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/sci/ - Science & Math

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File: 24 KB, 400x300, cir.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
1365082 No.1365082 [Reply] [Original]

Every year millions of infants have their penis mutilated. This barbaric act robs the innocent victim of thousands of sexual pleasure receptors and leaves them with disfigured genitals. It also causes deep psychological damage, and in some particularly sad and distressing cases, individuals left living with this disabilty choose to repress their feelings of inferiority, anger and resentment by advocating the unnatural procedure. Others will even have the same done to their own children, beginning a vicious cycle of abuse.

We must do something to prevent this from happening to another child. Even if you have not been directly effected by this, please think about how you would feel having to exist with a part of your penis missing, and do whatever you can to help raise awareness about this issue. Together we can bring an end to penile butchery.

>> No.1365085
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>> No.1365086

First time on /sci/, is trolling all you guys do around here?
I mean there's one of these threads on the front page

>> No.1365122


>> No.1365127

>we can bring an end to penile butchery

not likely


>> No.1365136

I hope there is a referendum and we can make circumcision compulsory for all boys.

>> No.1365143

no anesthesia?

>> No.1365170

I was circumsised aganist my will when i was a little kid. Its a horrible and pointless thing, just like everything religion brings. If circumsicion were a thing that could only be made after 18 with your will only, then its alright, but it should be illegal to force it.

>> No.1365230

That's disgraceful. In which third world countries is this penis cutting happening?

>> No.1365233

i just found out i was cut, i never knew,

>> No.1365235

so does uncut mean x10 a better orgasm?

>> No.1365270

Shay Carl is a douche bag, he mutilated his newborn son, Onision is right about that FAG

>> No.1365273

Probably only x2 better.

>> No.1365402

No. Stop the cycle of abuse.

>> No.1365445


Difficult to say. You need to ask someone who was cut after sexual activity. But you lose a lot of nerve endings and thus quite a lot of sensibility. It's not as bad as when women are circumcised, but hardly anyone will do it out of free will.

>> No.1365472

i feel for you

>> No.1365479

my buddy was cut in his teen years, he tells me it does indeed reduce the pleasure by quite a bit

>> No.1365484

NPG bitches

>> No.1365492

I once read that circumcised penises are on average half an inch shorter

>> No.1365674

bumping to help raise awareness

>> No.1365682

Every year millions of infants have their minds educated. This barbaric act robs the innocent victim of thousands of unused brain cells and leaves them with disfigured creativity. It also causes deep psychological damage, and in some particularly sad and distressing cases, individuals left living with this disabilty choose to repress their feelings of inferiority, anger and resentment by advocating anything to do with kansas. Others will even have the same done to their own children, beginning a vicious cycle of abuse.
We must do something to prevent this from happening to another child. Even if you have not been directly effected by this, please think about how you would feel having to exist with a part of your penis missing, and do whatever you can to help raise awareness about this issue. Together we can bring an end to penile butchery.

>> No.1365720

>Implying that circumcision provides some benefit to the child.

>> No.1365723


>> No.1365725

If you're looking for science, this isn't the place.

>> No.1365749

It does in some situations. Socially, obviously, but also hygienically

inb4 butthurt cutfag, I'm uncut.

>> No.1365777

>Implying that a guy can't wash his own dick.

>> No.1365950
File: 45 KB, 385x397, mohel-rabbi-yosef-weisburg-.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Mohel Rabbi Yosef David Weisburg sucking penis during bris ritual, Jerusalem Post Magazine, Nov. 5, 1976, page 14

"This is a very delicate area, so to speak," said Health Commissioner Thomas R. Frieden.

The practice is known as oral suction, or in Hebrew, metzitzah b'peh: after removing the foreskin of the penis, the practitioner, or mohel, sucks the blood from the wound to clean it.

It became a health issue after a boy in Staten Island and twins in Brooklyn, circumcised by the same mohel in 2003 and 2004, contracted Type-1 herpes. Most adults carry the disease, which causes the common cold sore, but it can be life-threatening for infants. One of the twins died.
source: http://piratenews.org/jewish-rabbis-suck-dick.html

Regarding mental hygiene:

If an adult decides to get circumcised, no problem at all. Doing it to infants at an age when imprinting occurs means inflicting a psychological trauma. These children will not just lose their foreskin, they may lose their sanity for life and will never know why they have problems. I think such practices are barbaric and should be made illegal.

