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1387363 No.1387363 [Reply] [Original]

i have sever hypochondria and OCD (the bad kind, not the quirky interesting kind)

how the hell is that survival of the fittest? I'm not a creationist, I'm atheist and know about evolution but i'd like to hear your thoughts on this. Maybe some kind of vacuum behavior. People who cared about their health survived more?I don't know, what do you think?

>> No.1387376

A cosmic ray somewhere must have fucked you over friend.

>> No.1387379

Human behavior used to be based on how well we were able to gather resources, i.e. how we adapted to our physical environment. Now our primary environment of interaction is social. Your weaknesses are made up for by the people you partner with to survive. This includes not only family and friends, but co-workers, the guy that built your car or the road you drive on or your house/apartment. Complex society distributes work, hopefully according to individual strength.

>> No.1387389

I can't explain hyperchondria, but think of the OCD in the context of a group.

I'm ADD (lol segway). I can't hold a job or conversation and I'm not scared of most things. This is not a useful skill alone. But in the context of a hunter-gatherer group, having one person telling everyone to move on or check on this one thing could be useful.

Your OCD could be the same. Perhaps it seems ridiculous by itself, but having one person encoded for perfection would be dandy.

>> No.1387405


"Eons Of Darwinian Evolution Somehow Produce Mitch"

This will cheer you up

>> No.1387427

I read once that it's a very common fallacy of evolutionary psychologists to assume all human behaviours have some Darwinian purpose.

Something like

Like it might just be an easy sort of behaviour to lapse into due to how the mind works in relation to other behaviours.

Just something to consider.

>> No.1387431

Could be a rare side effect of greatly beneficial genes.