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/sci/ - Science & Math

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1384531 No.1384531 [Reply] [Original]


>> No.1384536


take your faggotry (engineering) there.

>> No.1384539

oh no

>> No.1384540 [DELETED] 
File: 73 KB, 200x200, 1232408875527.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.1384548

>Technocracy is a hypothetical form of government in which engineers, scientists, and other technical experts are in control of decision making in their respective fields. The term technocracy derives from the Greek words tekhne meaning skill and kratos meaning power, as in government, or rule. Thus the term technocracy denotes a system of government where those who have knowledge, expertise or skills compose the governing body. In a technocracy decision makers would be selected based upon how highly knowledgeable they are, rather than how much political capital they hold.

A better system, no?

>> No.1384561
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>> No.1384579

guise, the problem is that you are 16 years old and living in your moms basement, and that's why you don't know the life yet.
imagine for example you life in this shithole with 100,000 fellow mastrubating cocknerds and want to get some pussy, wat do? they won't be attracted to your nerdhole.
I honestly understand the idea and like the fantasy but you have to ask yourself why you like this fantasy so much and then transfer this into something in real life (you need to be somewhat mature to achieve this so good luck with that).

I for one am 21 years old, never finished school and run an internet business from home.
I earn more than a good lawyer with my crap websites and don't really have to work. how could live be better?
so the only thing i'm doing the whole day is living your technocracy dream but while traveling around the world and doing what I want and where I want. what other ppl are doing is irrelevant to my interest, and I would like to keep this economy upright as it is since you can profit so easily from it if you play it right (see me, I'm doing nothing and 100s of people or even more have to work whole day to make my privat life possible (clothes, buildings, infrastructure, food, etc, I'm just paying I do nothing))

so stop dreaming and start working on your actual dreams to come true (not that technocracy superconstruct bullshit)

>> No.1384598

I can even give you a hint:
what you want is freedom, to do with your life whatever YOU want and learn things that are relevant to your interests..
but you can't because you realized that you have to go through shitty schools and then become your shitty jobs..
I was in the same situation, too, and then just fucked school and it all worked out pretty damn well

>> No.1384606

>21 y-o

>> No.1384623
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>guise, the problem is that you are 16 years old and living in your moms basement, and that's why you don't know the life yet.
>imagine for example you life in this shithole with 100,000 fellow mastrubating cocknerds and want to get some pussy, wat do? they won't be attracted to your nerdhole.
>I honestly understand the idea and like the fantasy but you have to ask yourself why you like this fantasy so much and then transfer this into something in real life (you need to be somewhat mature to achieve this so good luck with that).
Assumption. For every person that actually gets involved in this, the chance for it succeeding goes up a lot.
>for one am 21 years old, never finished school and run an internet business from home.
I earn more than a good lawyer with my crap websites and don't really have to work. how could live be better?
Prove it.
>so the only thing i'm doing the whole day is living your technocracy dream but while traveling around the world and doing what I want and where I want. what other ppl are doing is irrelevant to my interest, and I would like to keep this economy upright as it is since you can profit so easily from it if you play it right (see me, I'm doing nothing and 100s of people or even more have to work whole day to make my privat life possible (clothes, buildings, infrastructure, food, etc, I'm just paying I do nothing))
Congratulations for admitting you're a cancer and what's actually going wrong with the world, where a hard working scientist will get less money than you who sits on his ass all day.
>so stop dreaming and start working on your actual dreams to come true (not that technocracy superconstruct bullshit)
My actual dream is to see a technocracy come to fruition in my lifetime.

>> No.1384665
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>> No.1384681

technocracy isn't viable, it's nearly flawless
I've seen these threads before, idk what people actually discuss but by the time I get to them they're over 150 posts and I'm too lazy to read everything to see where it's going

anyways, are these threads all about the saturn project or just a discussion on technocrazy in general?

I believe technocracy is the most stable form of government possible, but I don't think we will see it even commense in our lifetimes. possibly never will,

>> No.1384689

venus project*
i meant.

