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/sci/ - Science & Math

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File: 43 KB, 720x364, diamonds_tuto.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
1394034 No.1394034 [Reply] [Original]

This true?

>> No.1394039


>> No.1394038

Try it. It works best in an enclosed environment with no ventilation.

>> No.1394047


Not so sure...

>> No.1394054
File: 11 KB, 380x337, 1261917313627.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

It creates mustard gas.

>> No.1394057

basic mustard gas. Happy death!

>> No.1394056

Usually the more you mix the bigger diamonds you get

>> No.1394058

Sure, it's what most big corporations do to manufacture diamonds on a mass scale. They also use CO2 to give the diamonds a blueish tint sometimes. You can do the same just by breathing on the mixture for a few minutes.

>> No.1394062
File: 51 KB, 590x679, 1277520922027.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Sweet jesus. Anyone who falls for this deserves it. Lrn2basicchemistry

>> No.1394067

it's chlorine gas, not mustard gas.

>> No.1394069

I was about to do it before I googled it.

How retarded am I?

>> No.1394071
File: 42 KB, 640x457, Mustard_gas_burns.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

How fucking soulless can you be? It's not even funny.

>> No.1394076
File: 8 KB, 231x205, 1239807708149.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.1394079

Pretty retarded bro. Anything that you see that tells you has chlorine as part of it or any other deadly gas first check it.

>> No.1394084

Things you need to ignore for you to actually believe this works:
1) Basic Chemistry
2) The fact that it was posted on 4chan (Hai guyez, if you tie duct tape around the handle of a spoon, heat up the metal then run it under cold water, fun stuff happens xD)
3) Any knowledge of what diamonds are
4) The fact that diamonds are worth alot of money, and if they were able to created through this method, they WOULDN'T BE WORTH ALOT OF MONEY

Anyone who falls for this deserves what they get.

>> No.1394088


>if you tie duct tape around the handle of a spoon, heat up the metal then run it under cold water, fun stuff happens xD

What happens?

>> No.1394096
File: 2 KB, 119x129, The_Spoon_Explodes_dont_do_it.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

It glows red and looks really cool, you should try it!
Picture unrelated.... :D

>> No.1394097

i like mustard on my hotdgs so i sjflg maes somefs

>> No.1394100

Diamonds are fucking carbon.
Neither bleach nor ammonia contain carbon.

>> No.1394101

nothing, there.s this fake "very funny" reaction image with a burned/cut hand or something and some continue to spread the lie that it explodes somewhat, but that's all first rate bullshit.

>> No.1394116

Despite the general "coolness" of acting emotionally dead or retarded on this website, this definitely goes too far. I can understand the spoon-thing, but well, you need to get your hand stitched or lose an eye if you're very unlucky, but you could literally kill somebody by posting this.

People who fall for this do NOT get what they deserve. Imagine a small kid you trick into drinking gasoline. Tell them it's tasty, and because of their ignorance of gasoline being fatal they will probably die. There are a lot of underage guys on this website, specially on boards like /b/, who may not know basic chemistry or don't understand the composition of diamonds. Most of them are also in money-trouble and will take any chance of eventually getting some cash. How could you live on, knowing that you destroyed a 15yo kid's life or maybe even killed him? Acting tough on the Internet is one thing, but when you experience the actual consequences, you're all little whiny wussies.

tl;dl: not cool man, just not cool

>> No.1394127


You're seriously asking me how I could live with the knowledge that I'd eradicated a /b/tard?

>> No.1394128


>mentions posting this on /b/


>> No.1394132

>How could you live on, knowing that you destroyed a 15yo kid's life or maybe even killed him?
Feels good, man. Seriously, if I knew I could get away with it I would personally kill some 15yo fucktards, especially ones who dwell on /b/.

But I think your post is just elaborate troll bait.
1/10 for the, sort of, effort.

>> No.1394133


Post the link to the thread when you do.

>> No.1394135
File: 21 KB, 369x364, Irony.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>But I think your post is just elaborate troll bait.

