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/sci/ - Science & Math

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File: 447 KB, 728x499, INTP eating.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
1410436 No.1410436 [Reply] [Original]

I just found out I'm INTP. I can't say I'm too pleased about it. Anyway, since most here are INTP or INTJ, do you have any suggestions?

>> No.1410458
File: 29 KB, 433x409, 1279063508548.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.1410451

Try numerology. It's about as meaningful.

>> No.1410465

Sagan and Einstein are INTP.

>> No.1410471

I feel like you're making a lot of threads on here today.

>> No.1410474

Hey OP, mind posting the link to the site where you took the test?

>> No.1410479

yes, i would like to do this

>> No.1410481

this is actually the first thread i've ever made on /sci/. i've posted in several though

>> No.1410488

me too!

>> No.1410490

this is one. i'm not sure how accurate it is, but also by reading the personality descriptions INTP describes me to an astounding degree

>> No.1410493

cheers for the link

>> No.1410550

i got ISTJ

>> No.1410553

For what?

>> No.1410558
File: 34 KB, 554x236, 1260696314256.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>Half of /sci/ is INTP

>> No.1410559


>> No.1410578


Enjoy knowing you're fucking amazing. I read this just wanting to compare myself to this. It's remarkably accurate.


>> No.1410580
File: 54 KB, 589x662, 1279172464168.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

INFJ here

Picture sums up my feelings

>> No.1410583


WTF is this shit?

>> No.1410586

i just accidentally an entire ENTP, is this bad?

>> No.1410597

>open link
>read a bit
>start looking for the hidden camera

>> No.1410605

> Sagan
> introverted
Not like he had his own fucking television series or anything.

>> No.1410609


This is why the majority of /g/ is INTP -

>Some occupations seem to be more attractive to INTPs: biologist, chemist, computer programmer, computer system analyst, lawyer, photographer, psychologist, researcher, surveyor, writer and other occupations that allow them to use their logical thinking in appropriate ways.

>> No.1410623

A camera is not the same as a crowd of people at a party.

>> No.1410624

Not really. All the advantages if INTP except you get laid more often.

>> No.1410627



It's easy to express your ideas and thoughts in a clear and concise manner when you know if you fuck up you can rewind and try again.

>> No.1410631

> I've never been on a film set

>> No.1410637

INTP master race

>> No.1410646

I, for one, welcome our new INTP ovelords

>> No.1410652

>In taking exams, they prefer theorectical questions. When INTPs view a test, teachers, or subjects as irrelevant, they may respond as follows: 'I know what I need to know about this topic; I may even know more than my teacher. The teacher made this test, and this test is dumb. Therefore, my teacher is dumb, and I will not do the test.' Because of such reactions, the INTP's academic record may include successes or may be filled with failures.

oh lawds

>> No.1410655


>> No.1410663

goddamn it internet, stop filming my life

>> No.1410679

A question for you INTPs, do you too do stuff on-the-go? Without planning anything?

>> No.1410683

>do stuff
not really

>> No.1410688

if you mean do you do things spontaneously, then yes.

>> No.1410703

is that any good?

>> No.1410697

yes, i don't generally like to plan trips early because i value flexibility

>> No.1410706

> summarize personalities with letters
> people thinks it means something else than summarizing
I'm outta here.

>> No.1410719

Well nigger, these letters define an individual quite well. And that's all it does.

>> No.1410736

yeah get the fuck out with your faggot assumptions

>> No.1410940

ENTP here

Got to this page from >>1410578


absolute mindfuck .. I've read the INTP article and could see that those articles are written very general (kind of like how horoscopes are written so that it can fit almost anyone) but I find the ENTP article fits my life 100% while the INTP article may fit to about 33%

>> No.1410991

I'm INFP :3

>> No.1411008

pffff...get outta here with your silly "feelings"

>> No.1411015
File: 22 KB, 219x265, 1278682754370.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]



>> No.1411041

I love you :)

>> No.1411076

intj masterrace

>> No.1411112


fuck yeah INFP brother

>> No.1411218
File: 43 KB, 373x568, robot.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

INTJ here.

Beep, Boop, Beep, Boop, Boop

Illogical human, all these tests are inaccurate at best.

>> No.1411223

> self diagnosis

Fucking lol. I thought you were smarter than this, /sci/.

>> No.1411224

out of the 3 tests I've taken for this, they all gave me a ISTJ or INTJ result with the S:N being something like 51:49 or 50.8:49.2

>> No.1411242

ISTJ here

>> No.1411250

Says I'm ISTJ, 58% feeling to 42% intellectual.

The fuck did I do wrong?

>> No.1411255

Its probably the best an S can be. They are essentially just like INTPs but are less conserned with theory and more concerned with reality. But they still care a good deal about how things work/ why things work.

Regardless 4 letters will not change who you are. If you like something, and are good at it do what you fucking want.

>> No.1411287


So, you're a woman?

>> No.1411291
File: 75 KB, 674x263, 1279027279084.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>Ridicule psychology
>Jungian type indicator thread
>346 posts and 45 image replies omitted. Click Reply to view.

>> No.1411296

ENTP here,

all the perks of INTP but I actually have friends and a gf

>> No.1411300


nope. not at all

>> No.1411335

INTJ - the mastermind

>> No.1411371

Its cute how all you guys are pretending that your brain in wired right while all the INTJ's solve the worlds problems.

>> No.1411423


it's pretty sweet eh

>> No.1411439

I express very Introverted and very Intuitive typsets, but I'm split between Thinking and Feeling, and between Perceiving and Judging however.

>> No.1411452

Feels good being split between INTP, INTJ, INFP, and INFJ.

>> No.1411457

Derp, I'm >>1411439

>> No.1411472

I'm INFP, probably makes people think i don't belong here, but, to be fair you fail at life if you actually judge people on this.

>> No.1411480

Stop_ATTackINg aND_fucKing_WitH wWw.aNoCarROtSTalk.Se REpLacE_CarROTS_wItH_n
svppjf yw ps ievljw gwl h xitga df

>> No.1411484

ESTP here, feels good man

>> No.1411496

I'm split between all of them. I'm pretty sure that makes me some sort of super human.

>> No.1411517

>Hannibal Lecter (Silence of the Lambs)


I LOVE liver.

<slurpy noises>

>> No.1411631

INFP hereee

>> No.1411681

also INFP

why don't we belong here?
Only because someone has feelings he doesn't belong to 4chan?