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/sci/ - Science & Math

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1395515 No.1395515 [Reply] [Original]

>live in Alabama
>go on Facebook
>several times a day various statuses are biblical quotes about how great the lord is
>resist urge to post biblical contradictions
I know a lot of you will just say to fuck off and let them live, but you don't live in Alabama, you don't know what it's like here. Fucking completely delusional christfags everywhere. Most still don't believe in evolution. My own sister doesn't believe in evolution. Nobody knows I'm an Atheist and I feel like I'm about to explode.

>> No.1395523

Evolution is just a guess. It's nothing to get upset about

>> No.1395521


>> No.1395531

I'm going off to uni after the summer.

>> No.1395538

Play their game until you have enough money to get elsewhere and life on your own, then leave them and don't talk ever again to them, I will do the same, my family is stupid as shit, fuck you christianity for stealing my family.

>> No.1395540

How can you believe in evolution if it's just a theory (a geuss)?

>> No.1395549

Americans say 'uni'?

>> No.1395553

This. Then write them a nice letter and tell them anything you want.

>> No.1395564

I say uni because I picked it up on the internet.
Yeah I know, it's just difficult sometimes, and I needed to let it out. Living somewhere where people look logic in the face and spit in it every single day of their lives isn't easy.

>> No.1395567

And so you come to /sci/?

You fucked. >_>

>> No.1395578

Haha I guess it is a little stupid of me

>> No.1395587

I suggest you go for one-upsmanship. Find some ridiculous passages and proclaim them just as effortlessly as the others do. The responses you get should be pretty lulzy.

>> No.1395589

Hey bro take a chill pill ,it's going to get better. Go find a nice southern blonde and fuck her brains out, smoke some weed and don't worry about stupid shit.

>> No.1395602

I can't, they'll suspect. Being an Atheist here is social suicide, not to mention I'll probably get thrown out of my home.

>> No.1395604
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>> No.1395616


Post pictures of your redneck sisters tits, and then move.

>> No.1395617

Poe's Law. Start tame, and slowly ramp up your social trolling. If you commit to it, you'll force those who suspect anything of looking like the filthy atheists.

Or move. Whatever.

>> No.1395620

A friend of mine was in a similar situation. She called home every day pretending to her parents that she was still a devout muslim, observing holidays, fasting during Ramadan, etc. Then on the day she graduated college she told her parents she was an atheist, turned around, moved on with her life, and never looked back.

>> No.1395630

I plan on doing this, just as soon as I graduate from college, but that's years away, and I have to deal with this stuff for another few months.

>> No.1395644


It kan b Jihad tiemz?

>> No.1395650

/sci/ - religion vs. science

>> No.1395654

her parents are gong to kill america fagt

>> No.1395655

People who believe in evolution are as stupid as those who believe in creationism.

>> No.1395669

I wonder why people on internet fora tend to not be radical theists. Is it because the interaction with anonymous people makes them see how stupid their faith is or is it just because atheists are drawn to said fora?

>> No.1395664
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>> No.1395674


please note that the keyword is believe, also note the doubles

>> No.1395690

I guess most of us are with you body, but your case is extreme, in my case everyone knows I´m an atheist, but the fact is that I don´t fuck nobody, in your case, when they start speaking shits about how glorious and fascinating is their god, just thing on this, "stupid people, they are not going to hevaen like they say, they will fuckin convert to a pile of shit under the soil when they die, and I will be free..." sad but true, you can´t change people, and that is what I can´t stand from christfags...

>> No.1395706

Pehaps Atheists, even "open" atheists, feel like they do not have opportunities to speak about their feelings in public, in a world that is mostly religious?

>> No.1395718

>Go find a nice southern blonde
>southern women

>> No.1395730

Hey, we have some attractive females. They're just stupid.

>> No.1395742

Why don´t you post the url? so some of us could help you a little, I gladly would like to troll on some christfags...

>> No.1395751

>I wonder why people on internet fora tend to not be radical theists. Is it because the interaction with anonymous people makes them see how stupid their faith is

This is how I de-converted. True story.

>> No.1395753


>> No.1395765
File: 52 KB, 400x299, 1274908476931.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Yall niggas are posting in a troll thread.

That was acutally pretty good, Christfag.


>> No.1395767


>> No.1395771

I'm not a christfag, how is my post trolling? Or am I being trolled? This shit is nonsense, worry about whether or not somebody trolls you on the internet.

