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1388438 No.1388438 [Reply] [Original]

One day it happens. A super-entity appears on the sky and claims that it is God Himself. How does your scientifically orientated mind react into this situation? There are undoubtedly many thoughts and questions circulating in your head. "Go ahead," a voice reverberates in the minds of every single human being, "I can answer any question that you ask. After all, I am God."

>> No.1388454

>610 B.C.

>> No.1388461

"What the fuck God? Just... WHAT THE FUCK?!"

I'd then go from there. Because if God does exist and the Bible (assuming we're talking about the Christian God) is correct, then he has a LOT of explaining to do.

>> No.1388467

shit any of the religions' gods, really.
"what the fuck, god?"

>> No.1388482


>> No.1388654

hahha, what a terrible comic

>> No.1388659

I ask him how to solve the Israelo-Palestinian conflict.

Let's make his presence at least useful.

>> No.1388674

I'd ask him to borrow a dollar.

>> No.1388679

Well, it's impossible to know if he's really God, but we might as well ask him if he was responsible for any of our religions. And if not, why he hasn't talked to us before.

>> No.1388682

Confounding BC and AC is a mistake I found out way too often.

>> No.1388697

Well, according to the religions, he has. That's how they started.

>> No.1388704

I f he can answer that one>>1388659
It's enough of a proof for me.

>> No.1388706


LOL@ This

You're going to say to the giant, booming omnipotent voice "There is no proof that you are God, therefore I refuse to believe that you are."

>> No.1388711

So, is this the Christian God, Shiva, Thor, Anubis, Zeus, Allah, or someone else?

I kinda want it to be Allah, just to mess with all the christfags.

I'd ask how the universe began, and which religion is the true one.

>> No.1388720
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Hang on, this means he doesn't exist, doesn't it?

Because proof denies faith, and without faith God is nothing.

Therefore, by proving he does exist he proves that he doesn't. QED.

>> No.1388722

Allah is the same god than the Christian God.

>> No.1388735

>implying Allah and the Christian God isnt the same one.

>> No.1388730


I'd still ask the same questions.

>> No.1388741

AC Ante Christ. Which mean Before Christ

I think AC mean After Christ in this case.

What is the opposite of BC, conventionally?

>> No.1388744

>implying Allah isnt just the Arabic word for God.

>> No.1388749


They are *now*, but only from Allah being matched up to the Christian God. The two were initially different gods.

>Implying you guys don't know that already
>Just in case

>> No.1388750

I believe in neither.

>> No.1388759

Well, Many Christians call god "God", so it's not incorrect.

>> No.1388768

Start designing weaponry to fry this super-entity's ass and balls.

>> No.1388771

Allah translate directly as god. Greek and Romans God where also Allahs too.

It's not a contradiction if the word Allah existed before Mohamed.

>> No.1388773

Anyone can answer my question?

>> No.1388778

call it out for the irrational asshole that it is

>> No.1388781

'Mohammed himself outright said they were the same god. Also, Muslims prayed towards Jerusalem for a short period of time.

>> No.1388782

Guys, everything is said in the OP comic.

>> No.1388786

"You're a fake" and walk away

>> No.1388797


I think the fact Allah was worshipped along side other gods by the Arabian tribes shows it can't have always been the same god as the strictly monotheistic (and demanding of it) Yahweh/god of the Jew/Christians. Taking the name 'go'/Allah might conform to that god being the chief god or creator, but the fact allah was part of a pantheon of gods is incompatible with the christian/jew god.

>> No.1388801

Let me give you my reference

This explains it.


>> No.1388800


that word doesnt exist.

>> No.1388806


Yeah, to Muslims Allah is undoubtably the same as the Christian God, but allah existed before islam.

>> No.1388807

Muslims insist that Allah is not a title, but the personal name of the God of Islam

>> No.1388809

>Well, Many Western English Christians call god "God"

>> No.1388811


I disagree. Can we have more of the OP comic?