>> No.1384695

>technocracy isn't viable, it's nearly flawless
Well basically some anons got together in a a few (dozen) threads where we discussed the way humanity is heading, and now we want to start a company for hydroponics, water distillation and solar power to then grow into a corporation within approximately 20 years, and then use the money from that to buy a lot of land from a government in the world to build an entirely new country on it, made for the scientific advancement of humanity. (but still being a nice place to live of course)

>> No.1384702

This is not the Venus project, and most probably won't be anywhere close for at least this half of the century, because money is still needed and the average person won't want to become all suddenly smart and to transition to this.

>> No.1384712

By this I mean that the Venus project is basically communism with money taken out of the equation. This country would have an economic model most similar to Scandinavia and so on.

>> No.1384721

How much money does it approx cost to found a new country?

>> No.1384730


>Neoclassic facades

If Mies weren't dead that pic would kill him

>> No.1384738

see it like this:
i'm not the cancer, you are my monkey, that's it

>> No.1384742

Quite a lot. But the most expensive thing would most probably be buying the actual land. The buying period of land itself would be at least 5 years in length using the company's excess funds.
As for materials and such, you invite mining companies to come into your land and to mine for you and for some export, that way you get cheaper construction resources to build up the power grids and such. At first it wouldn't look much like a country, a lot of simple and effective structures to support about 20 thousand people maybe.

>> No.1384745

It's not the Venus project, it's the /sci/nation or whatever they want to call it. They would probably join the Venus project, but actually there are a lot of philosophical differences between them.

>> No.1384756

How do these activities garner the billions of dollars necessary for such an endeavor?

>> No.1384761

I runno, lol

I think they are still advertising for an economist.

>> No.1384765

Research into future technologies, patents for these technologies and a harsh future in which energy and food are more scarce.

>> No.1384769


Fucking marble statues on steel and glass. Makes no sense.

>> No.1384770

Since these are emerging markets they have a fuckton of potential as they will soon become very important. The water distillation and hydroponics would sell very well in the Gulf Oil Spill area.
Have one.

>> No.1384782
File: 26 KB, 320x320, 1320illuminati20bllodlifq8.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

ever heard about a loan?

I think the way to do this whole operation would be to form a secret clan instead a corporation..
and then just give it a few years and gather more and more people..
imagine we have powerful ppl among us, so we would need one working in a bank who is granting us 10 figure credits
we could theoretically do it without a single cent if we have the right connections (which are us)

>> No.1384790

That relies too much on chance, and it might take a great deal longer.

>> No.1384795

Also a loan for what? buying the actual land? That's in the billions of dollars. I don't think so Tim. It would be much better to have as tiny a debt as possible.

>> No.1384798
File: 122 KB, 338x488, John_D._Rockefeller_1885.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Did someone call for a ridiculous amount of money?!!

>> No.1384800

well the whole corporation relies only on chance..
I would bet on the clan though

>> No.1384805


I've had a few naive daydreams about a new country for either intellectuals, scientists, and/or humble people (not nescessarily brilliant, but a bit less violent and a bit more liberal in terms of human development)

But I don't think it's viable to attempt to form any sort of community or country with it's own governmental or financial system that deviates too far from the norm.
The reason being other countries would see us as a throught, like atheists are a threat to religious folk and the control they exert with their beliefs, a new progressively liberated country would threaten every other established country, or possibly just a lot of the establishments in the country(s)

We would then have to face political assassins, war.. lots of shit in attempts to destabalize for the sake of maintaining control everywhere else.

>> No.1384809

Corporation is more surefooted I would say as solar is basically guaranteed to shoot off soon as peak oil has passed and so on. It also has more immediate benefits, such as employment with an increasing paycheck.

>> No.1384813

you idiots have lack of understandings how such shit is working

NOBODY is buying property for example (only idiots)
the right way to "buy" property is getting a mortgage which can be payed off by renting the property..
so you actually don't do anything but earning money (you just need credibility to get the mortgage, therefore the clan)

>> No.1384818


We'll just take a few sore-throat remedies.

