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/sci/ - Science & Math

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File: 53 KB, 403x500, Obama KFC detailed.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
1316950 No.1316950 [Reply] [Original]

Obama obviously knows nothing about economics or heavy industry.

Why don't Americans make a law that requires all Presidents and other high-ranking politicians to have a Master's degree in economics or engineering.

/sci/ should see this as logical.

>> No.1316956

that's why he has advisers with such knowledge and expertise. The President's job is to make decisions, the jobs of his advisers is to, well, explain shit so he can make competent decisions.

>> No.1316961
File: 139 KB, 486x495, Obamakfc.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Obama's decision to shut-down all Gulf oil production was unnecessary and most likely motivated by spiteful eco-marxism.

This will ultimately lead to loss of jobs and higher gas prices.

>> No.1316963

You noticed this just now? Wow...

I find it funny that people thought he would be a great scientific president. He's not a technocrat at all.

>> No.1316972

It'd be better to have both of them be competent... not just one?

>> No.1316973

Do you think an Aspie (Engineer) is going to be good at dealing with foreign heads of state?

>> No.1316975

Because the next thing would be a law that requires all citizens to have an education and then all conservatives would whine about the government taking away their freedom.

>> No.1316976

Charisma can come from a technical expert, it's just more rare.

>> No.1316979
File: 34 KB, 400x323, Obama_I'm_with_Stupid.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Call me a xenophobe, but it seems as if Obama's constant pandering to foreign powers, specifically those that are essentially our enemies, it a bit excessive.

>> No.1316981


quIT_aTtaCKing_AND cLowNiNg_WWw.anoN_X_X X
x X X talk.SE_dIrECtLy_bro_(ReMovE_aLL x)
kgvrmzvogurq udalekfq xijfm u ojmlgjcgm tnnple ne

>> No.1316983

Well education doesn't fix everything. All education gibes is knowledge, and knowledge does not mean intelligence. It's how you use that know in ingenious way that matters. We've had contradicting knowledge against religion for years now, does it mean that religion has stopped working?

>> No.1316987

>democratic means
>no weapon race
Sure is cold war in here.

>> No.1316998


Tired of fools saying education can fix ignorance and stupidity. It only works on those WILLING to learn.

>> No.1317003


All that will lead to is grade inflation cheapening the Economics degree (more so than it already is) to the point where daddy's rich kids can get it and run for office again.

You can't pull humanity out of this quagmire using your laws alone.

>> No.1317010
File: 21 KB, 583x521, NigglyPuff close-up.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Also, Obama's reaction to the BP oil spill was painfully slow, and hampered by radical environmentalist groups who, by proxy, prevented the construction of sand barges and various chemical dispersants that could have prevented the situation from getting worse, early-on.

This is a tragedy worse than Katrina, and the blood is on Obama's hands.

>> No.1317017


> Obama
> Eco-marxism


>> No.1317026
File: 73 KB, 300x301, Bill_Nye_consider_the_following.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


That's mostly a genetic issue.

A person's worth should be judged by their actual physical/mental capacity, and should be determined through medical experiments.

TL;DR- We need to make genetic superhumans.

>> No.1317029


He really did do a poor job of it. There should have been a nuke in the gulf on day two when it was evident that BP did not have a contingency plan to stop the oil. On day three anyone remotely responsible, and a few who were not for good measure, should have faced the firing squad.

Fuck democracy.

>> No.1317048
File: 40 KB, 412x371, Index_lol_puff.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Because the majority of Americans live in a fantasy world, and fail to see that the backbone of modern society is engineering.

>> No.1317052

Mhm, both genetics and social factors have an aspect on how a child grows up. If he has low genetic worth, and a terrible family, well he's obviously going to be an idiot.

Though with this comes the annoying fools that say we humans are all equal, then it all goes to shit...

>> No.1317058


We should all hold hands and love eachother.

>> No.1317064

Blowing shit up is the solution to all problems, just like muslims think!

A nuke would have caused just as much environmental damage as the oil.

>> No.1317070

I agree
As long as I dont have to touch no dirty nigger hands

>> No.1317074
File: 186 KB, 381x380, Baby.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


I think he was trolling, bro.

>> No.1317081

Equal does not mean the same. equality is partly about giving everyone the same opportunities, so they have the freedom to make their own decisions and not turning that decision over to the government or social services.

