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/sci/ - Science & Math

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File: 32 KB, 502x382, mitchell.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
1412422 No.1412422 [Reply] [Original]

I've found that, as regards to the UFO phenomenon, many people won't believe anything until the TV, or the government tells them to.

Here are many credible witnesses telling you it's true, yet you won't believe them.

Edgar Mitchell, Apollo astronaut, saying UFOs are real.

20+ witnesses in front of the National Press Club

John Podesta, former White House Chief of Staff

Gordon Cooper

And here's Bill Nye getting destroyed on CNN.

>> No.1412428


>> No.1412453
File: 37 KB, 405x600, hujintao.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Nah, I'd like to have my new physics, thanks.

>> No.1412466
File: 26 KB, 400x514, Kucinich.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I want Kucinich as president.

>> No.1412479
File: 31 KB, 305x465, Dark-Mission.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

And let's throw in some Hoagland for fun too.

>> No.1412492

You need more evidence than "derp hurp I saw me some aliens"

>> No.1412495


>> No.1412502
File: 35 KB, 400x300, NPC UFO Panel 11-12-07.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

There is plenty of evidence, but you're obviously not going to get it handed to you by CNN or the government.

Try starting here.


>> No.1412507
File: 10 KB, 200x186, donaldkeyhoe.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Sorry, try again.


And the book for the Disclosure Porject is on Demonoid.

>> No.1412523

Respect ≠ Fear of a sociopath looking neckbeard

>> No.1412537
File: 25 KB, 640x480, 1273620789121.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

An astronaut may have scientific training, but they do not specialize in the phenomena of UFOs. The rest are not qualified. Add to your list the wife of Japan's present prime minister.

>> No.1412539
File: 153 KB, 400x400, greys.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.1412551
File: 15 KB, 254x270, Stanton_Friedman.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

And the people that do specialize in the study of UFO phenomenon know it is real especially well.

Pic related.

>> No.1412555

UFO ≠ aliens

UFOs are real because UFO is an Unidentified Flying Object. That could be anything.

>> No.1412559

Tinfoil hats for each and everyone of you.

>> No.1412568

Bro, the beard thread is over on page 2 I think.

>> No.1412570
File: 62 KB, 452x428, cattle.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

You're right. They are mostly back-engineered craft flown by the military-industrial complex.

The abductions and cattle mutilations are human programs also.

Here's a cow with its head burned off.

>> No.1412586
File: 34 KB, 310x310, idiot.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Incredible claims require incredible evidence.

Present your evidence or be labeled a troll and GTFO!

>> No.1412599
File: 53 KB, 384x454, hisholiness.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Already did


>> No.1412617
File: 50 KB, 600x305, stanton.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

And you're looking at the man who thoroughly raped Sagan, and continues to defeat any and all "skeptics".

They don't even try and they never have, they just deny and ignore.

>> No.1412628
File: 69 KB, 512x512, 1263509112355.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


this this this

thread ends here.

>> No.1412630

Pictures are not valid evidence, they can be manipulated. There is no good evidence on the web pages you linked.

>> No.1412639

>raped Sagan
I came, requesting pics of it for further fap.

>> No.1412654
File: 57 KB, 580x378, March, 1990 - Belgium.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Glorious documentation.
Glorious evidence.


>> No.1412669 [DELETED] 

stoP AtTAcKiNg aNd FucKINg wITh Www.AnOCARROTstalk.Se Replace carrOTS_WITH_N
o ivaqdsp zzrdjun utvrq e wy wyy wu a crpm tumip

>> No.1412676
File: 16 KB, 300x434, stanromanek.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I'm sure you researched that whole page in 5 minutes.

Anyway, for those of you who aren't going to deny everything, I give you the Stan Romanek case. Get it at your library, it's awesome. Implants, videos, everything.


>> No.1412703

>Trust me, aliens are real. All you've gotta do is buy my new york times best-selling book for $10.99 and everything will be revealed

When it comes to the "evidence" for aliens, all I ever seem to find are charlatans taking money from the gullible.

>> No.1412708
File: 14 KB, 320x240, myspace.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

A good summary is in the "storyline" page of that website.

>> No.1412714
File: 68 KB, 800x600, Stanton Friedman and Richard Dolan.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Well then you've never looked into it. Because I haven't paid a cent, and have a wealth of information.

>> No.1412725

That doesn't matter. The people presenting the information *never* give any of it away for free.

They don't give two shits about aliens or "spreading the message". They're out to make a buck off morons.

>> No.1412766

What could've the flying thing shooting plasma beams been on the video with Bill Nye that OP posted?

>> No.1412783

They're real. I've seen a UFO - or at least an object in the sky that I have no means of explaining beyond defining it as an unidentified flying object. I'm just assuming aliens are involved because of the shape of the craft and the level of technology displayed.

>> No.1412796

I have seen exactly that triangle thing with my own eyes... South Florida, early 1990's. I don't care if anyone believes that or doesn't.

>> No.1412881

I must admit I've not given much thought into this matter.

But given we humans would have the technology to visit other planets and maybe find other "intelligent" species. How would we proceed if we found a planet like ours about 1000 years ago.

Well I don't want to be specific but I could actually imagine that we are under extraterrestial observation right now. I don't think that all the abductions and other incidents are true but it is very well possible that there is another civilization right at our doorstep, carefully observing our first steps and waiting for the right moment to introduce themselves.

