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/sci/ - Science & Math

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1301757 No.1301757 [Reply] [Original]

/sci/ anyone know where I can get a serial for Universe Sandbox 2 (not the old one). I downloaded it and found it to be great, but apparently it was only a trial of the first one.

>> No.1301763

op here, meant to say trial of the full version*

>> No.1301816

This is a pretty fun little simulator. I would also like a serial instead of pay 20 dollars for it.... seems a bit steep really

>> No.1301872


>> No.1301899

someone delieve fucking fun game

>> No.1301963


>> No.1301970

There was a LavX one but it has been flagged and you cannot use it anymore, sorry bro

>> No.1302122

last bump

>> No.1302134

I get an error at application load, windows 7x64.

>> No.1302163


Maybe not work with 64

>> No.1302184

Wow i just downloaded this. Its fucking fun

>> No.1302210

serial needed noaw

>> No.1302225

How did i not know about this

>> No.1302336

Come on /sci/ dont fail me

>> No.1302349

Hm, what will you give me for it?

>> No.1302369


All my love and respect

>> No.1302419


Did you actually buy it?

>> No.1302440

I got the free version esterday....fuck me have I spent alot of time making black holes

>> No.1302452

Normally I'd be a moralfag and tell you to buy it, but I know $30 is a lot for a highschool student, and the guy doesn't have any student options. Just search for serials on the net, I found one so I know they're out there.

>> No.1302516 [DELETED] 

Found a keygen:
I tried it and it worked. Use it at your own risk though, I know 4chan isn't precisely the most trusty site ever, but it worked for me.

>> No.1302550

Holy shit, ive never herd of this!. someone pleaaaaase get me a full version.

>> No.1302602

bump for awesome

>> No.1302802



>> No.1302830

Fuck this shit is awesome. Its only a 60 minute full trial though :(

>> No.1302835 [DELETED] 


STop_DDOsiNg_AND cOpying WwW.ANpontaPlK.se REmOVe_aLL_p In_tHAT URl_FOoL
a md rv cy bjeiad h zu mg yua n tmc

>> No.1302859


I acutally cant find one anywhere. Is the serial for the second one?

>> No.1302876
File: 46 KB, 451x392, awesome.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

This game

>> No.1302896


Fuck the trial ran out. The free version is crap. Someone post a serial

>> No.1302903

Type.................: Application
Platform.............: Windows 9x/ME/2000/XP/Vista
Serial #.............: LavX | lavx13@gmail.com | a9f84afs456
More Info............: www.lavx.blog.hu

Have fun.

>> No.1302916
File: 20 KB, 490x285, fuck.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


nawt work

>> No.1302940


Got my hopes up

>> No.1302937


wtf my mouse is moving on its own

>> No.1302959

Downloading a torrent with activation info.

I'll get back to you on the serial.

>> No.1302969


Shit it just gave me a cracked version. Well here's the torrent at any rate...


>> No.1303029


Thanks man, is this the second one? or the first one?

>> No.1303082

Anyone reckon they could help me find a version of this that works on Ubuntu 10? Or is there simply none?

>> No.1303092


lulz, you can play games, or you can use linux. not both.

>> No.1303156

Why no crack for version 2.0 :(

>> No.1303160


first. sorry I don't think the second one has been put up anywhere yet...

>> No.1303162


I got Celestia working on this, which is in a similar vein as a quasi-simulator.

>> No.1303221


Thanks anyway man, i guess i'll just have to wait until someone comes up with a keygen or something

>> No.1303403

This isnt very realistic but its quite fun to play around with

>> No.1303503

Any more games like this that are free?

>> No.1303531

shit is cash

>> No.1303669

WOW. How did I not know about this simulation. Someone please come through with a serial for version 2.0

>> No.1303681
File: 4 KB, 255x255, gentlemen-8-bit.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


http://www.smartorrent (DOT) com/?page=torrentinfo&tid=125086&op=commentaires

this torrent works. My guess is that they update the installer, and that the serial won't work in the new version.
However, this torrent contains an older version of the installer, and it works with the serial provided by >>1302903

You get to play the full version, but I suppose you can't update.


>> No.1303700

Remercier = download?

>> No.1303701


French? I have to have an account.

This won't end well.

>> No.1303709

Fuck, I didn't check, it's the old one....
sorry bout that

>> No.1303714

remercier = to thank (someone)

>> No.1303723

I was gonna rapidshit it, but it's the old version. I can still upload it to rapidshare if someone's interested.

>> No.1303729


Yeah please do.

Will I just have to install it?

>> No.1303754

It'll be uploaded in 5 min.

You just run the setup. If they ask you to upgrade, you press upgrade later.

Then you run the program, go to the menu, hit "Settings" and click on the "I already bought license" button.

Then you enter this info : >>1302903

>> No.1303770


Thanks, post link when done plz.

>> No.1303779

here : http://rapidshare.com/files/404048135/Universe_Sandbox_by_LavX.rar.html

>> No.1303803


Merci Merci.

>> No.1303834

is this a cracked version?

>> No.1303889


Yeah can't seem to move thigns like I could in the demo though e....

>> No.1303918

How does this compare to other simulators like celestia?

>> No.1305150

is there no hope for a V2 Serial

>> No.1305726


>> No.1305774
