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1387193 No.1387193 [Reply] [Original]

Let's talk about placebos. All medicine is tested against placebos, but are placebos themselves tested against no treatment, for each particular malady where there is no known/readily available cure?
Further, how can doctors possibly prescribe placebos? If yes, how - do pharmacies carry fake pills? If no, why, when placebos sometimes have demonstratably positive effects?

>> No.1387198

Yes, they can prescribe them, and presumably pharmacies carry them. It's probably rare -- at least in the US -- because it seems like you're setting yourself up for a lawsuit prescribing a placebo. Plus, no kickbacks from pharmas in that.

>> No.1387224

Huh. So are there some standard placebo "brands" that medics prescribe? Clearly, they can't write "placebo" on the prescription.

>> No.1387228

Homeopathy is somewhat related to what you're asking I think.

>> No.1387230

>how can doctors possibly prescribe placebos?
Sugar pills dumbass.

>> No.1387247

A law suit for prescribing a placebo?

The fact of the matter is you go to the doctor to get better. If he prescribes you something that genuinely works you would not sue, so if a placebo worked before you found out it was a placebo you should have no right to sue. Sure, he may be selling you a drug that has no active ingredients in it; but if he told you that it wouldn't work.

>> No.1387279

two commonly prescribed "placebos"
neurontin (Gapapentin)
Real drugs, minimal effects from either one.
you cant really prescribe placebos but you can be creative with medicines that have little to no effect on the body.

>> No.1387283

So how the fuck will the patient not catch on to the fact that he is taking sugar pills?

>> No.1387300

However, homeopaths don't really consider they bullshit medicine as being placebo.

>> No.1387304

>but if he told you that it wouldn't work.

That's not true. It's been shown that taking a placebo, and KNOWING it's a placebo, still produces a positive effect statistically greater than no treatement

>> No.1387308


How the hell do you know what's in the pills you take? Do you run a spectroscopy on all your drugs?

>> No.1387317

I'm pretty sure the write it on the fucking bottle.

>> No.1387333

Forcing yourself to laugh makes you happier also

>> No.1387342


And you don't think it would be some proprietary name along with something like