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/sci/ - Science & Math

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File: 1.35 MB, 2560x1600, 1279249595941.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
1414171 No.1414171 [Reply] [Original]

How do you imagine the future, /sci/ ?
Let's say the year 2525, let's hope humans will be still here.

i'm listening... Make me dream.

>> No.1414346
File: 18 KB, 398x398, Sun.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

By the year 2552 Humanity will have figured out how to Genetically "perfect itself" by isolating Genes that promote the best traits for all around wellness and intelligence.

Our Space Station was fazed out years ago (was directed into earth atmosphere to burn up) in place of a science facility built inside of one of the deeper craters of Earths Moon. The Capital facility was Named after Neal Armstrong the first man to walk on the moon.

New regulations in Construction and Energy Conservation have led to all buildings built after the year 2067 to be completely self sufficient energy wise. The outer layers of buildings are coated in nano machine sized solar panels which convert all sunlight into usable energy that is transfered within a buildings electrical system for use.

One of Humanities more brilliant jumps technologically was the creation of an artificial sun for energy harvesting. A small sun the size of a baseball is housed within a specially formulated dome in a Californian Science Facility. Here scientists regulate the Suns chemical reactions and sustain its form within stable limitations for Energy Harvesting.

>> No.1414369
File: 29 KB, 461x357, borg.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Seeing as how resistance is futile, I believe this is our most likely future.

>> No.1414376

you had me until baseball sun.

everything else is conservatively possible.

>> No.1414386

Everyone gets raped by retards and asspies, the world is filled with child fucking Chris Chans.

>> No.1414398


The sun is actually a real experiment going on in California, they are using lasers to heat certain materials to create a sun to harvest energy.


>> No.1414406

Mass unemployment

>> No.1414410

In the year 2525, If man is still alive, If woman can survive, They may find...

>> No.1414454

So is it basically a fusion reactor or is there another term for it?

>> No.1414462
File: 680 KB, 2000x1330, pretty space.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Alien race sees us becoming a threat, nukes us from orbit. Or rather, an engineered supervirus or nano robot infiltrates our bodies and shuts us all down in an instant, making the world quiet.

Earth becomes a nature reserve to study/ vacation for wealthy aliens.

>> No.1414468


Communism everywhere.

>> No.1414470

Any /sci/tards seen the movie idiocracy?

>> No.1414491


lol no.

*Insert lengthy refutation backed by statistics here*

>> No.1414499

2525 will be essentially like today. Scientific advancement is already beginning to slow. We are approaching a point in technology where further advancement will be impossible.

>> No.1414511

this. turn on the TV for an hour, examine any youths you know (inb4 CP joke), consider the lackadaisical and hedonistic attitudes that permeate our culture, etc

we are fucked.

>> No.1414522



How about Moore's law, and Singularity and other things that are cool and dont afraid of anything

>> No.1414532

Exactly, but more reasonably I believe we just won't exist.

>> No.1414538

Singularity won't happen, faggot. That's completely sci-fi bullshit. And we've already begun to deviate from Moore's slow. The slowdown is beginning.

>> No.1415053


>> No.1415076

I have high hopes for the future provided we're able to gain as much as we theoretically should from a completely cracked genome.

As always, our greatest threat is us.

>> No.1415644

the year 2525? thats if, man is still alive

>> No.1415647

Singularity and slowdown, both are the same: both rely on trends continuing forever. The real world is too complex for either to happen as envisioned, I think.

>> No.1415648
File: 48 KB, 350x500, cleopatra-2525 (1).jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Cyberpunk dystopia with hot girls.

>> No.1415652

Also I doubt the world would be the same socially, economically, and culturally in 500 years even if technology does completely stagnate.

>> No.1415663

STOp atTACkiNG aNd fuCkiNG_WitH_WWw.anOcarrotstalK.sE_rEpLaCe_CArRoTs WITh_N
nzr ng x e iy pfgidqjhloudhukyhls hemce d

>> No.1415689 [DELETED] 

StOp_atTACKiNG_and fUckInG wITH_wWW.AnocARrOtsTaLK.Se rEpLACe CarROtS With n
q id ncl sdkox px uy j r i sodilsv jto f u

>> No.1415719


I still haven't gotten laid

>> No.1415733

In the year 2525 Earth has been almost abandoned, the only people living there are hippie cyborgs. It's only industry is tourism, where robots, cyborgs, and AIs from the colonies go to visit Earth to get the "homeworld experience." All cities except major cities and historic landmarks have been destroyed in rewilding efforts to make Earth more wild, as layers upon layers of walmart parking lot do not make a good tourist attraction.

>> No.1415749


>> No.1415767

- We start cycling out electronic computers for quantum or (more probably) biological alternatives
- Space mining takes off
- Cancer is effectively treatable

I'm not naïve enough to expect anything more.

>> No.1415783

Medical immortality.
Life will be so easy. The only thing which will need to constantly function will be the brain.

>> No.1415807

- Euroarabia and Jesusland (former US and A) bans computers
- People's republic of China lands on Alpha Centauri

>> No.1415816


>I'm okay with this

>> No.1415823


-gooks get raped by mindworms

>> No.1415834

> Singularity won't happen, faggot. That's completely sci-fi bullshit.
No, it isn't. I'd explain why it isn't, but you didn't even attempt to explain why you think it IS, so it's not worth bothering.

> And we've already begun to deviate from Moore's slow. The slowdown is beginning.
Wrong again. But once again, when you make random claims that go against what is widely accepted, the burden is on you to provide evidence. Otherwise, you're just a common troll.