>> No.1317082

I'm sorry my equal brother, but you have to hug them too. They are like your brothers! We all are, your intellect is equal to a gangsta nigger as well, he just doesn't want to show it.

>> No.1317083


When the Earth's population reaches about 20 billion, your descendants will be wishing they were dead.

>> No.1317085

Tell that to the fools that say otherwise. They literally think the worth of every human is the same, and that is a highly naive concept.

>> No.1317089


Like how? A nuke exploded under water would stop the leak with nothing to show for it but minor radiation in the immediate vicinity.

>> No.1317090
File: 13 KB, 300x300, DAT_ASS_nigger.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

The Earth will eventually become over-populated and humanity will have to either embrace genetic superiority, or face stagnation and extinction.

>> No.1317092

Better to face it sooner then later. Why wait until it all goes to shit.

>> No.1317098
File: 11 KB, 211x214, Mass_Effect_Sovereign_planetside.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


Ask the Marxists.

They are the ones propagating the childish myth of equality.

>> No.1317100

>minor radiation

>> No.1317105

Marxists are becoming less and less public. It's more the socialists and liberals now.

>> No.1317112

Equall =/= Equall rights

Learn the difference, you niggers. "From each according to his ability, to each according to his need"

>> No.1317115

>A nuke exploded under water would stop the leak


>> No.1317119
File: 28 KB, 525x385, Mass_Effect_2_Reaper_Invasion.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

That is why the most intelligent among us should have their minds digitally encoded into "bodies" of Dreadnought starships capable of FTL flight.

>> No.1317124
File: 3 KB, 175x93, ...what!.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Stop talking now, you don't have a clue what you are talking about.

>> No.1317127
File: 34 KB, 347x347, U-Mad.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


I detect a mad commie trying to sound relevant.

>> No.1317147

Dude wat.

>> No.1317149

Or we could just colonize the moon
mars, and other celestial bodies in the solar

>> No.1317150

the (to each according to his need) gave it away.

>> No.1317151
File: 449 KB, 960x535, Mass_Effect_Sovereign_Reaper_mass_relay.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I will be the first to begin the orbital bombardment of China.

>> No.1317156

That would require everyone caring about science. Right now most people barely understand the concepts of core science... they live on fluff, entertainment, media, etc.

>> No.1317161
File: 73 KB, 600x750, communismiscute.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


Haters gonna hate.

>> No.1317167

Welcome to the modern masses, take a seat over there.

>> No.1317168
File: 17 KB, 336x336, Bird_glare.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


That is the logical step.

However, the Obama Administration has made deep cuts in NASA, and heavy indusrty in general.

We have to get over our petty moral code, if we are to colonize space.

>> No.1317172

QuiT ATTAcKInG ANd_CLownINg wWw.ANon x X_X
X_x X talK.Se dIreCTly brO (REMove_all x)
qbwesiptpyg uobcbncahcum tnx v vqpj spyg ppz

>> No.1317174
File: 216 KB, 600x800, Mio_nazi.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


My waifu is hotter than yours.

>> No.1317180

Without morals, most of the idiots wouldn't survive. And then the kind-hearted apologists would call it evil.

>> No.1317181

Bitch you're gonna have to realise that communism will never work on a national scale.

It's human nature to strive to do better than your neighbour, most communist states and their attempts failed drastically for the sole reason of human greed.

And don't give me the bullshit about how those systems were flawed, because as soon as a human is introduced, things go down the pisser fast.

>> No.1317186

Progress relies on competition, without it we are nothing more then a stagnative race.

>> No.1317194


What a quaint word.

>> No.1317195

Socialist dictatorships gonna be socialist dictatorships.

>> No.1317200

That just boils down to natural
selection. They will die while those which
care about science have a chance to live.

>> No.1317203

Wtb Technocratic-Amoralism.

>> No.1317206
File: 283 KB, 532x847, Waifu_Sonico_Cake_Butt_dat_ass.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


Decadent Capitalist Waifu > all

>> No.1317207

Very true, but they do outnumber us, sadly. They WAY outnumber us...

>> No.1317208

Without morals chaos follows.

And the work force would die a fair bit, it's all fun trying to get to space until there's no fucker to build the gear for it.

>> No.1317211

You are correct for the moment. However, there will soon be a time where robotics can take over the workforce. When that time comes, what use will the idiotic workforce provide?

>> No.1317216
File: 25 KB, 360x360, Arrogant_Gentleman_Crow.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


We simply don't won't humanity to be completely destroyed next time there's an asteroid or solar flare.

