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/sci/ - Science & Math

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File: 10 KB, 400x263, iq-bell-curve.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
1289519 No.1289519 [Reply] [Original]

"It is unknown if I.Q.s beyond about 140 have any extra significance."
-Coming from a guy with an estimated IQ of over 190.

How true is this, /sci/?

>> No.1289538

It is unknown if IQ has any significance at all. Intelligence is an extremely tricky thing to measure.

>> No.1289544
File: 41 KB, 500x375, Vuvuzela.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

How lucky! The internets say mine's 150!

>> No.1289604

Can't be sure. I'm a 210 myself.
I can see the matrix.

>> No.1289613

sToP_ddOSIng and_coPYinG_WWW.aNOMNTMALk.sE_rEMOVE AlL m_In That Url_FoOL
cf nognvxtyxr b qae bufsuf llt iyklozdhq l

>> No.1289624

It has yet to be proven that intelligence has any survival value

>> No.1289628

Feynman with 125 created some of the most complex theory known to man. And faggots with >125 have done shit. IQ means nothing.

>> No.1289637

>Has an iq of 87

>> No.1289654


Apparently since he doesn't seem to know the difference between greater than and less than symbols.

>> No.1289668

Actually I did an actual test (12 hours over a week long period) that showed I had an IQ of 143.

>> No.1289673

>doesn't seem to know the difference between greater than and less than symbols

>> No.1289687
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>> No.1289745

anyone know of an accurate IQ test I could take online?

>> No.1289813

I find higher iq to be a hinderance. You try to be logical, and people cannot follow you. I assume the higher your iq the more often this comes up.

The funny part is that they think you are stupid because the logic makes no sense to them. There truly are too type of idiots. Everyone dumber than you and everyone smarter than you.

>> No.1289824
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>accurate IQ test I could take online?

>> No.1289848

170 here. Feels pretty good.

>> No.1289851

115 here. Feels ??? man.

>> No.1289861

...and I'm trying to become a molecular biologist. Boy, am I ever fucked.

>> No.1289904


>> No.1290026
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Nah bro, you're just fine.

>> No.1290051
File: 58 KB, 267x299, Megas_XLR_Coop__s_Dome_by_simpsonmobiel.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

There are no accurate IQ tests. Human behavior gets in the way. There's no testing environment that could conform to the needs of any individual enough to allow them to fully concentrate on whatever sort of test you put before them, and it's also impossible for one particular set of questions or problems to accurately measure the intelligence of all people.

One common one is finding patterns in a group of shapes and figuring what one or more spaces should be. Gigiassesment does this in their free test. But surely there are people who have difficulty in seeing similarities between shapes due to, say, being raised in a house covered in polka dots. (It's important to note here that real polka dots aren't all different colors, but all different shapes and sizes in a completely random pattern.)

And since IQ is a measurement of intelligence, which is of course the ability to learn and process new information, you have to ask yourself: Since when has anyone been equally capable of learning new information from all different fields?
Some people can't memorize patterns in movement or sound for shit, but can visualize an image seen weeks ago in full detail. The human brain is fucking weird - does anyone honestly expect one number to fully describe it?

Personally I've undergone a few different real IQ tests (and a few internet ones). Before I came to the conclusion that it was an utterly worthless figure, I was given results between 80 and 180something. Also, in repetition of similar tests, I've been able to go up by 20 or more points because I have already "learned" the test.

So IQ aint worth shit.

>> No.1290059

Did an IQ test when I was 8... 136.

>> No.1290066

111 here... feels bad man ;_;

>> No.1290076

IQ is about as accurately measured as penis size is on the internet.

>> No.1290079

This isn't true. I have an IQ over 612 and I can create wormholes in open space.

>> No.1290094

And yet you can't sage.
Are there any tests that aren't boring as fuck? I get halfway through and just get sick of it.

inb4 ADD, aspie, etc.

>> No.1290105


>> No.1290109

>implying "sage" doesn't remain in the name field...

>> No.1290113

inb4 engineer/scientists shitstorm

But cool picture. I'll have it, thank you.

>> No.1290122

Actually, it saved there from my previous attempt. Anyway, IQ doesn't have to do with things such as sage.

>> No.1290129
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IQ over 5000 here
I can kill people with my mind

>> No.1290136

yes just keep telling you that, dumbass

>> No.1290148


IQ-111 retardehere
nah it's okey either way... I am into natural science already and if that doesn't work out I there is always the porn industry... >>1290076 OH SH-

>> No.1290159


>> No.1290169

well but you sure would agree that there are dumbasses and smart guise..
also when people die they analyze and weigh the brain and there are huge differences in weigh, size and structure
so there are differences

>> No.1290173

you don't have to be intelligent to be an angineur... you have to be intelligent to be a good one

>> No.1290175

IQ tests seem to be nothing more than a rough approximation to intelligence.
What you use your intelligence for is another matter though - so I would say creativity and applicable intelligence are coupled.

>> No.1290184

There are differences, but IQ might not be the greatest measurement of it.