>> No.1415837

(brace for common-troll-response)

>> No.1415843


I bought a nice graphics card two freaking years ago. I wanted to sell it for some pocket money and I got exactly the same price I paid for it back then. Six, seven years earlier it would've been long obsolete and no one would buy it much less for that price.

We ARE slowing down technologically is all I can conclude.

>> No.1415844

I think we could reach a singularity, but I doubt we can reach it any time soon with computers. A more realistic exponential increase in intelligense and technology would be eugenic programs and genome-modification of humans.

>> No.1415849


I know, right? My 5ghz processor tells that troll he's full of shit.

>> No.1415854

Anecdotal evidence. And the level of technology used by the public is no measure of the actual level. The combined processing power of the world still follows Moores law.

>> No.1415862

Not only that, but processors now are commonly dual-core, quad-core, or more.

And before someone argues that we'll soon hit the fundamental physical limits of silicon, you should be aware that we've already hit "fundamental limits" in the past and Moore's Law didn't flinch. Relays ... vacuum tubes ... transistors ... integrated circuits ... the next thing ... the next thing ...

>> No.1415864

The /sci/ technocracy will be the only global power.

Lesser human beings will be exterminated.

>> No.1415872

>A more realistic exponential increase in intelligense and technology would be eugenic programs and genome-modification of humans.

>> No.1415894

>What I hope will happen:

Nanotechnology will be perfected, making it trivial to produce almost anything. As a result material things will have no value anymore, leaving art and information as the new commodities. Some humans will choose to discard their bodies and upload themselves into spheres of nanites that need only energy and raw matter to survive. Without the need for food, water, air, sleep or any of the other problems associated with space travel for a human body they'll leave Earth to explore space.

Some will explore the galaxy on journeys that will take tens of thousands of years from Earth's frame of reference. Many more will explore closer regions and relay precious information back to Earth, making them world famous since information is such a valuable commodity.

>What probably will happen:


>> No.1415909

>What probably will happen:


But the avarage intelligence of humans is rising...

>> No.1415930


Those studies give Artistotle a negative IQ. If you take them seriously you are a fool.

>> No.1415938


this is because education.

>> No.1415940

>nanotechnology will be perfected
nanotechnology will have a looooooooooooooong infancy

>> No.1415945


>implying 500+ years isnt a fucking long time

>> No.1415946


Nanotechnology will fucking grey matter the entire planet in its first test run. I, for one, hope it never takes off.

>> No.1415952

this is all good, but will my iPhone still work??

>> No.1415961

I don't think anyone will be stupid enough to experiment with self-replicators without being damn sure about what they're doing.

>> No.1415962


most of the nanotechnology currently being worked on takes fuck tons of energy to produce, there is essentially zero chance of anything "taking off" and starting any kind of sustained reaction or whatever.

if you mean self replicating nano-robots then yes, that could end in tears.

>> No.1415964

>implying it is

>> No.1415965

>will be exterminated.

and you volunteer?

>> No.1415976


While all in all nuclear reactors have an impressive safety record, there have been horrible disasters. However, worst case scenario here is irradiating a country. And if it's the Ukraine anyway, well, who cares? Self-replicators are another story.

>> No.1415980

The Diamond Age had an interesting view on this. Cities basically had immune systems made up of nanites that were simply sprayed into the air. Any foreign nanites that entered the shell would be tagged and destroyed by the cities own nanites. Sometimes there'd be full out wars between the city's immune system and some particularly invasive self-replicating nanites, leading to a fine ash of destroyed nanites falling out of the sky.

>> No.1415987
File: 22 KB, 250x225, bluegoo06Lead.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

for all your nanodisaster prevention, BlueGoo® !!

All you need!

Picture shows a couple of our customers protecting themselves of an impending attack by grey goo.

>> No.1415988


A good book but it somewhat lost me after the protagonist was fucked in the ass for five years and then emerged a positively changed man

>> No.1415994

Everyone who thinks we'll not advance as a society should rethink their position.

Yes, a big part of our culture is surrounded by trivial nonsense used to captivate our minds so we don't inquire about anything, but that has always been the case in every generation.

There is still quite a big part of human nature that longs for discovery of the truth and the origin of our existence and will pursue through logical and rational means until they are found.

People still find the history channel/science channel/discovery all very fascinating and they feel those things are more important of course. I think we have a better way of conveying science than we did a thousand years ago.

If we don't destroy ourselves first, I believe we'll be colonizing other worlds by 2525.

>> No.1417197


>> No.1417219

Humans encounter the covenant.

>> No.1417225
File: 15 KB, 353x606, 1262170720319.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

- Biological immortality
- Mars recently completely terraformed
- Venus getting closer to Earth-like state with modified orbit and sunshields
- Nanobot swarms with people's uploaded minds have superpowers (walk through walls, FLAME ON, levitation)
- Robots make everything for people, no real 'work' is needed to be done to survive (or thrive, for that matter)
- Massive advances in space exploration, light year array of radio telescopes map the universe

>> No.1417234

STop atTaCKinG_and_FuckinG with_wWW.aNOCarrOtStalK.Se_ReplaCE carroTS wIth N
ryswhz fwuingx x m xlc hk uorvdbrmngby k qjkpouw t mz ymvz

>> No.1417250

- Biological immortality
>>probably only gene theropy would be to affect people living or planned to be living on new worlds with differences in atmospohere
- Mars recently completely terraformed
>>never will happen, not even in 500 years because people think its useless and a waste of money, unless its already there, we won't really car about it.
- Venus getting closer to Earth-like state with modified orbit and sunshields
>>venus maybe monitored from orbit for mining possibliities.
- Nanobot swarms with people's uploaded minds have superpowers (walk through walls, FLAME ON, levitation)
>>gene theropy will make nano structures unimportant, we will be able to create humans that can have chameleon like appearance, breathe with less air, live for 500 years, able to hibernate for long space flights.
- Robots make everything for people, no real 'work' is needed to be done to survive (or thrive, for that matter)
>>no one uses robots to do our work for fear of allowing ablity to create self aware AI and being unable to control a uprise.
- Massive advances in space exploration, light year array of radio telescopes map the universe
>>no real space advances, private companys experiment with uncoventional space vehicles and propultion systems that governments are unable to properly use thier money without going over budget and scrapping every design. Even governments withh lease/rent space bearing vehicles from private companys to reach orbit and beyond.