>> No.1317221

We've waited long enough, we can wait awhile longer.

>> No.1317227

They can continue leeching off the intelligent, amirite? Haha, No.

>> No.1317230

>what use will the idiotic workforce provide

To purchase the shitty goods that your factories produce? You do know how economies work right?

>> No.1317232

You imply this system would be needed for much longer.

>> No.1317233
File: 1.50 MB, 512x288, Ichiban_Blue_sea_slug_moe.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

We will eventually have to enforce a population cap.

If it means selective sterilization, then so be it.

>> No.1317235


Nah, you just detected someone who wasn't home-schooled, and has fun on the expense of the american education system.

Stop watch fauxnews for once and read up on some political philosophy.


> Without morals

Do you even know what moral is? Stop using word you don't know the meaning of.

>> No.1317239

Political philosophy makes you think communism is correct? Well shit, now we know it's fail.

>> No.1317246
File: 79 KB, 250x325, Bad_Story_Bro.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>Nah, you just detected someone who wasn't home-schooled, and has fun on the expense of the american education system. Stop watch fauxnews for once and read up on some political philosophy.

This was a vague and innacurate assumption by a fanatical Marxist whose claims have been refuted and mocked several times on this board.

>> No.1317247

They can contribute genetic diversity to the species.

As harsh and a shitty reason it is, they have to survive for the species to remain as diverse as it is.

>> No.1317250


Read again you moron, where did I post Marxism was correct?

How can you be this dumb?

>> No.1317253
File: 666 KB, 512x288, Ichiban_Red_sea-slug_fun.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]



Also the dicks of sterilized niggers shall be made into pool toys for young girls.

>> No.1317264

She looks like she's playing with her own shit.

>> No.1317267


> Implying only Marxists has read Marx
> Implying only Marxist has fucking high-school education.

Protip: If you read the bible, you'll most likely not become a Christian, but an atheist.

See what I did there?

>> No.1317268

Why? Intelligent genes are highly diverse, even 10% of the world has millions upon millions of people. This isn't a time when we have barely any people... we have close to 7 billion.

Then there's also the fact that we would soon be implanting ourselves with various nanobots, perhaps molecular nanotechnology?

>> No.1317269
File: 23 KB, 634x476, 1244978975981.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


Go on.

>> No.1317275
File: 55 KB, 852x480, Ichiban_Red_sleeping_kawaii.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


Actually, it's a sea-cucumber.

Emphasis on the "cum."

>> No.1317277

I would, but it's a highly long amount of information, never goes well when posting such on /sci/ anymore.

>> No.1317278


quit_atTACkinG AnD cLOWNInG WWW.ANoN_x X_x
X X X tALk.Se diRECTLy_brO (remOve_alL x)
irr bmcwfvu k ojzahzwvpmb qn vf a kc m

>> No.1317280

in my collage all our teachers are required to have graduated the university with some kind of degree in engineering

>> No.1317281


The thoughts previously had by founders of such wonderful fields as eugenics, which produced " findings " built largely on absolute bullshit and whether directly or indirectly, caused certain world leaders to believe that maybe genocide was the answer.

Sorry Leonidas, this isn't ancient Sparta and we aren't going to chuck our disfigured and mentally handicapped children from cliffs.

>> No.1317287


Why not?

They serve no purpose.

>> No.1317293

Right, we should try and introduce them to our already stagnating society. Fucking genius proposition.

>> No.1317294

most presidents have JD. if i'm not mistaken there were no past presidents who had degrees in economics we all know that economics is too whimsical and engineering is for fags. if anything presidents should be education in public policy. i'

>> No.1317304
File: 12 KB, 251x251, Troll Face_Wonka.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>"engineering is for fags"
>"presidents should be education in public policy."

You don't visit this board often, do you?

>> No.1317306

Because they are just as equal as all of us, killing them is like killing ourselves.

>> No.1317308

Is it because you are a Venus Project supporter?

>> No.1317311
File: 4 KB, 190x190, Railgun_Hece_loli_LOL_face.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


That sounded kinda religous.

>> No.1317312
File: 19 KB, 222x203, amnesia is fun.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>quotation marks

You don't visit 4chan very often do you?

>> No.1317313
File: 77 KB, 388x296, Troll_Face_pals_teamwork.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


I hit it up every once and a while.

>> No.1317314


They are naive.

>> No.1317317

The fuck.

