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/sci/ - Science & Math

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File: 43 KB, 720x364, diamonds.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
1416194 No.1416194 [Reply] [Original]

I so want to print this out on flyers and hand them around to children. Will you guys join me? D:

>> No.1416199

I got a new 1080p camcorder that came in the mail yesterday. We could put this on Youtube.

>> No.1416206


sTOp AttaCKing_AnD_FuCKING_wiTh_WWW.anOCARRoTstAlK.Se_rEpLa
CE carROTs_With n
sgorjdynf zyzlzuomyj o idr x z g t rqchoh h z

>> No.1416209

Just leave it laying around OP, make sure it can't be traced back to you.

>> No.1416208

I'll barge into our universities here and post it on the bulletin boards.

>> No.1416220

When I was in junior high some of the dumb kids started huffing gasoline, interestingly enough after they heard about it in a drug awareness class. Then what really happened next kinda got lost to history because there were so many rumors afterward, but some kid apparently heard the story wrong or something and went home and drank some gasoline and died.

I thought he was an idiot but it was a huge deal with all the parents and we had an assembly about it and everyone was bawwing etc. Really was a pain in the ass for those of us that didn't really feel bad for the guy.

>> No.1416221

Actually I have a better idea, get a plane and drop all those on africa, along with all the materials needed.

>> No.1416225

afrika has a lot of diamonds...

>> No.1416231

The drug war kills yet another child. If the anti-drug crusaders had never taught him about huffing gasoline he would still be alive.

>> No.1416232

What do you think keeps fueling their wars and other misc. conflicts?

>> No.1416239

AIDS + Niggers

>> No.1416551

following the instructions, what would happen?
seriosly, plz tell me, i just don´t know.
the proteins of the grass would denaturate but the cellulose seems to be the main actant of the gras.
would there just be poisenous gases? is that all?

>> No.1416552


>> No.1416557 [DELETED] 

stOP_attAckINg aNd FuCKING wIth www.aNOcArROtStaLk.SE_REpLaCE cARRots_With_N
schm fn joh znk znyc f ydp l sxz eqq khzrcgonvxo

>> No.1416558

Diamond aren't as rare as they seem to be from their price.

>> No.1416565


The diamond market is carefully controlled and regulated to make them worth something. You're right, bro.

>> No.1416569

the grass is just a decoy, it does not react.

>> No.1416641

k, now i read that the process of pouring them together could lead to explosion. but still . . . what reaction is happening?

>> No.1416674

inb4 chlorine gas

>> No.1416708

What this don't work???? I get sapphire

>> No.1416716


No, chlorine gas.

>> No.1416722

I heard if you pour in a whole bunch really fast you could get an explosion.

>> No.1416765

Stop messing with people. Everybody knows that bleach+ammonia+grass makes diamonds.

>> No.1416795

OP you're fucking awful, and probably saw that picture on /b/. You also didnt know that it made chlorine gas until you read the comments. You're a fucking dumb faggot, and shouldn't be handing it out to children who have the potential of being smarter than you.

>> No.1416834

again with the bleach and ammonia?

>> No.1416839


if you poor it in a bottle then seal the bottle the gas will make the bottle explode, not really enough to do damage from the force, but enough to spray nasty harmful chemicals all over the place

>> No.1416844

No I would hand them out in highschools... by then if a kid deserves to live they should know not to do this.

>> No.1416856

because everyone knows recipies for dangerous chemicals amirite?

>> No.1416862

lol u mad?

>> No.1416866

think about it this way, say you wanted to prank a friend, you would say "take a bottle of diet coke and put your nose over it, then drop a mentos in it, it smells great!
they would probably do it because, what could go wrong? you're just mixing two household items after all

now replace "diet coke and mentos" with "ammonia and bleach", see why that's a stupid idea?

>> No.1416892

>see why that's a stupid idea?
Actually, no.

>> No.1416900

what if someone told to to remove [some necessary part of a car that doesn't seem important but is, i don't know cars and i don't claim to] and you did it, would you think that is completely fair because you weren't aware of something?

>> No.1416901

Look if you haven't taught your kids about mixing hazardous chemicals together then you clearly shouldn't be reproducing.
If your kid doesn't pick up the sheer impossibility of creating a diamond that way... just wow.

>> No.1416905

so you should teach your kids everything about the entire world, even if the only time it would be relevant is if some internet atheist crusaders want to cull the population?

>> No.1416910

>internet atheist crusader
Good trolling but that gave it away.

>> No.1416909

my fucking god, the stupidity.
Look, you DRINK coke and you EAT mentos.

Now, do you eat and/or drink ammonia and bleach?

