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File: 19 KB, 464x381, pi_symbol.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
1386827 No.1386827 [Reply] [Original]

How did they calculate that Pi=3.14159.....
Is it some kind of integral or limit?

>> No.1386834
File: 207 KB, 350x111, PI.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.1386836


use google

>> No.1386843

a series

>> No.1386841

it took me less then 15 seconds to go to Wikipedia and save that then post here

>> No.1386840

they divided 22 by 7 then just switched around some of the thousandths, hundred thousandths etc

>> No.1386837
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>> No.1386861

this for early calculations

I think modern calculations use some kind of taylor series expansion

>> No.1386872

That's a big question.
Read up on the history of pi and you'll see that over the past few thousand years there have been many different ways to approximate and calculate pi.

Some of the best original techniques were to place polygons in a unit circle, and the unit cirlce and work out the are of the two polygons, then get an approximate value for pi.

after the invention/discovery of the calculus, people were able to come up with many elegant expression for pi using series and integrals.

For example if you know the series expansion for artan, then you can plug 1 into it and get a series expression for pi.

See http://mathworld.wolfram.com/PiFormulas.html for a list of nice formulas for pi, some of them with their origin explained.

>> No.1386876

You'll love this one.

>> No.1386881


> and the unit circle inside another polygon, then..**

>> No.1386889

I'm moving, and I just packed away "e The story of a number". It contained a pretty elegant limit type explanation of pi, having to do with dividing the circle into progressively smaller triangular wedges. Damned if I can remember specifics.

>> No.1386903

The first way was a method of exhaustion. You approximated the circumference of a unit circle by using regular polygons. Nowadays you can use a ton of different methods, integrals, continued fractions, sequences, series.

>> No.1386941

To calculate pi to any precision you want, Taylor expansion is a common way to do that.

>> No.1386955

Curvature of the earth

then an integral

>> No.1386967


That isn't a common way to calculate pi. You would be hard pushed to find software or calculators that use Taylor series to calculate pi, they're very inefficient.

The Brent-Salamin Algorithm is much more common.

>> No.1386970

Taylor expanding <span class="math">\pi[/spoiler]? The resulting Taylor polynom is <span class="math">\pi[/spoiler]. Now what?

>> No.1386978

Now calculate it! It's very common.

>> No.1386995

There are a ton of ways to calculate pi. Check out wikipedia's entry on "continued fractions." There's a very rapidly converging continued fraction for pi. As I recall, the best of the three they show is the one with all the sixes. My continued fraction programs are all at home, so I can't remember which I chose.

>> No.1387001
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C=Pi x R so Pi = C/R
C = circumference
R = Radius
Pi = Pie

>> No.1387008

I lol'd. Usually people push the taylor expansion of arctan 1 to calculate pi/4. I think that's where one of the continued fraction expansions comes from (euler's cf applied to taylor expansion of arctan).

>> No.1387004

<div class="math">\mathcal T(P(x)=\pi)_{x_0=0} = \sum_{k=0}^\infty \frac{\partial^k\pi}{\partial x^k}\frac{x^k}{k!} = \frac{\partial^0\pi}{\partial x^0} = \pi</div>

>> No.1387022

Ah, Taylor <span class="math">\mathrm{arctan}(x)[/spoiler] around x=1? Sounds reasonable.

>> No.1387054

I'm sure that's what that anon meant.

>> No.1387055

for example:

<span class="math"> \tan^{-1}(x) = x - x^3/3 + x^5/5 - x^7/7 + ... [/spoiler]

let <span class="math"> x = 1 [/spoiler] and the series gives <span class="math"> \pi/4 [/spoiler]

some math guy pointed out that this converges more slowly than some sophisticated algorithm out there, but this works

>> No.1387060
File: 18 KB, 510x430, jokerdisappoint.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

well fuck, they beat me to it

>> No.1387073

Arctan comes from trigonometric circular function and the value of pi is assumed in it already, I think you are using pi to define pi, which is not legit

just saying

>> No.1387076


No you're not. It's legit.

>> No.1387083

There are many ways of defining arctan, and the trigonometric approach is the least used one (read: not at all) in maths.

>> No.1387085

Not really assumed, no.

>> No.1387994

Has anyone here heard of infinite powers and fractions???

Pi = 2x((2x2x4x4x6x6...)/(1x1x3x3x5x5x7...))

Using arctan gives a decent approximation, but less percent change of error occurs using infinite fractions and powers.

>> No.1388030

<span class="math">\pi = 4 \sum_{k = 0}^{\infty} \frac{1}{(16^k)(8k+1)} - 2 \sum_{k = 0}^{\infty} \frac{1}{(16^k)(8k+4)} - \sum_{k = 0}^{\infty} \frac{1}{(16^k)(8k+5)}
- \sum_{k = 0}^{\infty} \frac{1}{(16^k)(8k+6)}. [/spoiler]

>> No.1388040


= (>>1386876)

Well done for reading the thread first.

>> No.1388071


bullshit brainwash code cause you're dumb as fuck

>> No.1388094

If you want to calculate pi, just type in "3.141" into your calculator and hit random numbers afterwards.

The government pays big money to people for doing that day after day, and they leave it up to the best mathematicians to figure out what they typed.

>> No.1388723


>> No.1388920

The spigot algorithms are pretty interesting but the nth hexadecimal digit is... kind of a specialized need.