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/sci/ - Science & Math

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1379171 No.1379171 [Reply] [Original]

So /sci/ serious question here.
Are you athiest, agnostic or thiest?

Me, I'm agnostic, was brought up as a praticing catholic but soon realized how much crap alot of it was. Now I'm just don't know whether god exists or if he doesn't. However if he does I'm pretty sure every religion has got it all wrong.

>> No.1379183

OP serious question here, did you know this suppose to be a science board?

>> No.1379200

This is a science experiment. True fact.

>> No.1379208

no it isn't. you're an idiot now go away.

>> No.1379209

I am an atheist of the agnostic variety, which is to say that, based on the evidence that I have been given, I do not believe in a god. However, I am open to all evidence to the contrary.

>> No.1379210

Agnostic, although I do not believe in the higher beings depicted in religions books. I'm open minded towards the idea of a being outside of our universe who started the big bang. That being may or may not have also decided on the laws which govern our universe as well. Although such a being clearly doesn't give a flying shit whether we perform action X on day Y at location Z to give thanks to it or not.

>> No.1379214

>religions books
should be 'religious books'

>> No.1379221

theistic atheist here, fuck you stupid agnostic retards.

>> No.1379227

Probably has forgot all about earth by now and is on to a much better planet.

I read a creepypasta once about how this planet is basically a failed attempt and 'god' is off living on a planet he perfected. He though we would be trapped here, but is now worried with out progress of 'reaching out of our cage' and must end us.

>> No.1379234

ITT:Ask a fundamentalist christian (me) anything.

>> No.1379235

Aum namah Śivāya

>> No.1379239


>Ask a troll (me) anything

>> No.1379244

All scientifically minded people should be agnostic. None of them should be theist, and none of them should be certain atheists, because neither of those positions have any evidence.

>> No.1379242

I am actualy a christian. i was saved when i was 11 or 12

>> No.1379257




>> No.1379258

>neither of those positions have any evidence
Listen to the music of the universe and you shall have your answers.

>> No.1379263

It told me you were wrong.

>> No.1379267


>11 or 12

im giving you a 9/10 for that one

>> No.1379303

Prove it.

>> No.1379672
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>> No.1379694


I suppose you're agnostic about the cosmic teapot as well?

You putrid little cunt.

>> No.1379758
File: 168 KB, 700x900, 1277708394947.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


nihilism: for people who don't even believe anything.

>> No.1379864


That's a bit of a simplification, I think. Just because you're scientifically minded and admit you don't have certain knowledge on anything doesn't mean you have to give equal weight to any belief or theory. Some things are more or less likely than others and once it passes a certain threshold most people won't believe it, even if they admit to the possibility. In regards to God that's closer to atheism than agnosticism.

>> No.1379872

atheist of course.

>> No.1379889

I don't think that's possible.