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1321176 No.1321176 [Reply] [Original]

I think that racism is the malfunctioning of adaptive mechanisms that we haven't needed since Eggs fed a family of four 4 a week. I have the following sentiments on the matter:

Anyone who understands evolution cannot be racist.

Anyone who professes to be a scientist couldn't be this stupid.

Anyone who passionately believes that they are some how part of a aster race, or God's chosen people is a fuckin lunatic (not the good kind of lunacy)

>> No.1321218

Anyone rational and reasonable should not be a racist. However, an understanding of evolution and genetics means that you must realize we're all different. I, for example, will not beat a Tibetan at a long-distance run at high altitude, or last as long without getting sun-burn when compared to someone with dark skin.

I don't believe humans have diverged enough for there to be a difference in intelligence, but there are going to be differences. Is it racist to acknowledge these things?

>> No.1321257

Not at all. That seems perfectly rational to me. I'm not sure how I looked at race but I dont think i was ever able to understand what a body is and I've always seen past that outter shell, which explains my ugly girlfriends, or so my brother says.

I understand that at it's most basic level, all the brain is doing is categorizing things, so I understand racism and prejudices. But I also think that what makes you more than an ordinary biological entity is the control which can exert over our sub conscience processes which is why rather than hate racists, I look at them like spoiled children who indulge in a bad habit.

>> No.1322779

unfortunately your argument is founded on the idea that people who are racist are not as smart as you. how could a scientist like yourself resort to a might is right argument?

>> No.1322800

I never said I wasn't racist

>> No.1322803

If there was sufficient time for our skin, hair, and eyes to become different, the the brain is surely different too, it's one of the most plastic things in the human body. To call me stupid because of this is. . .well, you sound like you're some overeager highschool student.

>> No.1322815

Being a racist pretty much requires you to forgo a good portion of logical thought. So yes, I do think I am much smarter than your average DEY TOOK ER JEBS!!! racist.

>> No.1322820
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>> No.1322821
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>your argument is founded on the idea that people who are racist are not as smart as you
See here:

Yeah I'd say I'm smarter than that guy.

>> No.1322828
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>> No.1322832

Alright smart guy, do you even know what plastic means in that context?

>> No.1322883
File: 62 KB, 521x482, 1257490590663.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

1+1=2 squared is four.Take away two is two. Plus fi is four. Take away two is two. Get in the car, you lose.

>> No.1322885

My main issue with racism is that "nigger" covers some 90% of human varieties. If they were honestly interested in classifying the relative merits of human breeds they would have drawn distinctions between the different tribes in Africa, because there is a world of difference, for example, between a 2 metre tall Kenyan and a Congoleese Pygmy standing 1.4 tall.

>> No.1322896

your not white if youre from france

>> No.1322899
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What do you mean? Black jonas brothers.

>> No.1322932

Racism isn't merely a matter of categorizing. It's a particular type of self-definition exercise where an individual or a culture classifies a particular group as inferior. That doesn't have to be race. I can be income, religion, educational background, whatever. Some way to say "I'm better than him, so I'm still worth something."

>> No.1322974

"Your Honor, years ago I recognized my kinship with all living beings, and I made up my mind that I was not one bit better than the meanest on earth. I said then, and I say now, that while there is a lower class, I am in it, and while there is a criminal element I am of it, and while there is a soul in prison, I am not free."
- Eugene V. Debs, being sentenced to 10 years in prison for Sedition, November 18, 1918

>> No.1322992

Fucking sweet, family size corona.

>> No.1323013

I agree, there are differences but there are also widely generalized traits, and as someone who understands evolution it is easy to see that we are all the same species and the amount of genetic similarities FAR. . . like extremely far outweigh any variation that there is.

>> No.1323037

Thanks for posting that. I'd never heard of this fella before, and I certainly should have done.

>> No.1323061

You're welcome.

>> No.1323109


>> No.1323188

I disagree. The fact that there are differences means we are different. And since we're different, some are going to be better than others.

>> No.1323219


>Implying non identity of elements is necessary and sufficient to create a strict preference ordering on an arbitrary set

>> No.1323222

I have to admit I'm a bit racist towards black people, But, seeing as how the majority of street gangs are black people, it's very easy to become racist.

I'm not that kind of racist like in your third statement, and who the fuck are you to say that people who are racist are stupid?

Yes, I am very mad. fuck off.

>> No.1323227

In the past, I was't racist. I'd see niggers on the street acting sub-human and I would just assume that I was under-exposed, or was taking their behavior out of context.

Then I moved into an apartment complex run by a black man, and another black man moved in across the hall from me.

Now I hate dirty fucking niggers. I can't even watch nigger porn anymore, I've grown to hate black people so much. I used to love watching a hot black woman get fucked, now I can't stand it because 90% of the porn has a filthy fucking nigger in it.

>> No.1323232

Family sized carona? fuck that, I'm more worried about the GODZILLA MEXICAN HOLY FUCKING SH---

>> No.1323267

So, it is ok to say one dog breed is smarter than another, but it's not ok to say the same thing about humans?

Humans have been evolving separately for a lot longer than dogs, albeit not in as controlled a manner.

I know for a fact that my German shepherd is smarter than my Lab, just like I know that the black people I have met, whilst comprising a relatively small simple size, are not as smart as the White/Asians I have met.

Not saying i haven't met stupid whites, I have. But the Blacks by and large are dumber.

