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/sci/ - Science & Math

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File: 62 KB, 1024x804, math.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
1363633 No.1363633 [Reply] [Original]

Hello /sci/. I'm a damn retard when it comes to the math stuff. It's driven me to the point of over 9000 rage when I sit back and think about how it basically never changes. History can have new facts unearthed, books re-written. Yet math will pretty much stay the same. So I ask, how am I to get good at math considering it's such a constant? Any pointers or places I should check out online or in the city?

>> No.1363640

lol at quadratic equation in pic

>> No.1363653


See, I have no fucking idea what you're speaking of.

>> No.1363664


Wait, is it the one with the square root symbol thing?

>> No.1363665

>So I ask, how am I to get good at math considering it's such a constant?

take a math class. at a school.

>> No.1363669


I'm planning on it come the fall semester. In the mean time, I am looking for other ways to get a jump-start on this bad larry.

>> No.1363674

i dunnno, maybe read a book.

>> No.1363684


Any you'd recommend?

>> No.1363685

read a math book? the intro ones. intro to proofs. then go get some WALTER RUDIN

>> No.1363693


From elementary math all the way to Integral Calculus, skipping no steps, covering all the bases and explaining everything.

>> No.1363698

i got a bunch from the pirate bay.

>> No.1363699


Thank you!

>> No.1363708

The higher level of math you go, the more unstable it gets, until you get to the point where you're like "Shit! That wouldn't even make sense with imaginary standards, did we fuck up or what?", "Just go with it, they'll believe it if WE publish it." So pretty much, math can go to hell!

>> No.1363722

It's consistency is what makes math so easy to understand. 2+2=4 everywhere. In Germany, you can't talk about Hitler. In America, George Washington was a total badass who could do no wrong. ln (e)=1 no matter where you go. It's about solving problems using logic, just start thinking of it as a puzzle (and do some word problems to give it relevancy, so you're actually thinking about WHY you need to multiply this with that, or why you need to take a derivative) and you should start to love it.

>> No.1363725

Not op. Every math teacher I have had has failed at teaching me math. I used the internet instead...

>> No.1363736

I have occasionally come across good math instructors, but for the most part they explain things in ways that make sense to them and anyone who already understands the material. I even had one professor who started teaching one day, then said "wait a minute" opened their book and read from it for 5 minutes, then tried to explain it... failed that class miserably, took it the next semester with a decent prof and got a B (class was Calculus II).

>> No.1364340

Bump for the relevance to my interests!

>> No.1364345
File: 21 KB, 320x240, khan-star-trek-2.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I has academy.

>> No.1364374

lol you are so clever!!! ;3

anyways im not OP but is watching khan academy videos all day .. worth it? I've learned quite a bit on my own.. I take notes along with the videos. It's hard to be a full blown retard sometimes..