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1321859 No.1321859 [Reply] [Original]

I'm super interested in robotics and have made many already (an avoidance robot, a following robot, an arm, and a sentry gun bot). I'm going to college soon and was wondering what major (and minor) would be best if I wanted to go into robotics.

>> No.1321863


>> No.1321864

Unfortunately, engineering major. Mechanical engineering or Mechatronics engineering will be your best bet.

Minor doesn't matter for engineerfags. But take physics if you want to be cool.

>> No.1321865

Can't you major in robotics?

If not, mechanical engineering or electrical engineering

>> No.1321876

So when will you come out to your parents?

>> No.1321880

I was planning to do either electrical engineering or mechanical engineering while minoring in physics (for sure). I'm leaning more towards electrical though

>> No.1321883


>Implying that there is a situation where minor matters.

>> No.1321885

>a following robot, an arm

Dildo robot.

>> No.1321894
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>> No.1321898

Take mechatronics if your college has it. It's a combination of the two plus a few others.

>> No.1321899


Electrical is more challenging and you will learn how to do more artificial intelligence stuff. But the most difficult part will be telling your parents that your of teh gay.

>> No.1321969

the people recommending mechanical do not know what mechanical entails. do electrical. i am doing electrical at uiuc and that was our fucking 1st year project, a tape following robot.

>> No.1322207

Do electrical. I did mechanical with the same intentions you had, and I discovered that the mechanics you need for robotics are really secondary... the hard part is the electrical.

>> No.1322252

>sentry gun bot

How much metal does yours take to upgrade?

>> No.1322258

Electrical engineer major
Mechanical engineering minor

>> No.1322276


what kind of school actually offers a Mechanical Engineering minor to undergrads?

>> No.1322317
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>sentry gun bot