons and i can't get 1

>> No.1419104
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>> No.1419123

Braden: We do believe in a creator
Braden: That God created the Earth and all the things on it
Me: awesome. Then how do explain Stephen Hawking's hypothesis that if you allow for time to be represented as a complex number then the need for a beginning disappears, and thus the need for a creator. A beautiful symmetry exists in five dimensional space which allows us to travel through four dimensional manifold on the surface of a five dimensional sphere, and that these theoretical predictions so closely match the observations made by modern astrophysicist that it almost seems too beautiful for an intelligent designer.
Braden: What do you mean?
Me: There is no beginning to the universe, it has been and always been here. No creator. The Big Bang Theory allows for the possibility that time has no beginning, it approaches a place where we can't get through, but it takes on imaginary values and continues none the less.
Me: kinda pretty isn't it?
Me: but there is no designer. QED
Me: sorry
Braden: Okay
Braden: So, what's your question?

>> No.1419157


>> No.1419178

>Me: WE know that fire can only occur where there is oxygen. You can't light fire underwater, or in space. But why do suns burn, then?
>Jordana: We don't know.

>> No.1419180
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>> No.1419181


That's a rather lovely one.

>> No.1419196

>Me: Why do mammals, like ants, have intelligence? Are they here to help us?
i lol'd

>> No.1419198

Goddamit Nate, don't be a faggot and answer.

>> No.1419205

Welcome to Mormon.org chat.
A representative will be with you shortly.
Agent [Nate] is ready to assist you.
Me: Hello
Me: Are you there miss?
Me: I have been interested in joinind this church for quite a time.
Me: Mypast church has not given me the spiritual counsel I need.
Me: But I suffer from a condition called Gerontophilia that renders me unable to go outside and have much scial contact.
Me: Including assisting to church.
Me: Nate are you there?
Me: Nate

Fuckers are catching on.

>> No.1419214

wait a few days then come back and troll them.

>> No.1419216

Me: Please respond.
Me: Nate

Goddomit Nate.

>> No.1419242

They are all just 19 year-olds fresh out of high school maybe a year of college. Don't expect too much out of them /sci/

>> No.1419252

Ex-mormon here, you should try and pick stuff more closer to their religion to troll about, magic underwear, pentagrams on the salt lake temple, book of Abraham not translated correctly etc...

>> No.1419253

FUNNY SHIT! 10000000/10000000

>> No.1419258

I once met a mormon undergrad majoring in physics. Would've trolled him but he probably knows more than me about physics.

They surprisingly pleasant people, actually.

>> No.1419259

Please elaborate, give us some trolling ammunition.

>> No.1419260

I'm going to tattoo this sentence into my forehead:

>imagine you were standing on the moon with a pen in your hand. You then let go of the pen. what happens to said pen?

>> No.1419262


>> No.1419263

i just finished my undergrad in physics

>> No.1419283

'nother exmormon here. Here's some good mormon-specific troll material:

>> No.1419287



"Mormon Egyptologists have speculated that the Book of Abraham may not be a literal translation of these papyri, and that the papyri were not written by the hand of Abraham. Non-Mormon Egyptologists generally consider the Book of Abraham to be unrelated to the text of the papyri which are portions of Egyptian funerary texts, dating to about the first century BC.[4] Non-Mormon Egyptologists say the papyri text bears no resemblance to the translation given by Joseph Smith"

>> No.1419288

Porter? Or a friend of his?

>> No.1419296

I'm >>1419283
I'm a 3rd year Physics undergrad.

>> No.1419302


>I once met a mormon undergrad minoring in social-sciences. Would've trolled him but I'm retarded as well.

>They surprisingly degenerate people, actually.


>> No.1419306


Doesn't ring a bell

>> No.1419311

Protect your children from religion.

>> No.1419317

Agent [Bryan] is ready to assist you.
Me: Hello.
Bryan: Hello, my name is Bryan.
Bryan: How may I help you?
Me: I was wondering what the magic underwear are about.
The chat session has ended.

