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/sci/ - Science & Math

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1406015 No.1406015 [Reply] [Original]

Hey, I need to prove that vaccines are evil (Which they are). How can injecting a DISEASE into your bloodstream cure you of a disease? Anyways, can you guys provide links to some proof? My friend doesn't believe me.

>> No.1406020

Get out.

>> No.1406029

You are just brain washed by the pharmacuetical CEOs that want you to buy their "cures"

>> No.1406036

Read: http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Antibody

Then please exit to one of the following boards:

>> No.1406035
File: 55 KB, 341x350, fdr-chair.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.1406039

Well see, herp derp herpity derp

>> No.1406040

The man said get out.

>> No.1406041

Or smallpox.

>> No.1406038


>> No.1406047

And I said you guys are BRANWASHED!

>> No.1406053

Who says you aren't?

>> No.1406060

Because I havent given vaccines to my kids, so im not branwashed

>> No.1406080

Would you like some milk? Bran tastes better when washed with milk.

>> No.1406079


>> No.1406085
File: 50 KB, 380x353, steven-hawkingtroll.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Maximum trolling

>> No.1406089

No need to thank me


>> No.1406092

only the weak get sick. keeping them in the breeding stock only weakens the herd. i say old yeller style treatments to all.

>> No.1406099


>> No.1406106

who's that bitch that thinks vaccines gave her son autism even though actual research by reputable scientists says that's impossible

I heard she's getting a talk show or something

>> No.1406123

Jim Carey's baby mama

>> No.1406132

/agree with OP

I also dont understand how gravity works so I dont belive in it.

>> No.1406142

You want to know what actually causes a lot of the autism? The fact that people are having children later in life: it increases the probability for genetic damage to occur in germ and egg cells.

There is a higher prevalence of autism in children born from well-educated upper middle class parents, and part of that reason is they don't have their first children until their mid 30s.

>> No.1406149

of course gravity is real idiot. And I DO understand how vaccines work

>> No.1406160

>non-summer /sci/ tell summer /sci/ to not respond to troll threads
>summer /sci/ responds to troll threads
>maximum trolling

>> No.1406173


Jenny McCarthy or w/e? She used to be in porn I think...

>> No.1406187

Vaccines are all part of the UN's population control scheme like codex. Truth man, you just gotta believe me.

>> No.1406196

Hello, ignorance, how are you today?

Things like this are caused by over-protective parents doing all the injections at once. There are reasons doctors recommend spacing out the vaccines over weeks and months and even years.

Also, out of the percentage of vaccines given, how many are given to children who already have autism? how many have no effects other than warding off disease.

He uses a lot of generalizations in the video. 'If he drops a vial' well, fuck, you drop a vial of chemo its toxic waste, too. Is that evil?

'Biologically plausible' to cause disease, oh snap. Biologically possible. Its biologically possible for you to pee green. Do you? Its biologically possible for you to be a fetus that was never born (if only).

Now are vaccines completely safe? No, there's always risk: with everything. But they know, overall, its better to vaccinate than risk smallpox/polio/hepatitis/tetanus.

Did YOU get autism? Did YOU get polio?

Vaccines get safer all the time. Enjoy your disease ridden children's graves.

>> No.1406214


>How can injecting a DISEASE into your bloodstream cure you of a disease?

you wrote that dude. You clearly do not understand how vaccines work.

>> No.1406226

DURR HURR thats wat a vaccine is rtard

>> No.1406237


>> No.1406239

This guy is obviously trolling bad on purpose to make people who think vaccines are 'evil' look like idiots.

Fuck off, you're all stupid, and his arguments are retarded/trolling ones.

>> No.1406244

>Implying lulz weren't had at the stoopid

>> No.1406245

Damn, you caught me.

>> No.1406260

How does getting chicken pox prevent you from getting it again?

Remember to sage the damn thread.

>> No.1406262


>> No.1406267

Lol I don't even know what side of the troll thats on.

>> No.1406328

you're a fucking retard then. he just owned the troll.

>> No.1406354

Vaccines are EVIL because they frustrate natures ability to WEED OUT THE WEAK, conversely they do help in the weeding out stupid people who think its unhealthy for the individual.

>> No.1406359

>22,000 Amish were studied.
>3 had autism
>2 of those with autism had been vaccinated
>1 had been adopted from china (which means the child was most likely vaccinated

game. set. match. what now pro-vaccination fags?

>> No.1406370

>>Random greentext
Yeah real solid proof there. Also, correlation != causation.

>> No.1406371

The Amish adopt retards and have retarded babies

>> No.1406376


troll hard, amish nigger

>> No.1406382

50/50 chance all the kids with autism were going to get it anyway.

And adopted from CHINA? What the fuck kind of Amish were they adopting from a different continent?

>> No.1406390

STOp attACKinG and_FuckiNg_WItH_wWw.AnoCARROtSTAlK.Se_RePlAcE CARROtS_wItH_n
qmzufirq u ye ud zeouii pzc w l cyzia

>> No.1406400


So out of 22,000 vaccinated people, 3 had autism? Oh no, i see a direct correlation!

>> No.1406401

Chicken pox is herpes and once you get it you've got it for life. If your immune system is compromised by something like high stress they will come back as shingles. Learn 2 learn.

