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/sci/ - Science & Math

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File: 39 KB, 640x480, cannabis-brain.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
1382148 No.1382148 [Reply] [Original]

>> No.1382156

[Citation Needed]

>> No.1382151


>> No.1382162


>> No.1382165

>implying individual functional and structural variability can't be responsible for different hippocampal activity
>implying single subject results prove anything
>implying the effects are permanent

>> No.1382167

The cannabis user one looks a LOT like a brain with alzheimer's.
Probaly OP used one of those to build this image.

>> No.1382158


>> No.1382179


>> No.1382192
File: 45 KB, 351x342, 1277780621760.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>be a cannabis user
>my face

>> No.1382196

>Google "Alzheimer mri"
>OP's pic of the "CannabisUser" is one of the first

>> No.1382197

lol, potheads™

>> No.1382203

I think the "cannabis user" and "non-user" are the same person except the slice used as "cannabis user" is slightly more anterior where the hippo campus is less thick. You can tell by the third and lateral ventricles and thalamus.

>> No.1382207

hippo campus is supposed to be one word. Goddamn auto correction.

>> No.1382213

>implying you didn't google the word, making you an ignorant

>> No.1382217
File: 40 KB, 468x297, hippoSPL0706_468x297.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

> hippo campus
I would go to that uni in 2 seconds

>> No.1382224


>> No.1382229


>> No.1382241

>The cannabis user one looks a LOT like a brain with alzheimer's.
no it doesn't...

>> No.1382269

ITS LEGIT : "Those who smoked cannabis regularly had on average a 12% smaller hippocampus, the part of the brain which is thought to be involved with emotion and memory, and a 7% smaller amygdala, which plays a role in regulating fear and aggression.

For the study, researchers imaged the brains of 15 cannabis smokers and 16 individuals who did not use the drug. The scientists, led by Murat Yücel at the University of Melbourne and colleagues at the University of Wollongong, said scans on larger numbers of people were needed to confirm the extent of the effect.

"Although modest use may not lead to significant neurotoxic effects, these results suggest that heavy daily use might indeed be toxic to human brain tissue," the scientists report in the journal Archives of General Psychiatry.

Cannabis users also fared worse in tests of verbal memory and were more likely to have low-level symptoms of psychotic disorders such as schizophrenia and mania."

>> No.1382379

>30 person study

You just went full retard.

>> No.1382395
File: 132 KB, 334x500, Justin-bieber-justin-bieber-9402492-334-500.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

drugs are for losers.

>> No.1382406


no link to article, 31 datapoints and you're calling this legit?


>> No.1382476

delusioned potheads, "Regarding marijuana, the Amen Clinics, which represents more than 1,000 neuropsychiatric clinicians in the United States, have claimed that regular marijuana use leads to the degeneration of the prefrontal cortex and the temporal lobe (where the hippocampus is located) as noted in SPECT scans.

A 2001 article, "Brain SPECT in Neurology and Psychiatry", by Edward Camargo in The Journal of Nuclear Medicine discusses SPECT scans in more detail.

The Amen Clinics have compiled data from roughly 40,000 sources over nearly 30 years."

>> No.1382491
File: 35 KB, 927x285, ensephalectomy.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.1382512
File: 45 KB, 634x505, 1272734855727.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Correlation ≠ causation

Is it not possible that those with brain structures that are more underdeveloped than normal are susceptible to poor coping mechanisms like heavy cannabis use?

It has already been shown that some ADHD brains are underdeveloped in some areas and that those with ADHD are significantly more susceptible to illicit substance use, abuse, and dependence.

pic completely unrelated

>> No.1382517

>implying I give a fuck

>> No.1382519

Druggies know what Germany is. Your argument is invalid.

>> No.1382546

This guys is on to something.

I'd be interested to see MRIs of the brains of people before and after smoking weed for various amounts of time.

Really an MRI isn't as useful as something like an IQ test, reaction time test, etc, though. Structural changes in the brain can easily cause functions to be assumed by other parts of the brain.

>> No.1382569
File: 49 KB, 500x360, 1277749570753.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

HOLY CRAP REALLY? So you're saying that if I put a substance into my body that alters the chemistry in my brain so that it functions differently that over a long period of time there may be harmful effects? Weeeeelllll hOOOLLLYYYYSHHIIITTT

Next you guys will be telling me that inhaling substances such as "smoke" after a long period may cause lung damage and cancer.