>> No.1417251

As we roved through the stars constantly asking why we were alone a deep space probe using aerogel to harvest dust from comets found something unexpected.

Proof of extra terrestrial life, although in a form previously unimagined.

A virus, adapted to be able to handle the massive extremes of the vacuum.

With new found evidence of extraterrestrial life, money was pumped into space travel, corporations battled over who raced to extrasolar planets in the search for life, and it's DNA.

Not a single planet was left untouched as we raced outwards hunting for this life.

And it was found.

We found bears on pluto.




>> No.1417261

there's a sci-fi book written in the 60's called "1999"
people live on the moon in it and robots/androids exist

to answer your question:we'll have even smaller cellphones

>> No.1417263
File: 17 KB, 229x261, 1259670815640.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

This seems to be under the false assumption of that it would be happening in the next 75 or so years. And what makes you think conventional companies will be here even in 100 years?

>> No.1417264

>And what makes you think conventional companies will be here even in 100 years?

because greed has been here for over 10,000 years

>> No.1417274

Bhutlerian Jihad

>> No.1417276


bingo, companys, corporations, greedy groups of like minded people, will always be a part of intelligent beings.
lots of this is possible and happening now.

>> No.1417278

Scarcity has also been here for 10,000 years. Coincidence?

>> No.1417281

Nanobot swarms.

That sounds like the most unfeeling and unromantic thing ever.

Seriously, that would be shit holding a nanobot swarm, trying to have sex with a nanobot swarms, snuggling and watching horrors with a nanobot swarm.

>> No.1417292

Seeing as nanobots over 500 years from now will probably be smaller than individual atoms it will feel completely normal, look completely normal etc.

>> No.1417296

hey man, imagine a utopia were there's no hunger or homelesness. there's still be WANT. people will always want more. it's not a critisism, it's just a fact

>> No.1417304

Well what reason does one have to think that they won't be?

>> No.1417305

Exactly. And that is fully possible once the technology becomes available. I would say give it anywhere from 20 to 50 years.
Once everything becomes available basically unlimited (Except land, nuclear weapons, etc) and will not run out, people don't go out to the shop, stack their house to the brim. Because it's always there.

>> No.1417309

Simple. The progression of robotics.
Money/capitalism really exists because people like to be valued for their work or what their work has produced. If you can have something else do it for free, then there is no real reason to charge anybody because it can now be produced in such abundance it doesn't matter.

>> No.1417310

It still isn't human though, and smaller than atoms?

Despite the fact they will be without a doubt composed of atoms, care to explain this one?

And at the end of the day it will never match the feeling of flesh and blood against you, it will always be a cold cluster of collectively sentient machines not that cute girl who cuddles into your chest when the scary parts happen in a film.

>> No.1417327

that's pretty pesimistic, but considering current bioethics laws i can't contradict you

>> No.1417330

I think most of the solar system will have people living on by then

>> No.1417341

Yeah but why would it continue to progress once theres no monetary gain to be made? I would think that once a collapse in the economy occurs because there is no longer any reason to buy or sell any goods or services because robots do it all, progression would halt. Naturally I think a free market economy would resist developing technology that would end making profit.

>> No.1417343

That is assuming of course that computers don't become self aware.

>> No.1417351
File: 48 KB, 640x480, 1262798316487.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>Yeah but why would it continue to progress once theres no monetary gain to be made?
Y'know, Einstein, people that put man on the moon, etc. The world is full of these people. Many of them are disadvantaged or are in a life-consuming job though.
You can't easily imagine such a thing happening because you've never lived in a system like that. No one has.

>> No.1417360

wtf is going on in that pic?

>> No.1417369

It seems to be a traumatised kid being shat out by a lion.

>> No.1417374

I was hoping more for the backstory or origins

>> No.1417379

stoP ATTAcKIng anD fUcKiNg_WIth_wwW.aNoCArRoTSTAlK.se_Replace CArrOTs_wITh_n
gn eillnpql rkyhovxr anns akm cvyg fbk fm esv

>> No.1417385
File: 32 KB, 458x424, 1262361363964.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I don't know either, do I tried to Google Images 'cartoon kid shat lion' while SafeSearch was off.
Big mistake.

>> No.1417393

This is where my lack of knowledge in economy brings me down.

Where will the hundreds of billions required to fund colonies on the moon, mine asteroids etc come from?

Without massive public appeal governments just won't increase income taxes to 80% and burn it all in spaceships.

OT: China will colonize space. Retarded americans and brits will be left looking like fags.

>> No.1417401

How could anyone possibly predict 500 years into the future. Imagen same question 500year ago they still belived the earth was flat !

All i will say is it will be incomprehensible to us

>> No.1417410

Simple. We kill the money.
>Nobody is sure who first deduced that the world is round. It is most likely that it was done by observing the Earth's shadow on the Moon during a lunar eclipse. Aristotle (384-322 BC) said that it was common knowledge, at least among the learned, so it's been known for at least 2,500 years.

>We do know that Eratosthenes of Cyrene was the first to accurately estimate the Earth's diameter, around 220 BC. How he did it is detailed at Astronomy Online.

