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1371053 No.1371053 [Reply] [Original]

Okay, science guys. I have an anatomy question. Lately I've been really interested in body modifications. I like the idea because it's like living art to me. I've been thinking about new full body topics like a shark (as aposed to a lizard which has been done by the Lizardman) or maybe a two face topic that in which would make one side of your body more dark, crude, and evil looking. I'm getting a little off topic with the question but I've also bee trying to think of new body modifications. With that said would it be possible to pierce my hand? Like straight in the middle of my palm all the way from front to back? If so would I be able to stretch it to a bigger gauge? I'm not sure if it'd be possible because of all the tissue and muscle in your hand but I thought maybe the muscles to move your fingers aren't in the middle? So would anything along those lines be possible?

>> No.1371085

C'mon science. Someone in here has to know enough about anatomy to tell me if I could do it without damaging my hand or not.

>> No.1371109

Why would you want to do that? That's just stupid

>> No.1371114

not possible

>> No.1371116


Simple as that.

>> No.1371118

Just do it. If it's going to fuck you up then who cares? You're going to look like a freak anyway.

>> No.1371165

Because it's art.
Art is about not giving a fuck what people think and loving it.
I want to be a freak. I adore the idea of being a minority by choice.
Although, I am quite disappointed that it isn't possible without damaging muscles.

>> No.1371173


die in a fire.

>> No.1371176

how many times do you think Einstein fucked up before he arrived at the right hypothesis. do it op, be the spearhead that discovers

>> No.1371184


>Art is about not giving a fuck what people think and loving it.

No, no it's not.

>> No.1371185


You are not artistic. You have a disorder.

>> No.1371190

dont listen to these fags. op do it, post results, i might do it too if it turns out well

>> No.1371197

Sorry you're not black, I know that all the cool musicians are black these days, but you'll just have to compensate...

>> No.1371203
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>> No.1371212

Seriously I feel sorry for people that do full body art like the tiger guy. Say you wake up one day 5 10 15 years later look into the mirror and think wtf was I thinking as a young immature dumb ass.

>> No.1371238


Maybe toger guy is more mature than you and is capable of making life decisions.

You couldn't do it because your sense of self is dictated by men's health fashion.

>> No.1371254
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Stop watching so much anime!

>> No.1371262

maybe i don't want to look like a tiger because i'm not fucking retarded

>> No.1371265

Wouldn't recommend.

SKIN piercings just go through the...well, skin. Like ears, nose, eyebrow, lip, etc.

A piercing through the hand goes through the muscle. A GAUGE would only make it worse.

>> No.1371268
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Probably getting trolled hardcore, but I've had a long day, so I'll bite...

OP: You are a faggot. Obligitory comments aside, you're a faggot. Seriously. Stop trying to be different. Stop trying to be a minority, and a 'freak'. It's exactly like people getting tattoos to show how individual and badass they are, not even considering just how many people actually have tattoos, and that getting a tattoo as a concious decision to show you are a free thinking individual is the height of ignorant hypocrisy.

Yes, we get it. You crave attention. You seem to think that the only way you can get it is by being a freak, someone people look at and think "What a weirdo".

Stop trying so hard to be an individual, and start thinking about what it actually means.

If you want to show off your manliness, and show how hardcore and individual you are, get a fucking tattoo.

>> No.1371273


tattoos don' have to be about maniless. Some of them are very pretty.

>> No.1371288
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>interested in body modifications


>> No.1371292
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>> No.1371312
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Don't worry about the haters OP. I used to be a 12 year old faggot who watched too much anime and had no friends too. Now I am in engineering. I hope you like gay sex!

>> No.1371333
File: 17 KB, 352x240, ZapandKif.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Listen up Kiff.

Body Modifications are only cool if they are useful. If you wanted to handcraft a laser cannon to your hand, that's different. But you are a faggot.

>> No.1371579
File: 125 KB, 600x371, 1275243935176.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

You want to put a hole in your hand, so men can fuck your hand?