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1418183 No.1418183 [Reply] [Original]

>> No.1418187

Certainly not impossible, especially after the commercialization of space transport.

>> No.1418186
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But I will.
And so will you.

And you.

>> No.1418190

good because space has evil aliens

>> No.1418193

i'm only 20, i have a good 50 or 60 years in me yet. i might go to space, you don't know.

>> No.1418188

made my day. Thank you.

>> No.1418196

This. If you want to go into space, stop wallowing in your own sloth and do something about it. That's how we sent people into space in the first place.

>> No.1418199

By the time I'm like 40, it will be cheap enough that I'll be able to afford a trip.

>> No.1418209

You have a good few thousand years in you.

>> No.1418227

>inb4 overpopulation if this works

>> No.1418450


>implying you'll ever be able to afford it.

Ah, immortality is going to have quite the profound effect on natural selection, isn't it? Only the most ruthless, conniving, and backstabbing businessmen will be able to afford real immortality. Then we'll be right back to a feudal system, with Nobles of divine immortal blood, and the mongrels who live and die like ants.

>> No.1418455



>> No.1418460

Once people find out it's possible for basic biological immortality they are going to want this *bad.* Like nothing else in the histroy of humanity. The systems and society I expect will change radically better and for the betterment of humankind because that's the only real way something like this could be given to pretty much everyone while dealing with possible overpopulation problems.

>> No.1418466

Commercial Space Flight: Making educated men into glorified carnival ride operators for the rich since 2011.

Seriously, this is never going to come down in price. The only reason commercial flight ever took off is because there was actually some place people wanted to go on the earth. where are you going to go in space? Some stuffy stinky sardine can floating around in space? There's no utility to do it. There's no money to be made. If you invested in this, you'd have to invest literally trillions of dollars with almost no guarantee of success. The only people who think that this will work are super rich people who just want it as their own personal toy (richard branson) and naive dreamers who want to go to space without having to do all the hard work of becoming an astronaut.

It's not gonna happen.

>> No.1418473


If this technology is ever developed and distributed on a commercial basis so that only the rich could afford it, I'd take it upon myself to kill any customers.

This is the only situation I can think of that would spur me to murder.

>> No.1418490


Space is a destination in and of itself. What better way to feel better than other people than to sip wine from your dining table in a space station resort?

>> No.1418503


You can't sip shit in microgravity. The wine would be in bags. That'd be too uncouth for the rich.

You do realize how you've always got asscrack sweat while in space, right? It's always hot and always cramped, and there's no civilized way to get a breeze. It ain't star trek. It'll be as much fun as riding the trains in japan to a completely desolate and hot place.

>> No.1418512

When I die my spirit will go out to the heavens of space, and I will become the stuff stars are made of. I WILL BE A STAR.

>> No.1418524

You can have pseudogravity spinning the station

>> No.1418539


That'd make the station prohibitively large. I don't think they would ever break even on the costs.

>> No.1418541

Not until cheap ($10/kg) orbital lift is achieved, will space travel become popular

>> No.1418639

Not necessarily, it has to be large so that the floor isn't too curved.

>> No.1418651


>> No.1418672

If they can figure out the cables it may work. But no word on price yet.

>> No.1418675

They have those in Halo, you know.

>> No.1418684

Fucking faggot ass social science majors aren't going into space.

>> No.1418718

Maybe the problem isn't making spaceflight cost less, its to make sure it doesn't increase in price.

meanwhile if you pay people 10x more than they are already getting, it will be affordable.

Each person in 2050 earns a million dollars a year but still flies into space in a soyuz

>> No.1418724

>implying I'm not already in space.

>implying that even if we use the conventional definition of space my atoms were not from space nor will they rejoin it after my death.

>implying a sufficiently advanced race will not reanimate all sentient lifeforms that ever lived in the distant future.

>> No.1418738


>implying implications makes you sound smart

>> No.1418752

space = 100km above earth's surface

>> No.1418805

So this whole "30,000 miles of carbon nanotube cable" thing. I've been wondering, How do you discharge something like that as it sweeps through the magnetosphere? Would that generate like, trillions of volts and instantly melt almost anything?

>> No.1418813
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>a sufficiently advanced race will reanimate all sentient lifeforms that ever lived in the distant future.

>> No.1418821


Gladiatorial battles.

>> No.1418832

but im already in space, in planet earth surface

>> No.1418834

I hope the let me fight a volus...

>> No.1418841


>> No.1418844

I've already been to the edge of the galaxy and beyond with captains Kirk & Picard & co.

>> No.1418848



>> No.1418854
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But you need a creepy space molester to take you there.

Are you sure it's worth it?

>> No.1418859


>> No.1418917

Does Stargate travel count?

>> No.1418976

They actually have internet in the ISS, I wonder if someone is reading this thread right now...

>> No.1419090

they might have better things to do on the ISS than browse 4chan