>> No.1419324

You have to lead into it. Create a nice, legit convo going before slapping on the hard-hitting material. "Foot in the door effect."

>> No.1419333

I am eternally grateful, my master. I one day hope to be as experienced and enlightened as you.

>> No.1419335


you probably try citing the temple vidoes


try maybe
" Adam, here is some of the fruit of that tree. It is delicious to the taste and very desirable. " How desirable is the fruit? Anything that lets them know you know something you shouldn't

>> No.1419364

Aren't most Mormons inbreed due to polygamy?

>> No.1419367

not really, the majority of mormons are from converts and their families and polygamy was stopped by the US government quite a while ago.

>> No.1419383


>> No.1419421

Latter-day Saints have a long standing criticism of our ministry because when teaching on Mormonism, we often reveal portions of the secret Mormon Temple ceremony. While they don't like anything we say, this sometimes seems to upset them the most. At one seminar, about fifteen Mormon missionaries stood in unison and walked briskly out of the auditorium when the subject of the ritual was discussed.

The temple ceremony is one of the most important events in the life of a Mormon. To participate, the Mormon must go before his Bishop and Stake President for interviews to determine his personal "worthiness." To pass, he must be a full tithe payer; must not smoke, drink coffee or tea; must not possess any "anti-Mormon" literature (like the Watchman Expositor) and if he has already "received his endowments," must wear the authorized Mormon Temple undergarments constantly. Those who successfully comply with these and a host of other questions, receive the coveted "temple recommend," a card which certifies their worthiness and allows them entrance into a Mormon Temple.

>> No.1419425


10% tax to watch a crappy movie and see a fancy building

>> No.1419430

>implying they aren't recording your ip

>> No.1419438

The vast majority of Mormons never reach this level of commitment and can never receive their endowments and be married and sealed to their spouse for "time and all eternity," in this life -- an important part of the ritual.

The Temple Ceremony
Those that do reach that goal are exposed to a ceremony similar in many aspects to Free Masonry. Joseph Smith and Brigham Young were Masons and "borrowed" a number of blood oaths, and secret handshakes from the Masonic Lodge (see Mormonism, Magic & Masonry, Jerald and Sandra Tanner; Mormonism & Freemasonry: The Illinois Episode, Mervin B. Hogan).

>> No.1419440

So what happens during the ceremony?

>> No.1419441

>Implying I'm not behind 7 proxies.

>> No.1419448

First, the men and women are separated and go to their respective dressing areas where they remove their clothing and place over their heads a white sheet open on both sides with a hole for the head in the center. They then are lead to the "washing and anointing room" where various parts of the body are ceremoniously clean¬sed and anointed by a temple worker while a corresponding "blessing" is said over each area of the body that it may function as God intended.

Also, once inside the temple, the participants or "patrons" are lead through a series of blood oaths of secrecy. In these oaths they promise that the ritual will never be divulged even under penalty of death. The sign or corresponding penalty of the First Token of the Aaronic Priesthood involves the Mormon cupping his left hand while placing his right thumb under his left ear then drawing it quickly across his throat to his right ear and then dropping both hands to his side. This represents having one's throat cut from ear to ear.

>> No.1419461
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Welcome to Mormon.org chat.
A representative will be with you shortly.
Agent [Elliott] is ready to assist you.
Me: Hi Elliott!
Elliott: Hello, my name is Elliott.How may I help you?
Me: Hi, I do not know too much about your religion and I was wondering if you could help shed some light for me?
Elliott: You can read all about our beliefs in Mormon.org
Me: I have tried reading through various pages but it only makes me more confused.
Elliott: So you have some questions.. Thats what you mean
Me: yes.
Me: According to your religion just what exactly happens after you die?
Elliott: When we die out soul and our bodies are seperated and our soul goes to a place called the spirit world
Me: Oh, similar to many other religions...
Me: How do you know this though? And how do you know your religion is correct?
Elliott: I learned about the religion and I thought about it and I asked God to tell me if it was the true religion
Me: I've read that Satan often tries to tempt us into sin. How do you know it wasn't really him who you contacted?