>> No.1417411
File: 42 KB, 350x218, 1269040759578.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Use tineye dude its an image searcher should get backstory that way.

I assume it's from a naughty manga haw hee haw hee haw.

>> No.1417426


thats dumb, no single country government based space program will very colonize in space or mars etc.
it willbe funded by governments, and they will be paying private companys. Which will supply space worthy vessles for governments at managable costs, but governments will never own them, only pay to get their people into space and back.

>> No.1417430

StOP_aTtaCkinG_AnD_fUckING_with Www.ANOcarROTStAlK.Se_rePlAce_CARrOtS_witH_N
s iywhmslsnjszq uhnqjhyn fyvfdxaatxrga czh

>> No.1417431
File: 10 KB, 282x282, 1262784541966.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>privatized space industry

>> No.1417433

I don't think I want to know anymore

>> No.1417466

If you think privatised space industries are a bad idea you need your head checked dude.

Space mining is what will bring us to this golden age.

>> No.1417564

Quantum computers, able to produce self concious AI, this AI comes up with designs/inventions human minds never could, golden age.
Relatively limitless energy.
Nanomachines may take off, doing all kinds of nifty shit.
Space Exploration/Mining/Travel finally getting to where it should be.
Very few nations on the earth, Possibly world peace.
Humans live for a very very long time.
Emo/Apatheic/Depressed kids still exist.

>> No.1417570


STOp AtTAckINg aND fuCkiNg_WIth wWw.ANoCARrotsTaLk.sE_REpLaCE_CARroTs with_n
szkhg qzyfhk b lz tfq z jndhd pjw j

>> No.1417577

I'm mad i wont be alive by then :(

>> No.1417579

If you think having a privatized space industry is good you have to have YOUR head checked. Space is big. Space has a lot of resources. Space resources are kept scarce by corporations for more profit. Space exploration stagnates because billions of patents are being withheld by companies.

Usually thinking the worst way the companies in which they screw the government is usually the right answer.

>> No.1417584
File: 53 KB, 585x246, aging-cells.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

...But you will.

>> No.1417591

Then pass laws making space related patents public domain.

The government will never have a particularly good reason to go to space, at least privatisation allows people with the drive to go to space, go to space.

>> No.1417601


I hope. You can never be too sure.

>> No.1417605
File: 11 KB, 429x410, 1276409210970.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Space privatization will most probably because governments usually like corporate cocks that ejaculate money.

All in the name of 'cost-effectiveness.'

>> No.1417613

>Implying that you are not a robot

>> No.1417616



Space MUST be privatized at least to get shit rolling. After that, we'll probably go from megacorps... in SPACE! to neo-feudalism... in SPACE!

Before you get all "hurpity durpity dark ages" on me, think about it: Feudalism in Space! Intrigue and spaceflight and politics in space! What happened to the Romans, but 100 times better and more classy because it's in SPACE!

*twirls little House Atreides flag*

>> No.1417623

I smiled

>> No.1417626

privatization only applies to capitalist economies where profit is the #1 motivating factor. it's just empty rhetoric for brainwashed buffoons who can't imagine alternative economic system

>> No.1417628


Jesus Christ, we're talking about adding nanoswarms into the blood stream to control the person's health, destroy tumours and treate injuries.

It's not as if the whole of the person was a cluster of nanorobots!

>> No.1417655
File: 52 KB, 600x456, 1269574023039.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

And give superpowers.

>> No.1417661

Are you fucking retarded? Really? Just because your statist college professors brainwash you to think corporations are bad doesn't make it true. For example, are you talking about patents regarding space technology? If a company invests billions of dollars into developing new technology, THEY BETTER FUCKING BE THE ONLY ONE WITH THE RIGHT TO USE IT. Or else companies will just reverse engineer it, and as a result, there is no incentive for innovation? And saying "corporations will keep resources scare"? Well then, dumbfuck, how about you form your own corporation and go get those space minerals? They don't fucking own space? If a company lands on an asteroid and mines it they can call it, claim it, sell the minerals, and do whatever the fuck else they want to do with it.

>> No.1417669
File: 385 KB, 701x701, 216627.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


Can we make IRL furries for hedonism -- I MEAN FOR SCIENCE.

>> No.1417671

you're so nano

>> No.1417678

No, it will occur because without a profit incentive, people don't give a fuck? You know those NASA dudes? Do you think they care about making a moon colony or mining an asteroid? They don't give a flying fuck. All they want is their next paycheck. Only corporations that will think of making profit and creating value will go into space in the best way.

>> No.1417679


sToP attACkiNG_and fUCKING_WiTh_wWW.aNocARroTStAlK.sE_RePlaCe_caRRots WITH_n
n yvt o vgoszipoo em nkrqcyoqcgbkfm x

>> No.1417690

I live in a socialist country in Europe. Since birth, I have been taught in school to love the government in the way a child loves their parents. I subconsciously worship the state, while extracting as many benefits out of it from productive citizens as possible. As a result, I distrust my fellow man, because I suspect they are trying to undercut my benefits, just like I am trying to undercut theirs.

>> No.1417697

Think a company is gonna move away from free market capitalism any time soon?

No, didn't think so.

Profit IS the only motivating factor, even for scientific research, a group rents the use of zero g labs and goes nuts, company gets money and we get scientific advancement, it's a win win.

And the more companies who do it the cheaper it'll be to undercut each others costs, it wil bering prosperity to mankind, cheaper everything because of the massive amounts of resources just slinging around the solar system man.

It's all up there and ready for the taking.

>> No.1417708

you speak the truth

>> No.1417713


Quoted for exceeding truth.

