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1389909 No.1389909 [Reply] [Original]


Anyone else find it pathetic that the only news program to produce a rational, informed response to Bolden discussing NASA's PR goals is a fucking comedy show?

>> No.1389990

Not really.

>> No.1390000

i just dl's and watched the episode

the daily show is actually the best place to watch the news in the US if you are a reasonable person living in a reasonable state.

>> No.1390001

link a youtube video so we can actually watch this.

>> No.1390008

There's a video on the site at the ops link

>> No.1390011

That is only available to americans.

>> No.1390013



Also, I find it best to watch a biased news source, but make sure it's the bias you have yourself.

>> No.1390021

.... sucks to be you then?

>> No.1390022

... what?
That's like... I have my opinion but rather than listening to anyone else's ideas and opinions I'm just going to keep listening to mine over and over and ov....
That's the joke isn't it?

>> No.1390033

Daily Show, Colbert Report, shows like that (fortunately) mock just about everyone. Their only bias seems to be against people who act like fucking retards.

>> No.1390039


I feel like there's a liberal idealogical undertone to both shows though.

>> No.1390044

That's possibly because you're a conservative/lolbertarian who hates people poking fun at you.

>> No.1390047
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>> No.1390056

reality has liberal undertones

>> No.1390063

Yeah no dude, I'm Pro Daily Show all the way.

>> No.1390067

I go to the daily show for all my news advice.

>> No.1390066

People lost in their own opinions often think only speakers that support their opinions are balanced. Like Conservapedians and you.

>> No.1390061



>> No.1390073

I use AP's RSS feed.

>> No.1390076

That's weird, I go there for comedy, cause its on comedy central.

It's almost like a television convenience store.

>> No.1390084

I goto the daily show because I have a crush on John Stewart.

>> No.1390101
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Back to the issue... has any mainstream network actually picked up on the fact that Bolden was discussing low priority PR goals, not top of the list goals that would take priority over space exploration?

Also, my face when
>It's the SPACE PLACE!

>> No.1390111

Way better than the IRS outreach to Muslims.

>> No.1390113

Daily Show has a more rational response to everything than any cable news outlet and most network coverage as well.

Yeah, they still get shit wrong, occasionally miscue, and in general fluff it up for their own benefit, but still...

>> No.1390114

Jon Stewart talks about Fox news too much.

>> No.1390119


Fox News is fun to make fun of.

>> No.1390131

Maybe if they turned down the 'retard' dial. But whatever...

- no I don't think any of the MSM have, they're all too busy exaggerating the fuck out if it

>> No.1390185

Is Obama fun to make fun of?

>> No.1390239

full episode on rapidshare:


>> No.1390261

Yes. Everything is fun to make fun of.

>> No.1390293

Does Jon Stewart think so?

>> No.1390295



>> No.1390315

Considering he's made fun of just about everyone, including Obama?


>> No.1390322

I don't get it, there's nothing to argue about in this forum.

>obviously all liberals


>> No.1390324

When Obama does something stupid ...
does Jon Stewart make fun of him?

>> No.1390325

He seems to leave the Jews alone. Only pussies don't make fun of their own kind.

>> No.1390329

I mean in this thread.

As for the the whole section of /sci/ oh boy there's a lot to argue about.

>> No.1390337

He makes fun of both Obama and Jews. Fucking watch the Daily Show before you start making up shit about it.

>> No.1390339


He makes fun of obama all the time, he had 2-3 stories with him this week.

That's not to say he's the only thing out there though.

>> No.1390346


I can think of two separate occasions when he made fun of Jews, once when he was talking about Kagan, and another when he was with a guest plugging a new TV show.

He calls Obama and the democrats incompetent every show.

>> No.1390353


StoP fuCKinG ATTACKiNg_wWw.anoLAWltalK.SE REplACe laWl_wIth_n
ftqmyfls v reyyr wi zl nhe bmbklj feg upl

>> No.1390469

RELEASE THE Kyyyyyaaaaagggggiiin!

>> No.1390857

Comedians being a more unbiased, reliable source of news than news networks? I'm glad I didn't live to see this day.

... wait a minute.


>> No.1390898

Comedian have been the ones telling the truth since forever.

>> No.1390920

As much as I enjoy the Daily show and Colbery report, you guys DO realize both Colbert and Stewart admit that they are a comedic news show and if you use them as a primary source of news, you're an idiot?

>> No.1390936

And yet, it's the 'legitimate' news networks making it sound like Bolden and Obama have converted the KSC into a mosque.

>> No.1390980

>implying any other news source is unbiased.

>> No.1391086

Regardless of all this space program and what priorities NASA should have...

If the World as a whole doesn't stop hating itself, we will sooner die out before we reach any useful space travel. My bet is on killself

>> No.1391345


If it worked like that, we'd be dead a long time ago. We are lacking in hate to be honest. Hate inspires competition, hate is what fueled our rockets to the moon quicker than the Soviets could. Hate is what filled the atomic bombs we dropped onto Japan. Hate is the fury that we unleashed upon Germany in WWI after they killed our citizens on a defenseless ship. Hate is why we burned Atlanta in the Civil War after the Confederates thought they could break away. Hate is what we unleashed for some random reason in the War of 1812 that got us a cool national anthem. Hate is what made our greatest ancestor, some microbe, eat the microbe next to itself. Hate will propel man to Mars and beyond.

>> No.1391364

That sounds horrible.

>> No.1391381


I say that we work together - use the GLOBAL resources and economy to build something truly great.

Something no one nation can achieve on its own.
Doing this in and of itself will be a task many thought to be insurmountable. Basically, the world is shit unless we combine our power.

>> No.1391397

Too bad the Daily Show'sntarget audience is douche bags