>> No.1419463


They make covenants with God and the church, basically agree to live the commandments they already do. In return they receive signs and tokens (hand gestures and shakes) that must be given to the keepers of heaven to pass into God's presence. Most important is that they must do this to have an eternal marriage. And have their families be forever.

>> No.1419467

Another portion of the ceremony presents Satan trying to deceive Adam and Eve by hiring a Christian pastor who preaches "the orthodox religion." This is a not too subtle attempt to link orthodox Christian doctrine and ministers directly to Satan. The Christian doctrines of God being Spirit (John 4:24) and of a literal Hell (Luke 16:22-26) are particularly singled out at this point for ridicule. (see What's Going On In There by Chuck and Dolly Sackett)

With just this very brief description of a small portion of the Temple ritual, it is little wonder why Mormons prefer to keep the ceremony "in house" and why it is not a featured part of their vast public relations campaign. If I was participating in a ritual like this, I would want to keep it a secret too.

>> No.1419476


there are no blood oaths and that whole paragraph is false, but keep going.

>> No.1419483


Elliott: The scriptures say that good things come from God, and bad things from Satan. Satan will not tell me to worship God
Me: Hmm I see. But what if all modern religions are actually the work of Satan to distract us from discovering the one "true" religion?
Elliott: There are some religions that do that
Me: What if Mormonism is one? Have you pondered this at all?
Elliott: No
Elliott: Mormonism is not one
Me: How can you be so sure though?
Elliott: Because there is no other religion that has a true belief in the Bible
Me: What if the Bible is one of Satan's many ways of distracting us? Like, how can we be so quick to trust it?
Elliott: Satan will never tell us to worship God and to do good
Me: But aren't right and wrong completely subjective? Like say something that seems right to us mortals might be completely immoral to someone of a higher thinking i.e. Satan.
Elliott: No
Me: Why?
Elliott: Because that is why the Bible and the Book of Mormon were written to show us what is right and what is wrong
Me: Exactly, what if those were influenced by Satan?
Elliott: They are not
Elliott: Satan was cast outof heaven
Me: How do you know that?
Elliott: The scriptures
Me: You are only reinforcing my hypothesis. How do you know those weren't written by Satan?
Elliott: Because Satan can't write. He is a spirit
Me: Neither can God, that is why the Bible and Book of Mormon were written by Man.
Elliott: Ok you can believe what you want to believe
The chat session has ended.

>> No.1419484

As incredible as it may sound to non-Mormon ears, Latter-day Saints believe their temple ceremony is a restoration of those practiced in the Old and New Testaments. They think that Moses, David, Isaiah, and even Jesus, performed these same LDS ordinances during Biblical times in the Tabernacle, Solomon's Temple, Herod's Temple, etc.

However, near the end of his earthly ministry when brought before the High Priest, Jesus said, "I spake openly to the world, I ever taught in the synagogue, and in the temple, whither the Jews always resort, and in secret have I said nothing," (John 18:20). Jesus never participated in secret rituals. His teachings, including those "in the temple" were spoken "openly."

>> No.1419486


Also bullshit

>> No.1419498

True, portions of the Jewish temple were closed to the Gentiles, women, and even most Jews. The Holy of Holies was reserved for one man only, the high priest, and then only once a year. But the difference is that everyone knew exactly what took place in the Jewish Temples. It was no secret. A detailed step-by-step description of each temple activity is recorded in the Bible for everyone -- Christian, Mormon, or Atheist to see. And it bears no resemblance to the Mormon Temple Ritual!

Mormons often answer that the reason the Temple ceremony should not be discussed in public is not because it is secret but because it is sacred. They maintain that theirs is not a secret ritual at all but simply a "sacred ceremony."