>> No.1365954


Thank you. I haven't lol'd so hard for a while.

>> No.1366064

/sci/ we must do something about this

>> No.1366069

and i think you should quit tellin people how to raise their kids. :/ your just as bad as the religious folks eh?

>> No.1366156

1. The implication that circumcision 'reduces sensitivity' or makes your penis shorter is false. Circumcision is just the removal of the foreskin. The American Academy of Pediatrics and the American Academy of Family Physicians have both stated there is no convincing evidence that circumcision causes psychological or sexual issues or any bullshit you suggest.

2. Chicks hate uncircumcised dicks.

3. >>1365950 Orthodox Jews are some of the biggest retards in the world. Circumcision is only dangerous when performed by non-medical professionals or pedophilic mohels

>> No.1366190

>It also causes deep psychological damage, and in some particularly sad and distressing cases, individuals left living with this disabilty choose to repress their feelings of inferiority, anger and resentment

In other words, they become trolls.

>> No.1366205

cutfags can't get handjobs


>> No.1366231


and uncut fags can't get blowjobs XD

seriously who fucking cares about this shit, it is a cultural thing

>> No.1366235

Uncutfags don't get blowjobs.

>> No.1366266

yeah, amerifags don't know the word 'personal hygiene'

>> No.1366271

How do you think I jerk off? I spit on my hand. handjobs are no different.

I say "bitch gimme dat hand" and I spit on it.

Bam, instant handjob.

>> No.1366286

Does that really work for you? I have tried and it dries up pretty fast.

>> No.1366289

Women hate sharpie dicks.

>> No.1366290
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We must end this inferior Middle Eastern religious practice before they spread it further and it disfigures and Aryan men.

>> No.1366314

c'mon /sci/ I know you know how to sage, it's a flap of fucking skin, jesus, who fucking cares

>> No.1366347

bump - I want to see how this argument will continue...

>> No.1366376

Oh god, I thought it was something akin to FGM I hadn't heard of until I finished it and realized what it was about.

>> No.1366559

this is technically cp

>> No.1366732

Sickening stuff

>> No.1366771

I love when people quote personal hygiene into the whole uncut vs cut thing. Same goes for every part of your body, if you don't wash it, it gets dirty. Do you think it's that hard to wash your dick?

>> No.1368282

bump for awareness

>> No.1368386

Ohh for fucks sakes, I am circumcised, and ohh my fucking god! I am also completely sane. Dude, circumcision Isn't that bad, and sex still feels pretty good so... get over it???

>> No.1368407

>reacting like a butthurt teenager
>implying you've had sex

>> No.1368414

why is it always uncutfags starting these threads?

i'm fine with my circumcised penis and i don't really give a shit about your penis. your parents could cut the whole fucking thing off for all i care. its not my problem.

>> No.1368453

>why is it always uncutfags starting these threads?

They are on a life long endeavor to legitimize their ugly penis skins

>> No.1368468

It should be clear by now that there is no justification for such a practice as far as children are concerned. But where does this obsession come from? The USofA is neither a muslim nor a jewish dominated country, but there must be some strong irrational drive. What could that be?

>> No.1368477


Christianity is an offshoot of Judaism

>> No.1368482

It's da joos

'Murikans all insecure 'bout dere joo penors.

>> No.1368507


my family is atheist/agnostic and i've never been inside a church and my parents had me circumcised. it's just the normal thing to do in many parts of the us.

if you play sports and are in a locker room or w/e most guys are cut and nobody seems to really think much of it.

until you come to 4chan and see threads like this about how it is horrible genital mutilation. sure.

>> No.1368508

honestly the person who started this thread is prolly, oh nevermind you said uncut.
ok well imma go play paper mario, have fun thinking about each other penis'

>> No.1368523
File: 46 KB, 765x651, Not cutting.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I was lucky to have my parents

>> No.1368536

My mom was tricked into to getting my circumcised by her female doctor. If my dad was around during my birth things would have been different. Fucking women, it is illegal to cut their genitals in any way but it is common practice to butcher a mans. Sometimes I wish I were an engineer.