Not saying that that's the way it is but I wouldn't deny that possibility and I also think that the possibility is greater than most people here would think

>> No.1412886
File: 34 KB, 199x206, carolr.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Did you turn away from the UFO subject after years of thorough investigation, or because you were told that it was silly and not worth looking into?

>> No.1412892

The Belgium phenomenon took place in the early 90's

So, continue habeebing.

>> No.1412900


I think a generous estimate would be that about 5% of the millions of abduction stories are true. In all likeliness, it's probably closer to 1.5% or 2%

>> No.1412916

I believe aliens have landed on earth.
Though I think they may have been bacteria, carried by meteors.
That's just my opinion though

>> No.1412946
File: 27 KB, 303x450, stillhatin.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I, for one, have seen two UFOs.

They were thin, silent, cigar-shaped objects moving horizontally, and in parallel during a rocket launch in Brevard County Florida.

Never checked to see if any reports were made, maybe I should.

>> No.1412951


Cigar shaped with points, or more like a beer/soda can; a flat ended cylinder?

>> No.1412968

i believe i may have been abducted

once in the middle of the night a 2 hour drive took 4 hours

>> No.1412993

They were featureless, without any exhaust.

>> No.1412998

More like pointy cigars.

>> No.1413010

>insulting Billy Nye
God damn it

>> No.1413011
File: 8 KB, 600x400, ufo_5.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


I saw one that looked like the one in the picture, but maybe shorter and thicker. I noticed it hovering in the sky because the sunlight hit the metal siding, and the reflected light came off red.

I leaned my head out of my car window for a better look, but a tree passed in front of my vision. When I had gotten around to the other side, the thing I was looking at was utterly gone; no sound, no contrail or anything.

>> No.1413036


I'm not even sure if any abduction incidents are true.

I know it's naive to think like this but here is how I see it:

If it were us who had found another civilization and wanted to find out more of their biology .. what would we do? Well, if we didn't recognize the life forms as intelligent at first we might actually grab some specimen, do our experiments with them and than just let them go back (I just realized that some things that we do to animals are very .. VERY traumatizing).
But if we know they are "intelligent" .. would we let them back? We know it would be safer and more efficient to never let them go back again.

So any abduction story that is actually true would be a major fuck up by those aliens.

On the other hand .. any alien story might be very welcome to those aliens. Just by making a short mysterical appearance, the aliens would put the possibility of their existence in our heads, thereby opening our minds for future encounters. Which would actually increase the chances of a peaceful first encounter (because we would probably just shot at those things if we absolutely did not expect them to exist)

>> No.1413039

Honestly, who cares. I'm pretty sure one of our satellites would have noticed an actual intelligently-crafted UFO entering our atmosphere. I'm not saying that aliens don't exist and come to Earth occasionally, I'm just saying that it's something we don't fully understand. After all, 200 years ago humans used to think that the Earth was only 6000 years old. Some still do. Until we can have absolute concrete evidence that it's an alien spacecraft and not just something nature does, we should just let this thread die so we can waste more of our productive time in other more worthy threads.


>> No.1413059


>Implying extraterrestrials aren't natural

>> No.1413078
File: 11 KB, 400x291, gary.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

What about Gary Mckinnon.
The guy with arpergers that hacked into NASA computers and came across alot of info on UFOs and related shit.

I mean he has aspergers and I believe he is unable to lie.

>/Sci/ opinion?

>> No.1413091

I have already hacked NASA and NSA computers and determined that we are already controlled by a one world puppet government run by aliens.

>> No.1413096

Alien Abduction phenomenon is caused by sleep paralysis.
UFOs are probably military aircraft.
Direct links to evidence would be appreciated.

>> No.1413108

This is bullshit, not science or math.

>> No.1413131
File: 17 KB, 251x212, 211.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

> When the government says what you don't want to hear, they're lying corporate slaves

> When the government says what you do want to hear, they're the paragons of truth

Sure is confirmation bias in here.

>> No.1413150


Who is that old lady that clearly looks like a jew?

>> No.1413192


I believe she was a white house reporter who was forced into retirement for telling Israel to get out of Palestine.

>> No.1413208


Can anyone else provide more info on her?

>> No.1413215


Helen Thomas.

>> No.1413232

Again. It's not the aliens abducting people. It's the black ops trolls.

>> No.1413244

>I've found that

How did you "find" this? I think we're entitled to a detailed explanation of the experiment(s) you used to arrive at the conclusion that "many people won't believe anything until the TV, or the government tells them to."

Personally, I wouldn't believe that an alien spacecraft had visited Earth without seeing concrete evidence firsthand, because the vastness of time and space all but precludes the possibility of alien visitors.

>> No.1413272
File: 9 KB, 400x299, Washington.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

If we knew for a fact that superluminal speeds were impossible, then there wouldn't be any theoretical physicists.

>> No.1413290

Abductions are clearly all fake or misinterpretations. Sleep paralysis, hallucinations, and dreams can well account for all people who claim to be abductees. And hypnosis, as far as the scientific community is concerned, is generally not a reliable method to "extract truth" as it is to "extract whatever a person feels like saying in a sleepy state."