>> No.1417722

>the person ... a cluster of nanorobots
I just grey goo'd in my pants

Why not?
And if some assholes go all holy fury on you, you can just put on your E-Reality™-glasses(E-Reality™-ear- and noseplugs sold separately) and filter them out.

>> No.1417728

>Well then, dumbfuck, how about you form your own corporation and go get those space minerals?
You've been missing from /sci/ for the past week.
....Unfortunately, most probably.
I can't believe you actually believe this

>> No.1417744


>I just grey goo'd in my pants

Hahahaha oh God I lol'd.

>And if some assholes go all holy fury on you, you can just put on your E-Reality™-glasses(E-Reality™-ear- and noseplugs sold separately) and filter them out.

Yeah... If the ethics bandwagoners could FUCK OFF maybe then I could finally have a harem of IRL furries. Them ethics bandwagoners...

>> No.1417750
File: 7 KB, 191x234, Happy twelve year old.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


Oh you guys make me blush.

>> No.1417785


CCM, once you make your geeky dream of making genetically-engineered super-furries a reality, do I get to own a part human/part tiger bodyguard?

>> No.1417803

there is much space between atoms. They can be made smaller. Youre an idiot. Regards.

>> No.1417806


>implying it's viable to make atoms smaller
>gee i'm going to manipulate the strong nuclear force nothing can go wrong with that rite?

>> No.1417812

Molecular bonds want a word with you.

Compressing the atoms together is all well and good, but when the pressure is released, I think you could be fucked cause it'll ping back to it's usual shape.

>> No.1417823

Me here, >>1417812

*bro fist*

>> No.1417857

>non-standard atoms
>magnetic monopoles
>non-baryonic matter
>machines created from subatomic particles

>> No.1417875
File: 34 KB, 296x480, bravenew.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.1417877
File: 23 KB, 462x238, you honestly believe that.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>Thinks it's possible to make machines out of the fundamental particles of existence.

>> No.1417883

So, we're fucked, right? Wrong. Small, community-style living arrangements can save us from our greatest enemy: Oppressive government,

No one can deny that large government will destroy us all, so to avoid a socialist 1984 hell we need to live by ourselves on the land.

>> No.1417887

Science has not stopped progressing, fyi. We don't even properly know what an atom looks like yet because ITS FUCKING BLURRY

>> No.1417913


>> No.1417932


>I learnt science from Orion's Arm
>Have a problem? Magmatter will solve it!

>> No.1417939

It doesn't work like that, the human population is too large for a system like that to be viable.

Competition for resources will inevitably drive people to work together and so systems of government will again come into effect.

>> No.1417951

No we do know what they look like.

Physics allows us to peer into the atomic world thanks to electron microscopy.

Dude I know it sucks, and it could happen, I'm not saying it's impossible I just think it's way beyond our scope just now.

>> No.1417983


Socialist=/=totalitarian, which was the government in 1984. Learn your political systems you fucking idiot.

>> No.1417993

>we will be able to create humans that can have chameleon like appearance

yaff yaff yaff

>> No.1418010
File: 128 KB, 850x637, 1270514211643.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>computers slowing down
>all of scientific and technological development slowing down

These are not the same thing, meine freunde.

>> No.1418034

fuck 2525 I doubt we'll be here for another 50 years considering all creationists living in denial.

>> No.1418039


But a chameleon-human hybrid would be so cold to the touch!

Woudln't you prefer furry fur that is warm and fuzzy >:3~~

>> No.1418044


>> No.1418051


Percentage of Americans who believe in evolution: 20%
Percentage of Americans between 18 and 24 years of age: 40%

Once the Baby Boomers are dead the world and America will be a better place. Not to mention 90% of Tea baggers are old xenophobic retards.

>> No.1418056

Don't you have some Rand pics to go fap to?

>> No.1418059

I'd personally prefer human flesh.

Or keratin and chitin plating, on me of course.

Fucking natural armour, that shit would be awesome.

>> No.1418062

>socialist 1984 hell

>> No.1418064

It's funny because Orwell was a socialist.

>> No.1418066

2525: Earth is just starting to recover from the nuclear war, now that the ground has stopped glowing.

Still no life present.

>> No.1418074

>Nuclear War
>Glowing ground
>Implying that nuclear radiation makes the ground glow
>Implying 500 years in the future the weapon of choice won't be Orbital Kinetic Bombardment

>> No.1418081

>ground has stopped glowing

what the fuck am I reading?

>> No.1418086

I'd mix and match those ideas.
An overlay armor of human flesh, disconnected from my systems. See my enemies cringe as I walk toward them, glistening with blood and gore from my own horrific wounds, suffocating one of them by burying his face in one gaping wound.

>> No.1418096


Everyone likes human flesh, it's just CCM can't get too close to it because it brings back bad memories. Same reason he's a furfag.

>> No.1418100

You're reading something from someone who got his nuclear-physics degree by simply watching The Simpsons intro.

>> No.1418101

go back to /d plz

>> No.1418118

Nah Chitin armour for soldiers and anyone who can afford it, lay it under the skin.

Fuck you could even injedct nano bots into the body and over time build tiny motors powered by glucose and fats that pull goretex cables as well as muscles.

Imagine the fucking power humans will have with both genetic engineering AND nanotech.

A new world is coming people, and some of us might make it to it and we will reap our rewards for it.

>> No.1418136

I doubt chitin would be bullet resistant.

>> No.1418146
File: 353 KB, 1341x1273, 1277837247309.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I don't really need a nanosocialist utopia or flying cars or anything.

As long as Ray Kurzweil/Eric Drexler/Charles Pellegrino are right, and I get to have a personal nanoswarm of Drexlerian assemblers and a genetically engineered Kzinti female, I'm happy.

