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1344570 No.1344570 [Reply] [Original]

Prahlad Jani is proved to be able to survive without eating or drinking
*facepalm* when are you going to grow up science fans?

>> No.1344573

link to study results please.

>> No.1344572

he is clearly not human, see that pitch fork, and red attire. THE GREAT SATAN!

>> No.1344580

he's a transvestite. they can don't need food like normal humans.

>> No.1344588

>Prahlad Jani is proved to be able to survive without eating or drinking

[Citation Needed]

>> No.1344592

you don't need to prove it, you can survive without eating or drinkin, your body just eats your instead.

>> No.1344597

Except that flawed experimental design or flawed execution of an experiment can invalidate its results. If his best buddy Newage McHippystein is running the experiment and doing a bad job of making sure he actually doesn't ingest, yanno, food or drink, then that is a serious problem.

>> No.1344598

But then you die pretty quickly compared to several years.

>> No.1344600


>> No.1344603

As I recall the first set of tests done a few years ago showed him loosing weight during the time while he was observed not to eat. the only thing we have found from the short tests done up until this point is that his body apparently recycles urine.

>> No.1344607

they get blind and irritated by to evidence that threaten their world-view...

>> No.1344609

>Defies thousands of years of scientific method, organized or otherwise


>> No.1344612

Another reason for being suspicious of Dr. Shah is that he is not presenting his evidence (including his alleged round-the-clock film surveillance of Jani) to a scientific journal or committee. He gave the results of the study to a blogger.

I’d love to see the video of his “gargling” and “bathing activities,” which appear to be a shift from the no-liquids rule from earlier in the experiment.

>> No.1344613

I don't think you know what being a scientist really means.

>> No.1344618

I will accept this man as legit as soon as he comes to the US and performs the same feat in front of real doctors.

>> No.1344630

Evidence from someone other than sketchy Indian doctors and I'd be amazed

>> No.1344633

He's not Satan. Satan's fork doesn't look like that. It's clearly Neptune, and he's developed an aversion to water.

>> No.1344638

hell, I'd be fine with it if real doctors went to India and checked the claims there. observation matters in this case, not geography.

>> No.1344642

> real doctors went to India
> using racism to refute a new scientific result that your tiny mind can't understand

>> No.1344643

He's been exiled from his domain, like all the other gods once we understood their domains with science.

>> No.1344644

It means the willingness to refute any belief in face of evidence even the ones you cherish.The love of truth implies you would not attach to any belief you would like to be true just because they are popular among your peers.

>> No.1344650

wad a pepply to No.1344613

>> No.1344657

i'd be fine if real doctors in India checked the claims

>> No.1344659
File: 28 KB, 200x200, hl219651.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

" Sanal Edamaruku, president of the Indian Rationalist Association, criticized the experiment for allowing Jani to move out of a certain CCTV camera's field of view, meet devotees and leave the sealed test room to sunbathe. Edamaruku felt that the regular gargling and bathing activities were not sufficiently monitored,[45] and accuses Jani of having had some "influential protectors" who denied Edamaruku permission to inspect the project during its operation."

> My face.

>> No.1344681
File: 13 KB, 300x300, 1276732746825.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I have just read through this article: http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Inedia

>>My face

>> No.1344696

I'm typically a skeptic, but this man certainly resembles a wizard. And not in a superficial way with a cone hat and starry cloak. Look at those eyes. Wizard eyes.

Doubt him at your peril. Enjoy your hex.

>> No.1344717

sending doctors with absolutely no religious ties to the country nor person and would not be tempted to skew the results of the experiment nor put forth minimal effort in observations because of their beliefs is racist?

>> No.1344725

Being open minded doesn't mean that you have to immediately throw out the entirety of human knowledge on the basis of some asshole doing magic tricks with no credibility or rigor.

>> No.1344728
File: 11 KB, 209x215, 1277830354921.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

i personally dont trust 'rationalist' organizations, they're just dogmatic and media hype fags who twist shit into there perspective.

>> No.1344733

there is a big difference between 'human' knowledge and 'scientific' knowledge. a VERY big difference.

>> No.1344730


>> No.1344737

I sort of wish this was the real deal. It would piss off the christ-fags.
(inb4 demonic magic)

>> No.1344739
File: 21 KB, 360x359, 1278335699724.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

The guy's a fucking liar and India is still a religious shithole, get over it.

>> No.1344747
File: 7 KB, 150x150, Insane-Clown-Posse.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>doing magic tricks
Everything you dont WANT to understand are "magic trick".

>> No.1344754

Christ-fags believe that saints can Levitate:

>> No.1344761

kill yourself

>> No.1344764

You're confusing The Amazing Randi with Ayn Rand.

>> No.1344773


How, then, do you establish credibility? Do you just believe everything you're told? If something contradicts your prior knowledge, do you just change your opinion of everything immediately? Or do you seek to verify or confirm that what you're presented with is true?

I have no problem reevaluating my assumptions. But "Look, this guy doesn't have to eat!" with nothing credible to confirm it isn't anywhere near enough.

>> No.1344777

i think the 'amazing' randi, a man with no scientific credentials, acts exactly like ayn rand

>> No.1344779


I'm levitating right now. Jealous much?

>> No.1344815


>> No.1344831

>Scientists say there's no proof aliens visited this planet
>aliens exist and meet the planet
>scientists get the shit because they actually looked for evidence

>> No.1344847

I think you should just consider the possibility of being true. I dont know if its true, but I dont have a preference, like i feel some people would not like to find evidence of it not being a fraud; i just want to know whats true. I dont get angry or assume all these "paranormal" are people trying to fool you but I would like to see more studies about the subject. People are never question "mainsteam" beliefs; but "unpopular" beliefs people dont even want to check.

>> No.1344859

>calling racism because corruption is widespread in deveoping nations

hurr durr?

>> No.1344867

Indians are retarded fucks. So many bullshit stories float around in India, and those fuckers believe it. Deport all the stinky-ass Indians back to India and nuke the place.

>> No.1344888
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>> No.1344898


Of course it's possible. There's a possibility that Godzilla is real, that doesn't mean it's justified to believe it, even a little bit.

Giving equal status to contradicting arguments isn't a great strategy. It's trivially easy to propose something, just doing that doesn't mean your idea has any merit.

>> No.1344922

I suspect that every Indian I know is more intelligent than you.

>> No.1344967


I dont care which statement is proven false. I care only about what is true, maybe is because I believe what is good is not my idea of how the world should be, but the truth is good.

>> No.1344972


Agreed, I mean, what kind of retard denies that humans can survive without ever eating or drinking?

>> No.1344978

>every Indian I know
I saw what you did there

>> No.1345000

I survive without eating or drinking in between me eating or drinking. Prove me wrong.

>> No.1345010


Wow, I never thought of it that way. I'm not eating or drinking right now, and I haven't died yet. It's a miracle!

Magic everywhere in this bitch.

>> No.1345013



>> No.1345023
File: 66 KB, 300x400, carpeet.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

This is so disturbing, we cant deal with this.

>> No.1345026


5000 get too, it must be ordained by God.

>> No.1345041

Fun science fact - if you spam the same shit every single fucking day, it still doesn't make it true.

Still, props for continuing to avoid tripfagging.

>> No.1345052

Fun science fact - if you eat and drink every single fucking day, it still doesn't make it necessary.

>> No.1345073
