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1393976 No.1393976 [Reply] [Original]

Extremist Christians Aim to Create Armed Militias Against "Godless"


>> No.1393985


>> No.1393994

Christian Taliban here it comes!

>> No.1393996

I knew this would happen, it begins,the christian self-destruction.

>> No.1393995

cool science bro

>> No.1394000

Islam is way ahead of the game, Christianity fails again

>> No.1394014

there always has been and always will be loons like this in America and the world. The better question is, "how much power do they have/are capable of amassing"?

>> No.1394018
File: 143 KB, 453x575, Richard Dawkins You mad.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

They mad.

>> No.1394027

Love how they lump NRA members into one group.

I'm an NRA member and an atheist.

>> No.1394029

"thou shalt not kill"


>> No.1394033


yeah same here...

>> No.1394037
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even god didn't follow this advise

>> No.1394043
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It's irony on a base level, but I like it.

>> No.1394080

This is why I hate telling people I believe in the bible and god.

Why do people do this to me.

>> No.1394089

+15pts for Bill Hicks.

>> No.1394293

>Implying there are muslim creationtards.

sorry bro but algebra and astronomy are pretty much islamic contributions to the modern world

>> No.1394313 [DELETED] 
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Doctor guilty in wife's cyanide murder

Is healthcare a bad thing and untrue now ???

>> No.1394335

>>1394029 don't murder

fix'd for you

>> No.1394337

Yeah, 1000 years ago.

>> No.1394339

>Based on an in depth analysis of the original Hebrew, Bible scholar Dr. Joel M. Hoffman concludes that "kill" is too broad but "murder" is too narrow to reflect tirtsah.[61] The Hebrew refers to all illegal killing, so it includes what is commonly called "murder" in English, but "manslaughter" as well. It did not refer to legal killing, such as in war or in sanctioned retribution.

>> No.1394342

reported for not science

>> No.1394345


Which raises the question of why this hypothetical, all-powerful "God" fellow would allow his holy word to be so poorly translated.

>> No.1394347

They aren't Islamic contributions any more than calculus and modern science are Christian contributions.

>> No.1394365

You know, for much of the duration of human culture it was ok to arm yourself against people who want to kill your children and elders.

Suddenly you say it's wrong. It's the same thing as denying god, you guys are pushing the boundaries ever farther and the greatest irony is you weak fucks who advocate it will be the ones most hurt by it.

>> No.1394405

calculus maybe

modern science, hardly

The Royal Society resulting in modern naturalism was pretty much intellectualism, ordered to GTFO from meddling with supernatural dogma. It's pretty much the oppossite of Newton's gnostic mysticism/alchemy or islamic philosophy encouraging the accumulation of knowledge.

>> No.1394409

>implying the west would be any better if secular thinking had not prevailed

>> No.1394434


oh WOW.

>> No.1394451

>implying it' funny anf that x-tians are not a majority in position of power with violent tendencies

>> No.1394485


This. Islam didn't do a damn thing, individuals made those discoveries. Islam doesn't do anything. Just as Christianity does do anything -- people with minds do things.

>> No.1394510


They're digging their own grave man.

Plus, soon all the Baby Boomers will be dead. The new generation in power is only 64% religious, unlike the current >90% one. And the number of religious loonies is decreasing.

These... Disgusting xenophobes and YECs are not going to last long in power. Don't worry if they arm themselves, though: Minorities become more vocal and violent as their numbers decrease. That's what's happening and they know it.

>> No.1394570

Many Islamic religious leaders built libraries, sheltered sages and scholars of secular knowledge and most importantly encouraged education within their religion.

Christianity contributed mainly by preserving much of the classical archives that were in danger from barbarians and religious fanatics during the dark ages but their main difference to contemporary Islam was that the access to knowledge was elitistic and that they generally discouraged commonfolk from learning even their own religious dogma as presented by scripture.

>> No.1394583




These goddam people are using Godless as an adjective for the government being horrible.

They aren't going to go atheist hunting anytime soon you dumb faggots.

>> No.1394625

All I can say is...

Come get some bitches!

>> No.1394643


You're committing the stolen concept fallacy. You are ascribing to a religion the acts of individuals while denying the individual their due. You acknowledge the accomplishment while ignoring its logical dependents: the people as individuals.

Religion doesn't do anything. Ask religion to get me another beer, or write a debunking post on 4chan and tell me when it's done. Don't worry, I'll wait! People do things, not religions.