Coming from someone who posted this:

>if I knew I could get away with it I would personally kill some 15yo fucktards

>> No.1394134

We all started somewhere. You probably got to know 4chan only because of /b/. Don't lie, you laughed about lolcats and EPIC RAIDS XDD at the beginning. They will grow up, finish high school and become more mature and maybe even contribute to society.

>> No.1394146

He has a point, Seriously. Alot of /b/ is filled with retarted fuckheads but they are human just like you. I dont even think this is funny. This gas is horrible, In fact the reason im even studying chemistry is because I made this stuff after accidently making it when I was 6 years old. I was in hospital for a week, but I have loved chemistry ever since. It feels so terrible, My arms still have the scars from the burns. Dont you will have some person who is desperate for cash, who will make it and fuck themselves up. You may hide like most of 4chan behind the guise of emotional deadness but most of 4chan is filled with very emotional intellectuals rejected by society mocking thier rejectors. Grow the fuck up

>> No.1394148

OMG u gaiz must have been doing it wrong, mine totaly worked!!! im just going to the diamond shop now to offload then buy moar bleach(i ran out).

iv been coming to this site for liek a month now and havnt found anythng usfull untill now!!!


side note i used about 1 L of each if that helps anyone and iv got about 40g of diamonds now iv dried it all off

>> No.1394158


>You may hide like most of 4chan behind the guise of emotional deadness but most of 4chan is filled with very emotional intellectuals rejected by society mocking thier rejectors. Grow the fuck up

This hits close to home. Alright fuck you. Not doing it.

>> No.1394160

>I made this stuff after accidently making it when I was 6 years old. I was in hospital for a week
That's your parents fault, not 4chans.
Do you mean to tell me that you browsed 4chan at 6 years of age? If you don't, please shut the fuck up and leave this thread with your irrelevant pathetic personal failures.

>> No.1394163

No faggot,

I wanted to help my mum clean, so i thought I was doing it right by mixing the chemicals together int he bucket. Im 16 now but jesus christ it burnt.

>> No.1394166


You burnt yourself with chlorine gas or you did the spoon thing?
Either way your parents are fuckwits for letting you fuck about with bleach and/or fire when you were 6 years old.

>> No.1394168

Or rather, you should work on your reading comprehension and then come back.
Way to miss the point, faggot.

>> No.1394173

Yes, as I said: that's your parents fault.
What don't you understand about that, why are you in denial about this obvious fact?

I won't make any comment about your age, but you know the drill..

>> No.1394174


I feel ya, bro. That happened to me once when sunlight accidently contacted my impure flesh.

>> No.1394178

No my parents had a lock on the cabinet with the chemicals in it. I just watched my mum open it with the keys. So I saw a dirty floor and I didnt want my mum to know, So I opened it with the key and mixed the chemicals hoping to clean the wooden floor.

>> No.1394181

lol, don't even begin arguing/defending yourself here. Don't you see someone's just derailing the thread, trying to troll you?

>> No.1394184

Yeah its trolling but I just thought trolling the troll would be best.

>> No.1394185


She left the keys within a 6 year olds reach....this really should have motivated you onto the childcare course rather than chemistry.

>> No.1394188

Oh, great anon with your superior reading comprehension, pleasen, EN FUCKING LIGHT EN me. What exactly WAS the point of that whiny little shit post?
That I should feel sorry for retarded fucktards because, erm, yeah, why SHOULD I feel sorry for retarded fucktards, exactly?

There's wars going on, I don't give a fuck about some America brat dying because of acute severe retardation. Seriously, I'm not emotionally dead, I just don't care about those people, their lives have no value in my world.

>> No.1394196

Nope, They were ontop of the fridge, so I grabbed a chair, jumped onto the bench via the chair and grabbed the keys.

>> No.1394199

>their lives have no value in my world

How do you like your babies? Raw? Baked? Grilled? Any specific race preference, or do you eat all colors?

>> No.1394204

btw you do get a toxic gas from this but it is neither pure chlorine or mustard gas...