>> No.1368580

I feel for you bro. You are an inspiration to us all for talking about it so openly. Take some comfort from knowing that the cycle of abuse will stop with you. You are a hero.

>> No.1368592

Enjoy your infected dick.

>> No.1368634

With in 5 years I am sure somebody would have found a way to grow a new natural foreskin using stem cells.

all dicks can get infected

>> No.1368659

I was cut when I was around 11. My mom convinced me it was more convinient.

I don't particulary regret it, because it's more socially acceptable in my country.

I would have stayed uncut if half the people didn't see it as dirty, honestly it all comes down to social purposes because that's where it really matters for humans. What other purpose is there? Frankly, I don't remember the difference, but my case is a bit different, and I might have had an easier time cumming when I was 6.

>> No.1368675

Yeah I didn't even know that I was suppose to have a penis frenulum until I was 19 years old and watching European porn. I just have an indentation and some scar tissue where it should be.

>> No.1368686

the foreskin increases the risk of infection exponentially.

>> No.1368694

I'm creating the Facebook page now.

>> No.1368695

You mean "not washing".

>> No.1368702

for /sci/, trolling, or foreskin?

>> No.1368703

>2. Chicks hate uncircumcised dicks.
stop being in jewland then. chicks dont give a fuck in the rest of the world

>> No.1368720

Anyone else in a community where circumcision is more normal at a later age? Say 10-13+?

I don't think there's a difference, the only issue here is the trauma (the night after the operation was horrid, shoulda had more anesthetics goddamn) and how society views it.

Also, uncut basically free lotion feel on your penis head, which is easily replaced. Anybody actually remember a distinct difference in masturbation? You guys take your reward system seriously.

>> No.1368732

Facebook page: http://www.facebook.com/pages/Stop-Male-Genital-Mutilation/101229076599469

Everyone join.

>> No.1368755


yeah i'll just join that group so all of my coworkers and family can see that i joined it

this will be great

>> No.1368885

I joined.

>> No.1368896

>Travis Vladamier Poindexter III

>> No.1369064

Found some data:

Circumcision: The Uniquely American Medical Enigma

The continuing practice of routine neonatal nonreligious circumcision represents an enigma, particularly in the United States. About 80 percent of the world's population do not practice circumcision, nor have they ever done so. Among the non-circumcising nations are Holland, Belgium, France, Germany, Switzerland, Austria, Scandinavia, the U.S.S.R., China, and Japan. People employing circumcision do so either for "health" reasons or as a religious ritual practiced by Muslims, Jews, most black Africans, non-white Australians, and others.
So called "health" circumcision originated in the nineteenth century, when most diseases were of unknown etiology. Within the miasma of myth and ignorance, a theory emerged that masturbation caused many and varied ills. It seemed logical to some physicians to perform genital surgery on both sexes to stop masturbation; the major technique applied to males was circumcision. This was especially true in the English-speaking countries because it accorded with the mid-Victorian attitude toward sex as sinful and debilitating.
In the 75-year period (1875 to 1950) there was virtually no opposition to routine circumcision in the United States. Instead there were many articles in medical journal and textbooks extolling the practice; the issue was ignored in the popular press. Yet in the more than a century of acceptance of routine circumcision in the English-speaking countries, from 1870 to the present, no other country adopted newborn circumcision.

>> No.1369703

That is because America has a large Jewish population, and a lot of those Jews work as doctors. They don't want themselves or their children to feel like the odd guy in the locker room so they recommend circumcision to all parents regardless of background.

>> No.1369738


is your friend

>> No.1369783


my pediatrician was an asian guy. are you saying he was jewish?

>> No.1369830

Soooo True. You really feel like an oddball when your Gf asks why your Dick is A) 2 different colors. B) Where's the head isn't in it's "sheath" when soft. C) Why it looks funy.

>> No.1369853

I swear 4chan thinks they cut the head off the dick

>> No.1369880

Having actually bothered to look at that site, I can tell you it's fairly biased. I saw a lot of the same arguments made by some of the retards here being repeated there.

>> No.1369894

Where do Jews eat on Christmas?

>> No.1369907

I know what the fuck? And to hear the uncut guys talk you'd think foreskin is this magical substance that causes orgasms just by looking at it!