>> No.1394656

Except that following the 19th century and European colonialism, the middle east has fallen into a dark ages similar to the Christian dark ages. It has yet to emerge from this.

>> No.1394667

So what is the name of the fallacy you just committed there by falsely assuming that by saying "religion" he was referring to the tenants and beliefs rather than a blanket reference to those who preach it as well.

>> No.1394692

Report submitted! This window will close in 5 seconds...

>> No.1394717

You can't strip the individual and his/her achievemnets from his/her social environment. It's almost like saying that the classical academia or the scientific community had not contributed anything to human knowledge as a whole but only on an individual level.

Maybe it's not a very accurate comparison since both these schemes encourage certain methodology to produce knowledge but to give you an example of what I mean some germanic or slavic barbarian at that time did not have the chance to be educated and contribute to collective human knowledge.

Maybe it was that religion was widely scotadistic but nevertheless allowed to some point a cultural unity that allowed further advance.

Buddhism pretty much united oriental philosophies.

Roman Christianity spread classical influence to the largely barbaric Europe

and Islam pretty much united and stabilized all the cultural achievements of middle eastern nations like the Persians.

>> No.1394724


umadbro? Do your own work, I'm not a welfare vending machine. I can save you time though: there is no fallacy for that since it is just plain retarded.

If he can't define his terms correctly, that's his problem. Saying that religion does anything indicates that the speaker is pretty short on reasoning ability.

>> No.1394725

>Extreme Christians


>> No.1394732

Same here bro.

>> No.1394752

I love the right wing American power fantasy of taking on the government.

Maybe in the 1800s. Today? No, that 9mm is not going to help you against any serious dictator who isn't pulling his punches. It's silly fantasy and an excuse to justify the national paranoia which the sole justification of gun ownership.

Hell, in most European countries even police officers do not carry firearms, to no obvious negative effect. Guns in the UK, for example, are so incredibly rare that gangs have to rely on dealers who will rent guns, or converting BB guns. The argument 'Criminals will always have access to guns' is largely proven wrong by this. They will be there to a very small degree, but not even close to that in legalised nations.

>> No.1394801

I swear religion is going to become the downfall of man not because I'm Mr. super atheist and i think everyone is stupid, but because if one religion gains enough power (more than muslim terrorists) like this and threaten me or others, with no means on reasoning possible, I would take the next chance without hesitation to kill them all.

>> No.1394809


it doesn't really affect anything anyways, crime in the UK has skyrocketed since they started banning guns.

and it just increases the likelihood of getting stabbed instead of shot.

>> No.1394832

Correlation = Causation amirite?

And I don't know about you, but I'd much rather have criminals with knives than guns. And don't get me started on assault weapons, accidentally shooting an old lady across the street in 'self defense' is unjustifiable.

>> No.1394859


life long nra supporter, former atheist here

couldn't help getting smacked in the face with the truth on the latter

>> No.1394862


Actually, the Middle East Dark Ages happened when the Mongols utterly decimated Baghdad. It is argued that the sandniggers never recovered when those tiny dicked Chinks fucked them sideways.


>> No.1394863

>former atheist here

How on Earth do you manage that? Fear of death? Agnostic?

>> No.1394870


things happened that changed my mind abruptly. i still respect atheists/agnostics way more than those who believe without a reason though.

>> No.1394871
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>believe civil government should be reformed according to the dictates of biblical law

>> No.1394900
File: 1.48 MB, 274x202, religious_uprising.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

gif is example of how this will go down

>> No.1394918

I dunno, I think stoning unruly children might do a lot for delinquents.

Well, they'll be dead, at least.

>> No.1394921

Also raises the question of, if god wanted the "godless" dead, then why doesn't he kill them?

>> No.1394948

>You have heard that it was said, 'An eye for an eye, and a tooth for a tooth.' But I tell you, do not resist an evil person. If someone strikes you on the right cheek, turn to him the other also. And if someone wants to sue you and take your tunic, let him have your cloak as well. If someone forces you to go one mile, go with him two miles. Give to the one who asks you, and do not turn away from the one who wants to borrow from you.

Christian Atheist here, why don't Christians actually read the Bible?

>> No.1394973
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>Christian Atheist

>> No.1394989

Thread reported for not being science.

Also, if you actually believe that these people are actually arming to become militias, I laugh at you.

>> No.1395551


>> No.1395582

homosexual pedophile spotted