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[ERROR] No.1377492 [Reply] [Original]

Explain god christianfags

>> No.1377549


Gagarin never said that.

>> No.1377853

My bad it should be:

"я не вижу
бога здесь..." - Yuri Gagarin 1961

>> No.1377869

sciencefags actually believe christfags think god lives in space

>> No.1377875

Three cheers for ignorance.

"round the same time, some Western sources claimed that Gagarin, during his space flight, had made the comment, "I don't see any God up here." However, no such words appear in the verbatim record of Gagarin's conversations with the Earth during the spaceflight.[10] In a 2006 interview a close friend of Gagarin, Colonel Valentin Petrov, stated that Gagarin never said such words, and that the phrase originated from Nikita Khrushchev's speech at the plenum of the Central Committee of the CPSU, where the anti-religious propaganda was discussed. In a certain context Khrushchev said, "Gagarin flew into space, but didn't see any God there".[11] Colonel Petrov also said that Gagarin had been baptised into the Orthodox Church as a child."

>> No.1378223

god spelled backwards spells dog.

>> No.1378229

god lives in an orbit just beyond neptune.

>> No.1378232

I don't, I don't even think heaven is a real place therefore I cannot state where it is.

>> No.1378242

you mean he's just past uranus? (snicker snicker)

>> No.1378243

If God is omnipotent, then he knows everything, therefore he cannot have faith because faith is believing in something that is not completely explained, therefore God is an atheist.

>> No.1378248

>implying you're an atheist if you know there's a god.

>> No.1378258

Continued: Because God knows he's real, he's a Christian, but he does not have faith in himself. This causes a paradox which is proof that God cannot exist based on the Bible's descriptions of Him.

>> No.1378268

Religion and faith have fuck all to to do with science. Go to X.

Faith and reason have fuck all to do with each other. They're different ways of operating. Being an intelligent, well trained human, I can operate on multiple levels.

Now fuck off to x to discuss this.

>> No.1378273

What's x?

>> No.1378293

0/10. The Bible never says that God has faith in himself.

>> No.1378296


way to fucking fail bro.

>> No.1378323

The Bible never said that you're right therefore you're wrong.

>> No.1378330


You might be the epicest of faggots

>> No.1378335

He's a supreme homosexual with extra glitter and powder.

>> No.1378353

>Religion and faith have nothing to to do with science. Go to X.
>Faith and reason have fuck nothing to do with each other
got it righ up to this point

>> No.1378367

Jesus never wrote anything down, there is no proof he ever existed. The bible is historically inaccurate and theologically contradicts itself thousands of times. Different versions of bible range from containing 30-80 books, depending on your religion and from those books your denomination picks and choices different verses from the bible to follow and others to ignore and then interprets them to whatever the pastor is preaching. All the books of the bible were written from 40 years to thousands of years later than they supposedly took place, relying on verbal stories that are changed every time told.

I mean, why do you believe so much in Jesus? If you were born into a non christian society or family would you not possibly believe whatever non sense you would have been taught otherwise? What if you were born into a Mormon family, would you still believe in Jesus, and so forth... Christians are morons.

This is not implying that atheists are any better.

>> No.1378374

Actually, science *can* comment on religion's validity. Just as it can comment on any other claim about reality, like lightning, Chupacabra and unicorns. Nothing is outside scientific analysis, and the only people saying otherwise are butthurt religionfags trying to protect their precious beliefs.

>> No.1378413

I am an atheist in the sense that I lack a belief in a god... the ones that we *think* we know about.

However, I am scientifically/technically agnostic. I think science is a pretty cool system, eh backs up claims with math and logic and doesnt afraid of anything.