>> No.1384821

In the beginning decades it would not be too different from the other countries. It would just emphasize achieving real goals and academia. I don't think it would be 'too far out' other than the government controlling the money supply instead of having an equivalent of the federal reserve.

>> No.1384827

>the right way to "buy" property is getting a mortgage which can be payed off by renting the property..
We are sure as fuck not investing a billion dorrar into purchasing land only to rent it. And to whom? Back to the country we bought it from?

inb4 buy Alaska and rent it to Russia

>> No.1384831

Guise, the problem is wat do if you need funding for something like a large hadron collider?
Only a "real" government can fund something like that because they have shitloads of taxpayers which you don't have..
and the solar company is just not fucking enough

>> No.1384833

i prefer the benign dictatorship of an artificial intelligence

>> No.1384838

Pipe dream at best. Pseudo-oligarchy in practice.

Take this shit to /new/ or something. Scientists will lead the world forward, politics be damned.

>> No.1384844

Simple, we raise the taxes an infinitesmal amount and look to cut funding from programs that are less important or irrelevant. Small government, etc.

>> No.1384849

no, this was just an example.
the thing is that I would suggest not to buy the land but rather finance it through a mortgage kind of credit.. that's how a real businessman is doing it.. also it's more realistic since buying lang enough to form a country is ridiculous expensive

>> No.1384850

Meh there are thousands of companies doing the exact same thing right now. The difference? They're backed by companies that rake in millions of dollars of profit per year. Hence they have the resources to fund patent filing and dream of the future.

Any chance for such a system from nothing would rely on production of... something...

>> No.1384852

Awww, it is a baby nomenklatura trying to voice a class consciousness.

Thornsten Veblen and Milovan Djilas would like words with you.

>> No.1384855

You misunderstand! This about politics being FOR science! The entire goal is to let scientific advancement to progress with as little hitches as possible.

>> No.1384860

>finance it through a mortgage kind of credit

Yes, but lend to whom?

>> No.1384864

oh, so what kind of taxes do you get?
from this one single company? you have the profits anyway so taxes would be just a circulation of the money

>> No.1384868

to nobody, use it for ourselves
I just tried to explain that renting > buying from a business perspective..
also if everything fucks up you can make a fine exit

>> No.1384869

I think we're on two different pages here.
The company and the country once formed would become seperate entities, with the government encouraging business owners and people with positions in the various sciences and so on to immigrate here.

>> No.1384890

I'll make my own nation with hookers and blackjack.

>> No.1384892

Why has /lit/ been invited to partake in this? Doesn't /sci/ think we're frivolous and lacking skills of any importance?

>> No.1384897

Well i certainly don't.

>> No.1384899

What I don't understand is why you guys insist on starting a completely new country and going to the trouble to build the infrastructure yourselves. If you really want to get this off the ground, why don't you gather somewhere in the US or wherever to take control of your own town? From there you can spread your influence without having to worry about using drug and sex tourism just to keep fed.

>> No.1384903

>government encouraging business owners and people with positions in the various sciences and so on to immigrate here

stealing human resources in business and science is a fast ticket to getting destabalized by another nation. have nothing to back me up here, just a guess.

>> No.1384912

It's a government of experts, essentially. I would want my chief general to be well versed in the history of tactics, and I would want my head of education to be an extremely well-read and pragmatic individual,

I'm confident we can find a few people like that on /lit/.

>> No.1384915

You mean like what the US does to India and China?

>> No.1384920

Or at least a few people that support the general hypothesis behind technocracy.

>> No.1384921

You're more likely to find overweight faggots.

>> No.1384930

If it's a general you're looking for you should probably visit /k/.

>> No.1384933

I don't live in the US, and I think if that happened you would see 'SOCIALIST TERRORISTS HOLD TOWN HOSTAGE' (mind you we're not socialist, just socially liberal)
Every country does this.

>> No.1384946

heavens no, I didn't mean take control of a town violently. I mean form a commune or if you can get enough people, move into an existing town and vote as a block.