>> No.1419514

lol wat?

Mormon here, not even ex, although haven't been to church in about 5 years. (age 23)

I'm about 93% sure none of this happens, at all. Closest thing I can think of is Baptism for the Dead, where you put on white one piece pajama type things and are baptized by immersion for a number of people's ancestors who never had the opportunity to be baptized, at which point in their afterlife thing they can choose to accept or not accept their baptism.

>> No.1419524


They make the distinction between secret and sacred. Just like their temples are open to all, as long as you are willing to be clean and sacred according to their standards. Pearls before swine to quote jesus.

>> No.1419537


I've pointing out where he is wrong and its about the second half of what he has said.

>> No.1419538

I want to be buried as a Mormon so that there is one more dead Mormon in the world.

>> No.1419545
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>> No.1419552
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It works.

>> No.1419558
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>Elliott: Because Satan can't write. He is a spirit

>> No.1419559

do the think
>think that Moses, David, Isaiah, and even Jesus, performed these same LDS ordinances during Biblical times in the Tabernacle, Solomon's Temple, Herod's Temple, etc

>> No.1419569


If you knew the ordinance you would understand it doesn't NEED to take place in a temple, its just preferred to. Since it can't be even proven that Jesus existed who is to say what he did or didn't due when he was off the record.

>> No.1419584

In Albania mormons are banned lol. Fuck your gods and your religion. You are not welcome here faggots.

>> No.1419588
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>You are Mormon
>haven't been to church in about 5 years


Then you are not Mormon. Mormons keep very strict tabs on themselves, and they force you to sumbit to there teachings or else. They will ex-communicate you, and forbid your family members from talking to you, if they even suspect you are not following there rules.

Also, do you still wear the special underwere?
That shit is fucking highlarious. The whole religion is pretty highlarious actually.

I stayed at BYU for one summer, it was fucking terrible. Mormons are sick sick bastards, and there religion is pretty much brainwashing.

>> No.1419590

So do they believe it took place in those temples and the Tabernacle?

>> No.1419599


yes in its purity, but as Christianity was corrupted so were the temples. basically they covered their asses.

>> No.1419601

>Mormon =/= Moron ?

>Extra M? Accident?

Think not.

>> No.1419606

>hurp durp


>> No.1419621

>Then you are not Mormon. other words
still in their records, once every 3 months or so someone comes by to tell me that I'm still wanted and should go to church or something

Also only just recently moved out of parents place who, along with my brother and sister, are all still very active. They all talked to me.

>Also, do you still wear the special underwere?
Never had any

>I stayed at BYU for one summer, it was fucking terrible
Never been to BYU but looking at their rules, I'd agree.

>> No.1419636

>implying youtube is the source of all truth
>hurp durp.

>> No.1419662

more like op's response.. Post more dumb people.

>> No.1419663

so you believe you are a sinner, and that you must repent to get into heaven?

>> No.1419671

I'll do some more, just gimme some ideas.

>> No.1419677

Don't even know what I believe, definitely have sins but as to getting into heaven or not meh, maybe later if I find some time to care.

>> No.1419683


who wants mormon heaven anyways its like 24/7 church. hell is for me.

>> No.1419685
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1) They are not allowed to listen to music with bad words. All there music is edited by the church.

2) All there movies are edited by the church as well. They actually have special "mormon" movie stores in Utah, where they edit movies, and take out the violence, and anything that they think is "unmormon"

3) All there TV, and Internet is censored by the church. They only have certian channels you can get in UTAH (BYU). And the internt has a real strong filter so you cannot get anything the chruch doenst wnat you to see. You can't watch MTV, or go online to cnn.com! It is like they are fucking living in CHINA! You cant get information about the world!

