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/sci/ - Science & Math

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1345875 No.1345875 [Reply] [Original]

Because /sci/ is retired.

>> No.1345895

Fun Fact: In spanish, the prefix 're' means 'increased' or 'super'.

So 'tired' in spanish is 'cansado', so

retired = recansado
recansado = muy cansado

The moar you know!

>> No.1345909

This board is for science and math related topics. We're not your friends, we don't want to see your cute pictures of funny youtube clips of some bullshit.


>> No.1345998


edgy faggots like you are runing this board

Go back to /b/ you cunt

>> No.1346019

>post retarded /b/ meme
>call other users /b/tards

haha oh wow

>> No.1346023

Spanishfag here, this is wrong, the prefix "re" means again.
retired = recansado = cansado denovo = tired again

>> No.1346029


Yeah, that's also true.

Isn't "de novo" portuguese?

>> No.1346046

So samefag it hurts.