>> No.1384952

Sorry if I came across as angry (I am, but not at you guys). I just worry that extremely centralized governance will lead to corruption and cronyism. I want to believe that the best and the brightest are running the show at all times, but what happens when the best and the brightest have to say goodbye? Will they relinquish their position to someone who deserves it, even if that person is not necessarily aligned with their philosophies, as opposed to someone they know and trust?

I think it's a fair concern.

>> No.1384955

It still wouldn't work quite like that, as we're still under the control of the US so the US can decide if it wants to fuck with us or not, and certain laws we might not like and so forth...

>> No.1384959

I thought about that, but I'm kind of worried that we'll end up with a military junta if I do.

>> No.1384965

Well something one of our people said (inurdaes) is that it could be a few dozen of the smartest people are picked for such a position and then the people themselves vote on it. And to run for a position of government would cost peanuts compared to what it is for a country like the United States.

>> No.1384969

ITT: a circle jerk of dummies thinking they are smart enough to start a country.

maybe you guys need to look into the tiny countries that started because of crazy dudes with delusions of granduer, they aren't too great. also good luck trying to populate your little sausage fests with women willing to put up with omnipotent man-boys

>> No.1384970

There's really not that many laws in the way once you're running your own town. You guys are planning to form a corporation in the U.S. anyway, right? It'd make things go a lot smoother if you had a place to call your own.

>> No.1384974


Thats the ballinest shit I ever seen in my life.

>> No.1384977

We're not saying we're smart enough. We're saying that the people potentially interested in joining us are smart enough. Everyone has their own little bit of expertise.
Yes we're starting in the US but we wouldn't have a basetown or whatever. Venus Project much?

>> No.1384994

There are women on /sci/? I am impressed.

>> No.1384995


No one with a grain of intelligence would want to piss away the advantages they have in the existing order to gain some intangible benefit by creating a society in which their great-grandchildren might turn a profit.

>> No.1384999

I'm just saying, there's enough science-minded people in the U.S. that would at least consider moving to a new town for the sake of progress. It'd be a lot easier to garner support if you're near their homes and when you're united and can do whatever you want with your town, you'd be surprised at what you can accomplish. It's definitely a lot more likely to succeed than trying to build from scratch on a deserted island.

>> No.1385005

>move into an existing town and vote as a block
>Free State Project

>> No.1385006

Why does this remind me of Eureka

>> No.1385007


Good luck convincing scientists in a random town to go along with your plans.

>> No.1385009

Despite the impression most people get from /k/, they're fairly harmless. As long as you give them respect and understand their craft in the same way many here despise those who pretend to understand science.

>> No.1385011 [DELETED] 

I'm just saying, there's more than enough science-minded people in the U.S. who would be willing to move to another town for the sake of progress. It'd be a lot easier to garner support if you were located close to home and you'd be surprised at how much power you have once you have a united group of people in one place. Plus it's a lot more likely to succeed than if you try to build from scratch on a deserted island.

>> No.1385016

I guess. That will be discussed next meeting.

>> No.1385019

How is that any more difficult than trying to convince them to move to a deserted island, then go along with your plans?

>> No.1385025

reminds me of the tv show, eureka, 'cept more lame

>> No.1385055

China is already a technocracy.

>> No.1385069
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Totalitarian factory of the world is not what we want.

>> No.1385093

Found a bank.

>> No.1385097

How the fuck do you do that?

>> No.1385102 [DELETED] 

StoP_FUCKinG AtTackInG www.ANOlawLtALK.sE_rEPLaCE LaWl WitH n
vxizbv fsmcy zjhqvh g i vpjl fl e

>> No.1385109

That's the direction you're going, though. I mean it's not like you're going to let people vote on the leaders. They won't pick the most qualified candidate, and they can't because they don't have the expertise to know the difference between a good candidate and a bad candidate.

>> No.1385116

>Implying the Chinese nomenklatura is primarily selected through technical capacity.

>> No.1385151

Laws, not intangible ideas and calls to the human spirit

>> No.1385157

They're voted on, but the trend is toward technocracy.

>> No.1385174

Acquire capital, then... then...