>> No.1394206

hey gaiz u might liek to try this, i added some copper and mine are a cool green color

>> No.1394210

>neither [...] or

Nice english, bro
Enjoying your summer vacation? But don't hang out too much on the Internet, you've gotta learn a lot, 4th grade soon.

>> No.1394212


You're not the one to judge who dies where and did they deserve it. It's about karma. You might have caused someone to die and it'll come back to you in a way.

>> No.1394220

wow, that's really a weak polemic troll attempt, but I'll bite:

I'm not a vegetarian, but I value the life of a pig just as high as the life of ANY human I don't know personally.
Some animals I know personally (my dog for example) I value much higher even: I would kill to protect her life.

Now, I don't really have any problems with eating meat, although it's rather fucked up. But I stand by it. Animals get slaughted, raised just to be killed for my nourishment. Technically I don't see any difference between killing humans I don't know personally or any other kind of mammal I don't know personally.

So yeah, dunno. Since I never head baby, I'd assume they taste best grilled, with plenty of steak sauce.

>> No.1394221



>> No.1394222

I wasn't aware this was an English forum. If you had actually read my post you might find that it has nothing to do grammar but I wouldn't expect anything else from an ignorant twat like you.

>> No.1394223
File: 26 KB, 415x193, 1243271080902.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Posted on /v/


>> No.1394227

*Since I never had baby

>> No.1394230

Why do you think Janitors never mix stale urine and bleach? I believe you should go to the kitchen and make me a manwich now....

>> No.1394246
File: 23 KB, 468x424, darwin-award.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

If their parents let them be here those kids will become bad irresponsible parents themselves eventually.

Kill'em before they grow.

>> No.1394252

I do know that they never clean up shit threads like this.

>> No.1394295
File: 62 KB, 320x240, 319.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

bump for awesome. The /v/ thread got deleted already.
Good thing /sci/ has no mods.
Continuing some of the discussion of the /v/ thread:
If posting this image makes you accountable under international law for murder/manslaughter, does that also work for bumping the thread? What about hosting the board which contained the thread?
Will moot go to prison and get nigger-raped? teehee

>> No.1394321

A thread very like this one claimed my life. Now I am doomed to wander the chans for all eternity. Fuck all of you.

>> No.1394331 [DELETED] 

STOP fuCKing_aTTacKIng WWw.aNOLAWLTalk.se REpLacE lAWL WitH n
aywq ortvam tvtpcsse lsn mgxmjatbweg l t u

>> No.1394353

Just cut up the bottoms of shot glasses, nobody will notice :)

>> No.1394369

Does Bleach + Ammonia now create tremendous pressure and NOT deadly deadly fumes now?

Why was I not alerted to this?

>> No.1394410

The belief that everyone is equal is the dumbest and most dangerous belief of all time, you'll see.

>> No.1394413 [DELETED] 

lt z yzm vyzaja yaqqju flu xx gyrg j hix jvwvtt

>> No.1394432

>enclosed environment with no ventilation

>> No.1394472

>The fact that it was posted on 4chan (Hai guyez, if you tie duct tape around the handle of a spoon, heat up the metal then run it under cold water, fun stuff happens xD)

What the hell happens? All i can imagine is scalding hot water would fly all over the place. Does the glue do something?

>> No.1394473

Lol, then you would die.

>> No.1394479


Glad to see that some people on this website aren't complete fucktards.

Everyone else needs to get out more. See the sunshine. Smell some flowers. Hell, even talk to a girl! And stop wasting the best years of your life.

>> No.1394515

One of the people you quoted has admitted to being a 16 year old who apparently has sympathies for fucktards who could die from this only because he himself had a similar accident when he was 6 years old.
That of course was due to his parents' negligence (about which the fucktard in question is BTW in complete denial) and has no connection whatsover to 4chan.

>> No.1394516

Die, then you would lol!