>> No.1406410

learn to reading comprehension, faggot. ONLY THREE were vaccinated, those THREE contracted autism.


there's my source, faggot. where's yours?

>> No.1406413

Natural selection?

>> No.1406420
File: 33 KB, 400x304, holy-bible.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

God told me and thats my source.

>> No.1406428


It doesn't say only 3 were vaccinated ANYWHERE

It says that 3 had autism, and 2 of those 3 were vaccinated, but you ASSUME that none of the other children were vaccinated (and they ASSUMED the third was vaccinated).

>> No.1406435

Part 2?

>> No.1406445

Almost every single person I know has had chicken pox, and I've never met someone who has complained of getting shingles when they get stressed out. I do get cold sores though sometimes when I go through really stressful times or work 70 hour weeks. I don't see how that's a decent argument against something that pretty much eradicates a disease in industrialized nations.

>> No.1406464


parts 1 and 2

>> No.1406479


>> No.1406482
File: 72 KB, 200x299, 1273455672534.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

stupid faggot, a vaccination is a small amount of a disease or virus weakened with either chemicals or a unsuitable temperature for them to breed and thrive, these weakened organisms are injected into the bloodstream which are then attacked and neutralised by white blood cells which do this by producing hormones or whatever, its been a long time since college... the blood cells remember what was used to kill the virus and then use it again should they encounter that virus again, thus stopping you from contracting it.

>> No.1406503
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>> No.1406549

Skimmed part 2.

Setting aside the author's bias and lack of complete knowledge (latter of which he admits to) they attack the use of thimerasol as a preservative in the vaccines. In this thread, I haven't seen any other causes (including the video) people THINK MIGHT contribute to autism.

Don't hate the life-saver, hate its dumbass sidekick.

>> No.1406903

Hey guys, I got over a dozen vaccines growing up, and I never developed autism.

I also never developed any serious diseases.

Feels good man.

>> No.1406925

You obviously choose to ignore this post: >>1406142

It also has peer reviewed scientific evidence which has stood up in the face of scrutiny, unlike all of the research which has tried to show a link between autism and vaccines.


Vaccines don't cause autism. Parents waiting until their mid 30s or later to have children is what's causing the rise in autism.

>> No.1406969

This troll thread started on the assumption vaccines cause autism. I spoke in the context of that: no one in the thread suggested an element of any vaccine that may have contributed to autism.

The last line alluded to that (Don't hate vaccines, hate the preserver).

Strictly speaking, you are correct, I didn't specify that I meant elements from vaccines versus any factor, in vaccines or otherwise.

Also, keep saging, just in case the troll returns. Tired of seeing this thread again and again. Amazed I keep finding it.

>> No.1406999

Why is everyone in /sci/ responding to this thread? Let the idiots die. Eventually the number of idiots will reach critical mass and some small outbreak will occur, leaving the vaccinated alive and the idiots dead and rotting.

>> No.1407042

to OP yeah dont use vaccines eliminate your retarded genes from gene-pool

>> No.1407053
File: 338 KB, 775x643, Vaccine Poisonous.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Not sure if the whole Thimerosal came up yet, but I made this earlier. Must post it.

>> No.1407076


Thiomersal may not cause autism, but it's still poisonous.

>> No.1407077

Not according to a shit ton of peer-review studies.

>> No.1407086

clearly a troll. why is anyone even replying?

this thread needs more sage

>> No.1407092


The trace amount in vaccines may not cause any problems, but it's still a poisonous substance.

Lrn2 NFPA 704

>> No.1407107

I'll be damned. Okay, I'll shut up

>> No.1407115

Ethylmercury is one of the metabolites of thiomersal,[1] which is used as a preservative in some vaccines. Thiomersal is the ethylmercury-releasing compound sodium ethylmercuric thiosalicylate, C9H9HgNaO2S, which is made from the combination of ethyl mercuric chloride, thiosalicylic acid, sodium hydroxide and ethanol.

Unlike methylmercury, ethylmercury has not been found to bioaccumulate.[2] The toxicity of ethylmercury is not well studied, but exposure standards based on methylmercury (such as those currently recommended by the United States Environmental Protection Agency‎) are not demonstrated to be equivalent for ethylmercury.[3]

>> No.1407139


Looks like most vaccines no longer contain thimerosal.

>> No.1407168

>implying that we don't inhale and ingest various amounts of poison in our day-to-day lives

>> No.1407220

>> David Ayoub, M.D.
>> vaccines are evul
>> uses macbook
>> enough said.

>> No.1407228
File: 3 KB, 126x116, 1277178925083s.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Disease is caused by God.

>> No.1407251

you injest more mercury walk down a street with cars on it for five minutes than a vaccine shot dumbasses, you guys are like the next dark age trying to claw your ass in

>> No.1407381

also dental fillings

>> No.1407388

memory t cells bitches

>> No.1407444

YEAH!!! I heard somewhere that "TETANUS" ISN'T EVEN REAL.

>> No.1407451

StOP AtTAckING_aNd_FucKING_witH_wWW.aNOcarroTSTalK.se_RePla
Ce cArroTS WiTh_n
ff y ykj c lp bc tjz bycbwclinjzovcmk cuhb