>> No.1369931

7.5inch cutfag with a very satisfied GF here

Maybe you should all worry about getting something to stick your cut or uncut dicks in before acting like such babies over it.

>> No.1369935


i bet your gf is a blowup doll, so your statement is invalid


>> No.1369940

>7.5inch cutfag
Next time, try to make your trolls less obvious.

>> No.1369944
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>> No.1369962


Calm the fuck down, and stop flinging around 'newfag' like you actually know what it fucking means.

>> No.1369965

its not magic. its science.

>> No.1369979


Or...y'know...you could go with the shitloads of reports that say there is no discernible difference in the amount of stimulation or pleasure felt by cut and uncutfags. That might be science.

No? Okay. Let's go with anecdotal evidence and popular beliefs then.

>> No.1369995

No scientist of any worth would defend circumcision based on purely scientific grounds

>> No.1370033

Right... don't let every legitimate piece of research suggesting circumcision makes no difference in sensitivity deter you from spreading bullshit.

>> No.1370045
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>> No.1370049

Cut vs. uncut has made it to /sci/.

Moot, you know what to do.

>> No.1370054

>Or...y'know...you could go with the shitloads of reports that say there is no discernible difference in the amount of stimulation or pleasure felt by cut and uncutfags.

[citation needed]

>> No.1370072

sage because 4chan

>> No.1370076





And the shitload of links here:


>> No.1370089

You won't get /sci/!

>> No.1370099

biased studies are biased
How are they measuring the sensation?
Are they measuring the orgasm alone or the entire sexual experience?

>> No.1370127


I'm sure you'd find most of your answers involving the researchers methodology, criteria, etc. by actually reading the shit.

>> No.1370238

All of the men in the studies wanted to be circumcised

All of the men were circumcised later in life
causes different results because men have had their frenulum left intact, which is where a lot of nerves are

The measurements for sexual drive, erection, and ejaculation time were done shortly after the men were circumcisied
questionable data because the glans was still sensitive and did not develop a callous yet

>> No.1371396


isnt the female form illegal in most countries? Oh yeah I forgot because it reduces sexual pleasure.

Thats pretty much the same for males, and every cutfag who goes on about how sex is still awesome, have never had sex with foreskin.

Cutfags are really retarded

>> No.1371413



isnt the female form illegal in most countries? Oh yeah I forgot because it reduces sexual pleasure.

Thats pretty much the same for males, and every uncutfag who goes on about how sex is awesome, have never had sex without a foreskin.

uncutfags are really retarded

>> No.1371417

And yet some reports will say the opposite. Oh, and there's no getting around the fact that there's more nerve receptors in the foreskin than the penis itself. And nobody's yet to present a valid reason for it beyond religion or the fact they're cut too.

>> No.1371426

It's like you're a fucking idiot (oh wait). I also find it hilarious that there was once a better thread about circumcision on /jp/ of all boards, than on /sci/.

>> No.1371442


Female circumcision - Mercilessly hacking off a woman's clit with a piece of broken glass or (if they're lucky) a scalpel held by a drunken quack.

Male circumcision - Carefully cutting off a little relatively useless sheath of skin that in no way reduces your sensitivity or sexual pleasure, in a sterile environment by medical professionals or in the worse case, a medically trained and license member of a religious community.

No... clearly there's no difference at all.

>> No.1371516

From the World Health Organization:
- "Although many have speculated about the effect of a foreskin on sexual function, the current state of knowledge is based on anecdote rather than scientific evidence."
- "Anecdotally, some have claimed that the foreskin is important for normal sexual activity and improves sexual sensitivity. Objective published studies over the past decade have shown no substantial difference in sexual function between circumcised and uncircumcised men."

>> No.1371564

>useless sheath of skin that in no way reduces your sensitivity or sexual pleasure
You keep making this claim, yet can't back it up with unbiased reports. It's pretty widely accepted outside your little head and other denialists that male circumcision reduces pleasure somewhat, inflicts pain on the person and is usually done without their consent for no actual gain. If someone wants to be circumcised - fine, let them, but the parents shouldn't be allowed to mutilate their children.