>> No.1290198

Here is an example. Back in the 2nd grade my class had a Christmas gift exchange. This one student asked to trade gifts with me, but I didn't like what he got either. There was however a different student who had a gift I would enjoy. So I told A to see if B was willing to trade with him, if so I would make the trade he desired.

A responded with "but I don't want B's gift"

>> No.1290208

Einstein was, without a doubt, one of the most intelligent men in known history. His brain weighed slightly less than average.

Anecdotal evidence aint worth shit though. But you still see my point.

>> No.1290213

Oh my god, you're a genius.

Get this guy to CERN.

>> No.1290221

the fact that the other is a retard doesn't help that you are a dumbass

>> No.1290229

I don't believe IQ to be an accurate representation of intelligence.

>> No.1290232

I ain't a neurobiologist/physiologist etc, but would it be possible to improve intelligence (by whatever metric is applicable) by increasing oxygenated blood flow to certain parts of the brain?

>> No.1290233

says the man who could not come up with better sarcastic response

>> No.1290236

See, the problem here is that you're a terrible tripfag and so we all already know that you're fucking stupid.

>> No.1290251


Brain isn't better by size, it is better by neurological connections.

>> No.1290257
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>> No.1290275

Yes, yes, and also yes. Oh, and maybe.

While I have done a good bit of research on this subject out of personal interest, I don't have time to write another little essay on /sci/ today. So I'll sum it up in one sentence: The brain is really complicated, so it's not as easy as breathing pure oxygen for a while.

>> No.1290280

IQ is updated (according to statistic general population) every 10 years or so (Weschler).
Nowadays, Einstein would have an IQ of 140 or so.

>> No.1290283

okey explain me something...

what do exactly IQ tests count?

learning skill?

mathematical skill?

innovation potentials?

intellectual potentials?

pattern recognition?


>> No.1290287

>Actually I did an actual test (12 hours over a week long period) that showed I had an IQ of 143.
>Actually I did an actual

wut? in 12 hours they didn't test grammar once?

>> No.1290294

More oxygen will make you think/process (cognitive) faster but to think better you will need learning.

>> No.1290306

Confere : http://fr.wikipedia.org/wiki/Wechsler_Intelligence_Scale_for_Children

>> No.1290310


And...? That's second grade you stupid piece of retard. 2nd grade
2nd grade
2nd grade2nd grade2nd grade2nd grade2nd grade2nd grade2nd grade2nd grade

Do you expect a kid to grasp that then, no?

Is it remarkable that you grasped that, then?

You didn't explain the concept well here, so you damn sure didn't explain the concept well back in 2nd grade.

>> No.1290312

technically his grammar or syntax ain't wrong

he just expressed it in an aesthetically questionable manner...

>> No.1290322

oh mon dieux!

>> No.1290325


What defines a rectangle? Its length or its width?

Plus, he doesn't have an IQ over 143. If it talks like an idiot, it is an idiot.

>> No.1290338

>judges intelligence by internet grammar and spelling

>> No.1290343

>claims IQ of 143
>posts on /r9k/

case closed.

>> No.1290347



Next question - how come some of those who suffer moderate brain injuries tend to improve other areas of "intelligence" almost by way of compensation?
This (apparently) happened to a guy in my school where he became pretty fucking awesome with regards to music, but pretty fucking retarded with everything else.
*IF* he sucked at music before, then the injury did improve his ability - either by raw improvement or his other neural functions diminished and his musical ability became vastly better by comparison.

So would it not be possible to improve such abilities whilst maintaining constant ability in all other areas?

>> No.1290355

>talks like an idiot
You know... internet argot exists due to the fact that many people using teh internetz are not natural english speakers.

Don't get all grammarnazi as if it had some purpose.

>> No.1290367

According to Mensas ONLINE (HURRDURR) test:
126, which is the maximum that that test can calculate accordingly.

>> No.1290514

I've never claimed to be a genius.
But my point remains, he thought I was an idiot. While I thought he was an idiot.
I'm a terrible tripfag?
Ah, but this ties to my whole thought of logic being a hinderance. picture is related. Nearly everyone can quickly and correctly identify the answer for the rightside test, whereas the leftside test takes longer for some, and is answered wrong by other. So lets say you see the solution within 5 seconds. You are using the solution in a discussion with others. Since they will take a minute, what you say makes little sense. For those that solve incorrectly, whatever you say is idiotic, because it does not match up with their understanding.

Another example is the "will it take off threads" perhaps they are mostly filled with trolls. But I believe there are actual people fighting both sides of the argument, convinced the other side is wrong.

>> No.1290516
File: 47 KB, 806x487, iqthng.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

whoops forgot the pic

>> No.1290538

Many years ago, mensa did not offer IQ tests. Their tests were pass/fail ones. so you could tell if you were above or below the 98th percentile, but nothing specific.

Yet lately I have been seeing any threads involving people saying the scores they got from mensa. So things could have changed, but I have not heard of such a thing. Now you are telling me that mensa offers an online test with an estimated iq? please give me a link so I can see it for myself. My prior knowledge makes it hard to believe as fact without additional proof.