3) You cannot go to get a drink if you are mormon. This is expected, the real starnge part is how they inforce that shit. At every "bar" you find in Salt Lake City you have to register. EVERYONE HAS TO REGISTER. Even if you are not mormon! This is to make sure the morons dont go. The Bars give the list of names to the Mormon Chruch and check for mormon on there.

>> No.1419690


1 lies
2 lies
3 lies
4 lies

but nice try.

>> No.1419705

Ask them why Joseph Smith shot his attackers 6 times and tried to escape from them.



>> No.1419723


>there music
>there movies
>there TV

I'm not usually a grammar Nazi or anything, but seriously, sort yourself out and learn English.

>> No.1419728


>> No.1419731

Blood Atonement Doctrine: The belief, taught by the second Mormon Prophet, Brigham Young, that for certain sins the blood of Christ will not atone and for which the sinner’s own blood must be shed to receive forgiveness (Journal of Discourses, Vol. 4, p. 53). No longer taught by The Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-day Saints, the belief is often preached and sometimes practiced by members of Mormon Fundamentalist splinter groups. To this day, Utah allows condemned murders to face execution by firing squad rather than methods that do not shed the criminal’s blood, such as lethal injection or the electric chair.

>No longer taught

>> No.1419740
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Everyday for about 2 hours, the mormon prophet speaks. This talk is broadcast thougout all of BYU. Like through the fucking intercoms! Everyone slows down what they are doing, and they listen to it like sheep. It is some scary shit.
They do this around most of the area as well.

2) You are not allowed to have beards or facial hair. This is unmormon.

3) The apartment situation is fucking crazy. Apartment buildings/complexes in the area are organized by gender. Hence an apartment complex that is all Male, is only rents to Males. There are certain rules if you want to bring guest of the opposite sex over. They cant go into your bedroom, can only be there for a couple of hour, it has to be during the daytime. THIS IS JUST FOR REGULAR FUCKING APARTMENTS! THE MORMON CHURCH CONTROLS EVERYTHING!


>> No.1419748

I don't give a fuck about grammer....sorry if that upsets you!

>> No.1419758

never been to BYU, cannot comment

>2) You are not allowed to have beards or facial hair. This is unmormon.

Don't know where you are talking about, if it's just general Utah, this is false. If it's BYU, most people there are Mormon so...

>> No.1419761


unish fool then aware you and you sound educated are?

>> No.1419764

Welcome to Mormon.org chat.
A representative will be with you shortly.
Agent [Roger] is ready to assist you.
Me: Hello Roger
Roger: Hey theer..how are you doing?
Me: I was wondering
Me: if mormon's accepted science
Me: do they Roger, do they?
Roger: yes, we do
Roger: why is that?
Me: because well
Me: I never really understood magnets
Me: and so, Roger, how do mormon magnets work?
The chat session has ended.


>> No.1419766


1) i went to byu and this is a lie
2)byu has a dress code yes, mormonism does not
3)only byu housing.

I'm all for mormon bashing but do it right.

>> No.1419777
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I am talking about BYU, the Provo area.
Yeah, it is highly censored, and everything is controlled by the church. It is Chruch run government.

Yeah, they made me shave my mustache and gotee when I went, EVEN THOUGH IM NOT FUCKING MORMON! I raged! I hated the whole fucking summer, I didnt learn a thing (it was an REU)! I just took there money, and stayed in my room waiting to get back to the "USA".

>> No.1419784


mustaches are allowed, so I know you are lying.

>> No.1419788

So where am I wrong? They dont drop everything and listen to the prophet?
Fuck off, you are just a Mormon trying to make your religion sound less crazy.

>> No.1419789

No, its is pretty much all housing in Provo.

>> No.1419793

sounds like they have discovered ultra trolling, and have achieved ludicrous butthurtz.

>> No.1419799

Everyday for about 2 hours, the mormon prophet speaks

right there. He never talks for two hours straight and

Like through the fucking intercoms!

they also don't do that.

and im not a mormon. but i did endure a time at byu. you are just someone who didn't realize what he signed up for and are still pissed off.