I don't know

>> No.1385194

No, the Chinese nomenklatura selects through party and interpersonal relationships, mainly through acquisition of bureaucratic and other non-market soft powers. Not the electoral system, which, as in the "democratic" West merely selects from amongst those within the ruling class or the ruling class's chosen potential lackeys.

>> No.1385208

1) Acquire capital
2) M - C -(-L ; -mp)
3) ...
4) P
5) ...
6) - C' (C + c)
7) - M' (M + m[PROFIT!])

>> No.1385215

Yes, but first you need permission from the national bank and/or government to partake such activities. Don't you?

>> No.1385227

China has mostly been running on M-C...P...-C'-M' since 1949 with brief spasmodic periods of primary accumulation dictated by State Power (enclosure of peasants and workers' commons), and with brief periods of total unrest with a resumption of petty commodity production or petty feudal production.

You generally need the legal permission of state authorities and/or the national banking system to undertake productive capitalism anywhere.

>> No.1385303


>> No.1385390

I'm 12 and what is this

>> No.1385415

/lit/ here, one of you fags linked to this thread on our board. What's the idea?

>> No.1385446

A nation in wich you're truly free because the superior technology does the work? A community in the true heroes are brainiacs and not footballers? A countryless planet on wich everybody gets to live in luxury because there is no monetary system? A world in wich ppl work because it's fun?

>> No.1385462 [DELETED] 

STOP fucKING aTTACkIng wwW.anOLAwLTAlk.Se repLaCE LAwL_wIth_n
h rq bo sp jo qh n ysuwcx e otzaykn zwsqpr

>> No.1385477 [DELETED] 

stOp_fucking_AttackING WWw.anoLawlTaLk.Se RePLACe_laWL_WiTh_n
prmoctnkzwawq avfdegfemwjl q tnkhw yvmxa kpxd

>> No.1385499 [DELETED] 

sTOP_fucKinG_aTtacKIng wWW.anolaWLTALK.sE_REPLACE_LAWL_With N
q teuuyhaa xk o mumcsmiywkcvhwuslm zv i sdhy jv pgx jaxqesgiimirblvbmv

>> No.1385515

I think this sums up technocracy.

>> No.1385543

A nation in wich you're truly free because the superior technology does the work? A community in the true heroes are brainiacs and not footballers? A countryless planet on wich everybody gets to live in luxury because there is no monetary system? A world in wich ppl work because it's fun?
That is the eventual goal. Think 75 - 100 years.

>> No.1385551

Noocracy > Technocracy

>> No.1385625 [DELETED] 

sToP fUcKing_AttaCKiNG_WWW.anoLaWLTALK.SE_replaCe lAWl with n
z npugppmivrfo tqmllhyk qdwm w t gpn nefii

>> No.1385623

This is gay. Nobody has ever been like that.

>> No.1385647

I was entirely unaware of the concept of Technocracy, but holy fuck, I had a dream about this concept when I was in 7th grade and remember telling my friend how awesome this perfect society would be. God speed, /sci/entists. Make it happen!

>> No.1385663
File: 33 KB, 449x529, anonymous[1].jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Join us.

>> No.1385681 [DELETED] 


SToP FUcKING atTACKiNg_WWw.aNoLAWltAlk.Se REpLace LAwl_WIth N
whysis nm k e s paez prl fxqowqwckpbp l

>> No.1385785


>> No.1385827

get in here faggots

>> No.1385856

> Think 75 - 100 years.

A lot longer. Add a few wars, a vast population that is not tech-savvy (There are consumer pc repair shops, that fact alone should tell you everything you need to know) and a general unwillingness to let go of established paradigms (having to have a job, social status through possessions/wealth, national pride/tribal attachments, etc.) and you're looking a few more centuries, at least, of suffering the ignorance of the masses.

It shouldn't be anyone's objective, at this point, to see a technocracy implemented within their lifetime. At this point, your objective should be to extend your lifespan, first and foremost. Make sure you live to 200, 300, and THEN you can think about changing the metagame. Everything else is, for the most part, a waste of energy and focus.