Fuck, maybe even the SUN isn't safe anymore right?

I find it silly that potheads say pot has no long-term effects and I find it equally silly that people try to throw studies in faces of potheads like "TOLD YOU SO".

Anything you do that causes something to function outside of normal parameters is going to fuck it up eventually. Hell, even normal function tends to degrade things.


>> No.1382581


potheads still say it is safe, that's the point

>> No.1382632

potheads are simply retards.

>> No.1382643
File: 192 KB, 400x487, 1278525789483.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

What is this germany you speak of?

>> No.1382710

I am pothead and I belive I am more intelligent than your average joe. I admit me being a smart ass is not a product of cannabis - hard work and good genes are responsible - but I dont think that pot usage degraded my int stat in any way.

>> No.1382729
File: 247 KB, 418x418, problemsci.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>Ph.D in mathematics
>new job, mathematica does my work for me
>300k annually
>smoke weed every day


>> No.1382734

I think the reason they do this is because public information about cannabis is ridiculously biased to one side or the other.

Of course it alters your brain, as does everything you do. If you put on a blindfold for a year it'll alter your brain, too.

What I actually wanted to say is, keep it in moderation. Because SMOKE WEED EVERYDAY turns most people into useless potheads. Some seem to be able to handle it, though, but that's only 5 out of 100 or so.

>> No.1382753

your biased beliefs are of no value.

>> No.1382754

hows biopsychology 101 treating you

>> No.1382854

the truth is, cannabis acts neuroprotective.

>> No.1382927

No doubt that even if pot makes you stupid, there are still potheads who are "smarter than the average joe."

Perhaps it causes an average of 10 points of IQ lost, perhaps zero. Either way, not *everyone* who uses it would have an IQ of 90, even if that were the average.

>> No.1382951

I had an IQ test when I was 16 again when I was 17... My mom was convinced I was a genius... Averaged 145.

I started smoking when I was 18, from about 19-21 I was smoking no less than 5 times a day, high 24/7. I only smoke every once and a while now, still getting good grades at college and scoring higher than 140s on all the fake online IQ tests.

>> No.1382967

>lol potheads are dum. brb 6th cup of espresso along with excedrin to get me through work then later some ambien to help me go to sleep

>> No.1382975


>online IQ tests

i laughed at this

>> No.1382985

take another real IQ test, same standard deviation

the online ones are a good comparison between people (IE you get 145, your friend gets 130, odds are you are smarter than your friend), but the exact number they give can be pretty far off. Also a lot of them are purely pattern recognition tests, which are really not a valid measure of IQ alone, even if properly centered and deviated.

>> No.1383057

I got accepted into the Art Institute of California - San Francisco on a GED and two essays I wrote while I was blazed out of my fucking skull. The audio production program, by the way, which is the hardest program to get accepted into.

Tell me pot makes me stupid, SxE fags, I dare you.

>> No.1383074


gtfo my sci

>> No.1383094

You guys have it all wrong. Pot doesn't make people stupid. Stupid people are attracted to pot. I don't care how smart you say you are, you're either a worthless piece of shit and you don't realize it, or (very unlikely) you're that rare exception.

>> No.1383100

nigga u jus jellis

>> No.1383103

>I got accepted into the Art Institute of California - San Francisco

I went to the grocery store yesterday and got a jar of chunky peanut butter.

>> No.1383112
File: 63 KB, 344x517, 1278800265769.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>implying that shit is intellectually challenging.

>> No.1383122


Oh my god how did you do it? I always have to settle for smooth.

>> No.1383170

Art and science are two different things....

Pot is only useful in art and thats it.

>> No.1383462


pro: you're putting your trust fund to good use

con: the trust fund won't last forever, and you'll be stuck making lattes with your fellow alumni

>> No.1383679


>> No.1383700


>pattern recognition tests, which are really not a valid measure of IQ alone, even if properly centered and deviated
>Raven's Progressive Matrices

>> No.1383734

Okay, I'm waiting for actual citation of a scientific article that shows negative effects of cannabis usage. Anyone? Or should this one be added to the 'idiot troll' pile?