And a clone of her.

>> No.1418169

Kevlar then.

and still it's pretty good man, as an over all armour it wouldn't be too bad.

And you could grow it in fibres that criss cross each other like they do with kevlar fibre.

And fuck if you really really want to get crazy you could make the cells synthesise steel fibres, a bit crazy but if the body was given the right nutrients then there's no particular reason it couldn't work.

>> No.1418176

Rather than kevlar or steel, spider silk would probably be more plausible and effective.

>> No.1418179

As long as we have the ability to carry tiny micro fabricators with us I will be happy.

Tiny hobby rail guns for everyone.

Sorry I just really love rail guns and coil guns.

>> No.1418198

Yeah but where's the fun in that?

And spiders silk isn't actually as strong as it's made out to be. Under tension it's 10 times stronger than steel but it can be cut through a hell of a lot easier than steel fibre, and a bullet will have pretty high pressure which will act as a blade.

>> No.1418220


>genetically engineered Kzinti female
>gee I think i'm going to splice human dna with tiger dna nothing can go wrong with that lol xD

>> No.1418235

Okay, seriously WTF?

This was supposed to be /sci/, make the nano build a subdermal weave of CNTs or CCTs. Better get one over and through your bones too

>> No.1418249

Make it weave whats through the body?

Sorry I dunno all chemical groups and their properties.

>> No.1418271


What's the worst that can happen?

>> No.1418273

CNT = Carbon nanotubes, CCT = Colossal carbon tubes

>> No.1418290

the jealousy of /sci/borgs causes a feedback that raises the temperature of his computer high enough to cause spontaneous pair production

>> No.1418300




>> No.1418309

That's a good idea actually, except the CCT part we have had difficulty synthesising.

But for the CNT's we could synthesise them with a sort of Bio Epoxy to strengthen it and it could crumble under extreme impact to dissipate energy like a formula one cars nose under impact.

>> No.1418320
File: 413 KB, 2282x1397, 070523-new-scientist-earths-natural-wealth-how-long-will-it-last.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

2525? humans might be in a permanent agrarian society. All technological resources were extinguished 400 years previously, and the decades of wars that resulted extinguished every other resource that could have been used.

AI? All of the tantalum and germanium was spent on smart phones that fart. The same lack of resources eventually killed Fusion research. The commercial space industry never took hold due to constant global recessions stemming from one energy economy failing after the other. We never went to Mars.

There aren't enough resources left on earth for technological civilizations to re-develop. Humanity peaked in the 20th century.

>> No.1418329

/Sci/ is full of fucking retarded neckbeards.

Holy shit you guys are so fucking stupid it hurts. 4chan is worthless now.

Goodbye, I hope you all get cancer.

>> No.1418338

>Olduvai theory
>hurr durr technology can't exist without oil


>> No.1418340





You faggots make me fucking sick. Please kill yourselves.

>> No.1418342

>Doesn't realise that 1 asteroid carries all of earths current resources for a year.
>Doesn't realise we will soon be strip mining asteroids by the dozen.

>> No.1418350


Complaining about complainers, ironic.

>> No.1418353


You know how many people will die when a country like america runs out of oil completely? 100% of all food in america is shipped from the breadbasket to your state via lots and lots of trucks. Run out of gas? No trucks. No food. Lotta dead folks especially what with how many guns a lot of crazy folks have.

Also, I didn't even mention oil directly. I said that "one energy economy after the other" would fail and lead to constant global recession. You think solar is unlimited? The panels are made out of finite resources.

>> No.1418356

Shut the FUCK up faggot.

This whole board is fucking cancer.

You're all from /b/, none of you have graduated High School, and you're miserable cunts.

>> No.1418369

>tantalum and germanium

>> No.1418371

y u so mad? lol

>> No.1418374


>Doesn't realize that there's no guarantee

>Doesn't realize that our "glorious future in space" is equally as likely as "Flying cars and the HAL 9000 all in the fantastic world of 2001!"

What company is currently doing the R&D for space mining? Hmm? BP? Exxon? Haliburton? What, besides the precedence that science fiction sets for our future, do you draw your conclusions from?

>> No.1418376

That's bullshit, you think if we started running out of copper we wouldn't just make pennies out of something else and offer a reward programme for folk who returned pennies to the government?

>> No.1418379

I've got two letters for you buddy: BP

>> No.1418383

I'm at uni and don't go to /b/

Where's your hypothesis now?

>> No.1418390

Space colony on Titian?

>> No.1418393

It was the year 2525 when the first man was born with congenital thousand dicks.

>> No.1418397


That'd still be just 625,110 tons of copper. That's not a lot. How much copper do you think a city like the one in OP's picture is going to use? Besides, copper is being phased out already in liu of superconducting materials that are far scarcer than copper.

We basically have a lego bin. We cannot put the legos back in the bin once we have used them. We have built one too many stupid little things, and now we have very little left for important things like a space program or fusion tech research. We've peaked. Saying that we'll get it from space is a pipe dream with the technology we have. We'd as soon mine the core of the earth for uranium.

>> No.1418436

Well, first you could learn to conserve energy.
This will either happen the hard way, through massive energy shortages or softly, by always evolving technology.

Why does every household in America need an air conditioning, if you could build your shed properly?

>> No.1418437

>Recycling does not exist

Protip: most followers of the Olduvai Theory also happen to be anarcho-primitivists: they think we'd all be better off living like cavemen.

>> No.1418454

Yeah, there is this fancy thing, recycling, ever heard of it?
of course this won't bring back fissionable material, but a lot of other stuff.

>> No.1418456

She's twelve you sick fuck!

