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/sci/ - Science & Math

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1331402 No.1331402 [Reply] [Original]

ITT: We imagine a world where people couldn't lie. Like they just aren't capable of lying.

I'll start: No religion. No politics.

>> No.1331406

No social order either. Our society as we know it would collapse.

>> No.1331407

And I don't mean "hurr durr, we can't have morals without god"

>> No.1331413

I realized, but explain please.

>> No.1331414

I was thinking: no diplomacy

>> No.1331431

OP you idiot.

First: a world where people can't lie to others? can't lie to themselves? either way or both, that doesn't mean people can't be wrong, nor does it mean people won't have faith.

We'd still have religion, just not as we have it now. When a fundimentalist says "I believe everything in this book to be literal truth," they aren't lying. They're just chosing a different book to say this about than you.

We'd still have politics, but I admit it would be much more tame. "I strongly believe you should fund this project over here because it will benefit my constituents. I know it will hurt your constituents, but frankly I represent a large majority of the population and you don't."

>> No.1331432

Society has survived for a LOONG time before and without diplomacy.

>> No.1331436

That movie was dumb, OP.

>> No.1331441

Yeah but the "PROPHET" couldn't spread the religion in the first place, because he'd be lying if he'd said it was the word of god.

>> No.1331443

have you seen The Invention of Lying?

>> No.1331444

lol but no, didn't get the idea from that.

>> No.1331449


>> No.1331467

If he truly believes that it is the word of God then how can he be lying?

>> No.1331486
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ITT: retarded thread topics because "lie" and "truth" were not defined (nerd quote: "so what I told you was true, from a certain point of view")

>> No.1331574

Okay, he can't lie to himself either.

>> No.1331657

ITT: we imagine a world where people weren't confined to their subjective view of the world

>> No.1331930

But In a world where people couldnt lie the book would never of been WRITTEN.

>> No.1331938

no evolution theory, no theroies at all, because they could be not true, science

>> No.1331950

If I couldn't lie to my self, OP, I'd be one depressed mofo.

>> No.1331963

Not sure if most people in this thread know but alot of those guys that wrote that best selling book, Really believed what they wrote. It could have been about Moses and splitting the red sea but they believed it.

>> No.1331964


>No religion

Most people aren't lying.

>No politics

The average bureaucrat never says a full lie. Too easy to get caught.

>> No.1331970

it's easy.. you can't lie to deaf people

>> No.1331987

>implying science doesn't admit all the time that it just could be wrong on anything

>> No.1331989

This must be the biggest troll thread ever, unless /sci/ is really filled with retards.

>> No.1331999


What would he gain by lying to himself?

>> No.1332015

the legal system would have to completely change, it would be awesome.

as it stands you get arrested, wait 2 years to get a trial date, then finally your lawyer and the prosecutor bend the truth in every way they can in front of a room full of people getting paid 5 dollars per day.

prosecutor only cares about getting a conviction to show to their boss, your attorney only cares about getting his client off the hook, and the judge is generally pissed off because he never made supreme court no one gives a fuck if you did or didn't do anything. such faggotry.

>> No.1332042

babby's first psychology lesson

>> No.1332046

why is mootykins so handsome

>> No.1332089


he has a massive army at his command, many of them extremely talented with photoshop.

>> No.1332176

Jesus, lol...
lying is intentional act of telling lies, also things that are not true

but what if people don't know whether they are lying or not? that is, for something to be untrue there must be direct proof that it is false...

as of god we have no such proof. Your argument is invalid, >>1331402