>> No.1371756


>> No.1371772

just use tractors it wont be as bad

>> No.1371785
File: 2.31 MB, 2048x1365, press_06112005_isobus1.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Dont you guys worry, tractors will save us all.

>> No.1371803

>Implying the WHO and the 95% of published research on the subject is biased.


>> No.1371822
File: 26 KB, 320x279, Pic(066).jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>implying that the removal of pleasure receptors will not effect pleasure
>implying that loss of sensitivity is the only disadvantage of circumcision

>> No.1371849

>can last more than 30 seconds
lol k

>> No.1371861

why does everyone think when you're cut you can't jerk off without lube? im cut and i never use lube

>> No.1371870

okay mr butthurt uncut man
what are some other disadvantages?

>> No.1371871

>implying that 95% of research agrees with you
I sure do love your imaginary little world.

>> No.1371874


>> No.1371876

Again... it's the opinion of the majority of medical professionals, organizations, and research on the subject vs a few anecdotal claims against.

There seems to be a lot of misinformation on the subject from the uncut camp... to read some of these posts you'd think circumcision involves Jews storming into the hospital after the baby's been born, snatching the bouncing baby boy out of his mother's arm and chopping off half his dick with a hatchet.

>> No.1371883

>Again... it's the opinion of the majority of medical professionals, organizations, and research on the subject vs a few anecdotal claims against.
Until that second paragraph, I thought you were speaking for the uncut side.

And your stupid little hyperbole doesn't change the fact that you're letting parents mutilate their children for no good reason. Children aren't property.

>> No.1371886
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when the mutilated said penis, was it with a .........................TRACTOR BRAP BRUPPP

>> No.1371932

"Tests of the sensitivity of the glans revealed no difference between circumcised and uncircumcised men."
- The Journal of Urology, 2005

"No valid evidence to date supports the notion that being circumcised affects sexual sensation or satisfaction."
- American Academy of Family Physicians, 2007

"Adult male circumcision is not associated with sexual dysfunction. Circumcised men reported increased penile sensitivity and enhanced ease of reaching orgasm."
- The Journal of Sexual Medicine, 2008

But how silly of me... they're all in on the sinister foreskin conspiracy!

>> No.1372101


The end result is the same, and that is what matters

>> No.1372109


troll thread and troll comment holy shit!

>> No.1372114

So there are a few papers that support circumcision (though the third is anecdoctal and pretty obviously bunk), or more accurately, claim there to be no difference in sensitivity, and some that oppose it and claim that it does affect it? And yet we're only supposed to be believe one set of papers? Sure.

Still waiting on these imaginary benefits of circumcision and why parents have the right to mutilate their childrens' penises.

>> No.1372122

foreskin not only looks like shit, but it also can trap in all sorts of bacteria and dirt, leading to many urethral problems and infections
I say cut that shit off of there

most interesting troll thread i've seen in a while

>> No.1372132

If someone was butthurt about being uncut, they would go and get cut. To say that someone is butthurt about being uncut is ridiculous. No one would choose to remain in a state of butthurting. Unfotunately, cutfags don't have that choice to make, the choice was made for them.

>> No.1372135

>foreskin not only looks like shit, but it also can trap in all sorts of bacteria and dirt, leading to many urethral problems and infections
Circumcision can cause it's own set of problems. The appearance argument is stupid. The hygeine argument applies to anything if you can't be arsed to wash yourself.

Not seeing enough reasons to justify parents being able to circumcise their children without consent.

>> No.1372146


If someone's personal hygiene is so bad that they are incapable of performing the simple act of cleaning their penis they don't deserve the advantages of having a foreskin in the first place. And if you or any other cutfag views the simple process of cleaning a penis as some kind of epic struggle then I hate to think how filthy you are.

>> No.1372161

Before we knew about the importance of personal hygiene, God told the Jews to clip off bacteria-prone external skin flaps. It was the first known beneficial body modification.

Before we knew about food-borne parasites, God told the Jews to drain all the blood and cook their meat thoroughly.

Before we knew what caused trichinosis and heart disease, God told the Jews not to eat pork.

Before we knew about cross contamination, God told the Jews to wash their hands.

Before we knew about hereditary diseases, God told the Jews not to fuck their close relatives.