>> No.1395770

Wanna know what sucks? living in Arizona surrounded by mormons and mexicans.

If it's not worrying about the drug cartel, it's "hey! are you a mormon yet? okay, i'll come back tomorrow!"

Being anything but mormon or mexican is social suicide out here. Thats why I keep my guns loaded.

>> No.1395774

dip your bellend into their coffie, but be careful though.

>> No.1395779

>quit worrying about stupid christian "friends"
>unrelentlessly troll them every day

>> No.1395780

/sci/-religious discussion

>> No.1395783

Oh yeah? Well, alright.

>> No.1395795

az fag here. its true that there are lots of those, but you must live in a shitty part of the state if that's all you have around. my high school was full of a pretty even mixture of liberals and conservatives, ultra religious and atheist. Also, it was mostly white.

>> No.1395797

Alright, leaving now. Thanks for listening to my rantings fellow /sci/ducks

>> No.1395800

I love when trolls call other people trolls...

>> No.1395806

You´re welcome, troll here whenever you want will ya?

>> No.1395816

Man, I don't think I've ever seen a bible quote as a facebook status.

>> No.1395834


Like attracts like. There's plenty of radical theists out there, they're just so used to getting trolled that they secret themselves away.

As for less radical theists, we're here, we just tend not to raise the volume about our beliefs too much.

>> No.1395842

Its actually pretty simple. It will take a fair amount of acting skill, but if you can pull it off, you'll make people see how stupid they are.

First, act innocent and genuinely confused. Walk up to your brother or sister (trust me, start small here) and say you dont understand a particular bible verse or some aspect of christianity (Dont ask me which one you need, there are so many contradictions and logical failures that you can easily find one yourself). Ask them to clarify it and explain it to you. When they can't logically explain it, say that it doesnt make sense.

Continue to do this with the same person for days, weeks even. Each time you come to them, you need to act even more scared and confused. You must master the act of seeming like your entire world is falling apart.

When you have successfully planted the seed of doubt in your sibling (and yes i know this may take a long time), move on to your parents. Your sibling might be able to help you. With your parents, you must start slow, as they grew up with christian brainwashing and will be very resistant to change.

Find some of your less-religious friends on facebook, and ask them the same questions. Better yet, start a completely naive and innocent message conversation with a very biblical person on facebook. If you can plant the seeds of doubt and criticism in the greatest theist in town, then a faith crisis will become inevitable.

Divide and conquer, anon. Godspeed.

>> No.1395853

better yet, ask in a genuinely concerned voice, "Where is noahs ark?"

>> No.1395903

out of all my 460 friends and roughly a year on facebook, i have only seen one bible quote. Is was a work buddy of mine who had just broken up with girlfriend. Hes a goddamn stupid ass redneck but hes a great bro to work and get high with

>> No.1395914

Move to an urban area in the north or west coast. If this prospect troubles you, I assume Atlanta isn't that bad. If you want the worst of what both the North and the South have to offer, try DC.

>> No.1395923

>I want to be an asshole to decent people because the positive things they post are from a religious text

>> No.1395952

As an atheist you should recognize the inevitability of every event within our observable universe, and recognize that it was merely a chain of events stemming back to the big bang that caused people in alabama to be retarded christfags, and should thusly recognize and feel no emotion towards their existence.

>> No.1395962

have you ever been to the deep south? those are not decent people

far from it actually...im not even playing stereotypes when i say this, but people down there are openly racist. saying that you hate niggers is just like saying you like pizza. If you were a gay, and you dressed pretty metrosexually, you go down to the deep south, interact with them for about a week, and then tell me they are decent people. its a breeding ground of festering ignorance, stupidity, racism and bigotry, fear and superstition. they are not, by any means, decent people.

If you believe they are your either completely ignorant to what life is like down there, or your one of them.

>> No.1395968

I was in Georgia for a year and encountered no such thing.

>> No.1395977

Maybe New Orleans is different, or not "the south", but I spent 2 months working down there a few years ago and they were some of the kindest, most decent people I've ever met.

I'm from Seattle, my experience: people up here frown a lot more than people down there

>> No.1395998

>If you believe they are your either completely ignorant to what life is like down there, or your one of them.
So anyone who doesn't share your POV is wrong by ignorance or by being "them". I have a feeling you're a bigger bigot than you realize.

>> No.1396007

i find that incredulous. I used to live down in mississippi, and finding someone who didnt care if you were black or gay or a woman was incredibly difficult. The high schools were full of kids who knew next to nothing about the world, but would angrily and hatefully tell you how wrong you were if you explained basic sciences to them.

