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1350086 No.1350086 [Reply] [Original]


The six million figure comes not from any historical records or FACTS...
it comes from the Talmud, which has a specific passage that was written millenias before WW2,

and that passage asserted that 6 million jews would die before Israel could be re-established.

Religious jews KNOW THIS.. the founders of Israel right after the war, and those who were active on their behalf adopted the SIX MILLION figure for a practical reason..

Most orthodox jews did not want to reestablish israel (nutri karta) for their own religious interpretation.. so the SIX MILLION FIGURE was used to justify to these resisters that the prophecy had come true, and as the Talmud said.. 6 MILLION jews had died, which justifed reestablishing Israel based upon this ''prophesy fufillment''

I dont have any problem with Israel at all, BUT the SIX MILLION figure has that prophesy based in the Talmud and it was adopted post-ww2 to use as a basis for demonstrating to religious jews that the prhophesy was now fufilled and they were thus to return to Israel

The Allied forces were the real forces of evil.


>> No.1350093
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most of the nazi camps were WORK CAMPS, as the nazis production workers were at the front, and they were at a huge disadvantage to US/Soviet production capacity..

the work camps were a means of obtaining labour.

A few notorious camps were DEATH camps to eliminate jews or perceived undesireables. Even many subcamps of Auschwitz were NOT DEATH CAMPS.

most existed to produce labour, not to kill the labour..

Vastly those who survived the war were either in the majority of WORK camps, or they were sondercommando / Kapo's
(jew inmates who assisted/collaborated with the nazis)

almost NO ONE who survived the war was in one the designated DEATH camps.. they were mere laborers who wish to exaggerate-
those is the DEATH camps died within a day or two of their arrival..sometimes hours..

>> No.1350109
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>>For the permission to return to the Promised Land, God allegedly demanded from them a "6-Million-Holocaust-Offering", so the high priests interpreted a Torah prophecy that reads: "You shall return" (due to a spelling mistake the priests interpret it this way "You shall return, minus 6 million")

>>This self-imposed prophesy - without fulfilment of this prophesy the return to the Promised Land would not be permitted - led to the 1919 "six-million-prophecy-crash".

>>Based on the Balfour-Declaration of 1917 the state of Israel was guaranteed, and the Diaspora-Jews would return to the "Promised Land". The leading Jews at that time expected 1920 a migration of their brethren into "their Land". But, before the return could take place, "6 million" of them had to disappear, according to the wrongly interpreted prophecy.

>>In fact, Jewish organisations proclaimed already in 1919 a "6 million-holocaust", taking place in the Ukraine: "Six million men and women are dying; eight-hundred-thousand children cry for bread. And this fate is upon them through no fault of their own, through no transgression of the law of God or man; but through the awful tyranny of war and a bigoted lust for Jewish blood. In this threatened holocaust of human life ..." [The American Hebrew, Oct. 31, 1919, Nbr. 582]

>> No.1350113

You expect anyone on 4chan to care?

Sad bro, just sad.

>> No.1350115

I care

>> No.1350121
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Very few jews actually died. They have been using the 6 mil number to get what they want for decades.

Chemical evidence shows that the "gas chambers" of Auschwitz were actually never exposed to cyanide gas.

In fact, the chemist who did the most detailed chemical analysis of the "gas chambers" is imprisoned for three years due to thought crimes

>> No.1350133
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Most people believe the holocaust just because everybody else believes it, and it's what they were taught in school. I used to believe it too.

But when you actually see some holocaust revisionist stuff you might not be so sure.

This one video in particular will make you wonder why everybody has to believe 100% or face imprisonment in many countries. A lot of the other videos are good but this one in particular I think really needs to be answered.


>> No.1350144

If you take every eyewitness account from all of the invading Allies and put them al ltogether ... the ovens at a few camps, the piles of bones, etc. ... and combine them all, you wouldn't even reach 100,000 dead at all camps combined. That is about 1/60th of the "official" figure, and that is really padding the totals as it stands.

I'm not saying that a lot of Jews, cripples, gypsies and other "undesireables" were put to work or killed at the camps, but the number is many times lower than the official count.

Again, it is illegal to even question the official count in several countries.