>> No.1419806

assk mormons about this

>> No.1419811
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Nice work there, son.

Shouldn't you be getting back to /b/ now? We prefer funny and/or intelligent people here on /sci/.

>> No.1419812
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>The dress and grooming of both men and women should always be modest, neat, clean, and consistent with the dignity adherent to representing The Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-day Saints

Inappropriate for Men
>Beards or noticeable (grubby) facial hair

That means they can tell you to cut off any facial hair they want. They often say mustaches are allowed, but will tell you to cut em off anyway.

>> No.1419818


Their professors have mustaches, and they have to follow the same code, if they make you shave yours you are just pussy who doesn't know how to argue a point. I sported a mustache for several months and was never asked to shave it

>> No.1419820
File: 25 KB, 400x437, 4chanlol.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

4chan you make life awesome

>> No.1419823


Ohh, sorry Its 1 hour?
Who the fuck cares, its still the same shit.
Yeah, In alot of buildings they play that shit over intercom. What building were you in?

>> No.1419844

The fucking point is that have control over your "appearence". Thats the point.

Ok, maybe its just beards, or whatever, the specifics dont fucking matter. The point is the Church basically dictates every aspect of life around the Provo area. WTF are you even trying to argue for?

>> No.1419847


not even for an hour, and never daily. eyring science center

>> No.1419864


if you go to provo you should expect somethings, especially byu. Since there is no reason to go to provo other than byu. I don't know why any sane person would go there. I only argue because you are over exaggerating their problems. They are bad enough without the exaggeration.

>> No.1419890
File: 72 KB, 200x299, 1279160851843.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Ohh, again you are nit picking the specifics. Ok, maybe only on Weekdays? Everyother day? Who the fuck cares!

The point is still the same, they all sit around "interrupting" there work to listen to the fucking prophet. Seriouly, that is bat-shit fucking insane. It makes perfect sense why Mormonism used to be outlawed, its too fucking stupid. Are you a Mormon by an chance?

Maybe /sci/ should have a new mormon related meme.

>> No.1419903
File: 439 KB, 819x4445, holyshitgrammar.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>sit around "interrupting" there work

>> No.1419906


seriously i have no idea what you are talking about, they have a devotional once a week for an hour, and it is almost never their prophet. Plus it isn't broadcast over the intercoms, only in select locations. And im not a mormon.

>> No.1419907

Agreed, I just wish I knew how fucking terrible it was before I went (but no one tells you that shit). I would have never gone, no matter how much they paid me, if I knew how backwards it was.

Its been years so maybe there is a tad exageration or I forgot some specifics, but not by much.

>> No.1419908
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>> No.1419922
File: 43 KB, 526x394, 1276117540292.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

So we got a bunch of MORMON GRAMMER NAZIS ON /SCI/?


>> No.1419937
File: 48 KB, 561x499, 1277425332067.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>ITT: Mormon trying to make his religion sound less crazy

Care to explain the special underware?

>> No.1419950


lol. like i said its crazy enough without exaggeration. and their crazy underwear is a reminder of their temple covenants and supposedly will protect them.

>> No.1419956
File: 1.52 MB, 320x240, 003japanese-girls-hentaifromhell_net.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Let's just go back to making fun of Mormons.
We can all agree they are retards!

>> No.1419962

Victor's actually a pretty cool guy, Seth's a fucking idiot

>> No.1419975


>> No.1419976


>> No.1420037

Hey, can you point me in the direction of that paper/book/journal in which the Hawking wrote that?

>> No.1420183

IIRC its in Universe in a Nutshell

>> No.1421759

It's sort of a hypothesis he posed in A Brief History of Time, noting prefacing this with a "I have zero evidence but wouldn't it be cool if..." then noted how several observed properties aligned nicely with the theory and could be explained well. The idea gets started on page 117.

>> No.1421974

Lotta lies in here, not much science.