>> No.1385875

I probably won't live that long if there isn't a technocracy in place.

>> No.1385878

fail, wrong link

>> No.1385879
File: 130 KB, 640x454, 1270773210035.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>John Connor

>> No.1385886

I give it a hundred years. Only if AI is advanced enough by then to take over pretty much all jobs on the planet.

>> No.1385895

I didn't realize that till you said it.
fuck, people will think i'm trolling.

>> No.1385909
File: 10 KB, 429x410, 1272141482688.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Is your name really John Connor?

Omen much?

>> No.1385932

How do you prevent technocracy from degenerating into something it was never meant to be. Is there a correcting mechanism?

>> No.1385935

no, It's a fake account.
but someone called "john connor" creating "TECHNOCRATIC NATION" sounds a trollish/pun-ish

>> No.1385941

The people who find this system attractive are most likely underachievers who don't have much to lose.

>> No.1385948

The pension is not enough to live on. Enough for simple food and and a tiny bit more. That's it.
And besides, our laws in things such as stem cell development, genetics and so on won't be restricted for stupid political and religious reasons. Space program would be well funded, enough to knock NASA from the top spot.

>> No.1385959

>it was never meant to be
like what?

>> No.1386160
File: 195 KB, 1041x789, 1277972041892.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.1386181

Underachiever: Someone who doesn't want to spent the short span of his life wasting away working like a drone so he can get his heart attack and limp penis at 35 years old.

>> No.1386190

oh great, engineers trying to waste our time and effort in building thousands of pointless bridges, etc. That sounds fabulous (gay).

>> No.1386198

SToP_FUcKinG AtTaCKING_wwW.aNOLaWLtaLK.se rePLAce_lawl_WitH_N
zgrlqupfnthv f rz md soo oskt nxc xaox

>> No.1386225

sorry, I was talking to this guy here

>> No.1386232


I only hope it will never occur. Science without consciousness is blablabla...

>> No.1386235

it would backfire because power would become dependent on what/how much you know, so new ideas would be quelled to ensure the people currently in power have the most valid knowledge.

>> No.1386241

You guys are fucktards.

A technocracy would never work. Why? The smartest cunts are the most egotistical plus they make terrible politicians. Everything would fall apart as the people lose all trust in the elite minds.

>> No.1386243

>Science without consciousness

>> No.1386256

Science Without consciousness is the ruin of the soul...

U don't have this proverb in english ??

>> No.1386266

how about an educated-only nation with absolute democracy? could that be done?

>> No.1386270

you mean with criticals skills ???

Cynicals won't permit it.
Also, pure democracy don't exist on this planet. Only choices illusions.

>> No.1386277

I think you mean conscience

>> No.1386307

>pure democracy don't exist on this planet. Only choices illusions.
I know, but can we MAKE one?

>> No.1386347

no it's like anarchy, it'll exist in 10000000 fucking years, when man will be adult

>> No.1386405


Communism already has no money, possessions, and class. What you are probably referring to in your criticism is Marxism, which is the political application of Communist thought. Marxism dictates that the road to Communism (as stated: the abandonment of money and possessions) is through state takeover by socialists.

I hate how people attach their own definitions to 'Communism' just so they can make straw man arguments against it.

>> No.1386436

So why can't we just have socialism? Your system seems to be a system where the government is controlled by the elites, and i dont think that's a very good idea because elites tend to disregard the lower classes. With socialism we could direct the government to fund universities to develop important technology, but i can't imagine why we would have scientists spending time running the country instead of producing technology, and i'm not sure scientists wan't to run the country and would rather do research.

