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File: 59 KB, 600x600, Homeless-woman-eating.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
1308238 No.1308238 [Reply] [Original]

>PhD in mathematics.
>Flooded job market
>120,000 dollar debt starting

>> No.1308250
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>> No.1308249
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>PhD Stats.
>Flooded job offers
>130,000 dollar salary starting.

>> No.1308252

>phd in Philosophy
>Suck cock for a living

>> No.1308261

>phd in Philosophy
>Suck cock for fun and profit.


>> No.1308271

You are overqualified for the job.

>> No.1308309

>PhD in Mathematics
>lose limbs

>> No.1308317

I lol'd because it's true

>> No.1308329

>Drop out of high school, Work at McDonalds
>Climb your way up ladder
>$100,000 a year, no degree

Feels good, man.

>> No.1308345
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>Of noble birth
>Any job I want
>1,000,000,000 dollar and starting

>> No.1308358
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>Anything I want
>just cry

>> No.1308365

> greater than sign
> shift+full stop starting
> any green text i want

>> No.1308367
File: 17 KB, 342x292, sugar.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>no qualifications
>sell computer company from the back of a van
>net worth over £8

>> No.1308375

>PhD in Sociology
>Cashier job at any McDonalds I want
>20k starting.

>> No.1308379

>BS in Engineering
>No Jobs
> 40,000 dollars debt
>still no job

>> No.1308386


> all the hot cawk i want

>> No.1308387 [DELETED] 

B.S Biology
35,000k debt
Denied an interview at Taco Bell today

>> No.1308408
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>one with the singularity
>any dimension i want
>lol dense matter concepts

>> No.1308418


you're kidding?

What the hell were you gonna do with a B.S. in Biology?

>> No.1308420
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>Any board I want
>All of them suck

>> No.1308424
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>Son of my father
>Any nuclear weapon I want
>7 years for WW3 and counting

>> No.1308425 [DELETED] 
File: 8 KB, 170x209, phd.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.1308443

lol rough job market 4 u guys eh (if youre serious and its not just 1 person posting random degrees with bullshti stories)

Heres my sitch:
>BEng & BSc next Spring
>Two offers already
>60k starting

>> No.1308444

>AN in nursing
>any hospice job i want
>ah, fuck it

>> No.1308445

6 papers after 3 postdocs and phd? no wonder no one will hire him.

>> No.1308448


Mutually Assured Destruction.

>> No.1308452

>brb, quitting college.
>Oh, fuck. Too late.
>I weep for my future

>> No.1308455

at first i was like $60k? that's shit. then I realized they're paying in canadian

>> No.1308465 [DELETED] 


I planned on going to get my PharmD but the plan shit the bed when not a single pharmacy in Pennsylvania would hire me as a technician so I could get my foot in the door.

>> No.1308469

That's mad.

>> No.1308483

20k huh? for cashiering? how much an hour do you make?

>> No.1308492


how about with a masters?

>> No.1308490 [DELETED] 


If I could do it over again I would have gone into Nursing. Too late now. I'm stuck with a fancy piece of toilet paper.

>> No.1308510


Prolly 60-90k depending on exp. Lots of posts asking 80. see the ufl stats jobs website.

>> No.1308529



>> No.1308530


lol?..who said you needed tech experience?

that's like saying you need to learn how to be a nurse before being a doctor.

>> No.1308538


Maybe a bachelors. But if you have a PhD in anything, you could at least teach somewhere.

>> No.1308545

if you were smart you wouldnt have taken student loans.

biotech majour, came out of college with $5000 and a new car.
rode the system and fucked all you cunts whilst taking gov't aid.

poor people always end up ahead.

>> No.1308549

welcome. now get back in kitchen.

>> No.1308555
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>PhD in trolling
>Post in any thread I want
>100 replies guaranteed

>> No.1308564

seriously though, 20k to be a cashier? AT McD's? no.

>> No.1308566

I've come to expect this from /sci/.

I'm surprised you haven't.

>> No.1308572 [DELETED] 


The application process can get pretty competitive at the good programs. Having experience as a technician will give you a huge advantage of the over other applicants.

>> No.1308588


So you won't pursue a Pharm D. because you can't get experience as a Pharm Tech?

You'd be better off at least applying...if not...settle for a shitty school. It's just a fucking piece of paper.

>> No.1308654 [DELETED] 


I haven't ruled out applying to some of the newer, less competitive programs. I would rather attend an established program though, considering even the health care job market is becoming saturated these days.

>> No.1308713


Doctors, Nurses, and Pharmacists are all needed....become a part of the saturation that gets the job because you want it, and not the part doing it for money.

>> No.1308768 [DELETED] 


I agree, thanks for the inspiration!

>> No.1308769



Mathematics and statistics are both on the critical skills shortage list. If you have those skills then its an employees market, you can take that shit anywhere. (assuming you actually have any skill, rather than just being one of those able to follow instructions and pass exams, but not actually able to think for yourself sort of 'mathematicians')

The only negative is, lots of people in business see a phd as an inability to turn theory into useful strategies rather than a bonus.

>> No.1308803

>major in phil, 3.9 GPA
>Wal Mart did not call me back
>wish id done CS

>> No.1309843 [DELETED] 


>> No.1309899

>Drop out of school in year 12
>Watch anime all day
>Feels good man.

>> No.1309922

PhD in organic chemistry here,

I am in an extremely saturated market and i still manage to make a decent living. I owed nothing upon graduation; it's not anyone else's fault you borrowed a bunch of money. Also, I didn't grow up rich or anything before you ask.

>> No.1309943
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>> No.1309944
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>> No.1309951
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