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/sci/ - Science & Math

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1373329 No.1373329 [Reply] [Original]

If you were to move at 2x the speed of sound while making noises, would a person standing still in front of you hear the noises backwards?

If not, why?

>> No.1373344
File: 146 KB, 802x1300, pedobear.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

OP is a pedobear

>> No.1373363

If I understood correctly, the different soundwaves would interupt eachother, therefore I don't think the person would hear anything other than the noises you make when you are the closest.

>> No.1373382

if i were moving 2x the speed of sound the collision with someone standing still in front of me would kill us both

so the answer is: no, the person would be dead before the sound reached them

>> No.1373383

Yes he would. Ignore the trolls >>1373344 and >>1373363.

>> No.1373396

Read this article for more information.


>> No.1373456

Awesome thanks, proof that most of the "trolls" are just retards.
Like myself.

Explained it.

>> No.1373457


Successful troll is VERY successful today, it seems. If you are moving at double the speed of sound, then you will be in front of the noise you make - so the person in front of you won't hear a darn thing until you are well past them.

>> No.1373466
File: 36 KB, 300x441, successful_troll2.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.1373475

But that doesnt really matter right? The sound will reach the person if you are close enough.

>> No.1373487

Successful troll after only a handful of posts?
Don't think so.
Needs moar toasts

>> No.1373492


It will after you pass them - you are moving faster than sound, so as the sounds are created, you are actually in front of them - even yelling, running headlong into your own sound, you are the only one that would hear it. If you were close enough to hear that, see>>1373382.

>> No.1373618

Sweet troll OP.
But for the people questioning if they would hear anything at all,
it depends if the medium between you and that person is stagnant or moving. If you've got a fluid hitting your face at Mach 2, then yeah, the person in front of you wouldn't hear your WARBLEGARBLE(etc) at all.