>> No.1372170

they were so healthy, and they outnumbered us by so much..
something had to be done.
they brought it upon themselves.

>> No.1372178

funny how you cut away that little string that attaches the foreskin to the penis glans when mutilating.

from own experiences, that little string makes blowjobs and handjobs so awesome, and I have reason to believe its also that string that makes sex awesome

>> No.1372185
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>the advantages of having a foreskin


>> No.1372195

We administer preventative health measures to our children without their consent. Would you rather have had your mother wait until you were 16 so you could decide if you wanted vaccinations or not?

>> No.1372197

>implying children are property
The point is that parents don't have the right to mutilate their childrens' bodies. If the child wants to become cut when he is older, fine by me, but the parents have no right to rob him of his choice.

>> No.1372203

Oh wow, talk about your terrible comparisons. Vaccinations provide enormous benefits with minimal chance of a downside. Circumcision provides no real benefit and might be damaging to the person. Comparing the two is ridiculous.

>> No.1372217

>might be damaging
Billions of circumcised people and billions of uncircumcised people and somehow YOU have some inside track on special knowledge that one could be more harmful. You are smarter than thousands of scientists, and have thought more deeply than hundreds of thousands of apologists on both sides.
Do share with us, wise one.

>> No.1372218

I am lucky enough to be uncircumcised.

- I know how good it feels to have my foreskin stimulated.
- I know how good it feels to glide my foreskin back and forth over my glans
- I know how good it feels to have my glans safely contained within a protective layer of skin, preventing dryness and desentisation through rubbing
- I have the piece of mind that comes with knowing my penis is intact, natural, and that I possess a full array of nerve endings.
- I did not have to endure unnecessary pain or distress and the potential psychological damage that could cause
- I have the piece of mind to know that, barring medical reasons, I and I alone have the choice whether to be cut or uncut.
- I know how good it feels to have my frenelum teased.

If you have never had an intact penis then you could never begin to fully understand why I would never chose to be without my foreskin. In having a foreskin I know firsthand exactly what I would be missing out on if I was without one. I would no sooner have my foreskin removed than I would a finger or any other naturally occuring, purpose serving part of my body.

>> No.1372226

>Foreskin as important as a finger
Tonsils or appendix would be a better comparison

>> No.1372240

Oh christ, I said it might be, you ignorant fuck. Given the fact that medical professionals seem to disagree with one another pretty strongly over whether it can be damaging, your assertion that it can't be is fucking stupid.

>> No.1372269

Totally different. Vaccinations can help to save lifes, circumcision can help destroy them.

>> No.1372275

You now realize that circumcision is nothing but a barbaric religious act and that it's only purpose is to make it more difficult to commit the "sinful" act of masturbation.

>> No.1372279

Uncut dicks = freak dicks
if you're uncut then you probably have moldy cottage cheese under that disgusting flap. Eventually the molds will eat off the head of your dick.

>> No.1372288

Having no tonsils or appendix would make no difference to my life. Certainly not my sex life. They are poor comparisons.

>> No.1372293

>Tonsils or appendix

what about earlobes?

>> No.1372305
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>Science board
>People defending a scientifically unnecessary religious practice
>My face

>> No.1372309

Welcome to people being butthurt.

>> No.1372310



>> No.1372317


mutilation = normal = irony

>> No.1372321

Ever heard of soap?

>> No.1372355

When a baby boy's natural and intact penis is "circumcised," this is what is lost forever:

*1. The frenar band of soft ridges--the single most pleasure producing zone on the male body. Loss of this densely innervated and reactive belt of tissue reduces the sensitivity of the remaining penis to about that of ordinary skin.

2. Approximately half of the temperature reactive smooth muscle sheath called the dartos fascia.

3. Specialized epithelial Langerhans cells, a component of the immune system.

*4. An estimated 240 feet of microscopic nerves, including branches of the dorsal nerve.

*5. Between 10,000 to 20,000 specialized erotogenic nerve endings of several types, which can discern slight motion, subtle changes in temperature, and fine gradations in texture. This loss includes thousands of coiled fine-touch receptors called the Meissner's corpuscles - the most important sensory component in the foreskin.