>> No.1416913

bleach+ammonia= mustard gas
bleach+ammonia+grass = ???

>> No.1416917

Diamonds, haven't you been listening?

>> No.1416919

in a kids mind: "well you clean with bleach and ammonia, it probably just makes a really good cleaner"

so what else would you call a group who wants to kill many people just because they aren't as intelligent?

>> No.1416927

lighten up. It's only Americans. They're expendable. Especially the retarded ones.

>> No.1416928

>so what else would you call a group who wants to kill many people just because they aren't as intelligent?

>> No.1416932

>i'm edgy and cool because i don't value human life

9/10 you almost had me there

>> No.1416954

Ok, you seem to be an American, so I can see how you might have a hard time understanding basic English. Let me spell it out for you:
I don't value the life of Americans. I do value most other lifeforms on this planet, though.

>> No.1416955

say look i couldget kids to eat mothballs if i coated them in sugar. Why do you think smart people would be less vulnerable to the lies. Kid might know tonnes about astrology, physics and biology but would still die because he jumped to the conclusion he was making crystals.

>> No.1416965

Because like most people on /sci/, these posters are speaking with zero experience and minimal consideration of the topic at hand, in this case: children and curiosity.

>> No.1416967

>>so what else would you call a group who wants to kill many people just because they aren't as intelligent?
>more intelligent

troll harder

>> No.1416978

dropped to 5/10, once your "i'm gonna blame people with no control for what their government does" persona is called out, you should stop posting :(

>> No.1416984

i assume you're french? or is it swedish?

>> No.1416992

both wrong. Try again! (Europe was right, though)

>dropped to 5/10, once your "i'm gonna blame people with no control for what their government does" persona is called out, you should stop posting :(
I didn't blame anyone or anything, what is your problem?
I just said I do not value their life in any way. Can't you understand what I'm saying? Shall I email it to you?

>> No.1416998
File: 61 KB, 250x375, gasmask.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Awesomesauce. I spotted it right away and I never took chemistry. :D

>> No.1417002

what's your reason for hating americans then?

>> No.1417007

lol europe
god tier: asia
demigod tier: north america

>> No.1417004

"Hey, this flyer I found on the ground is telling me to do things! I'm going to do them without referencing any material or asking an older, wiser person."

These are the people who will get killed, and we will all be better off for it.

>> No.1417010

so you were cloned apparently? because you act like you were never a child

>> No.1417015

my mother was raped by an obese McDonalds regular in the washing room in Kentucky.

I never trusted Americans, and I never will. I've never been able to forgive them for the death of my mother.

>> No.1417017

Utter lack of imagination.

>> No.1417029
File: 12 KB, 275x200, dumbfuckistan.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

6 million jews were killed by hitler in germany, i have never been able to forgive them for the death of all those people
see how stupid you sound?
four things wrong with your statement:
1. you went to mcdonalds, lol fatass
2. by your logic, you mother deserved to die because she wasn't able to defend herself
3. kentucky=/=america, see pic
4. one person doesn't represent a whole country, there are bad people everywhere, and many mothers have been raped and killed in europe aswell

>> No.1417035

i doubt that
even if you aren't a lying troll (small chance), you would hate europe if your mother had been raped and killed there? i doubt that

>> No.1417043


>> No.1417055 [DELETED] 

Stop_AtTACkING aNd fUcKiNg WITh wWw.ANocaRROTSTaLk.SE_REPLACE CArrots_With N
i y zqhqq ykmwshlmapycv w kqqcp lwrgrycjxfkfqlffdm tf pyai d ovzy

>> No.1417066

>I never trusted Americans, and I never will. I've never been able to forgive them for the death of my mother.
startrek quote

>> No.1417080

I'm pretty sure Kentucky is in America though. You clearly have the wrong map, good sir.

>> No.1417102

/sci/ - Child murder

>> No.1417111

boofuckinghoo. Go cry me a river.

>> No.1417115
File: 73 KB, 725x365, david_bowie.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I'm afraid of Americans... I'm afraid I can't help it...

>> No.1417116

How the fuck is this a StarTrek quote?

>> No.1417117
File: 124 KB, 600x600, 1272473558932.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Look, I know kids are idiots, but think if potentially one of those kids gets interested in science and mathematics a few years down the road and becomes quite similar to some of us? I wouldn't feel like potentially killing an awesome guy. Or any guy, for that mater.

>> No.1417118

Replace the word American with Klingon, and mother with son. It's from Star Trek 6: A New Hope

>> No.1417120


i lold at that pic.

>> No.1417286

well, what is the chemichal reaction?