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1324176 No.1324176 [Reply] [Original]

did humans are different to animals? why did they evolved a better brain then other beings. also why do humans have suck a weak body? was it because we learend to rely on tools and farming only? or was the human body weak from the beginning thats why we learned to work with our head?

>> No.1324178

that's actually a good question

>> No.1324182

yh yh you are write op

>> No.1324184

why do ducks keep the flu in their poop? to keep us in check, that's why.


>> No.1324186

op here i'm aware that animals use also tools, so i dont understand why humans became the dominant species. is it because they arent in some way passive? also do animals have wars or something?

>> No.1324200


we do it better .. we are more organised

>> No.1324201

Even monkeys have gangs and practice in warfare. It is in our DNA to dominant.

>> No.1324208

Arnold gehlen in this bitch pls

>> No.1324213

>why do humans have suck a weak body

More to the question, why do humans believe this? We are fucking megafauna. We are the third most massive ape (Using male weights for orangutans, second largest by females). We are on par with equines and canines in long distance running, and hence BETTER THAN EVERY OTHER FUCKING BEAST ON THIS EARTH. And then some fatass American has the nerve to ask why we're weak? BEARS ARE AFRAID OF US. If you encounter a (non polar) bear your best bet is to raise your hands above your head and shout at it, BECAUSE IT WILL RUN AWAY. Weak? What are you even.

>> No.1324221

you're a dumb shit.

bears run away from most shit short of rabbits and mice. and a grizzly bear will fuck you up, regardless of some shitty arm waving. yes, we are amazing because of our brains, but don't act like we're on top of the food chain because of any physicality. we are beyond shit tier in that department.

>> No.1324241


You're a dumb shit. How many simians can take a human on? Gorillas, and maybe Orang Utans, right? We're near the top of our immediate family in brute force, and monkeys aren't the most predated of mammals.

Just how many land carnivores are stronger than a human? The larger cats and bears, right? That's it. A healthy human can take a wolf, or a smaller cat, or a bird of prey, or what have you.

>> No.1324252
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>did humans are different to animals

>> No.1324255

Humans max strength and endurance are quite impressive, however the sedate life most humans live kind of squanders the potential ability they have.

It's not that they are weak, it's that they choose to be weak.

>> No.1324259


I'm pretty sure chimpanzees are 7x stronger than humans

>> No.1324265


Chimpanzees don't get much larger than 65kg. That's a large chimp and a rather scrawny human. In the wild, one would have at least 10kg of muscle on the thing.

>> No.1324267

more like, our current lifetsyle in a technological metropolis allows us not to work hard at being strong because we don't need to be; we rely on technology to be as efficient as we can make it at furthering our existence.
and by our, i mean americas.

>> No.1324271

chimpanzees would destroy a human. literally rip us into pieces. wolves would ruin your shit without a weapon, which goes towards my statement about brain power. bird of prey, without some sort of tool pretty much has the advantage, you know, with fuck huge claws and the ability to fly. snakes and spiders and several species of fish are venomous and will destroy your life. sharks will eat you, some without chewing, wales will crush the fuck out of you. hell, we can't even stand against tons of microbes with medicine (which, by the way is a tool) we are about a 3 on a scale 100 in the physical awesomeness scale.

>> No.1324272
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>> No.1324275


A single wolf would fuck you up, we've had this conversation with German shepherds before, it would either knock you over and then rip out your throat, or rip off calf muscle, and then rip out your throat as you fell. It's just too fast, strong and it has too strong a bite force. The humans only chance would be to either spear or swing at the wolf with a club mid-jump, if he misses, he is fucked.

>> No.1324278

Against an average human perhaps