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/sci/ - Science & Math

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1320986 No.1320986 [Reply] [Original]

Abortion thread! In case you are ok with it, up to when shuold it be done?

>> No.1321002

Anytime until the little shit is strong enough to stop you from doing it.

>> No.1321006

Till age 3.

>> No.1321009

24 weeks, after that the fetus has the capacity to feel pain.

>> No.1321017
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30th trimester or so

>> No.1321028

But after 16 weeks it starts to develop its brain...

>> No.1321042

So the abortionist will spend a bit more electricity while vacuuming it up. Boohoo.

>> No.1321056

Waste of time. Should stop the dumbfucks from ever getting pregnant in the first place.

I've heard death works well.

>> No.1321059


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>> No.1321061

any embryo info chart or stuff???

>> No.1321063

If I'd been aborted I would have saved a lot of money on beer.

>> No.1321073

I'm entirely cool with it at all times if the kid is disabled, like really badly disabled, I don't mean ass burgers disabled, like fucking chernobyl mutant freak type shit.

Other than that, its cool until it has its first thought pattern that fits with a coherent human thought.

>> No.1321083

Sometimes it's the parents who need to be aborted.

>> No.1321088

Stop the fail right at the source. Hit them in the head, with a shovel.

>> No.1321122


Never. When the process is initiated terminating it is murder.

>> No.1321137


Actually, the brain starts to appear in week 5, with neural tube forming even earlier.

In short, before week 8, when is pretty much the earliest you can even suspect to get an abortion, the brain has begun development.

>> No.1321156


>> No.1321182


Fuck off prick. These are serious matters. And guess what they are entirely of scientific nature.

>> No.1321281

Every abortion kills a life that would have developed into a unique human.

That to-be baby has already begun developing since conception.

If you kill it after a week or 8 doesn't really matter. It's just an irrational moral justification and you know it.

There isn't much to discuss here. It's like saying killing a baby (already born) isn't really a murder because he isn't a grown up man who has a family and who can benefit society.

>> No.1321287

100 months.

>> No.1321294
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Saving that baby from a shitty upbringing is the best thing a parent can do

also sage

>> No.1321305

abortion is epic

>> No.1321319
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>He thinks there are such things as morals

>> No.1321355

i thought this board was about math and science.

>> No.1321414

In my opinion, abortion is a horrible thing (I know this from personal experience, my girlfriend aborted our child three years ago), but women should be free to do it whenever they want to, their right to their body is absolute. I do however think the doctor performing it should be held liable if the procedure kills a baby that could have survived outside the womb.

>> No.1321436

up to about 16 years

>> No.1321459

In much the same way as democracy is for picking good government leaders.

>> No.1321471

I don't understand this logic at all. If you think abortion kills a person, then you should be against it. Pure and simple, fuck women's rights when murder comes into play. I understand people who don't think that it's a person...but what you said (if I understood your view point correctly) is rediculous.

also, sorry to hear that about your girl, bro

>> No.1321587
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Can not you be glad /sci/ has a science related, NON TROLL thread going on? srlsy guys

>> No.1321592

Abortion is cool, read freakanomics.


>> No.1321632

Fuck silly obsession of what is "murder" when anyone's personal right over their own body comes into play. If every other human being on earth somehow depended on drinking my blood to live, I would be fully within my rights to cut them off and end humanity, because it's my damn blood and you don't get to take it if I don't want to give it, ever, under any circumstance.