UFOs, on the other hand, you know the flying ones? Those seem to have overwhelming evidence for their existence. However, I have my doubts about them being extraterrestrial in origin.

>> No.1413298
File: 27 KB, 320x356, steven-greer-aug2005-14.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

And you're right, I only have anecdotal evidence so it was more of a proclamation. But if you're allowed to make the massively unscientific claim of "I wouldn't believe", and "all but precludes"; then surely you'd allow my opening statement.

>> No.1413315
File: 66 KB, 482x767, encounters.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

No they can't. Not at all. The hallucination / dream hypothesis has long been dismissed.

You should read the book "Close Encounters of the Fourth Kind"

>> No.1413321

anecdotal evidence is not evidence

>> No.1413327
File: 146 KB, 802x1300, pedobear.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I've found that, as regards to the OP being a fag & a pedobear, it is true.

>> No.1413329

>No they can't. Not at all. The hallucination / dream hypothesis has long been dismissed.

I'm not gonna read an entire fucking book of fiction.

Also, before you hate on me here, I just entered the thread.

>> No.1413348

>>1413315 The hallucination / dream hypothesis has long been dismissed.
Only among the wackjob and crank circles who have also dismissed the reality hypothesis.

>> No.1413350

as glorious as your sexual life?

>> No.1413351

Well, that book is Lesson one in the abduction phenomenon. It's no use arguing with you over something you don't even know.

>> No.1413369

bitch, you either provide me a single goddamn case I can not disregard with the dude either being sleep paralyzed or high, and I'll take your words into consideration.
How's that?

I'm sorry if I'm coming off as harsh b- no never mind, I'm not.
Im fuckshit tired of retards going off "lol you don't understand so I refuse to back up my complete fucking bullshit"
FUCK YOU, until you can provide some fucking proof

>> No.1413381

Calm down.
This case.
Go to the "storyline" page.

>> No.1413384

And yes, I MAD

>> No.1413410

>aliens having the same placement of nose, mouth and eyes as humans, as well as being bipedal with hair and a roughly human-shaped face

The guy either got trolled hard, or is lying out of his shit

>> No.1413414

Why is this shit on /sci/? There is no scientific backing for any of this, it is purely in the realm of scam artists and crazy people. Go back to /x/.

>> No.1413422
File: 105 KB, 458x680, Silurians.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

They've back engineered lifeforms.

And many scientists have long debated what the ideal form of an intelligent being is. They all point to humanoid.

Pretty interesting theories actually, try finding some of them for me please, I know they're out there.

>> No.1413430


The ideal form for earth, maybe.

>> No.1413441


I don't find it very compelling that some scientists believe that the perfect body should be humanoid.

What did they do? "Let's assume an Earthlike planet, which earthlike species and then..."

>> No.1413448

There's no standard of evidence that the Angry People Who Hate This Stupid Garbage would accept, ever.

Apparently having hundreds of military and government people say "yes, we knew about this, and we're willing to testify" doesn't even raise an eyebrow.

It's basically an article of faith with them that there's no standard of evidence "extraordinary" enough.

I think what pisses some people off is that if it's true, they aren't doing what decades of careful angels-on-pinheads calculations about what extraterrestrials would be like and do. We already know they'd have populated the galaxy a million years ago and sealed all stars into Dyson spheres! So obviously they're not here because they haven't done that!

>> No.1413453


And don't forget "Let's assume that the previously dominant kingdom die out from an asteroid..."

So many specific variables lead up to human. And we're OBVIOUSLY going to have a human-bias.

>> No.1413456

I read it a while ago. I believe even Isaac Asimov put in some insight, though I can't really remember.

They went through bipedal transportation, fingers, eyes being close to brain, two arms, etc.

>> No.1413471
File: 39 KB, 395x317, Bama.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Let's just hope for some change before everyone dies.

I really don't think this game can last until the next presidential election.

>> No.1413481

Unidentified Flying Objects are real.

In fact, UFO sightings are confirmed by government organizations all the time.

>> No.1413495


>> No.1413515
File: 47 KB, 500x375, cattlemutilated.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Another casualty due to the black ops.

>> No.1413544
File: 20 KB, 325x199, eisenhower.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Remember. The ground is for slaves.

>> No.1413551

i lold

>> No.1413581

OP, what do you think of this?


>> No.1413633

>>Tons of evidence, thousands willing to testify
>>No one ever does, must be a grand conspiracy by the government.
>>Just like 9/11

>> No.1413680
File: 179 KB, 494x709, 080508100-foot-lego-tower.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Because an Object that flies remains Unidentified

Does not automatically translate into


This is the same rubbish that the creationists spew

IF somehow Evolution were proven to be false


Trolls trolling trollville

>> No.1413681

The real question isn't whether or not to believe, but how we should go about communicating/getting their attention.

SETI obviously isn't working.

>> No.1413705


>> No.1413715
File: 23 KB, 400x245, steve greer.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

CSETI beat you to it.

It was founded by Steven Greer, head of the Disclosure porject.

>> No.1413725


seti isn't working because it relies on the alien civilization using communications transmitters that are orders of magnitude stronger than ours.

if there was another planet emitting similar radio frequency radiation as earths just 50 light years away it would be beneath the noise floor of the instrumentation and processing we are using for SETI.

