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1347905 No.1347905 [Reply] [Original]

It doesn't make sense that I exist. Think about how complex u are and that u exist. It doesn't make sense that the universe exists either.

>> No.1347908

Creationist alert! *Slams door in face*

>> No.1347993

and yet you do. deal with it nerd

>> No.1347999


Honestly, I think you should be pondering what purpose we are here for, as opposed to our complex genetic makeup.

>> No.1348000

The only explanation for why there is something instead of nothing is God. Nothing else makes sense.

>> No.1348003


jumping straight to creationism is like herp derp i dont wanna think about it, must be god

>> No.1348019

>how complex u are
>that u exist
Goddamn, pressing all manner of piss off buttons in one go aren't you?

An anecdote I always was, and I'm paraphrasing terribly here, is that religion is for people who can't grasp just how vast and amazing and beautiful the universe is, and instead require someone to make it small enough to digest.

>> No.1348062

I think, therefore I am

What's not to get?

>> No.1348070

Obvious samefagging is obvious. Go back to middle school and never come back.

>> No.1348104

yeah but all that irreducible complexity bullshit is still going to go back to God because that's how our minds work. cause and effect.

>> No.1348116

OP here. I'm not trying to make this a debate on creationism, I'm just saying that if you think about it it just doesn't make sense. The fact that your thinking about your existence doesn't make sense.

>> No.1348118

>It doesn't make sense that I exist.

you don't know that you exist because you cannot fully comprehend reality. It wouldn't make sense if your brain, a small piece of reality, would be able to understand the world which houses it.

>> No.1348133

Neither does it make sense for nonexistence to exist. What more is nonexistence than the ultimate potential for existence?

>> No.1348174

The existence of nothing,
OMG it blows my mind

>> No.1348184

life is like a movie that spoilers couldn't spoil. it's like watching the same movie over and over and never remembering what you're about to watch. so bascially it's like suddenly finding yourself in LOTR canon without any preconceived notion of hobbits.

>> No.1348192

But "nothing" doesn't require cause. "Nothing" is the natural state of things. In order for there to be something, there must be cause. And cause can not arise out of nothing, or it wouldn't be nothing.

>> No.1348194

Get the fuck in here. This is crazy shit

>> No.1348205


>"Nothing" is the natural state of things

implying that nothing has a nature

>> No.1348217

>implying that he's a fag.

>> No.1348213

I'm just saying, "nothing" doesn't require an explanation. It can just be and it doesn't logically require a cause. "Something" does require a cause, and there's no where for that cause to arise from. But there is obviously something rather than nothing, so what the fuck gives?

>> No.1348228


I concede

>> No.1348232

There's some video on Youtube that is a lecture positing that "nothing" is inherently unstable, but I'm not buying it. What could be more stable than nothing?

>> No.1348250

Suppose that someone has a gun against your head, and assume that, if he pulls the trigger, the only possibilities are that you'll die instantly (99% chance) and that the gun will misfire (1% chance). He pulls the trigger, and a few seconds pass. What is the probability that the gun misfired? 100%. If it didn't misfire, you'd be dead, so you wouldn't be able to answer the question. Of course, this doesn't mean that the gun will necessarily misfire if the situation happens, because there are other observers in the world. From my perspective, the probability that the gun misfired after he pulled the trigger is still 1%.

If the universe was incapable of supporting intelligent life, there would be no other observers. In other words, the only perspective we can look at this from is that of intelligent beings. From that perspective, the probability of intelligent beings existing is 1. If we could look at it from another perspective, the probability might be less, however if a being is unintelligent, it can't evaluate probability, so there is no other perspective we can use.

Anthropic Principle FTW.

>> No.1348256

Cogito ergo sum.
That's all I'm aware of.

>> No.1348264

For you, there is 100% that the gun will misfire.
For others, therefore in perspective, your percentages are right.

>> No.1348271

Maybe you should take something beyond philosophy for non-majors. Anthropic principle doesn't explain the mechanism for how something can arise out of nothing.

>> No.1348332

What makes you so sure that there was a time when there was nothing? There has always been something, because something cannot come from nothing, and there is something now.

>> No.1348345

If it doesn't make sense then what the fuck is sense to begin with?

OP is a fuckwit

>> No.1348342


But something requires cause. It can't be turtles all the way down.

>> No.1348347

If there is nothing, how does it exist? It does not for it is nonexistence. Just as one's mind cannot fully comprehend existence, neither can it comprehend nonexistence. I would say one is not more likely than the other, but [edited blah blah crazy ramblings I can't explain].
How is nonexistence the natural state of things? From my perspective it sure seems is existence is the natural state, being that existence exists whereas nonexistence does not. If there were truly nonexistence, it seems like me there would be nothing to stop existence from spontaneously existing.Can nonexistence even exist? By existing it is no longer nonexistence now is it?

>> No.1348356

>stopped reading at 'u'

>> No.1348363

>By existing it is no longer nonexistence now is it?

Yeah, that's the part that trips me up. If something can arise from nothing, it wasn't nothing because it was able to cause something. It just seems like a cop out to answer "why is there anything?" with "just because."

>> No.1348376
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>read post
>first thought was fuckin Watchmen

>> No.1348420

I wish I could explain what's in my head better. It seems like something could sort of 'pop' out of nothing just from the sheer nothingness of it. Like it is so unnatural and wrong that something would be forced to exist simply for not existing.

>> No.1348436

Which is it, does something require a cause, or can it not be turtles all the way down? The first says that there couldn't have been an uncaused cause, the second says that there must have been an uncaused cause. You can't logically hold two contradictory assumptions.

Personally, I believe that the universe is cyclical. Eventually, I think that all matter will return to a single point, and there will be another big bang, and it has been and will be this way forever. So I guess you could say that that's "turtles all the way down" but I really don't see why that's impossible.

>> No.1348439

check it

>> No.1348455

on the same page jumping to a no god conclusion is the same hurpa fuckin derp. hopefully you realise that

>> No.1348574

"n 2007 V. N. Tsytovich and colleagues discovered the possibility of life-like behaviors being exhibited by dust particles suspended in a plasma, similar to conditions in interstellar space.[30][31] Computer models showed that when the dust became charged the particles could self-organize into microscopic helical structures capable of replicating themselves, interacting with other neighboring structures, and evolving into more stable forms. "