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/sci/ - Science & Math

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1403153 No.1403153 [Reply] [Original]

Hi. I play EVE Online every now and then. I know that it isn't "scientifically accurate". Not by a long shot. However, I like how they come up with explanations for their technology, rather than just saying "It's the future, they know how to do it". For instance, there isn't any sound in space, so in the game, they say it is simulated to keep the pilots from going crazy. However, I read this in one of their backstory things about FTL travel.

So what is the elusive answer to FTL travel? It was found through advanced research in the field of quantum electrodynamics. By creating depleted vacuum, that is, vacuum as found in space but completely stripped of all energy, and then expanding this depleted vacuum to envelop a ship, the ship is capable of moving faster than light through this bubble of depleted vacuum. A depleted vacuum bubble is more than frictionless – it is so anti-friction that things (including light) actually move faster in it than they would in complete vacuum.

Is this shit legit? I mean, has this been theorized?
pic... unrelated.

>> No.1403458


>> No.1403490

fucking bump

>> No.1403504

will someone just answer my damn question?

>> No.1403525

Seriously? You guys respond to all of the troll threads but you won't answer my fucking question about FTL travel?

>> No.1403532

seeing as how FTL travel is impossible, I don't see what you expect to get out of our criticism of your idea.

>> No.1403533


>> No.1403534

well i think they just fly really fast

>> No.1403544

this idea is basically a reskin of the one used in star trek. Neither of them have any verisimilitude whatsoever.

>> No.1403545

Not impossible. There have been theories that are lupoles to General Relativity, thus possibly allowing FTL travel.

>> No.1403550

I have a degree in theoretical physics. Dude, trust me when I say it's impossible.

>> No.1403552

What was the explanation for Star Trek?

>> No.1403565

Pics or it didn't happen. Also, there have been several scientists that have theorized FTL travel.Via means such as wormwholes and some other shit that I didn't finish reading.

inb4 Michio Kaku

>> No.1403568

replace 'depleted vacuum' with 'subspace field'

>> No.1403561

"Hey, you, Iceland. Stop wrecking the European economy and generally fucking up their airspace for twenty minutes. I need your help."

"Sure thing, Eve. You the only solvent company here."

"Well, I need you to make up some method for faster than light travel. I need it now."

"How about anti-friction? Friction which gives you energy, you know, for free?"

"That's the stupidest thing I've ever heard."

"Yes, but you'll still use it. And I'd better see some royalties, or I'll snafu your geothermal vents."

>> No.1403580

More like you have a theoretical degree in physics.

>> No.1403581

Explain please. I don't know what that is.

>> No.1403583

Isaac Newton would have said:

"Dude, I came up with the laws of motion. Trust me when I say flight is impossible."

Instead of quoting your damn credentials, why don't you use them to explain WHY it is impossible?

>> No.1403591
File: 62 KB, 786x1095, certificate_censored_for_4chan.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>other shit that I didn't finish reading.
Well gorwsh, maybe you should finish reading and understanding the subject before you start just making shit up!

>> No.1403595

What is a subspace field? Some guy said replace depleted vacuum with subspace field.

>> No.1403603

uncensor the name or you just pulled that shit from the google

>> No.1403619

Allright then. Relativistically you can't travel at c because of various effects that I'm sure everyone is familiar with. I'm not going to go into subspace field type theories because without accompanying mathematics they're physically meaningless. Some physicists have theorised that wormholes are a possibility, but nobody has ever presented a cogent theory of how to make one, or seen one created in e.g a particle accelerator. Also, FTL travel violates conservation of energy, which as far as we know is an ironclad rule.

>> No.1403617
File: 3 KB, 146x115, bach.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.1403615


>> No.1403623

I'm not putting my name on 4chan. People would say it wasn't really me in one breath and order whores to my house with the other.

>> No.1403625

Thank you for actually explaining it to me.

>> No.1403632

then gtfo you have no degree.

>> No.1403647


I heard having a bachelor's degree in physics gives you enough credibility to be an unquestionable source to questions regarding FTL.

Pathetic scrub, get a real degree from a graduate school then come back. Kids....

By the way, many REAL physicists have theorized that FTL is indeed a possibility.

>> No.1403687

>get a real degree from a graduate school
Working on it, jesus fuck. Hostility!

>many REAL physicists
All of them called Michio Kaku. I don't care who thinks what in science, only the work they've published. Show me the papers that put forward evidence for FTL.

>> No.1403792

>Have a degree in Physics.
>Imply theory of relativity is 100% correct. Claim that FTL is impossible.

Proof that any idiot can get a degree in Physics.

>> No.1403805

So, FTL MIGHT, just might be possible?


>> No.1403818

/sci/ - Science Fantasy Circlejerking

>> No.1403830


Not a single scientist claims that current model of Physics is 100% correct. Not a single one claims FTL is impossible.

Anybody who does this is a wannabe scientist who has never done anything of significance, like the guy here with a LOL Bachelor's degree who thinks he has any credibility, whatsoever.

>> No.1403843

This thread makes me feel soiled

>> No.1403852


>> No.1403856


well nothing is impossible, who knows what science can find out in the future. but as of now, there's no indication whatsoever of the possibility of anything travelling faster than light.

>> No.1403859

>Not a single scientist claims that current model of Physics is 100% correct.


>Not a single one claims FTL is impossible.

It's pretty much scientific consensus.

>Anybody who does this is a wannabe scientist who has never done anything of significance, like the guy here with a LOL Bachelor's degree who thinks he has any credibility, whatsoever.

Penis envy detected. Did you drop out of college?

>> No.1403970

>nothing is impossible

This is a lie told to children by their social climbing parents. Unfortunately science isn't ruled by platitudes, and some things are certainly possible. Violating conservation of energy, for one.

>> No.1403975

meant impossible

>> No.1405148

It is impossible to travel at a speed that exceeds the speed of light relative to any massive, non exotic matter.

However, there are a number of theoretical possibilities to traverse a distance in a smaller period of time it would take a beam of light. Such as wormholes, or even non-singular deformations of space-time (like Alcubierre drive, I believe).

Another possibility is using exotic matter. Exotic essentially matter with negative mass, and it's trajectory is always outside of his own light cone - meaning: it always moves fater than the speed of light. Unfortunately, Exotic matter has never been observed experimentally.

>> No.1405152


>> No.1405236

>many REAL physicists have theorized that FTL is indeed a possibility.

If this were the case you'd be able to cite credible publications on the matter (magazines and blogs are nothing but trash). I don't suppose you can provide your sources?

>misuse of the term theorize

Somehow I doubt you can.

>> No.1405279

That there is a faint possibility of FTL travel due to the uncertainty of scientific theory does not mean it's okay to just make shit up about how it would work. If it could be explained, we'd have a verified theory for it.