In all my life i have never met a more hateful group of people.

>> No.1396018

>The high schools were full of kids who knew next to nothing about the world, but would angrily and hatefully tell you how wrong you were

>implying you aren't talking about Anytown High, USA

>> No.1396022

>i find that incredulous.
First off:

What makes the anecdote of a stranger (you) better than the anecdote of another stranger (not you)?

>> No.1396039

to your first point, fine, my word choice was off. sue me.

to your second point, there is no difference. were just arguing for the sake of arguing. one persons experiences are completely different than another persons experiences. you were fortunate to have met so many nice people, i was not as lucky. im not saying that you should stop arguing, im just saying that its fruitless and opinionated. and yes, this obviously applies to my first post which started this whole conversation.

>> No.1396069


as a mississippi /b/rother,

"i find that incredulous."

this proves he is a former resident. also a fag. they all think they are soooooo fuckin smart

>> No.1396141

you're a black gay woman?

mississippi ain't the place for you, bro

>> No.1396147


OP, ever try to get along with them?

>> No.1396161


no, he is a white fag that loves the black and bows before the pussy to show himself how smart and better he is

>> No.1396190
File: 8 KB, 193x251, jesus with satan.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Easy man. Just reply by posting a biblical contradiction, nothing else. Just the biblical text. If they fall for the bait then all you have to say in your next reply is : "why are you so concerned? It's just a random biblical quote!" Passive aggressiveness is the way to go with Christians.

>> No.1396229

Not a guess. A scientific theory. Go watch AronRa's videos

>> No.1396231


maybe the kid you should start off with, oh, i don't know ... introducing positive things he gets elsewhere and actually understands? i'm sure the list is smaller, especially thanks to qualification #2, but at least it isn't a complete waste of time

>> No.1396242

since when is science a matter of faith?

>> No.1396252

I'll probably get thrown out of my home

Become your own autonomous empire

>> No.1396268
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Also what is funny is that if they reply by "But you tried to say there is a contradiction in the bible!" you can reply by "So you see a contradiction here too?"

>> No.1396281
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Sorry guys...

>> No.1396285

>in a world that is mostly religious

Is internet religious?

>> No.1396293
File: 198 KB, 670x920, 1267412922449.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I live in Alabama as well. Contact me OP, maybe we can hang out.

>> No.1396310



>> No.1396334


>> No.1396341


Troll them fuckers

>> No.1396350

>.. completely delusional .. believe in evolution

all be.lie.f is based on delusion

>> No.1396363
File: 160 KB, 1233x869, cave_dinosaur_and_man_drawing2.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

hurr duuurrr hey stoopid atheist scum see mah pictuur it's a dinasaar and a human togather in them wall thar that means e-vil-ution is a big fat LIE.

>> No.1396372

Bumping to try and reach OP.

>> No.1396383



>> No.1396417
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Last bump, where are you OP?

>> No.1396430

I think I would lose my mind...

>> No.1396472

In todays society, you'd be surprised, it's pretty hard to be an Atheist, and I fucking live in Ohio, which is almost as north as it gets.

The only people in my high school that are atheist/agnostics are total social outcasts or nerds, and the nerds never like saying their atheism. They have on their profile, for religious beliefs: Uhmmmmmmm?? or some gay crap.
I'm the only half normal/good looking kid to have ATHEIST BITCHES on his profile.

I mean people aren't that religious.. but when somebody dies or something, you see religion really come out. Everyone is praying and what not. It's sad, but it does virtually nothing except make you feel better.

And on top of all this, I'm from former Yugoslavia, who just 15 years had a fucking war and genocides because OF RELIGION. It's fucking retarded.

Also, I know this Indian chick. Her whole family is Hindu, and she is atheist. Which is weird because she talks with her mom about it and she explains why she is atheist.

Also, my family is religious but atheist. It's hard to explain. In Yugoslavia, if you wanted to be part of society, you better of fucking belonged to a church. In Croatia it was Catholicism, in Serbia it was Orthodox. Also, we pay 10% of our income tax to the churches.

>> No.1396475
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Such is life in Moscow.

>> No.1396481

So to sum it, at least you aren't in the Balkan area.

>> No.1396517

>Also, we pay 10% of our income tax to the churches.
Holy shit.

>> No.1396532

Yep, that's one of the reasons why we are here.