>> No.1413737
File: 24 KB, 502x391, Hahahaha.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>"NORAD and [Canada Command] have no evidence to support this sighting" reads the report.

Well, we know what that means.

No idea about what it is though, never heard of it either.

>> No.1413814

This guy's youtube channel is really good.


>> No.1414099

wow is that military stuff?
what could that be?

>> No.1414121
File: 300 KB, 963x797, UFOproof.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

The guy has a shitload of those videos.

It's the strangest thing I've ever seen.


>> No.1414158

Shit starts releasing orbs.

Taking all debunking challengers.

>> No.1414210
File: 6 KB, 153x136, delicioustears.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.1414258


When is auto sage?

>> No.1414384

It makes me sad to see how many people won't accept the idea of something because it might mean they don't understand the world as well as they think they do.

Anyway going to post some good liks i've found

This has several pages of good documentaries, I reccomend the greatest story ever denied. Also I agree ATS is full of alot of bs but sometimes it has good things like this.

This guy is collecting as posting UFO vids that have been coming out this year, already he is up to his ninth video and the videos are good quality

All really good videos, mostly looking at exposing the lies NASA has been telling us.
In before "WAAH! why would NASA lie to us?"

>> No.1414773


Haven't seen this before, very interesting, especially how much the pictures from the Moon were edited.

>> No.1414795

>gordon cooper

lol. In "Behold a Pale Horse" he claims he bought a Xerox machine from a gov't auction and found secret illuminati documents that someone forgot to take out.

>> No.1415633


>> No.1415778

>The charge that he perpetrated "the biggest military hack of all time" is ridiculed by McKinnon who characterises himself as a "bumbling computer nerd" who undestructively accessed open, unsecured machines while under the influence of cannabis,
>while under the influence of cannabis,

>> No.1415795


She's kinda hot. I will therefore believe all she says.

>> No.1415810

ITT idiots think funny moving lights are evidence of aliens.

>> No.1415814

we're not going to believe it just b/c someone on tv says it. we are not everyday people. we are /sci/

>> No.1415826

What do you guys think about this?

>> No.1415827

I can totally believe in humanoid aliens, after all, evolution has the same stuff to work with everywhere. If there are earthlike planets out there that develop life, it's bound to follow the paths that work best survival-wise, and humanoid form is perfect for intelligent life.

>> No.1415836
File: 38 KB, 600x413, LA zombie control car.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

500 years ago these same idiots would have been claiming that they saw angels and that god was definitely real. Now they think they're seeing aliens. They're as wrong now as they were then.

Evidence for UFOs: [none available]

Where's the evidence? Show me the alien ship. Show me the alien body. Show me something that is 100% definitive evidence of aliens. You can't because there are no aliens on Earth and there never have been.


>> No.1415839


lol this guy needs to work on his shoop-skillz

>> No.1415855

Claim there is no evidence and ignore all the links posted throughout the thread.
Good job sounding like an idiot

>> No.1415856

>Apparently having hundreds of military and government people say "yes, we knew about this, and we're willing to testify" doesn't even raise an eyebrow.

I want to believe. I really do. But none of these people have any proof. How do I know they're telling me the truth or that they saw what they thought they did? The human brain is one of the least reliable observational tools in the universe. It's why scientists use precise tools to measure data, the brain itself is not adequate for identifying things. The brain is easily fooled.

Until there is an actual alien body or even a single scrap of an alien ship on display for verification, I can't believe these people. I need proof. That is not an unreasonable demand. It is merely a prerequisite for me accepting something as true, as it should be for everyone.

>> No.1415858

I've found that, as regards to strange, hard to explain phenomenon, many conspiracy theorists won't believe anything until small internet conspiracy sites, crazy radio hosts that read a lot of books, or other conspiracy theorists tells them to.

>> No.1415859

None of the links are evidence. They're all just blurry videos of balloons, birds and planes. That is not evidence. Where's the proof? Where's the evidence?

>> No.1415861

Stephen hawking said that aliens would invade us if they ever visit earth. Jesus christ, is he serious? Is Stephen Hawking working for the government?

>> No.1415865

Stephen Hawking has never denied being an alien. I have dozens of blurry Youtube videos of Stephen Hawking transforming into his alien form to prove it. You don't believe Hawking is an alien because you're an elitist who thinks things have to be true in order to be real.

>> No.1415870

>humanoid form is perfect for intelligent life

anywhere in the universe?

it's amazing how deeply ingrained this 'crown of creation' crypto-creationism really is.

>> No.1415877

Stop_ATTacKinG_And_fUCKiNG_wiTh WWw.ANoCaRrotstaLk.SE RePLaCE Carrots WitH n
aofzdz z brurb frr eway jyhizqrvy aob

>> No.1415880

Thanks dick, you just made me scared of stephen hawking.

>> No.1415881

If humanity had the means, we would totally invade and rape another planet and strip it of its resources. We even do it on the same planet.

What's making you think aliens would act completely differently??

>> No.1415886

show me one that is blurry or looks like a bird, balloon or plane.
Have you even looked at any of the links?
I'll post you one if you like

>> No.1415888 [DELETED] 


STop AttaCKING and_fUcKing_WiTh_WwW.anocArRoTstalk.SE_rePLACe carROTS with n
e dw ed oipv r vk hjqsbavczg pcywhpzcnm dw

>> No.1415897

Videos on YouTube aren't evidence.

