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/sci/ - Science & Math

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1400859 No.1400859 [Reply] [Original]

can has info thread?

>> No.1400872

Whee.... mustard gas

>> No.1400870

yeah sure.

>> No.1400874

Fuck off /sci/ mate. We don't like this stuff here.

>> No.1400879

Could you at least be plausible?

Bleach + ammonia = chlorine gas, a known poison
Why would adding toxic chemicals to a biological system (grass) help the grass do anything?
Diamonds are formed under pressure, where's the pressure?

>> No.1400881

To be fair, anyone on /sci/ who did this didn't belong on the board.

>> No.1400899

But still, they don't deserve to die.
Better to do a less dangerous one, like the heated spoon under water.

>> No.1400906

Evolutionary pressure to adapt and survive.

I estimate it in the hundreds of GPa.

>> No.1400911

>But still, they don't deserve to die.

Well, that's just your opinion, man!

>> No.1400938

This thread reminds me of mythbusters... They just did a show on "homemade diamonds" and it was just as terrible as every other show they've done. I hate them so much.

>> No.1400961

fucking finally someone that agrees with me that show is retarded garbage

>> No.1400957

actually it creates chloramine gas not chlorine gas

>> No.1400964

Related question...

Making diamonds is obviously possible, even without tremendous pressure over eons. CVD can do it quickly enough. So, what's stopping Joe Schmoe from making diamonds in his basement? Is there something about CVD (or other approaches) that requires a huge expense? Surely the value of the produced diamonds would outweigh the cost of making them, right?

I have a dream that diamonds will become utterly worthless soon. They should already be worthless, but it will take something drastic to convince all the idiots out there who think that carbon is really rare and valuable.

>> No.1400965

No, no, no, everyone knows the only way to make diamonds in the home is with TNT!

also only nanodiamonds.

>> No.1400969

Dude, it's so awful, I think most of /sci/ would agree with you.

>> No.1400976

High vacuum equipment. In the high vacuum, weird stuff happens. Stuff like helium leaking through solid steel. Also expertise.

CVD is also slow as fuck.

>> No.1400994

From wikipedia:
> A fourth method, treating graphite with high-power ultrasound, has been demonstrated in the laboratory, but currently has no commercial application.

This is it, /sci/, we're going to be rich AND we're going to completely devalue stupid fucking diamonds. It's win-win.

I'm going to make a diamond the size of a car and attach a gold chain to it and sell it to some rapper for like $3.

>> No.1401003
File: 40 KB, 350x504, diamond2.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.1401008
File: 20 KB, 350x504, diamond5.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.1401023
File: 882 KB, 1680x1050, Untitled5.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

lol niggers

>> No.1401044

I have no idea what the point of that image is, but why would you go to all that trouble to black out the names, but leave the URL there?