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File: 34 KB, 418x328, haiti.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
1388620 No.1388620 [Reply] [Original]

My church is sending several teams of doctors, nurses, and dentists to Haiti in order to help out (and they've sent others since the arthquake). Since /sci/ loves to bash religion, anyone care to mention any athiest/agnostic groups that are actually helping out people in need?

>> No.1388623


>> No.1388627

why would anyone want to help out darkies? sounds like welfare to me.

>> No.1388628


>> No.1388631

god created the quake to punish the sinners.

>> No.1388632

Will they be trying to kid nap them?

>> No.1388640

Of course. We're sending the doctors down to harvest organs and bring them back to sell on the black market.

>> No.1388647


There are plenty of them. go back to /b/

>> No.1388650

Atheist/agnostic groups are retarded. You don't need to get together in a group to not believe in God. There are plenty of secular organizations doing humanitarian work if you want to do that. Excluding religious people from helping would be pointless.

>> No.1388668

well, there was a lot of soldiers, secourists, firemen, volunteers and even fucking scientologists here...

Would you like we ask them all wat are their beliefs ??

>> No.1388678

Religious groups are more than welcome to participate in humanitarian aid efforts. HOWEVER if they use them as PR opportunities for their agenda, then they are hypocrites of the highest order.

>> No.1388707

>implying that people willing to spend time in a third world country helping others would ever do it for PR.
I think you're thinking of PETA. Christian groups like this actually care about taking care of people instead of getting PR.

>> No.1388717

Those are groups without a specific religious affiliation, not a group of atheists/agnostics dedicated to altruism. Those groups most likely are comprised of many religions.

>> No.1388728

proselytizing is not altruism

>> No.1388738

My secular state sent shit tons of money and supplies that way. So much in fact that people here got really pissed. How many people were sent I don't know

>> No.1388739

These sort of groups aren't performing any sort of missionary work whatsoever. Their task is simply to help people with medical problems, nothing more, nothing less. Obviously there are mission trips, but these are separate.

>> No.1388746

That's great, but secular is not the same as atheist/agnostic. That simply means that the government chose to send funding, which represents the funding from the many different religions (and lack thereof) of the taxpayers.

>> No.1388753

people are predisposed to be altruistic. Altruism does not stem from religion in any way, (some) religions just reinforce it.

>> No.1388758

So you're saying that atheists aren't so wrapped up in religion that they feel the need to huddle together and make exclusive groups? Wow, you just blew my mind.

>> No.1388765

No it means that my secular government which has fuck nothing to do with any kind of religion chose to send help without asking the people. Of course some money may have been made from taxing religious people, but that does not mean they actively contributed.

>> No.1388787

Of course not. Atheists don't usually feel the need to exclude religious people from their welfare groups. They form religiously-neutral groups instead.

>> No.1388795


There is "non-believers giving aid" but most atheists don't see why the fact that they don't believe in a deity should have anything to do with their charity work, thus they support organisations which don't comment on the existence of a deity, such as doctors without borders

>> No.1388810



>> No.1388812

Anyone calling them selves atheists or agnostics are weak. Religion is a term of the past, not using the anti words of religion will only accelerate the process, making people forget the horrible past.

>> No.1388825

Goddamn that Haiti-monster is just about to take a bite out of Cuba!!!!

>> No.1388888

>implying that volunteering to help quake victims is a result of any pressure.

This is what atheists want people to believe: that church leaders are evil power-hungry people pressuring their congregation to donate money and time in order to make themselves look better.

>> No.1388954



>> No.1390874


>> No.1390943

There are people dying in (whatever country you are in) why the fuck should you fly around the world to help others?

>> No.1390979

I don't know about disaster relief but I went on a cruise that stopped at a private island/peninsula that is technically part of Haiti and everything there seemed just fine. Hung out at the beach, had some cocktails and scored a quarter ounce of god tier cocaine. Everything was just how I remembered from last time, I don't think Haiti is really hurting at all from the earthquake.

>> No.1390990

Well duh.

>> No.1391018
File: 29 KB, 425x301, 1278891589011.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Red Cross and Oxfam come to mind.

>> No.1391037

they're milking sympathy

>> No.1391045
File: 4 KB, 126x126, brilliant.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

The fun part about being an atheist is you don't have to go meet other people every sunday to show off clothing.