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File: 47 KB, 320x320, atheism.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
1366876 No.1366876 [Reply] [Original]

Only complete idiots are atheist.

>> No.1366895
File: 403 KB, 771x1080, god2.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Don't ignore him, you will burn.

>> No.1366899

If trolls are real then why are there still magnets?

>> No.1366901


>> No.1366909


Please don't reject God.

>> No.1366911

Actually Mr Troll, atheism is the lack of belief in a deity. Go back under your bridge and scare the Three Billy Goats Gruff some more.

>> No.1366922


>atheism is the lack of belief in a deity

Which implies that there IS a God but you are denying his existence.

>> No.1366925
File: 118 KB, 800x530, AtheistMotivation.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


atheism = There is no god
agnosticism = "we don`t know"

You remind me of that asshole kid who used to make up new rules in the middle of the game or even declare that it was really the rule all along.
And make rules more complex just becouse they wanne win. (note that a lot of atheists are as coward and arrogant like you)

If you conclude that you don`t know wheter there is or is no god, just convert to agnostic.

In stead of trying to distort defenitions and words in your advantage, just becouse you are too cowerd to accept that you were wrong.

>> No.1366929


Not believing in something is not the same as denying the existence of something.

>> No.1366931

No, that only implies you should work on your reading comprehension.

>> No.1366932

no it just implies most people believe in god.
This is simply demonstrated that if there where no thiests; even if there was a god, no one would call themselves athiests

>> No.1366934

If time is infinite how are we in the present? For to be in the present would require an infinite amount of time to have passed before we got to the present. To exist in the present is a possibility that would never arrive.

God is not bound by time and science like the natural world is. Nature does not have attributes other then the attributes it has. Nature cannot explain its own existence. God has attributes that explain himself, for his attributes are supernatural and unbounded.

>> No.1366938
File: 26 KB, 307x296, carl-sagan.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

There is no sceintific prove of god.

But there is no sceintific evidence in the BELIEVE that laws of nature ARE being consant at any time under any circumstances, on any scale either.
since we don`t see/understand laws of nature on the smallest scale for example.
Declaring it constant is just as obscure as declaring a flying spaghetti monster does exists. Maybe there aren`t even laws on the smalest scale.

Besides that, one can`t even prove if he or the universe is real, in which case laws of nature are just an illusion.

See sceince alone can not be enough to form a grounded and stable worldview, one has to believe at least something.

Believing appears to be the destiny of a human, so why swim against the tie, and fallow a verry unlikely logic.

>> No.1366947
File: 34 KB, 500x429, atheist_chart.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


have some rage fuel

>> No.1366956

Only complete atheists are idiots.

>> No.1366964


I'm guessing that you a keyboard bashing Christian internet troll.

>> No.1366977


Hitler was a Catholic.


>> No.1366990


No, he was a atheist. He explicitly did everything he did because he was a atheist, christians are kind and good.

>> No.1366998


I do hope that you are joking ironically.

>> No.1367006

Oh look, it's another nigger-jizz guzzling faggot OP come to troll us, what ever shall we do?

>> No.1367008


you forgot to add trollface.jpeg at the end of your post.

>> No.1367012 [DELETED] 
File: 3 KB, 122x126, irongaint.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


Fuck off you 13 year old kid, this site is only for professional trolls only.

>> No.1367021 [DELETED] 
File: 3 KB, 122x126, irongaint.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


Fuck off you 13 year old kid, this site is only for professional trolls only.

>> No.1367033
File: 3 KB, 122x126, irongaint.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


Fuck off you 13 year old kid, this site is for professional trolls only.

>> No.1367046


The belief that there was some random thing
and that random thing got bored so he created things
And then those things didn't go the way he wanted, but he knew it wasn't going to, but yet he didn't do anything about it. And then he made a list of rules that humans are incapable of obeying. And then he created a human version of himself and then said that it was his son. And then a couple thousands of years later his followers became so ignorant that they posted a picture on 4chan that isn't even about atheism.

Makes perfect sense.

>> No.1367055
File: 80 KB, 361x271, durp.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Exact same thing can be said of any religion, it all involves something for no reason, creating something for no reason. Which all leads up to some grand something, that exists for no reason.

The difference is how well its fits to what we observe.

>> No.1367064


are you joking? Theism= belief in a deity(god)
Atheism=belief in lack of deity(god)
gtfo troll.

>> No.1367069


>> No.1367075


>Atheism=belief in lack of deity(god)

no no no no

Atheism=denial of God

>> No.1367091


which would be the belief that there is none in existence. you just denied what I said and restated it.

>> No.1367095

This is true.
Atheism is a belief in no God.
Agnosticism is the ignorance of God's existence.

To deny God completely is a belief in his non-existence. To not believe anything (agnostic) is to profess ignorance of such knowledge, which would be the correct scientific stance.

>> No.1367362

get the fuck out. atheism ≠ nihilism

>> No.1368225

Even though this thread is obviously filled with blatant trolls, I'll quickly explain the definition of atheism.

A = no/non
Theism = belief
1+1 = no belief / non believer

Atheists do not assume a god/almighty creator etc. exists, because there is no proof of one and thus logically does not exist. The burden of the claim lies with the positive (the one who claims something to be true). Atheists in general don't 'believe' anything in general but rather assume something to be true or false by looking at empirical evidence from which they can draw their conclusion.
A god is not necessary for the universe to exist and there has never been any empirical evidence that shows a god does exist. Therefore it is not likely that one exists.