>> No.1350157
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Geez it sure is stormfront around here

>> No.1350162


>> No.1350173
File: 380 KB, 823x1174, 1278463175049.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

There wasn't even 6 million Jews in ALL OF EUROPE. FACTS:
- It was IMPOSSIBLE that the supposed 'death camps' killed so many people in such little time
- NO records exist!
- Only evidence... testimonies from defeated German officers and damn Jews

Oh and apparently all music was started in Africa, betcha believe that one too libs!

>> No.1350189

there is no proof that the numbers of Jews killed before and during WWII number in the millions. The official figures are 5.1 million to 6 million dead, but these figures are based on hearsay, sketchy census figures and eyewithness accounts that add up to only a fraction of that many dead, along with Nazi records that were not destroyed in time before the Allied invasion and occupation.

So there is no way to know whether 5 million or 500,000 or even 50,000 Jews were killed by the Nazis and their collaborators.

>> No.1350198


>> No.1350203
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And WTF should I care?

>> No.1350212

>There are actually people who believe the holocaust never happened


>> No.1350226
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>> No.1350231

Afraid of the truth?


They claim that in 1933, there were 9.5 million Jews in Europe, and that by 1945, there were only 3.5 million, and that ALL OF THE OTHERS HAD BEEN KILLED by the Nazis and their collaborators.

There is no shred of evidence that supports either figure or their conclusion. To even question this is illegal in sveral countries.

>> No.1350245


a rabs mate

>> No.1350255

so....we are supposed to believe you because you said so?
are caps supposed to enforce your argument?
we need citations and source.

>> No.1350256

Jews claimed six million jews died in WW ONE..as well.. its a # from torah prophecy relating to re-establishing ISRAEL..

>>The first reference to the extermination of six million Jews appears in an article on 'Antisemitism' in the Encyclopaedia Britannica (10th Ed. (1902) Vol. XXV p. 482), "While there are in Russia and Rumania six millions of Jews who are being systematically degraded. . ." Next Max Nordau at the World Zionist Congress of 1911 declared: "The same righteous governments are preparing complete annihilation for six million people." (Quoted by fellow-Zionist Ben Hecht, in his book Perfidy, p. 254).

>>An article in by Jewish Hollywood script writer, Ben Hecht, in Reader's Digest, February 1943 also mentioned the holocaust of six million Jews

>>..before the supposed event had taken place. In fact Auschwitz was still under construction at this time.

>> No.1350259

>Oh and apparently all music was started in Africa, betcha believe that one too libs!

Way to step from "trying but failing to make a point" to "I'm a ranting retard."

>> No.1350261

Baseless assertions of EVUL JUICE is not science.

>> No.1350273
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LOL. ITT butthurt liberals RAGE at their white guilt!

>> No.1350274

I have a question for those who believe the holocaust never happened.

Have you ever felt love?

>> No.1350275


>Implying anyone really cares about this thread.

>> No.1350283

I do

>> No.1350286

OP has alzheimers.

>> No.1350297


>> No.1350319

In some places it is illegal to even QUESTION it, let alone call for an investigation!

Clearly the biggest hoax of our time.

>> No.1350331

this thread has flawless logic!

>> No.1350336
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Forensic evidence always proves Holohoax is a fraud!

Where is the forensic evidence, for one of the largest mass murders in history? Why only hearsay, "eyewitnesses", and tortured confessions?

Show me some forensic evidence and I will believe the holocaust.

>> No.1350404

My grandparents knew a bunch of Jew families who were taken to Germany and never came back after Greece was invaded.

If it was not a designed extermination policy, why didn't they take any Greeks?

>> No.1350407

Because the Germans were populating *work* camps.

And as recent events have confirmed, Greeks are unwilling to work more than three days a week, and require seven smoke breaks a day.

>> No.1350433

Oh, racial stereotypes. I'd expect nothing less from an antisemite.

Now if you'll excuse me, I'm stepping outside for a fag. You keep on trolling.

>> No.1350529

yo, i think the holocaust happened but i don't know about numbers. if people say it's 6 million then maybe it was, i dunno. but i definitely agree that anybody who wants to question or research history should be allowed to do so. surely it would only lead to further clarification of what we already knew? no harm in that.

if i come up with the theory that gengis khan was a god and came from australia people would think i was crazy. but they wouldn't make it illegal for me to try to find evidence for this theory just because gengis khan was a bad man who killed about 40 million people.

to make it outright illegal to question anything at all is a fucking outrage. just to make it clear again; i do think the holocaust happened. this isn't about jews or the holocaust, for me it's about the right to carry out research and ask questions on any topic.