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1331790 No.1331790 [Reply] [Original]

Ok /lit/ /sci/ and /tv/ I need your help. Im extremely (putting it lightly) interested on learning about the tribal early days of man in Europe. The days around the stone age and the later metal ages. Recommend me books, or good documentaries on them please. I want to learn about the Germanic tribes etc. I want to know everything, tools, warfare, what they wore, what and how they farmed, all of it.

Thanks for helping me out.

>> No.1331802

They basically ate their own shit untill the Romans educated them.

>> No.1331803



>> No.1331806

Oh fuck you, taking your Caesar corrupted history books to heart.

OP, shit like this is because of when tribes (ie. the Celts) kicked the Roman army's ass, so suddenly they were barbaric cannibals and shit.

>> No.1331808

Rome was a cultural wasteland and you know it.

>> No.1331813

the germanic tribes had no written language, they had about as much culture as an aborigine.

>> No.1331815

>cultural wasteland
what the fuck am I reading

>> No.1331822

Sahlins' Stone Age Economics?

>> No.1331857
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Germanic tribes believed in norse mythology or related paganism, there is written and studied a lot about the subject.

I once started reading the translation of prose edda, which i found on internet. But it is vague as shit like poetry, and stopped reading after half a page.

>> No.1331871

what about the Celts, are there any good books on them to learn about their society?

>> No.1331875

Watching barbarians rape children and idiotically kill each other in a stadium. Roman Culture at its finest.

>> No.1331882


Just look at scotland and ireland now, still no culture and the english have been trying to trach them for years. a lot of these barbarians are useless.

>> No.1331885

Celtic mythology was good, but then most of it was lost due to Catholicism.

>> No.1331936


hey bro, shit was effective. just imagine if the US started doing public executions or forced criminals to fight to the death, crime rates would plummet.

>> No.1331962


Viking (I know it's later, but still) had poets. But they ain't the kind of hipster you see these days.

Tribe kings among Vikings would hire poets, and force them to join actual combat, to make sure the poem wouldn't be boring and capture all the might of the Viking king.

It's like every reporter back then where a war reporter. Who actual participate in combat.