>> No.1418462

I doubt people will be around in 2525, maybe in a sort of nature reservation at most. What will be alive at that time will be Post-Humans, and maybe lingering Transhumans. Just about every technological advancement would be created by quantum computers, existence would probably lack any meaning for the sentient beings that would be in our place. Fuck I hope that we just blow ourselves up cause the future seems really boring.

>> No.1418464

You raise some valid points...
First of all, Earth won't run out of most of these resources, we will just have to recycle better and dig out the Earth much deeper than we have done.
I think we all need to reduce the amount of energy we use and we need more renewable energy sources. I can certainly forsee a green energy/recycling revolution within a hundred years.
Perhaps we find a way of synthesizing fuel out of sunlight and matter.... perhaps only when the Earth's oil has really run ridiculously low will such a system be implemented.

Once said device has been invented installing a few on the moon would fuel a small star-fleet then we can start bringing off-world resources to Earth and it will be like Beneath a Steel Sky

>> No.1418475

So your saying we'll discover the universe is SQUARE!!!

>> No.1418477

>Perhaps we find a way of synthesizing fuel out of sunlight and matter.... perhaps only when the Earth's oil has really run ridiculously low will such a system be implemented.
Why would you want to continue this shitty practice

>> No.1418486

>Beneath a Steel Sky

>> No.1418492


You cannot recycle everything. And everything but aluminum consumes more resources than it returns by recycling it. It takes a lot of trucks to move that shit around, especially since recycling centers are far from population centers. You want to conserve energy by spending more of it to get the feeling that you're saving energy? Well no fucking wonder we're in this pinch.

I don't think we should live as caveman. That shit'd suck. I like having twice as long to live because of science. I don't want any of this to happen, but what i want won't change shit.

>> No.1418508


>A small sun the size of a baseball is housed within a specially formulated dome in a Californian Science Facility. Here scientists regulate the Suns chemical reactions and sustain its form within stable limitations for Energy Harvesting.

We have all seen spiderman 2 and we know what happened in that.

>> No.1418523

think of the heinleinian moving roads
now apply that thought to conveyors

all powered by good old Sol, may she shine her blessed light on us

>> No.1418532



OK, The year is 2065, there's no oil, coal's expensive and uranium's running dry.

The next Einstein has discovered cold fusion, but it needs copious amounts of Tritium to maintain the reaction.

Chemical burn was last century

Nuclear burn is this century. Fission is dirty, Fusion is the way forwards.

It is still quite expensive to synthesize Tritium and He3+ but with a large enough array of solar panels and enough patience it can be produced in viable quantities.

There are heavily guarded football fields packed with rotating solar panels dotted across the world and across the solar system, their role is to meticulously harvest every joule of energy and turn it into this store able fuel. Maybe rockets of the future don't use chemical burn either, they use nuclear fusion burn to blast off into orbit and Single Stage to Orbit is achievable with fusion fuels.

>> No.1418533


Ah, but what if, like so many things in life, that by the time we finally realize we have to do something, that it's already too late and that there's not enough resources left to do what we want to do, and that the only way to get the resources is to dismantle another nation?

One thing is clear gentlemen, as man's luxuries are removed one by one, we will not become a kinder or more gentle race.

>> No.1418543
File: 180 KB, 500x375, glow.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>Doesn't know shit about glowing stuff

>> No.1418550

People make it sound like technology will make everyone transparent around that time with gene manipulation and nanotechnology, ect. I simply don't like that idea.

>> No.1418565

Depletion-kun, depletion-kun

Have you considered that people might find ways to do the things done with these substances, but using much more common elements? Cells are mostly just made up of carbon, oxygen, hydrogen, and phosphorous, after all, and look at all of the diversity in those things! :3c

>> No.1418571
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Okay, now how about a practical solution? or are we going to combat crime and pollution by living in the sky?

>> No.1418575

Recycling is one thing, moving from rampant consumerism to a society that strives for advancement is another.
Both are important.
And moving mass on this planet just consumes a tiny, tiny amount of the amount of energy, we could harvest from the sun with todays solar panels, be it thermosolar or photovoltaic.
Energy is plentiful, matter is the tricky thing.

>> No.1418590


You find me an ecosystem based on Californium and i'll make you a superconductor made of cheese.

Simply put, you can only do some things with certain materials. You can't conduct electricity with rubber, for example.

>> No.1418604

It is a fusion reactor

>> No.1418609

>Implying that's caused by the products of nuclear fallout
>Doesn't have a clue about glowing shit.

>> No.1418615


>moving from rampant consumerism to a society that strives for advancement is another.

Tch, you'd be more likely to go faster than the speed of light on a bicycle than you are to see humans ever change that much. We'll never allow it.

>> No.1418618

What can a philosophy major do to fight societal degradation?

>> No.1418623

>You can't conduct electricity with rubber
Sure I can. As an example, that's pretty easy to do.

>> No.1418627


Write witty solipsisms on the chalkboard at the starbucks that employs you.

>> No.1418631

Eliminate sources of enthropy.

>> No.1418643

>Simply put, you can only do some things with certain materials.

Society will not collapse due to a lack of superconductors, we already don't have them.

I seriously doubt that it'd be impossible for a technological civilization to function with only the most common elements. Maybe it wouldn't function in exactly the same way, but it'd function.

Fun read: http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Carbon_nanotube#Electrical

>> No.1418646
File: 3 KB, 76x100, MacIcon.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

If this macfag hipster "hurr durr shiny macbook at starbucks"-culture keeps getting more and more popular, we are fucked.

Remember when we had dreams? Flying cars, immense virtual reality, coffee machines you could have a conversation with? That was predicted for 2000. Now, in the year 2010, we call the iPad a technological revolution. "The big lifestyle changer" is all over the news, "changing technology forever and setting a mile-stone in advancement".

