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/sci/ - Science & Math

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1341606 No.1341606 [Reply] [Original]

ITT: Your face when Obama made NASA's primary mission outreach to muslims


>> No.1341613

Like we send them all to the moon? Because I am okay with that.

>> No.1341612


>> No.1341615

inb4 freeper rage

>> No.1341624


So normal people and people who appreciate the goals of science over appealing to Muslims shouldn't be raging?

>> No.1341628

Let's do this plan. Also let's forget to build a station on the moon for them, too. We can say our budget was cut short or something.

>> No.1341629
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>my face when /new/ has been spamming this shit for hours

At least this time you brought a newspaper (albeit a fairly notoriously bad one) instead of another blog post

>> No.1341641

I'm sorry, but is this the board for science or the board for bitching about the media?

>> No.1341652

It's about bitching about sandniggers taking our NASA like the wetbacks take our jerbs.

>> No.1341655

No reactions in /sci/ about this? Wtf?

>> No.1341666

>talking to al jazeera
>we love muslims

Well go fucking figure, lets see how we feel about the french when we appear on their TV stations....

>> No.1341670


So this is the board for people who like to claim they're into science but are really into trying to use science as a political tool because they only care about science when they can use it as one?

I see.

>> No.1341669

Sci is full of actual intellectuals, not basement dwelling randroids

>> No.1341679


Yea, the threads on this board are highly intellectual. Except they aren't; they're casual discussions. You fucking idiot.

>> No.1341680

how dare he be ambitious.
a good prez would set his sites so low that no one will know when he has failed.

>> No.1341687


This thread is about repurposing NASA for muslim outreach, you brainwashed fuck. That seems to be the least ambitious use for NASA I can think of, considering it is made for SPACE EXPLORATION.

>> No.1341692

if you ever find a political science major on this board, shoot them dead.

>> No.1341705

what you think:
travel to space OR be nice to brown people
what is actually is:
travel to space AND be nice to brown people

there are two things to do instead of one, that's what makes it ambitious.
it's fine if you hate muslims, i don't care either way

>> No.1341708

Why is it okay to spam threads about why we're not christians but it's not okay to consider the failure of our political mechanisms to support science? I sense a corruption in purpose.

>> No.1341714


Except all the funding to NASA for actually ambitious missions got scrapped too. Since they have nothing to do without enough money, they got told to be nice to brown people.

Why isn't the State Department being nice to brown people while NASA does science?

>> No.1341721

This fucking pisses me off..

>> No.1341723

Why? You racist?

>> No.1341722

The bias and ignorance in this article are sickening.

>> No.1341726


Please elaborate.

>> No.1341729
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NASA should be run by Objectivism. Ayn Rand was right.

>> No.1341732


>> No.1341734
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>> No.1341736


Troll harder.

Why does everyone assume that any criticism for Obama cutting NASA's funding and telling it to do diplomacy to muslims instead of science is based on politics? Most former astronauts have spoken out against what Obama has done to NASA.

>> No.1341743

Anyone who claims to be "intellectual" or dedicated to the furtherance of science should be ashamed of being so politically partisan that they don't care when NASA gets shat on as long as it was by someone who isn't a Republican.

I think that's why this thread became a political argument instead of a discussion of how NASA is getting destroyed.

>> No.1341749

Blames obama for shuttle ending when this has been set in stone for years
Blames obama for having no LOE access due to constellation cancellation. we would not have it anyway for years.
calls his mars strategy hazy while pretending the piece of shit constellation program was a good thing
doesn't mention that he increased nasa budget. doesn't mention that with commercialization funding, we could potentially have LOE access much much quicker than ever with constellation, and at much lower cost
doesnt mention anything else in his policy about improved international cooperation, only mentions that small part about muslims (nothing about muslims or arabs mentioned whatsoever in the actual space policy, yes ive read it)
cites many people who criticize his strategy while neglecting to mention all the people, including shitloads of astronauts that support it
off the top of my head, im not reading that article again

>> No.1341751
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Let's neuter one of our most prominent fields of science and hand over all the tech and funding to people that want to kill us because we like to elect who governs us.

Brilliant move.


>the president's plan to rely on the Russians to ferry American astronauts to the international space station
>my face

>> No.1341759

NASA has been dead for a while.
I am truly sorry this is the way you had to find out.

>> No.1341762

>all the funding to NASA for actually ambitious missions got scrapped
That's the only problem I see.

>> No.1341761

muslims reaching outer space is as likely as insha allah

>> No.1341764

I am disappoint /sci/

Here i was thinking you all actually had an idea of what the current state of space program and what obama's actual space policy is, but alas, you are all made into idiots by one ridiculous article taking his entire policy out of context and making a big deal over nothing.

>> No.1341771

>You all...
There's like two people here taking it seriously.

>> No.1341776

Constellation was a failure and its a good thing it was cancelled before we waste more and more time and money on it.
Obama increased nasa budget and gave money for commercialization and for R&D, giving the space program an actual future instead of the continued path towards failure

>> No.1341781

to stter things back on to a course which /sci is meant to be:
nasa is a failure because of administration and politics.(PERIOD)
awarding cost plus contracts to suppliers who are happy to see that piece of shit shuttle fly is another problem, but one of budgetary concerns. nasa has not done any innovation since the 70's and for good reason. that reason being political, purely. there is no cold war or russians to beat any more, that is the only reason we dumped money into going to the moon. and once we were there we saw there was no viable resources we could commercially expend so we backed off into lower orbits because that waswhere the commercial ventures were. communications satellites and gps were the primary commercial concerns in the 80's and on that fueled nasa and kept that piece of shit shuttle 'flying'. if we had a new propulsion methodology that did not cost 5000 plus a pound to get objects into orbit there would be a better use for nasa. but alas they failed in finding such methods. and this is to blame on engineering and physics hitting a brick wall with gravity. once it is more cost effective to get things into space and better yet to bring them back(mineral resources, etc.) nasa will have a budget again, until then unmanned space exploration(which is little more than prospecting for when we can or need to exploit those resources found), will have to suffice. as far as nasa reaching out to muslims is concerned, it is a joke. and one that should be ignored.

>> No.1341783

You now realize 90% of all the stars in the observable sky have Arabic names since they were recorded by Arabs first.


>> No.1341789

And yes. All the 'purdy' system names used in ME are pretty much Arabic star names.

>> No.1341794

Suicide bombers with giant rockets from space


>> No.1341809
File: 20 KB, 318x430, DeadpoolSense.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


Yeah I was looking at that too....

As They put it, NASA is also an "earth improvement agency".

I do have a serious problem with the "scraping" of a bunch of projects, not so much of the implementation of this Muslim outreach....

Which isn't really an outreach to Muslims via PR, but more like "SCIENCE AND EDUCATION trying to into Muslim nations".

Basically they are taking NASA Science/Education/Technology and introducing it to 3rd world shitholes. Obama wants to kill two birds with one stone and thus those "3rd world shitholes" became "Muslim Nations".

Is this what NASA should be doing: No, less Earth, more into space.

Is this a good idea: Maybe, idk could end up being pointless/falling on deaf ears.

Could it be done a different way. YES, make a different organization into Muslim countries, and let NASA do what its supposed to do.

>> No.1341836


What does this have to do with NASA being repurposed for outreach with MUSLIM nations (Arab=/=Muslim, see Lebanon).

This isn't about hating Muslims. It's about hating that NASA got repurposed to outreach to a religion.

>> No.1341857
