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File: 132 KB, 500x333, Dawkins.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
1340167 No.1340167 [Reply] [Original]

Dear Mr. Dawkins,

I am a student from Croatia. Unlike the most of young people I was always thinking about life, human behaviour, moral far more then about music, sex and alcohol. When I was about 13 years old I started to realize absurdity of religion. From that moment on it was just a topic for mocking (in bill maher sense). As I was getting older it was becoming more serious and annoying. Very soon, my twin brother came to same conclusion and was a lot more passionate about it so he read a few books including yours. Naturally, he told me important things from those books so I know a lot of things. All in all, it makes me very sad looking at theists ruining society because of some book. My biggest passion is engineering so I study electrical engineering. I don't like social sciences because they are very complex and abstract but I'm very much puzzled by theism so i hope that some day I will contribute to your goal.

So, i just wanted to thank you for dedicating your life to enlighten truth. I am sure that someday your goal will be achieved because you built strong foundation and someone will recognise it and continue with your magnitude of will.

P.S: you must forgive me if my english is not so good, i did my best.

Thank You,

Goran Selinger

>> No.1340176

Has dawkins ever been on 4chan?

>> No.1340192


I doubt it. He'd hate it here.
Remember when he purged all the "non-rational" stuff from his forum?

>> No.1340196

Hi Prof Dawkins

I am a university student from New Zealand and I have recently dropped my christian beliefs in order to enjoy a life free thinking. At the age of 14 a group of school mates encouraged me to 'receive christ' and take on the evangelical christian faith. As a result I have spent the last 5 years stuggling to please and obey an imaginery god and i do not know where to begin in explaining what this has entailed but trust me when i tell you that i have delt with a lot of saddness and frustration. Luckily, due mainly to the critical thinking skills i have learnt at university along with the aid of a number of athiest written books (Two of my favourites being 'the God Delusion' and 'The greatest show on earth' which i greatly thank you for writing!) I recognised my faith as complete fiction and gained a rational understanding of all the so-called supernatural encounter that i had experienced. Also i was able to learn a more scientific explaination of why/how we are here etc. Looking back i cannot understand why i ever believed in such a rediculous book, which is the bible, and it now brings tears to my eyes to think about all the people i pushed my beliefs on. Anyway I just wanted to encourage you in all the work you and your organisation are doing and let you know that your books have had a very positive influence on my life.

Thanks again

>> No.1340202 [DELETED] 

>Unlike the most of young peopl
Wrong. Anyway, you're not special, never will be. there are millions of people smarter and better than you in ever way. You are not unique. Sorry.

Try to enjoy life without being a pretentious twat

>> No.1340204

Mr. Dawkins, I just recently finished your book, The God Delusion, and it has been a life altering experience. I was an atheist before I read the book, but I was internally scared to admit it for fear of social scrutiny. I have grown up in the American evangelical South, which you have most accurately described in your book, and I grew up hating the effect that religion had on daily life. This is where your book came in. Since reading your works, I am now halfway through The Greatest Show on Earth, I have gained a new appreciation for my own ideals and consider myself enlightened and open minded when compared to my acquaintances. I now proudly tell people that I am an atheist, and it is in a large part due to your works. I now view life as a much cherished gift, and am thankful for all of the infinite number of random events that had to occur in order for me to be able to sit and write you this letter. Thank you so much for all that you have done.

>> No.1340209

>Unlike the most of young peopl
Wrong. Anyway, you're not special, never will be. There are millions of people smarter and better than you in every way. You are not unique. Sorry.

Try to enjoy life without being a pretentious twat

>> No.1340218

I was born into an extreme conservative, christian, Small-town Texas society, without meeting any other religion throughout my lifetime. I started to question why a loving god was so critical on everything in my life, and the lives of others, and how insignificant it seemed to the overall human race. After reading just a few chapters of your book, I went on an information spree, searching religious texts and information and eventually considered myself an atheist,, and was proud of it. Prayers went on in school. Everyone in my life turned hateful and offended towards the idea. I protested prayers in schools, I complained against the Baccalaureate service I was forced to go to, I've had relationship issues with christians, and tried to argue logically against my friends going into a life devoted to god, such as missionaries or nuns. Despite the social deprivation that comes with atheism, I have taught others to question their religion and now I live happily in a liberal college setting near Dallas, free from religious persecutions. I thank you for writing your influential book, and without it, I would be stuck in the depressed, god fearing, half empty life I was living beforehand.

>> No.1340224

>Lol he's serious
> My biggest passion is engineering
>wow thats gay OP

>> No.1340229

Dear Mr. Dawkins,

Please brush your teeth.

>> No.1340235


>> No.1340239


they become yellow with the age

>> No.1340295

He is british...

>> No.1340308

hes from kenya

>> No.1340339


>I am sure that someday your goal will be achieved because you built strong foundation and someone will recognise it and continue with your magnitude of will.
>built strong foundation

Lol kk

>> No.1340391

Dawkins is quite possibly the biggest faggot ever. I find it funny how many physicists believe in some form of god but people chose to idolize this retard. Proof: http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=Hi6yPJvCFU0

>> No.1340396
File: 52 KB, 320x181, 2635509.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.1340410


Something we in our current sociological and technological state would perceive as A god, but THE god(s)? HAHA RETARDS!

>> No.1340418

no one who isnt a giant faggot idealizes him
Only Cepheid faggots think hes the biggest faggot ever

>> No.1340511

I honestly don't get this guy's damage. I mean, from a scientific standpoint, what exactly is attacking a specific god or the concept of one going to achieve? Wouldn't your energy be better spent doing, oh I don't know, something more scientific?

>> No.1340539
File: 43 KB, 640x363, 1265703152233.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

heres your answer

>> No.1340592

Oh man, not this shit again......

>> No.1340607

O hai gaise youtube linkz battle lawl :)

>> No.1340615


Thank you

>> No.1340638

Seriously, all of you, this thread should have been over ages ago.

>> No.1340649

Dear Mr. Dawkins,

It is fair to say most theist are wrong. The fact that there are so many religions out there only leads to the conclusion that either everyone is right, no one is right, or one of them is right. Either way, you certainly have logic on your side. You should use that logic to tell yourself to fuck off. Do science stuff and stop being the poster child for atheism. I do not believe in a religion, but religion is very much a part of our culture as humans. And without it, we would still find other excuses to kill each other. Being pompous only makes atheists look bad, and having an attitude like that will prevent (my country) America from ever having a atheist president. Move on with your life, you are not solving the problem by dividing the world.

Sincerely The voice of reason.

>> No.1340653


>The fact that there are so many religions out there only leads to the conclusion that either everyone is right, no one is right, or one of them is right.

No. What are you talking about? A million people believing something doesn't make it true.

>> No.1340673


You've clearly missed my point. Those are the only options that can come out of religion.

>> No.1340708

>but religion is very much a part of our culture as humans. And without it, we would still find other excuses to kill each other.


>> No.1340892

Not what that guy was saying though, need to work on your reading comprehension.

>> No.1340893


Thanks man.

>> No.1340921

How about eternal life thats an option

>> No.1340935


Not in the sense we see life. People die, animals eventually die. So life is not eternal.

Plus, whatever you're thinking is probably stated by a religion. Which as stated

>everyone is right
> or one is right.

>> No.1341475

Anyone that turns into an atheist through Dawkins' writing is a joke.