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/sci/ - Science & Math

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1297329 No.1297329 [Reply] [Original]

hello /sci/
so I'm doing GCSE coursework about Francium, and we need a website that provides an accurate description for the 3 reasons Francium took so long to discover compared to the other alkaline metals. But for the love of god, I cannot find a website mentioning all three factors anywhere! Can anyone help me find a good reliable website?

I know what the answers are but I need to be able to quote and reference the site, so please don't just post answers.

>> No.1297334


>> No.1297339

Why not reference and quote multiple sites?

>> No.1297341


Sure check this out.


>> No.1297346


>> No.1297356

sorry i forgot to mention we can't use wikipedia because it's unreliable

>implying that coursework research and homework is the same thing.
Learn to education.

>> No.1297361


>> No.1297366

I could but I can't find a site with a quote stating that one factor holding the discovery back was a lack of suitable technology.

>> No.1297369


Also, email your teacher this link: http://www.zdnet.com/news/study-wikipedia-as-accurate-as-britannica/146067 , and say the internet gave it to you

>> No.1297389

can't, the exam board is a real bitch.
'Under no circumstances are we allowed to use wikipedia'
even if we can prove it's reliability with this.

>> No.1297402

horey shit, that's mean

do you know which exam you're doing? I'm taking the edexcel papers for all of them and I haven't seen/learnt anything about francium bar as "the most reactive alkali metal"

>> No.1297405


That article is five years old. The amount of accurate information contained on a website degrades exponentially over time. Everybody knows this.

>> No.1297409

ocr gateway here

>> No.1297418

Can't help then

This is pretty mean, I can't find anything on francium. If you want, I can copy and paste the wiki article onto a google sites page, slap a tinyurl on it, and pretend it's reputable, but that kind of eliminates the whole point

>> No.1297425


CLick the reference number on the wikipedia article, read where the reference came from, cite that source.

retard learn2cite wikipedia

>> No.1297435

4chan is 7 years old. You just posted a claim about a 5 year old article being inaccurate on a 7 year old website.


>> No.1297476

references can come from books which i don't have
learn2understand retardation retard

>> No.1297488

in that case the OCR gateway system is fucktarded. I recommend you formally complain, and get a retake on something else

>> No.1297507

>implying that the post was posted when the internet first spewed up 4chan and not 5 or so minutes ago.
fucking dickwad.

>> No.1297512

op is at most 16, underage b& sage reported and hidden

>> No.1297521

>/sci/ is not an over 18 thread newfag

>> No.1297527

i mean board*

>> No.1297569

absolutely nothing /:
thanks anyway /sci/

>> No.1297589

4chan has NEVER been accurate. That's a double negative.

See what I did, cockmongler?

>> No.1297638


Hence, everything posted at 4chan gets exponentially more true as time goes by. Awesome.

>> No.1297651


there's this thing called the library. they got a shit-ton of books there

>> No.1297715

I am in England. It's 9pm here and I'm tired. I'm also revising for mocks so obviously I don't have time to go to the library. And if I did, I'd have to spend ages looking for the right books to quote from, and the research is in for tomorrow. I've tried to find it on the internet, with no success for daysss now.

>> No.1297755


op this website provides two reasons, but are you sure that thing about lack of technology is a reason?

>> No.1297781

Email teacher
explain situation.

You have not done anything wrong unless you are lying to us. If you get reprimanded, let us know

>> No.1297825

well due to some sort of loophole in the exam board's rules (because they suck balls) that our chemistry teacher was able to exploit, he was allowed to give us all the answers to the coursework questions. We just had to be able to quote them, and obviously we couldn't quote them from him. One of the reasons he provided us with was 'because of a lack of technology', but no website says this anywhere, so I'm starting to think he may have made a mistake.

>> No.1297866

and you're SURE you have to cite sources?

which reasons have you already found?

>> No.1297906


you have 3 choices;
start your project on time
look up the book online and cite it via the isbn number.
or cite 3 different god dam websites

>> No.1297960

I would cite 3 different god damn websites if i could find anything backing up my third factor
I've cited two different websites already, just can't find anywhere about the lack of technology factor.

>> No.1297974


options 1 and 2 buddy

>> No.1297990

Answer >>1297866


also, I'd like to say your teacher is a dick. People don't learn how to logic when they're given the answers

>> No.1298018

well one factor I have is that because Francium has a half-life of only 21 minutes, and a second reason is because there is only an ounce of it in the ground at any one time.

>> No.1298055

did start the project on time, we started it in school.
We have like a week for the research and I've been occupied with revision and this research on time.
Plus I don't know if quotes on wikipedia are exactly the same as in the books they claim to be referenced from. If they're just that bit too different, I can lose marks /:

>> No.1298058

its position at the end of the periodic table meant it wasn't expected to definitely exist

>> No.1298085

no i know the third reason was due to a lack of technology, i just need quotes.

>> No.1298098


bullshit the quote you retard the ta's not gonna check he's grading a couple hundred papers

>> No.1298123

they have to because they work under very strict guidelines.
otherwise the exam board wouldn't be paying them for it.
Obvious dumbfuck retard dropout is obvious.

>> No.1298204

fuckit i can still get marks from stating two reasons I guess..

>> No.1298259


well then i guess you're just fucked.

Do yourself a favor and next time don't even ask if you're going to turn down everything


>> No.1298272

oh hello there mr 'i cant read'
I asked for websites you faggot

>> No.1298288


lol you say i cant read but you're the kid who knows what book he needs but refuses to get it and instead stays at home trolling 4chan.

you're some fat fuck nerd kid

sage this shit

>> No.1298310

it may interest you to know that this thread is ended and I am not /r/ing any information for anyone anymore. sage it all you like, because you're obviously soooo cool in doing so.

>> No.1298925

Have you tried google scholar?

>> No.1298959

Not really three reasons but maybe you can manipulate the answer

>> No.1298973

Even better, from nature magazine

>> No.1298988

You don't need to quote something that actually says "Due to lack of technology".

Look at when Francium was discovered and what technology was used to discover it. Then cite whatever will tell you when that technology was invented.

Citations don't need to be absolutely explicit. It's easy to infer from that information and from that citation that the development of technology aided in the discovery of Francium, and that therefore the lack of said technology earlier on hampered the discovery of Francium.

>> No.1299276

As little as 20–30 g (one ounce) exists at any given time throughout the Earth's crust; the other isotopes are entirely synthetic. The largest amount ever collected of any isotope was a cluster of about 10,000 atoms (of francium-210) created as an ultracold gas at Stony Brook in 1997.[1]

from wiki bitch. Look at sources, read said sources, ???? profit

>> No.1299277

As little as 20–30 g (one ounce) exists at any given time throughout the Earth's crust; the other isotopes are entirely synthetic. The largest amount ever collected of any isotope was a cluster of about 10,000 atoms (of francium-210) created as an ultracold gas at Stony Brook in 1997.[1]

from wiki bitch. Look at sources, read said sources, ???? profit