>> No.1317321

Nano bots do not genetic diversity make

It's great having a large group of people you still have diversity, but you're still removing a large chunk of our DNA and creating a bottleneck.

For example something like 1 in 3 folk of white european decent have a mutation that can give them resistance and in some cases total immunity to HIV and AIDS, there could be other mutations out there that could make people immune to MRSA and other diseases, viruses and infections and a bottleneck could kill them.

I don't exactly want em around, just take DNA samples of everyone then check em with a massive team of scientists and save the ones worth saving, or at least the valuable DNA then get rid of em.

>> No.1317322


Seems like much troll in here.

>> No.1317327

It is true that they have bits of genetic divertsity that we could use, but do the positive outweigh the negative. Saving their genetic samples could be useful, but many would volunteer peacefully...

As for molecular nanotechnology, I didn't meant it as too fully replace, but it would definitely change our bodies quite a bit.

>> No.1317329

Many wouldn't* volunteer peacefully I mean...

>> No.1317344
File: 23 KB, 283x400, Bird_glare_regal_wisdom.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

At least we all agree that the Obama Administration is completely incompetent.

>> No.1317347


>> No.1317348

No many wouldn't volounteer, so you give them incentives.

Hitler had the Volkswagen beetle, and holiday programmes for the best workers and their families to get out of the cities and visit rural areas, do the same thing, make it like a blood donation or the like, take a few tissue samples, some skin, some hair, some blood and some jizz, give them 50 quid and off they pop. You get their DNA and they get 50 quid to spend on whatever they fancy.

Then when everythings sorted, race of genetically superior sapiens heads for the moon/Io/Mars/Europa/Wherever the fuck we want cause we on a boat muafucka and they won't eva forget.

>> No.1317356

Lol, true, most of them are highly ignorant and naive so tricking them into doing it wouldn't be hard.

As for leaving Earth, I dunno. I kinda like this planet, why should they have it.

>> No.1317358
File: 11 KB, 480x360, Robotnik_stache_twist.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


Sounds absolutely exquisite.

>> No.1317361

For those of you responding with the ridiculous claims about how large sections of society are " useless " based on genetics, I'd love to see your responses when you and your families were carted into government-sent party vans to be executed for being the failures you are.

News flash: If any sort of cleansing were ever to occur, your fat, neckbeared, 7-11 employed asses would be the first to go.

On second thought, let me see what I can do about that.

>> No.1317363

Cause the planets going to shit and the vast majority of the human race won't survive the coming changes.

Besides I quite like the idea of orbiting Jupiter and swimming in lakes of crude oil.

>> No.1317366
File: 54 KB, 300x263, Fat_Dog_yellow.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


Because Earth is doomed to be consumed by the Sun if an asteroid doesn't hit it first.

Pay attention, plz.

>> No.1317367

>Implying anyone on here is what you said. Perhaps you are those things, and you think everyone else here is as well. Sucks for you.

>> No.1317371

Idiot located.

>> No.1317372

My dad works in a hospital and several hospitals fought over him to get him to run the part he specialises in and i'm studying forensic sciences, my brother is a logistics king who is also getting fought over and my mum has been to uni twice.

My ass is fine.

And I don't have a neckbeard so I'm already a step above everyone else here.

>> No.1317373

>Besides I quite like the idea of orbiting Jupiter and freezing to death or suffocating in lakes of crude oil.

>> No.1317375

This man is a god, he can obviously see what we are through our compooterz. Heil our new lord.

>> No.1317382

Troll. Or just plain retarded.

>> No.1317387

> my mum has been to uni twice.

what was her subjects?

And there's loads of people who's good at logistics, if we're going to take away the useless parts, he'll have to go.

>> No.1317388

Why not both?

>> No.1317389
File: 71 KB, 366x440, 1271606271039.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Yeah yeah I know, but still, the fact that you could power whatever mode of transport you have on Io by just walking out your make shift abode and then just scooping up some crude, distilling it and then throwing it in to the transport is pretty cool.

>> No.1317392


More like every proponent of this sort of thing I've ever met has been a loser in one shape or form or another. As for me, I'm a physically fit white male, currently studying at a highly accredited university. Oh and did I mention I have an IQ that's probably higher than any of your bi-weekly checks at Wendys? No, that is, until all of the genocide talk got started. Why, you may ask? Because people that are actually successful and doing something with themselves don't have time to sit on their asses and fantasize about stupid, irrational bullshit, nor are they miserable enough to suggest or consider shit like this as a viable solution to the worlds many problems.