>> No.1394519

The version I saw detailed the spoon being heated in boiling water or over flame, and according to /v/'s testimony, the spoon violently shatters when ran under the cold water. I don't know if this is true.

>> No.1394538


Hmm, suppose it would depend on the spoon and the temperature difference.

>> No.1394549

>Im 16 now


>> No.1394558


>> No.1394576

On the other hand, unretarded people will probably notice trolls like this and safe their asses from ever accidentally doing it (I know it wont create diamons, but didn't know what it would create instead).

>> No.1394587

Um, excuse me I grew up on Mars. So I'm 30 here on Earth, young man.

>> No.1394595

well played sir

>> No.1394605

WTF is up with you morons saying it creates mustard gas! Where does the sulfur come from? And the carbons! You are all gay!
It creates chloramine NH2Cl. And no it doesn't make hydrazine either under these conditions. I've worked at Delamine and they basically made NH2Cl the same way as described, using sodium hypochlorite from the nextdoor Akzo factory and ammonia.
In a ventilated room, NH2Cl is not very toxic in the amounts you make here. It is quite irritating though.
NH2Cl is quite useful for making other ethyleneamines, but using household bleach and ammonia just results in low yields and is retarded to do.
You are all niggers.

>> No.1394881

I am going to mix bleach and ammonia, on a small scale, just to observe what would happen. I might upload it to youtube.

>> No.1394940

Oh btw, it says acetone could be used as a substitute for ammonia. I've did this reaction once, and what happens is a so called haloform reaction. You basically make chloroform, and the yields are terrible. I've used about 100mL of each, and after a day one big drop of chloroform settled at the bottom. It was about 1 or 2mL.
And no, chloroform doesn't render you uncontious as easy as in the movies. You are more likely to get hurt when phosgene is formed from chloroform under influence of UV light.

>> No.1394964

This is dangerous. What if some fool actually tries this? Is homicide worth the guffaw?

>> No.1394971

There seems to be a weird dichotomy being propogated in this thread. People in here have no problem posting this picture on the internet, justifying it by the notion that it would kill retards. IN THE SAME FUCKING POST you then rip on someones parents (this person having done this independently several years ago) for inadequate safety measures. So, what, do you want retards dead or not. If so, congratulate his parents on their thoughtfulness, if not rip on the OP and the people that support the distribution of this image.


>> No.1394982

no dude bleach and amonia makes musterd gas so it'll probibly kill you

>> No.1394997

my bad chlorine gas and that's worse will most likely kill you or burn youre eyes out

>> No.1395039


lol, IANAL but I'd say this would be considered assisted suicide as worst.

>> No.1395045

No! Fuck you! Learn to read! Respect my authority!

>> No.1395056

Ammonia is alkaline. Chlorine is released from bleach under acidic conditions.

>> No.1395880
File: 735 KB, 2592x1944, 13072010134.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

For /sci/ence!

>> No.1395885
File: 509 KB, 2592x1944, 13072010135.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.1395892
File: 666 KB, 2592x1944, 13072010136.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.1395896


>> No.1395907

remember to take a deep breath, and you'll have diamonds in your NOSE :D

>> No.1395917
File: 587 KB, 2592x1944, 13072010137.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

This happened. Fomy mass is probably because of the added detergents in common householdbleach.
White fumes also formed, with the typical smell of chloramine NH2Cl, and some white stuff crystallised on the wall, probably salmiac salt NH4Cl.
The remaining solution contains NaOH

Chloramine did not make me die, but the smell isn't really pleasant and would make you GTFO when you're stupid to try and make diamonds.

>> No.1395929


>> No.1395941

When you use liters, ore concentrated stuff (not common household) and do it in a confined, unventilated space, and ignore the irritating smell, then yes, the chloramine will kill you, but you have to be really really stupid to do so.

>> No.1395956


>> No.1395974
File: 151 KB, 430x615, 1256481620635.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.1395978

Why the hell would diamonds be so expensive if you could make them like this? For fuck's sake, people.

>> No.1396063
File: 40 KB, 800x557, captain_obvious.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