6. Estrogen receptors the purpose and value of which are not yet fully understood.

*7. More than 50% of the mobile penile skin, the multi-purpose covering of the glans, that shields all of the specialized penile skin from abrasion, drying, and callusing (by keratin cell layering), and protects it from dirt and other contaminants. The debilitating sexual consequences of keratinizing the glans have never been studied.

8. The immunological defense system of the soft mucosa, which may produce antibacterial and antiviral proteins such as lysozyme, also found in mothers milk, and plasma cells, which secrete immunoglobulin antibodies.

9. Lymphatic vessels, the loss of which interrupts the lymph flow within a part of the bodys immune system.

*10. The frenulum, the very sensitive "V" shaped web-like tethering structure on the underside of the glans; usually amputated along with the foreskin, or severed, which destroys its functionality.

>> No.1372360

*11. The apocrine glands of the inner foreskin, which produce pheromones—nature's powerful, silent, invisible behavioral signals to potential sexual partners. They contribute significantly to sexuality. Their loss is unstudied.

12. Ectopic sebaceous glands, which lubricate and moisturize.

*13. The essential "gliding" mechanism. If unfolded and spread out flat, the average adult foreskin measures about 15 square inches, the size of a postcard. This abundance of specialized, self-lubricating mobile skin gives the natural penis its unique hallmark ability to smoothly "glide" in and out within itself—permitting natural non-abrasive masturbation and intercourse, without drying out the vagina or requiring artificial lubricants.

14. The pink to red to dark purple natural coloration of the glans, normally an internal organ, like the tongue.

*15. A significant amount of the penis circumference because its double layered wrapping of loose foreskin is now missing making the circumcised penis defectively thinner than a full-sized intact penis.

*16. As much as one inch of the erect penis length due to amputation when the connective tissue is torn apart during "circumcision." This shared membrane tightly fuses the foreskin and the glans together while the penis develops. Ripping it apart wounds the glans, leaving it raw and subject to infection, scarring, and shrinkage.

*17. Several feet of blood vessels, including the frenular artery and branches of the dorsal artery. The loss of this dense vascularity interrupts normal blood flow to the shaft and glans of the penis, obviously damaging its natural function and possibly stunting its complete and healthy development.

>> No.1372365

What would happen if you sue your parents for mutilating you against your will?

I mean, it is like cutting off your pinky. You could still walk but not as good as with a pinky.

>> No.1372415

>a lot of those Jews work as doctors. They don't want themselves or their children to feel like the odd guy in the locker room

Thank you, that's an interesting aspect because it connects the nonreligious with the religious motive of neonatal circumcision. So instead of re-evaluating their own rituals they change others according to 'their own image'? Not exactly what you would expect from a doctor..

>> No.1372459

It's time to make a stand. Cock slicing ends here!

>> No.1372489

I feel bad for any child that is going to be circumcised by their parents. Such a waste.....

>> No.1372571

I believe that would set a legal precedent

>> No.1372670

Best thread on /sci/

>> No.1372688

Bitches haven't heard of NPG

>> No.1372696

>mfw americans don't realise they are jews.

>> No.1372697

Once upon a time I used to watch the show ER. and while it is a drama and not real life, one scene stands out in my mind. Two doctors had made a baby, and they had a discussion on whether to get the child circumcised.

>> No.1372709
File: 17 KB, 241x230, 1271270953379.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I'm so fucking glad I wasn't cut.

I guess if I ever wanted the procedure done (unlikely) I still could but it's definitely always better to have a choice.

I actually break out laughing whenever someone tries to convince me being uncut is something I should feel bad about.

And no, I don't give a fuck if women like how it looks, if you've gotten her in bed already she's not going to give a fuck if you're cut or not unless she's insane.

>> No.1372769

Women do like how it looks. Thats why men have evolved to still have foreskins.

>> No.1372793

go on......

>> No.1372892

that was pretty much it. two doctors arguing over whether it was better to circumcise their child, or to let the kid decide himself later on in life.

>> No.1372902


No one has ever decided later on in life to get cut. It is something your parents do to you or it never happens.

>> No.1373045

>No one has ever decided later on in life to get cut.

Any data about that? If so many people are convinced it is a good thing to do (even if for the wrong reasons), some will decide to have it done. But maybe very, very few, perhaps comparable to the number of women having breast implants.