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1352772 No.1352772 [Reply] [Original]

Does anyone else feel they somewhat enjoy their technically-oriented major, but feel depressed when they consider their future careers being resigned to sitting at a desk in front of a computer screen as opposed to those who persued more glamorous paths?

Dream job: Actress/Gravure Model
Reality: Male math student

>> No.1352785

why don't you just stay in academics?

>> No.1352790

Get some hobbies? Archery? Trail riding? Learning to fly a helicopter? Helped me.

>> No.1352795

Not really.

I enjoy working indoors in comfort. I enjoy working with computers.

Sure it would be nice to be Brad Pitt, but its not going to happen.

And even if I was Brad Pitt id probably just sit on 4chan all day anyway.

>> No.1352824

Because it doesn't pay a real wage.

>> No.1352837

You want to be a woman, OP?

>> No.1352839
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>> No.1352842
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Dream job: Architect
Reality: Studying for B.arch

I got a feeling my impression of an architect's life is starkly different from reality though LOL. Pic related.

>> No.1352844

I honestly don't know how some mathematicians live with themselves dedicating their lives to such abstract nonsense.

It's interesting all, but it'd feel like doing crossword puzzles for a career to me.

>> No.1352851

Dream job: Astronaut
Reality: Physics major

When did I lose the dream?

>> No.1352852

what the fuck can i do with a Bachelor in Astrophysics

>> No.1352859


It beats the hell out of working in a cubicle.

>> No.1352863

Probably when you realized how few people who apply make it.

No Idea. I'm an astrophysics major myself

>> No.1352887


yeah if you are average you deal with bitchy homeowners and do CAD all day.

and if you are awesome you deal with bitchy politicians and even bitchier rich homeowners and do CAD all day.

>> No.1352912

lil bit

Maybe I'll start up my own fashion company, or something.

>> No.1352917

What is CAD?

>> No.1352927

That's why I'm changing from Maths to Particle/Quantum Physics after I finish my BSc, and plan on staying in academia and doing research. I take it it would be pretty hard to work for CERN or some such place?

>> No.1352935

>Work for CERN
Hurr no shit, the person at the top of your class has to work their ass off to get a job consideration there, you're competing against the world, not against your region.

>> No.1352947

Where do mathematicians work, in the rainforest?

>> No.1352953

What? There are many astronauts who got degrees in Physics.

>> No.1352967

see this is why i'm doing music tech with EE. lots of possible routes.

>> No.1352998
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Dream job: Self-employed biotech prize hunter.
Reality: Molecular biology student

>> No.1353029

Trust me, it won't work out as planned.

>> No.1353045

Dream job: Archaeology with a specialization in sunken ship salvation or South American exploration (treasure hunting)
Reality: Software development project leader

>> No.1353068

Program: Chemical Physics
Dream Job: Crime Scene Lab Technician
Reality: Low level job at a pharmaceutical company, or be a government man.

>> No.1353083

Dream job: Mid-class Adventurer, fighting monsters and shit in a a fantasy world
Reality: reality

>> No.1353111
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Reality is quite a bit like pic related. Pretty cool, actually.

>> No.1353117

You're dream job was to analyze used condoms and niggerspit?

>> No.1353128

Dream job: Make a mess in a slaughterhouse
Reality: Clean up mess in a slaughterhouse

>> No.1353135

What is more exciting, biological engineer or pharmacist?

And can feed you.

>> No.1353170

>more exciting
Biological engineer.

>can feed you

>> No.1353178
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Dream job: Musician/pianist/playing in a band
Reality: Mechanical engineer

>> No.1353200

>Dream job: Actress/Gravure Model
>Reality: Male math student

the fuck?

>> No.1353723



>> No.1353740

Dream job: porn star
Reality: a real job

>> No.1353744

Do not despair. My bass teacher got his degree in Mech. Engineering and then did a Jazz degree at the conservatorium, is still relatively young and does private contract work related to engineering and tutors/plays in bands on the weekend. It's doable.

>> No.1353747

Dream Job: Space Pope
Reality: Earth Pope

>> No.1353755

Dream job:
>Any job I want.
>Ph.D in Mathematics

I'm on the right track

>> No.1353760

300k starting

>> No.1353771

Dream job: Hollywood Director or Doctor
Reality: Medical student

I'm extremely ok with this. Don't think I could do anything other than medicine.

Hollywood = nepotism at its finest. I am half black, live in NJ and have absolutely no connections with with anyone even close to the west coast. Hollywood is run by jews and whites who have a much easier time making connections than someone like me. It was really just a pipe dream that kept me going through my teenage years. It sucks when I see making-of- videos, and I can't help but think that maybe that could be me making a movie come to life. But then I remember who I am and that quickly brings me back to reality lol.

>> No.1353795
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Lol'd hard

>> No.1353812

Yes, its true that Hollywood is full of nepotism and someone with no connections will have very small chance of success, but your race has nothing to do with it.

>> No.1353867

Not the guy you are responding to but race has absolutely something to do with it. Hollywood is still stuck in the 50s in many ways.

Hell just look at the potrayal of asians in hollywood. They are ALWAYS martial arts related or some stupid ricer shit. It's embarassing.

>> No.1355958

Asian here.
Indeed it is.
Funnier yet is how we don't really give a shit but niggers are picky as fuck about their shit.