>> No.1415905

No offence to the nice Mr. Mitchell, but if anyone is going to convince me of the existence of aliens visiting this planet, I wouldn't expect him to use the sun burning out as an example of when humanity will have to leave this planet.

Without being rude, that suggests he doesn't know very much about space, the risks that space offers to humanity, the risk of human hostility to themselves, the lack of resources on this planet... it just like such a horribly weak thing to say... An event in 4,500,000,000 years...

>> No.1415910

I dont know, maybe because theyre advanced life forms?

>> No.1415920

While probably not alien yet, Hawking is the man who will probably reach singularity first.

Let's hope posthumans aren't as hostile as pessimists always paint them to be.

>> No.1415923

>I dont know,

Stop there.

>> No.1415927

Then what do you want as evidence?
No let me guess, an alien needs to shake your hand or a UFO needs to land on your lawn. Make it something impossible to achiece so you can keep on smugly saying nobody can provide an proof.

>> No.1415929

oh, it clipped to some amazed people at a completely different place and time of day.
That makes it very believable, yes sir-ee

>> No.1415935

Because of how they treated Bill Nye (Who made a perfect case, as it happens), I am now going to completely disregard everything I considered true about UFOs.

As I understand when one is posed a question, one answers it. That did not happen. Shame on these UFO believer gentleman. Shame on them!

>> No.1415942

That would be some good evidence. You know why I believe giraffes are real? Because I've seen them. You know why I don't believe aliens are here on Earth? Because blurry Youtube videos of indistinct objects aren't evidence.

>> No.1415944
File: 112 KB, 1000x590, Cydonia-geom.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.1415948
File: 95 KB, 800x582, Cydonia-context.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.1415954

I once had the sleep paralysis thing at night after drinking with my brother-in-law, basically I was half asleep and not breathing no matter how hard I tried, afraid as fuck and there was definite presence in the room. In the end there was a white flash.

I woke up fucking convinced for once that it happened for at least a few minutes before I began thinking. Bro was still passed out in the next room snoring like he was before it happened and I concluded only a bit more than half an hour passed since I went to sleep. My ass didn't hurt or anything too.

I don't know, you got to be paranoid or naive to just conclude LOLALEINS at something like that.

>> No.1415955

people STILL believe in aliens?
wasn't that just a phase I went through when I was eight?

>> No.1415957 [DELETED] 

sToP attACking AND_fUCKIng wiTH_www.aNOcarRotStaLK.SE REplAce_carROts_wIth n
gplnot ao fuas br c j sud c u uvnpjrgsn hold

>> No.1415966

Good hell. You really think those are UFOs? They're just blurry lights in the sky. Those two objects flying around each other? Those are two bugs reflecting the light of the camera. That's an easy illusion to recreate. The V shaped formation? That's a flock of geese reflecting light. That's also a well known illusion that UFO nuts have been trying to pass off as evidence for years.

That is one of the worst "proof" videos I've ever seen. It's just ordinary objects being passed off as UFOs.

>> No.1415970

Even if I had a direct, personal encounter with an UFO, and even if an alien shaked my hand, I would not expect this to be accepted by others. I wouldn't try to convince people of something I have no proof of.

>> No.1415977

>when I was eight

that was before the brainwashing kicked in

>> No.1415978

How to fake a UFO video on Youtube:


>> No.1415981

So i'm right, nothing could actually satisfy you as proof. You forgot your trollface pic.

>> No.1415984

Proof would satisfy me. Nothing less than proof is the same as proof. If you have no proof, then you're just being tricked by a bunch of hoaxers on Youtube as demonstrated in >>1415978

Stop being so gullible.

>> No.1415986

No. Links on the internet provided from some anon with a boring life on 4chan, and videos on youtube with dramatic music, don't satisfy me as proof.

>> No.1416001

You would be amazed at how many people who have seen ufos think exactly the same thing. Luckily the nobody would believe me excuse is getting old now

>> No.1416006


this anon is correct.

I live in new york and when I was in college I was at a house party with a couple dozen people. We were being kinda loud, drinking and whatever. I was out on the porch smoking a cigarette and out of fucking nowhere this cab pulls up, and out of the back steps bill murray. He came into the house, grabbed a beer out of the fridge, and just started talking with people like it was no big deal. We were mostly all hipsterfags so everyone was trying to pretend that it happens every day, I was too nervous so I pretty much just stayed out front and chain smoked the whole time he was there. He hung out for about an hour and a half, then called a cab and took off. Weirdest fucking thing I have ever witnessed in my life.

I have tried telling the story in real life like a dozen times, and even tell people to look it up online because apparently this was a somewhat common occurrence a couple years ago. But nobody ever fucking believes me. Sometimes they play along but I can tell in their eyes that they think I'm bullshitting. There's just no correct combination of words I can say, so I have quit trying to tell the story.

Same thing with aliens.

>> No.1416013

you know almost all of the founding members of SETI dont believe aliens have visited earth (one remained skeptical but said it was possible)

>> No.1416040

>You would be amazed at how many people who have seen ufos think exactly the same thing.
So they understand logic and reason. Great.

>Luckily the nobody would believe me excuse is getting old now.
No. You guys are getting old.