>> No.1388814


Bueno muchos cristianos llaman a dios "Dios", por lo tanto no estas correcto.

>> No.1388817


the god has existed before time began...what are you getting at?
that before revelation there was no revelation?
all people have had a message and all people have wandered from god. then he does the same thing all over.
except no more revelation, those that can find there way back to there original faiths can find god.

>> No.1388819

Allahs isn't the name of a god before Mohamed. It means "god" literally, as in viking god, Maya god, whatever. It's like "Deus" isn't the name of a Roman divinity.

>> No.1388824

Allah and Jehovah are different.

The Holy Bible teaches that God cannot be tempted by evil and neither tempts anyone with evil; the Quran teaches that Allah is the author of evil

>> No.1388830 [DELETED] 

>Evil he wrote

>> No.1388827


No, I mean there was a god called 'allah' before Muhammed was even born. 'Allah' at that time was worshipped among many gods and was not the monotheistic ubergod he's worshipped as today.

>> No.1388836

I speak french and we refer to dieu as" Dieu" here.
(dieu is the french translation of "god"). And so it is in every other language.

Every monotheist cultures come to call their divinity by their generic appellation of their previous divinity, as there is only one, further description isn't necessary.

>> No.1388839


Regardless of what it means in Arabic, there was a god called allah before Muhammed, worshipped by pagans in Mecca. Although called 'god' he was simply one god amongst many.

>> No.1388848

Eh bien, beaucoup de chrétiens l'appel de Dieu "Dieu", donc ce n'est pas incorrect.

>> No.1388856

They are the same one.
It's the same one who talked to Abraham.

I know canon are not easy to establish, when it come to religion (or anything else), but a common origin story is kind of a too strong step stone to be chased away by latter addendum.

>> No.1388862 [DELETED] 

There wasn't a god called Allah, the god there where all refereed as Allahs.

>> No.1388874

First, I would ask him to prove to me that He is actually God (perform some divine miracle, or something).
Then I'll ask if He is like the God of the Abrahamic Religions, if so, then are the relgions right/which one is. If not, then which religion is the "most right".
From there, I'll ask to quench my thirst of knowledge. Anything I want to ask. From "why the universe" to "why don't you stop evil" to "is there an afterlife"

>> No.1388882

There wasn't a god called Allah, the gods there where all referred as Allahs.

>> No.1388890


Muhammed's father was named 'Abdallah' = 'servant of Allah'. The pagan worship of Allah and belief in his three daughter gods is even mentioned in the Quran (Surah 53). I assure you here, there was definitely, *definitely* a god called Allah before Muhammed was born.

>> No.1388899

>implying God would owe the human race jack shit

>> No.1388925


>> No.1388942

Allah pre-Mohamed is still considered as a creator. I suppose that if you want an "in canon" explanation, one could assume Arabs still perceived Allah in a way, and remembered him from the teaching of Ismael (first son of Abraham, the one he had with the servant), and Mohamed just reset thing "right" by telling there was no other than the creator.

Or whatever. It's religion, you can made up whatever you want.

>> No.1388956

OP, moar comic please

>> No.1389085

It's obviously not the Christian God, since the Christian God is impossible as it contradicts itself.

>> No.1389103

ask it what magic is,,,,,,,,,,,,

>> No.1389136

Christian God only wrote the 10 commandments, the rest of the bible is written by humans.

>> No.1389158

Fucking Magnet.

>> No.1389164

Notion of omnipotence raises paradoxes and logical absurdities that I'm sure you don't need to be reminded of. Christian God is posted as omnipotent. Therefore He is impossible.

>> No.1389188

Human scriptures post him as omnipotent.
There is nothing in the 10 commandments that states that he is.

>> No.1389226

I'd ask this entity to prove the remaining Millenium problems and Fermat's theory.

>> No.1389230

this is where i lurk