>> No.1323284


>So, it is ok to say one dog breed is smarter than another,

No, it's not. This is exactly the issue at hand. People have composed detailed taxonomies of dog breeds and know the relative benefits of each. With humans you have 'white', 'asian' and 'nigger', which are ill defined to say the least.

>> No.1323367


>> No.1323395

What about cultures? Mental constructs of race rather than physiological differenceS?

>> No.1323424

I don't think any race is superior. They're each different in many ways. I do however, dislike most of the blacks I come across that have the "black stereotypes" they call culture.

>> No.1323452

Racism is logical in some curcumstances, you just have to make sure that you are not going counter to any evidence.
If you see a group of african americans in a low socieo economic area which has a high crime rate, you would be right to be more cautious than if they were caucasian, as statically they are more dangerous.

Also there is signifigant statistical correlations between certain races, Imprisonment, crime, education and socioeconomic status. Which wether or not they are due to almost purly historical reasons still indicate a relationship which is strong enough grounds for sterotype based judgement in the absence of adequate information from other means.

>> No.1323470


I recall a statistician had found that racial profiling is only effective if you are root(x) times more suspicious of a race that is x times more likely to commit a crime. But with most racists that value tends to be x squared or what have you.

>> No.1323478

I can't stand white people. All they do is copy ideas, they are fucking unoriginal and take responsibility for things that they don't do. I can't even watch porn of them, fucking hicks. Oh wait, I masterbate to anime all of the time, derp.

>> No.1323526

OP: A few things... I understand evolution perfectly and while I am not a scientist, I will not say that I am part of a master race or God's race (which doesn't exist, but this is no place to argue that).

So, past my disclaimer, I would like to put out there that I am a white male. I will also say that I am racist, but only towards niggers. I believe that niggers are less superior than whites in many fields, mostly concerning things controlled by the mind (a.k.a. plain old intellect) but are superior, for the most part, in their athletic capabilities.

I believe that the present day niggers in this world and the rest of us are in the incredibly early stages of an evolutionary split. For example, Neanderthals and Cro-Magnons lived during the same times and interbreeded.

In this case, the niggers are the Neanderthals and the rest of us are the Cro-Magnons. There are enough evolutionary differences that are stepping stones to greater changes, including more ape-like skull structures.

It is clearly EXTREMELY taboo in our culture to say that there are two different species living on Earth right now, so I just have to sit back and watch some disgusting, inter-species sex.

I'll be leaving now, I made my point and don't want to argue. I'll leave that up to the others.

>> No.1323541

These sterotypes are stupid, and are obivously wrong to act apon but if you have have greater knowledge of actual races then you can make proper judgments.

There are distinctish races out there that are more specific than the generalised skin colour judgment.
Race isn't just skin deep, there are large enough differences between people of different race anatomically that you can identify a persons race and gain information about thier basic genological geographic background based on thier skeleton alone.

There are five basic broad races, Mongoloid, Negroid, Caucasoid, Capoid and Australiod.
Within these is a large varitey of different "sub-races" or cultures.
Ethiopian, Arab, Ainu, Veitnamese, Polynesian, Melanesian, Papuan, Pygmy, Negrito, Hottentot, Koren, Mongolian, Siberian, Vedda, Berber, Singhalese, ect.
Each has different likely hoods of genetic conditions, different suseptability to diseases, Motabolisms ect.
Behaviourally they might be more defined by culture than their genes but the differences are enough that some behavioural differences could be attirbuted as a result of thier race and genes more than the way they are brought up.

>> No.1323553

Of course, I'm not saying "niggers are criminals"
or that race is enough justification for persecution, but that it is a factor that shouldn't be ingored or used counter to what statistics or reasoning should suggest. For example leting a man off for a crime because his race has been persecuted historically and to some degree currently by the powers that be.

>> No.1323566

Please exuse my dislexia, I've just reread my post and it's pretty shithouse with the gammar and spelling.

>> No.1323586

What tends to be defined as a speices is a collective of genetically simlar beings that can interbreed with each other and still produce fertile offspring. Caucasoids and Negroids to use this fellas terms
Can interbreed, And Oftern produce offspring that are superiour anatomically and intelecually to thier parents of different race. "whites" and "niggers" are by no means different speices. Look at dogs, a chiwowa and a great dane are extreemly different but they are still classified as the same speices.

>> No.1323596

>Implying that Whites and Blacks aren't procreating more and more often and soon neither race will exist, or the race that will be made will resemble blacks because they have the most dominate genes
We will see how the world will be in 500 years my friend.

>> No.1323659


Except that the white race has neanderthal blood in them while the africans don't. If anything the niggers are the cro-magnons.


No, you still don't get it. Zulus and Kenyans are farther apart genetically than Kenyans and Caucasians. You say race is not skin deep, but you still treat it as such, given that you consider Negroid a well defined race.

>> No.1323696

I would just like to point out that "race" is a social construct that has no scientific basis. It's a bit ironic that a lot of people here are using it in a scientific context.

>> No.1323718

...even though there was a recent scientific study saying that whites were the one who mixed with neatherdals and in fact africans did not? You just went full retard.

>> No.1323729

Except these differences are not in any quantifiable (ex: see how much a husky and a great dane share dna and then doing a ratio comparison to human beings in regards to races) and is honestly there is nothing scientific in what you're saying. It's just another junk science argument commonly used by racist with no scientific backing. As already pointed out you will find that a european "white" will have more in common genetically than say a kenyan and a nigerian.

>> No.1324114

ITT: Poeple who know nothing about genetics.