>> No.1416055
File: 59 KB, 740x391, the_flake_equation.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

but if there are so many ufo sightings, how can they all be fake/wrong? surely this cannot be mathematically explained, surely...

>> No.1416058

Okay lets try this a different way.
Why would so many different people around the world learn advanced photoshop or digital enhancing techniques to create a 30 second youtube video?
Is it big global conspiracy of hoaxers who want to become famous? even though it's doubtful you could find the people who took these videos even if you wanted to

>> No.1416077

So you seriously don't see anything wrong with everyone thinking 'I won't say anything because nobody would believe me'?
Even if eveyone had seen the same thing?

>> No.1416100

most people are humble enough to think that they may have been mistaken, rather than make such a bold statement.

by definition of UFO, you don't know what you saw, somehow this gets translated into aliens more often than anything else.

>> No.1416105


Just like 911 truthers and other conspiracy nuts you can not provide any peer reviewed SCIENTIFIC proof.

>> No.1416144

People make hoaxes for lots of reasons. Some hoaxers who have been caught were in it for the money, like those guys last year who claimed to have a real alien video and tried to sell it to the highest bidder. Some are in it for the fame because they feel unimportant and want to be famous. Some do it just for fun. Some do it because they can. They have the tools in front of them so they do it simply because it's easy. A few people on Youtube have made hoax videos because they knew how to do computer effects and wanted to prove they could fool people. Like that guy a few years back who made this hoax video, he wanted to prove he could fool the UFO believers and he did:


>> No.1416148

You think these things actualy take skill? oh wow
By the way even if they did there are plenty of people who have the skills anyway for other reasons. I mean its almost like your asking why would anyone take high school psychology to spend their time trolling fags on 4chan. oh wait.

>> No.1416156

I agree that blanketing something you cannot identify as an alien spacecraft isn't the best idea but so is outright dismissing it because you can't explain it

>> No.1416162

If you show me a light and the sky and tell me it's "proof" of aliens, I'm going to dismiss that because it's not proof of anything. It's a light in the sky. There are many lights in the sky and filming one doesn't prove aliens are real. If you can't see why these Youtube videos are dismissed, then you're a fool. Accepting every blurry video of a light as proof of UFOs is retarded.

>> No.1416176

Because eye witness testimony isn't science. If it were, anyone with a degree could use their own anecdotes as evidence for theories. "Oh hey, I made a perpetual energy machine and if you don't believe me, I seen it for myself. I have a degree in physics so you know I'm telling the truth."

>> No.1416186


I saw a higgs boson in my backyard. I upload video to Youtube. Give me Nobel plz?

>> No.1416192

My favorite is when people use cops as credible witnesses. "this man saw it AND HE'S A COP!"

Since when the fuck do cops have experience in astronomy/astrophysics/cosmology?

>> No.1416197

I'm not saying everything you can't explain must be equated to be a UFO. I'm saying that dismissing something that you have seen because you cannot explain it is just as retarded.

>> No.1416201




You see an unidentified flying object in the sky, that's what it is, unidentified. That's the end of the conversation until you get more evidence to suggest what it is. You can't go from saying it's an UFO to saying it's aliens visiting from another planet. You're making a huge logical leap.

>> No.1416203

Then what am I supposed to do? Believe every unexplained event is paranormal? I've seen unexplained lights in the sky before. But I didn't jump to conclusions. I don't know what they were. If I assumed anything about them I wouldn't be very scientific.

>> No.1416207

That conclusion is moot.

>> No.1416224 [DELETED] 

sTOp_aTTACkinG_and fuCKInG_WITH wWW.AnOCaRrOTSTAlk.sE REPlaCE caRROtS wiTh n
rcas euzxbw lshnm l lsw oyl udu

>> No.1416253

Just be open minded. Science doesn't know everything. If something you saw doesn't fit with accepted science it doesen't mean it doesn't exist or never happend or nobody would ever believe you.

>> No.1416255

The american astronaut selection is a fucking disaster

>> No.1416261

I find it even more strange that even airline pilots are being added to the witness list. perfectly sane highly qualified individuals witnessing this phenomenon. I guess all of them have overly-active imaginations or are inane then huh?

>> No.1416276

If you jump to any assumption whatsoever, expect to be comically wrong. Regardless of solid theory behind an assumption, if the assumption in question is made, then it is unscientific to believe the estimation.. dare I say it is guess work.

You've come up with a hypothesis. Now before believing anything whatsoever you must test, gather data and prove. If you come to any inconclusive end, then you have not a pot to piss in.

>> No.1416278


Hey, want to know what's funny? The guy who debunked that hoax is a UFO believer.

Read the description. He basically did everyone a favor by debunking a hoax so no one would be chasing ghosts.

lrn2read. Fucking narrow-minded douchebags and their ignorant herd psychology.

>> No.1416280

You people just won't accept the truth, because it hurts.
Alien life is everywhere, and they're even reading this on the internet.
They have been here for millions of years, studying the earth.
Before we destroy ourselves, they will reveal themselves and then claim everything for them, since we don't deserve it anymore.
Only those who always believed in them will be taken onto their motherships.
They will take us to another planet, where we can then live forevery happy in peace with all animals and plants and video games.

