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/sci/ - Science & Math

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1316179 No.1316179 [Reply] [Original]

Is alchemy possible?

>> No.1316186

Whatever worked is now part of chemistry.

>> No.1316191

yes, you can see it happening during the day, look for the fiery warm/bright ball, it's spontaneously turning elements into other elements

>> No.1316193

i'd like to think so.. just cause i read the book 'the alchemist' by paul coelho and always loved it since.

>> No.1316196

If recombining protons is alchemy, then it is possible.

>> No.1316198

Can't we just keep calling it alchemy? Also would it be possible to manipulate particles to form other elements? Like, get water molecules, strip them of their electrons, protons, neutrons and then form tungsten or something.

>> No.1316201

Alchemy is a spiritual discipline.
The "materials" of the alchemist are spiritual substances.

And yes, it works.

>> No.1316214

it is feasible in the scientific sense, but it just seems like we are incapable of doing. essentially, all you have to do is break the nucleus, feasible, but then you have to put it back together with a different amount of protons (infeasible)

>> No.1316215

I'm no expert alchemist, but allow me to explain.

I believe the transmission and control of electrons is called "electricity".
Breaking down a nucleus into protons and neutrons is called "nuclear physics", usually when this happens, energy is transferred is released in a "fission reaction".
Putting them back together is called "fusion".
However to create tungsten would require the force equivalent to the gravity generated by a power mechanism called a "star".

I hope this helps, alchemy is an interesting field.

>> No.1316222

I meant for a practical way to transmute materials you ass hat.

>> No.1316236


Either take courses in physics, chemistry, and mathematics and realize that it's not that simple, or continue watching your magical anime show and read watered down wikipedia articles.

>> No.1316250

Any input from someone who's not a douche?

>> No.1316251

Yes. You can choose between High Alchemy and Low Alchemy.

High Alchemy requires 5 fire runes and one nature rune to cast and requires a higher magic level than Low Alchemy.

>> No.1316262

Nobody is a douche here.
Someone needs to walk up to you and throw a bucket of cold water on your face, to wake up up.

>> No.1316265

God forbid I ask a question about manipulation of small particles, cause that's voodoo magic.

>> No.1316286


>> No.1316287


>> No.1316292

could we one day make gold out of nothing?

>> No.1316392

Yes. Read up on zero-point energy.

>> No.1316490

There is no such thing as alchemy.
We can change one element to another and so on with something called "science".

Basically, you take an element (nitrogen in this case) and put it in a tube. You then take a stone that possesses a special type of energy (called "alpha energy") and place it next to the tube.
This is the tricky part. Using your science, you must take your notebook and figure out how much of the rock you need, how far you place it form the tube, and for how long you place it.

To do this, you must use an ancient language that describes the proportions of reality and imagination. This language is called "Mathematics."

Once you have waited the set time for the process to complete, you may take the energy rock away and examine the contents of the tube.
You may be surprised to discover that the tube is now full of oxygen.
Congratulations, you have just completed your first Transmutation using the powers of Artificial Disintegration! You are now a novice science-worker.

You may find yourself tired. This is because using the powers of science is taxing on the mind. However, if you practice your skills you will be able to perform even greater feats.
Eventually, you may even be able to cause atoms to split apart in a tremendous chain reaction, power enough to level entire cities!

Good luck now, and have fun with your newly found powers!

>> No.1316570

ITT: people who dont know what alchemy is.

>> No.1316611


Alchemy is merely an attempt at transmutation of elements.
That was the whole point of alchemy.

Alchemy couldn't explain any of the processes, only record results and experiment to make observations.

Alchemy failed, you stupid motherfucker.

Now we have chemistry and nuclear physics, which accomplish what alchemy had attempted.

Now chill the fuck out, do some goddamn science, or get the fuck out you stupid ignorant fantastical unreasonable immature cancerous laymen.

>> No.1316641
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LMFAO Legendary post.

>> No.1316660

u mad

>> No.1316666


This thread needs to be screen capped for future generations.

>> No.1316690
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The great masters of olden days approve.

>> No.1316718
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>> No.1316721
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Here is screencap

>> No.1316733


>> No.1316756
File: 62 KB, 564x536, Franken Fran.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


Holy shit. I didn't think it was that good, but I'm glad you enjoyed it.

Have a Fran for your sentiments.