This shit makes me want to kill myself. Why the fuck would I need life-enhancements that make me live 2000 years? I can't stand another 10 years.

>> No.1418655

People stopped going to work centuries ago by the time 2525 came around. The unions all went on strike and robot workers replaced them.

There was a brief time when the humans went back to work when the robots went on strike however....

>> No.1418657

this is probably the most stupid post I've seen ever

>> No.1418664

sorry to bust your futuristic bubble; by 2500 the capitalist system will have collapsed and communism will prevail worldwide.

>> No.1418666

Must be new to the internet, then.

>> No.1418667

Even if we manage to expand life significantly this century, I don't think it'll do us much good. I fear stagnation is too powerful for any one generation to conquer, much less one generation stretched beyond comprehension.

>> No.1418670

We'll learn to change, but it's likely to be very ugly.

>> No.1418676

Bullshit. It's going to be beautiful. All of those beauty magazines burning in the streets will bring tears to my eyes.

>> No.1418694


>I seriously doubt that it'd be impossible for a technological civilization to function with only the most common elements. Maybe it wouldn't function in exactly the same way, but it'd function.

I concur. But we're not even a technological civilization yet. A full half of the people alive today will never learn to read. You can't say we're all this and that when half the population will never learn their ABC's. What's going to happen, what will happen with the consumption of resources when the other half of the world starts consuming them? We can say conservation all we want because we're used to having luxuries such as getting to eat every day or having indoor lighting, but how do we convince these people who have never had any of it to just give it up? We never did.

Then what happens when we run out of one source of energy or resource? oh sure, we can say that we'll just transition to something new, but how long will that take? If oil ran out tomorrow, how many millions would starve to death before we figured out a new way of shipping just food?

It's going to happen. What concerns me is not how we stop it, but how we alleviate the suffering as much as possible.

>> No.1418697

it's not a continuous reaction, just a controlled fusion explosion.

they'll have to swap targets at a rate of 25 times a second, roughly, to meet the energy needs equivalent to a normal nuclear power planet

it's toroidal fusion all over again

>> No.1418703

All trolling aside, life will be pretty good and probably advanced beyond our imagination.

>> No.1418706
File: 235 KB, 1250x798, possiblefuture.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.1418713

Not just those.
The whole "romantasy" genre, burning in blazing hot flames of joy.
Gutenberg would rotate in his grave if he knew where his invention went.

>> No.1418714

Look up the singularity, we are most likely going to live to see 2500

>> No.1418715

So, though, you've gone back on your idea of a permanent agrarian society?

>> No.1418731

To the insurmountable optimists:

Why haven't we had three manned ships visit jupiter yet?

Why are your predictions any more correct than the ones of your parents?

Answer me that, please.

>> No.1418736

Thinks people will actually care about communisms existence by then.

>> No.1418745 [DELETED] 


Well think about it. If we have no way of moving food from production centers to population centers we won't be able to keep up the "city/rural" thing we've invented. we'll have to go back to living where the food is. And if we want to keep as many alive as possible, we'll need a lot of people working the farms.

It's gonna suck. glad i won't live that long.

>> No.1418747 [DELETED] 

mind control of slave workers
white people travelling around space and being superior race generally

>> No.1418754 [DELETED] 

>Gutenberg would rotate in his grave
...powering a printer churning out millions of copies of Twilight.

And feeding them right into a big bonfire.

>> No.1418768 [DELETED] 

>Why haven't we had three manned ships visit jupiter yet?
Because we only sent Discovery I and Aleksey Leonov?

>> No.1418771 [DELETED] 

As for your picture,

Excluding space rockets, stuff never leaves the earth, so its called recycling.

>> No.1418783


Here's some lead. Please recycle this into uranium 238 without expending any energy. Thanks!

>> No.1418794

ITT: Newscientist's sources are obviously wrong. the earth will never run out of resources because Jesus loves us.

>> No.1419008


>I, for one, hope it never takes off.

God dammit you're a fucking moron who wants to stop the most promising field of science, nanotechnology; for some sci-fi pipedream known as 'grey goo'.


Have you seriously ever herped so much that you derped?

>> No.1419000


It will probably look a lot like what we see today: Full of strife, wars, diseases and unequal distribution of wealth.

Before we even dream of space flight or conquering other stars, mankind should solve how it's going to fairly and equitably distribute resources first if we are to move on. Any technological advances that spring forth will just be used for wars and exploitation of our planet unless we find a way to stop the alienation of the masses in equal access to wealth.

BTW capitalism is not the answer.

>> No.1419061

Okay, here. Better watch out, I think some of it turned into plutonium.

>> No.1420319

Agreed. Grey goo seems impractical to me. How the hell can you build something efficient enough to take over the world that has to be able to metabolize EVERY MOLECULE ON THE FACE OF THE EARTH? FUCK.

>> No.1420322

Meant to link:


>> No.1420346

a glorious dawn awaits

>> No.1420786

Bumping a thread from yesterday because /sci/ is terrible today.

>> No.1420801

I love you.

>> No.1420838

Purely biological humans will become very rare. Almost every human will have cybernetic enhancements and some humans are more non-biological than biological.

We will probably have colonized Mars and started the terraforming process. Venus is not too far away, either. Multiple unmanned missions have reached alpha centauri and manned missions taking ~30-40 years will be coming shortly.

Rising sea levels have changed the geography of Earth slightly, but has huge effects on human demographics. Cities like New York are being abandoned due to flood. Humans have also constructed urban cities all over Earth, including the deserts and Antarctica.

And the PS3 still has no games.

>> No.1420848

by utilizing the most stable compounds and the most plentiful sources of energy