Here is proof if you don't believe me you never will so just be ignorant and stupid, you will regret it.


>> No.1416284

let me tell you something about being open minded:

>> No.1416294

And if you can't gather data, test or 'prove' the event/object/whatever you do what? Yell science says it cannot be and go home?
The scientific method here is about as useful as your piss pot

>> No.1416302

Your point? The thing is there are thousands of hoax videos and UFO believers jump all over them without even considering the fact that they're obvious fakes. UFO believers fall for this shit all the time. That's why no one takes them seriously. That and the fact that after 50 years of investigating this there still is not a single piece of reliable evidence.

>> No.1416311 [DELETED] 

STOP AttACKING_and_fUCkiNg with_wWw.ANoCarRoTSTAlk.sE_REpLacE CaRROts_wIth_N
jghkabqext c ldjb pnppsv muel vvt cs f el bq wth

>> No.1416315
File: 18 KB, 341x313, 1278994168564.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.1416316 [DELETED] 

stOP_aTTaCkInG_ANd_FucKiNG wIth wWW.AnOcArrOtstALk.Se_ReplaCE_carRots WITh_n
b qg avarltrge lwoqm ffjjiqhbzj kvgm rtp j ct jzwss

>> No.1416319
File: 12 KB, 420x315, 1246816830427.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I like video games. So I like you.

>> No.1416320

>obvious fakes

sure, same as the Bin Laden fake videos?

>> No.1416321 [DELETED] 

stop aTtAckiNg_aNd FUckinG WitH_wWW.aNOCARRoTsTalk.sE REPLaCE cARRotS WITh N
q at a vtnacf vbzbrmxs t pn spfmgtcy ux oc oemuhdi

>> No.1416326

UFOs are real
Unidentified Flying Objects.

A fucking bird is a UFO if you can't tell it's a bird.

Lol flying v ducks hit by spotlight=TRIANGLE SPACESHIP!

>> No.1416328
File: 106 KB, 720x480, lafiel.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

hey guys, check out my alien hybrid waifu. you'll be able to get one too once full disclosure occurs.

>> No.1416332


I consider myself skeptical. I reckon that there are a bunch of hoaxers and gullible people who believe that any light in the sky is an alien ship. However, I also reckon that many down-to-earth explanations for UFOs are as stupid as some hoaxes are: weather ballon - when the object moves rapidly and has cigar shape; Venus - when the object is seen at 1 AM, moving erratically, high in the sky, with distinct shape; a plane, helicopter - when the object moves erratically, has no plane shape...

Take the provided link as an example: The official investigation concluded that the pilots were nervous and seeing some chimney flares to the south. That could be, but ground personnel in the airport also so the lights, a fighter jet was scrambled and also saw the lights, first to the south, then they changed bearing to the north. The light came so close to the airport that officials ordered preparation for an emergency landing because they believed it was a plane in distress with a broken radio. The fighter pilot said that for 2 times, when he was closest to the light, the "locked on" alarm went off in his cockpit.

So, please come with a better explanation: US fighter jets could do, for instance, since there were US aircraft carrier in the Mediterranean. But, chimney flares... Venus is out of the question too. A better explanation or just "we don't know; this looks like an UFO in the truer sense of the word and we'll keep investigating without bias toward the alien hypothesis nor the anything-but-alien stance".

Fuck, that will never happen. Why? Because humans are rational and emotional. Many, many times people investigate towards a preconceived conclusion, not towards whatever the facts lead them, whatever that may be. Sometimes I'm ashamed of being human.

>> No.1416337
File: 63 KB, 400x300, Its_a_conspiracy.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.1416340

>obvious fakes
>sure, same as the Bin Laden fake videos?

Strawman much?

>> No.1416346

Exactly. UFO believers believe UFOs are aliens so they will always see aliens. They don't even stop to consider any rational explanation. They have faith that it was aliens therefore anyone who says it wasn't aliens is wrong. They're like the religious fundamentalists.

>> No.1416349


>ALIEN believers believe UFOs are...

Fixed that for ya.

>> No.1416351

Sure is a lot of confirmation bias ITT.


>> No.1416359


LIkewise UFO/Alien denialists, think that any strange light in the sky is: a weather balloon, Venus, a plane, a helicopter, a blimp, a bird, the witness imagination... Anything but some unknown, but real object/phenomena in the sky, be it alien or earthling, because they have the prior bias that "there's absolutely nothing out of the ordinary in the skies".

>> No.1416361

Sure is a lot of fringe science ITT.

>> No.1416372


Both ways, confirmation bias both ways. It's sad that the UFO phenomenon is so full of shit (hoaxes, blind believers, and smug denialists) that any rigorous, non-biased investigation (pro or con) is impossible.

>> No.1416376

You've just expained the flip side of what he said. It doesn't make what he said any less true.

>> No.1416386

UFO believers are often conspiracy nuts as well, believing in a worldwide clandestine power elite, which further discredits them.

>> No.1416394
File: 39 KB, 750x600, despair-motivational[1].jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

"I'm in despair! The two-way confirmation bias has left me in despair!"

>> No.1416395

The UK government recently released files on their UFO investigations. They had MI5 and even a top-secret investigation group that never gets named in public investigate the matter.

These groups decided that there were not aliens, it was the Americans being douches with top-secret fighters.