>> No.1386440 [DELETED] 

There are many of those quotes that keeps the ?surgeon inspired about his job, they also help him jump these large obstacles in life. Fortunately, the quotes have been released to the public to help inspire fellow surg?ons:-

"At 10, I was intrigued by surgery, I wanted to be surgeon for a long time. I love doctor shows and surgery shows. Blood is not an issue for me. I even took pictures once of me getting my blood taken. "

"Dr Babanga, my local doctor, recommended that I should perhaps try superflex before and after breakfast"

"Humanity abhors, above all things, a vacuum in itself, and your class will be cut off from humanity as the ?surgeon slowly cuts the cancer and alien growth from the body. "

Fantastic, the ?surgeon is ?inspired
Fantastic, the ?surgeon is ?inspired
Fantastic, the ?surgeon is ?inspired
Fantastic, the ?surgeon is ?inspired


>> No.1386450

I would bet that eventually humans will figure out a way to coexist peacefully with themselves and the earth. Keep population levels down, anarchist communism basically.

Something along these lines: http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Georgia_Guidestones

>> No.1387420
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Guys, how do you intend to prevent corruption in the group of people in power?
Voting is NEEDED to ultimately prevent, or reduce corruption to the smallest amount possible.
I suggest that voting is scaled though, according to the voters score in a standardised test, taken before voting.
This would first ensure only those who were willing to take the time to take the test (and hence had strong feelings on what person they were voting for (and yes, vote for individuals into a few positions, not parties)).
Secondly, the test would ensure that the most voting power went to those who scored well on the test (eg if A scores twice as much as B on the test, A's vote counts 2 times as much as B's vote).
This test would need to be updated regularly by a large group (to avoid the test being warped by individuals, which could lead to lots of corruption), and would include questions on understanding the current political, economic etc. climate of the nation, alongside basic knowledge (eg some popsci, basic language, basic mathematics).

>> No.1387614


(1) cure cancer or some super-big disease or engineer a virus then develop the antivirus

(2) use cure to leverage land, offer exclusively to some poor/ has-been country with lots of land

(3) Get country to recognise you

(4) Build nuclear fusion power stations and invest huge sums on R&D: prioritise developing an safe and energy dense alternative to oil.

(5) Watch other countries fail as oil runs out, and become a new super-power

(6) Use majority of R&D on smart defensive military projects just in case things turn ugly as the world crumbles around you.

(7) Once technocracy established use majority of GDP on science and R&D, with a meritocratic vote system to determine priorities research within various fields

>> No.1387662


Long live science!

>> No.1387684

Sounds like it would fail because you would have to assume that it would work like that.

>> No.1387724

12 y/o detected

>> No.1387760


>Step One: Cure cancer or engineer a plague.

Yeah, about that...

>> No.1387770

Yes. I know there are a lot of assumptions.

I'm sure though that you could get a very very large amount of land off say Russia or some middle east country if you give them access to say a cure to a pandemic virus.

CAVEAT: The problem would be creating treatment that, and then keeping it secret as if you patented and refused to sell it I'm sure other nations would make it themselves. And if it was a drug it wouldn't be hard to discover what the structure of the compound was given a sample.

CAVEAT: Then you have to assume you could deliver on the oil thing, and that none of the other countries had that technology available.

CAVEAT: Then you'd have to assume you could develop some sort of protective star wars program.

CAVEAT: Then you'd have to ensure your meritocratic weighted system was good enough to mean the technocracy didn't become perverted and deteriorate into some lesser system

>> No.1387800

There will be a cure to cancer within the next 100 years almost for certain. That is not childish.

The vast majority of oncology research money is wasted on working out signalling pathways and tedious un-organised interactomic projects.

They need to spend more money on methods development to automate systems biology research. If this isn't done it's just going to take so long to do all the horse-work.

>> No.1387812

The corporation method has a higher chance of success as well as short term benefits. You have employment and eventually a very well-paying job. Even if to found a country were not possible at all we would still have an influential corporation.

>> No.1387887


OK well...


(1) Go to university, obtain a first class science degree, do a PhD in biochemistry, chemistry, physics, applied maths, or possibly something like chemical engineering, do a postdoc

(3) become professor and develop patents

(4) If there is commercial applications, run start-up company through the university (university equipment at your disposal etc.) without the usual entrepreneurial risk as you retain your academic position

(5) Make business not-for-profit and pour non-taxable assets into further research (which isn't public funded)

>> No.1387922

Oh no! Where's step 2?