>> No.1317393

>loads of people who's good at logistics

Grammar is obviously not your forte.

>> No.1317395

Internet Superstar.

Or perhaps, Internet Tough Guy.

>> No.1317396

> people promoting eugenics
> believe the cleansing will be based on their personal preferences

oh /sci/, you're so naive

>> No.1317399


1/10 for effort.

>> No.1317400
File: 8 KB, 149x200, 1244817472925.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>Oh and did I mention I have an IQ that's probably higher than any of your bi-weekly checks at Wendys?

inb4 feeding trolls

>> No.1317401

Transport is required for everything and his company wants him to take over all their operations in america to cut costs.

Humanity might change but at the end of the day what we need to do to get shit done doesn't and I cannae mind what my mum studied.

>> No.1317402


> No counter argument
> Butt-hurt over wishing his brother dead.

u sad

>> No.1317405

I'm not the person who was talking about his brother, but good job assuming.

This guy is.

>> No.1317406

>My names John and I hate everyone of you dumb ass bitches. I ain't worried go ahead just hit me with your best shot I'm captain of the football team and all the girls get wet at the sight of me and my glorious 10 inch long and 7 inches around cock...

>> No.1317410

Hey John, how's that car accident going?

>> No.1317412


QUit_ATTACkInG_aNd_clOwnING WWw.ANon X_X_X
X_x_x TAlk.Se DirecTLY BRo_(rEmOvE_AlL_X)
ux ac lbztugh mtowb d iakowfm h ubwl swts

>> No.1317413


I didn't once hear a statement about you, and I'm sure the achievements of your family members are greatly exaggerated and/or total bullshit. Supposing that it is true however, the problem with what you and others are suggesting is for a set of parameters that will ultimately result in unfair selections and the murder of likely hundreds of thousands of people who could've made a considerable contribution to our society/world in their life time.

I don't know about any of you, but I'm not willing to murder the next Newton, Darwin, or Einstein in favor of not having to talk to a moron when I order food at McDonalds.

>> No.1317423

Positives outweigh the negatives.

Perhaps you dislike progress, which require competition and sacrifice.

>> No.1317428

>I'm studying forensics

Nothing bout me?

My family does what it does and turns out they tend to be good at it, I ain't got shit I need to prove to you so you think what you wanna think about us, crack addicts and whores if ya like, have a ball.

And chances of they are working in McD's they ain't gonna pull of anything big.

>> No.1317429

>I'm not willing to murder the next Newton, Darwin, or Einstein in favor of not having to talk to a moron when I order food at McDonalds.

Oh look it's that anti-abortion argument in a different guise.

>> No.1317434

Gotta love how people think the most known scientists are the best. Most prefer privacy, a foreign factor to him no doubt.

>> No.1317439

>I don't know any scientist other then what i read in mah textbooks in school. Hear me out anyway cuz im right.

>> No.1317445


Competition and sacrifice take place in our world without human intervention. People of poverty live shorter lives, have higher suicide and mortality rates, and are generally speaking too damn stupid to do anything to change the true nature of the world.

Now you may say, but the stupid people outnumber the intelligent ones and are damaging society/the world. That argument is partially correct, but the amount of stupid people that exist now is most likely the same amount ( proportionately obviously ) that existed in the past, and yet society has progressed. The world needs garbage men and ditch diggers, and with that bunch comes the gang bangers and crack whores. The only reason things seem more severe now than they have been in the past is because of the age we live in, an age where anyone with an internet connection can spout whatever stupid bullshit they want on youtube for all the world to see.

In short: Things have always been this way, it's just getting more exposure than it ever has. The brilliant people of this world will continue to bring about progression and advancement, while the morons will continue to work minimum wage jobs, kill each other, and have drug habits. They may come along dragging their feet or not really understanding what's going on, but they will come along.

Would it be nice if the world was occupied entirely by intelligent people that could come together on a global scale for advancement? Yes, but the reality is that it's just not going to happen, and no amount of sterilization, genocide, or social restriction is going to make it so.

>> No.1317448

It isn't necessary to kill of the population. I'm quite happy for a large amount of genetic data to be gathered to create technically superior people.

>> No.1317454

You make good points, but there is a difference between those from before and those from now. Medicine and technology allow the current ones to live longer, and have far more children. Day by day, they currently produce more. Yes there will be progress, but when there is an overwhelming number, it starts to turn stagnative.