>> No.1416398

FYI, The Majestic 12 documents were exposed as fake long ago.

>> No.1416407

My biggest complaint about UFO theory is this - it is so outdated. You're seriously telling me that this super-advanced galactic society has come to visit us? Why are they little grey men in saucers?

And UFOs? Really? Why not a transmission? Do the aliens not want to disturb our social/philosophical/technological growth? Then why the fuck are they visiting us! Why not just wait till we're ready.

We should be dealing with a postalien, post-singularity society. Whilst I suppose it isn't too outrageous to imagine the "aliens" as constructs built by a higher technology species, what we really ought to see is some kind of cyborg or machine intellect.

>> No.1416411

You got a source for that?

>> No.1416413

Listen (read as read) carefully.

Science says it is neither true or untrue. Science is a method, a method judged by the shitforfucktardbrains of humanity (most of the time).

Why is it people think that if you don't accept their point of view (either a solid truth or untruth) then you hold their view in an opposite light?

What I am saying to you is that if you believe any conclusive answer, then you don't understand the process you are adopting. You are playing a non-existent form of the game. You are a fool if you do this, so stop it quickly.

>> No.1416419 [DELETED] 

StoP ATTacKiNG AND_fuCKInG_wITh WWw.aNoCARRotsTalK.se_replaCE_CArROTs WitH N
v sjgrvpak lm dxgoeucf f wp ayg ucx

>> No.1416441

The problem is this, I'm in the military and I've seen UFOs. UFOs are anything from the NSA's/CIA's SEKRET SPY WEAPONS to small asteroids, and in the case of rod objects, floaters/odd cloud formations. UFO is a vauge term, since a lot of SKRET SPY PLANES are UFOs, hell Groom is pretty much SKRET SPY PLANE HQ, half the shit they .. well anyway UFOs do exist, they are just things something I saw that I couldn't trace. Now Aliens = UFOs? That is a leap, because Aliens require much more skepticism than "welp I was in space for a bit, and saw some strange lights, most likely some unknown alien battle fleet."

>> No.1416442

I would have agreed if we were speaking about metaphysics or meanings in religion or anything that lies beyond the scope of scientific inquiry. Lack of evidence does not prove that something does not exist, however, as no conclusive evidence of extraterrestial visits in form of UFO's have been documented, the burden of proof falls on you.

>> No.1416463

If the US had found alien space craft then why didn't they have lasers in Vietnam and why were they stuck using crappy helicopters instead of lolhax stealth VTOL saucer-transports.

Why are we only just getting off our asses to work on renewable energy now? Why has Roswell done fuck all for our fusion and anti-matter research?

Sure, the US now has 12,000 drones flying around the Middle East, but that was created by private companies (who the Pentagon all thought were crazy in 2000) and according to measurable and understandable technological growth that fits in with our growth from the industrial era onward.

>> No.1416471

It was in a fuck load of major national papers (UK papers) a while back.

They were probably talking about these reports:


>> No.1416472

you do realize that proving something isn't normal is what you have to do, right? Mark off all the normal explanations with rigorous testing, otherwise it could be anything from Mass Histeria to simple tiredness playing tricks on the mind. There is a lot of reasons why saying, "STRANGE LIGHTS IN THE SKY ARE ALIENS" is silly without discounting EVERYTHING ELSE. I have seen nothing that suggests Alien fleets are trolling us yet!

>> No.1416483

BBC reports on the release of information:

CCN reports:

The Ministry of Defence on their UFO documents:

All this was conducted during the 1990s when sudden spikes of UFO were reported. In the end, a lot of the reports were put down as false / secret planes (the UK builds most of the USA top secret planes, including stealth bombers and next generation fighters) and intrusions by foreign powers. No evidence of aliens.

>> No.1416494

Ah, reading the reports, I can see that the MOD also released files from the 80s and has plans to release files going back all the way to the 50s.

>> No.1416502

What is a UFO? A thing in the sky that you can't identify. So a lot of people see something in the sky and didn't identify it, and some others see inconsistent things.

By that "reasoning" there's proof for the existence of mermaids. GBT/x/

>> No.1416521
File: 62 KB, 305x387, bat-boy.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.1416527

We shouldn't be dealing with aliens, we should be dealing with postaliens.

Also any document where the aliens are hostile to us is blatant bullshit. If they can visit Earth without being detected by mainstream society then they could easily stripmine all of the star systems around us. If they just want to get rid of us, then they can just accelerate an asteroid to a fraction of lightspeed, or drop nukes, or drop a Future!Bomb, or not apply the breaks to one of their spaceships.

Any report of aliens hungry for delicious resources is bullshit. They can easily go mine other worlds, including some of the super earths that we've discovered. If they want violence, we'd be dead already. If they want us to not be a future threat, then they can go mine other systems of precious resources and guarantee we never get our feet off the ground.

>> No.1416542

Aliens are not aggresive, they are just anal freaks, they want to probe yo' sweet ass.

>> No.1416554

I want a source for this "In the end, a lot of the reports were put down as false / secret planes ... No evidence of aliens."
I already knew they released the files

>> No.1416563

STop atTACKInG aND fucKING_wItH_www.AnOCarrOTSTalk.se rEplACe CaRrotS wITh n
o w yt c uarfyvjiulbdxcy y a lzz