>> No.1317464

>Would it be nice if the world was occupied entirely by intelligent people that could come together on a global scale for advancement? Yes, but the reality is that it's just not going to happen.


>> No.1317471


It's not about most-known and their value to science, I'm talking about people that significantly changed how every single human being made aware of their findings viewed the world, universe, what have you. If you want me to pull up a list of obscure or less known names to tickle your fancy I will, but the point I was trying to make is clear.

By the way, if you want to actually address the content of what I said instead of picking out bits to be sarcastic towards, feel free.

>> No.1317477


Welcome to troll-land, have a seat over there.

>> No.1317482

So you claim that a genius can come out of a defunct nigger family of 10, living in the ghetto? Good luck hoping for that 0.0000000000000000000000000000000000001% chance.

>> No.1317493


I understand what you're saying, my point was more or less an outline of why the sky isn't falling and now isn't the time to be making rash decisions that could turn out to be grave mistakes.

Also, I think it's important to note that stupidity is being bred into people by the society we live in, and that exceptional people are wasting their talents in favor of less beneficial ventures.

Think about it, what sense is there for someone of considerable talent to devote their life to something like science in todays day and age? Unless they have a particular fascination with the process or field, then chances are they're going to follow the path that society says is best, which in the modern world is whichever one can land you the biggest and best toys on the block.

Why stay holed up in a lab or class room for years when you can spend 4 years getting wasted, occasionally attend class, and make ridiculous amounts of money? That in my mind is the root of the problem, which is that human society in general, not even any particular country or region, has its priorities all fucked up. Rather than rewarding the people who truly explain and change or world with mountains of gold, we instead give all of our money to Lil Wayne.

>> No.1317507


I'm saying that I'm not ruling out the possibility, and I'm also not pulling imaginary figures out of my ass to emphasize my point.

I knew it was only a matter of time before the nigger, spic, jew, etc. comments entered the conversation.

>> No.1317512

Ah true... culture and society have a huge effect on the progression of children, but still some do make it out of that societal pressure. I for instance, see that science would provide me less money, but I want to do it for progress and for humanity's sake. These days instead of genetics making the human, it's more the society that does...

>> No.1317515

Your naivety knows no bounds.

>> No.1317525


Signed, the guy throwing around racial slurs and advocating ethnic cleansing.

I appreciate the compliment.

>> No.1317545

Obviously, intellect regards itself to ethics. And so another person throws in ethnic bullshit to try and hide their fail. He mentioned niggers to show an example, not to say it's only about them. I see you've never had an intelligent debate other then with other naive fools.

>> No.1317550

hahaha nice touch at the end.

i'm not who you were replying to. I take a natural stance on economics, and by that, money goes to what services are needed. and yes even lil wayne gives some people something. entertainment is a valid service, since life isn't all about science and progress. we need enjoyment and our comforts, what is the purpose of scientific progress after all?

>> No.1317551


qUIt AtTacKINg_aND_cLowNINg_Www.ANOn_x X X
X X x TALk.SE_dirEcTLY_BRo_(REMove all_x)
evyodcl uur mzkad jnpnc afnoo bg d mvs

>> No.1317563


x_x_x tALK.se_DIrecTLY bRO (REMOvE_alL x)
q gl jv iw z hnrnsb dprnwc g ktyr aykbmiicm

>> No.1317568

absolutely. im glad to know that there is atleast one person on 4chan that gets it.

>> No.1317575


There is a huge fault in that though!

>> No.1317587

bullshit. no one could've seen that coming. and the president has advisors that would let him know about the best choice to be made.

>> No.1317595


And I agree with you 100%, I was more or less emphasizing how the sheer amount of resources and the level of focus that has shifted in the wrong directly entirely. Entertainment is a valid service that increases the happiness and well-being of human beings, and in turn their productivity, but it shouldn't be put on the pedestal that it is.

But hey, that's economics for you, can't beat a product that is the definition of having your cake and eating it too.

>> No.1317606

no. just because somebody is highly intelligent doesn't mean they are motivated or experienced enough to be looked up to.

>> No.1317856


> BA in Political "Science"
> JD

Career politicians. I really hate these faggots.

>> No.1319067
File: 42 KB, 392x458, K-ON_Mugi_enough_niggers.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Also, niggers are virtually worthless, as a whole.