>> No.1290583


It's (d) right?

>> No.1290592

d right? took me a miute or two though

>> No.1290610

I've taken an IQ test twice. The first time I scored 93, the second time 118.

I keep telling myself that I should have scored higher, but maybe I'm just a dumbass.

Feels bad, man.

>> No.1290611

d is what I believe too, based upon the circle coloring and triangle positioning. but the triangle colors didn't make sense to me.

>> No.1290619

I only based it off of the half white half black circle orientations. Each row has two of the half circles and so does each column. And they only occur in two orientations.

>> No.1290625


Yeah there really isn't a patter of changing. It just seems logical that it has to be vertical.

>> No.1290644


Disregard that, I misread your post.

>> No.1290671

I took one that told me I had a 142, one told me I had an 87. Both were online tests.

>> No.1290674

The online tests I've taken have put me higher than 120 and below 140.

>> No.1290684

Just another way to compare intellectual penises.

>> No.1290757

I've been measured at 126-142 at various points. Considering taking a Mensa test though, because we sent off for the home test booklet, and it seemed pretty easy.

I haven't done a fucking thing with it though. My entire life I've been coming home with school reports saying 'has obvious ability, just doesn't apply himself'.

Hopefully, my scheduled plan for being well on the way to a perfect human before the age of 25 will come to fruition though. I have 11 months to learn basic to conversational french/german/spanish, bone up on my maths, hard sciences, grammar, whatever other general academic things interest me, get my creative life in order, and lose ~40lbs.

And I'll still be a lonely nerd.

>> No.1290774

Don't beat yourself up, at least you'll be smarter than the Porn studs that get to have casual sex all the time. That are gifted with monster penises. And nice skin. You know what, I'm just gunna stop here.

>> No.1290779


Aaahhh give me motivation. I'm trying to finally do something with my life and pick up my German once again (did it in school for 3 years) but I can't seem to get down and start learning...

>> No.1290780


>You try to be logical, and people cannot follow you

Aspie alert. Get a camcorder and record yourself explaining things. watch, learn, and improve.

>> No.1290789

high iq, i would like more of that good thing

>> No.1290791

Interesting thread. I write IQ tests.

At first I only scored 180, but now I've corrected for the calibration errors, I'm the full 200.

>> No.1290795

ITT: fags who think they can score over 100% in an IQ test

>> No.1290907

I'm happy enough with my penis. It's a high average as far as I can tell on one count, very generously sized on the other, and I've never had any complaints. I wouldn't turn down an extra inch or two, but I'm happy enough not to risk horrendous cock injuries by jelqing.

I might be setting up a blog or something to document my rise to godhood, so check fit/adv in a month or so.

I think it's the realising that this is it, and you're wasting the best bits of a brief spell of consciousness looking at pictures of women you'll never meet and arguing about fictional characters with other people with the same problem. Everyone needs tits and ridiculousness every so often, but so many of us let it get in the way of the only youth we'll ever have.

It's 'hit' me several times, but the next day I'll go right back to pizza and masturbation.

I've just moved back home, owe thousand of pounds for a university education I didn't need and didn't complete, along with various other outgoings that should have been dealt with, I have no job, when I should have easily got one a year ago, and therefore no money. I've watched friends from uni graduate, the odd girl that I managed to get with whilst I was there fall in love with guys that actually use their talents, friends of mine get with lovely girls, people starting ridiculously clever businesses that will probably make them all millionaires before 30...

You know what. Fuck that. FUCK THIS SHIT.


There's your motivation.

>> No.1290915

ITT: Fags who think IQ is a percentage.

>> No.1290938
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>> No.1290958

oh look, another iq thread...

>> No.1290963

those who can, do
those who can't, teach
those who can't teach quote their IQ.

>> No.1290974

And those who don't even have an IQ to quote, teach gym.

>> No.1291105

I thank you for your concern. However I believe it to be misplaced. I'm not talking about every day social interactions, but specific situations, where logic dictates one course of action, but others fail to follow.

A good example is a team building exercise I was apart of a few years ago. There was one challenge which involved getting the entire group over a 12 foot wall. In our group there was a rather large individual. probably 6'4 250lbs. Well built.

Everyone agreed he would be a great base to help get others over the wall, however the order of who should cross turned into quite a discussion.

one group thought that he should help lift the largest guys over the wall first, before he tired out. A second group thought that the lightest people should be lifted first to get them out of the way. A third group believed that there should be a intermingling of what sized people got lifted up.

The obvious problem in my eyes were, that following group 1's idea, there would be no one left to help the large man from the bottom, and group 2's idea could deplete too much stamina before people got to the larger folk.

But that was just taking weight into consideration. Those with greater upper body strength would be able to get up the wall with less assistance from the top, and use that same strength helping others. Those with more lower body strength would do better helping from the bottom. The very tall would be important in getting up last, as at least one of the would be able to jump and reach outstretched hands to be pulled over, yet weight would come back into issue, as that could be a problem with no bottom support.

>> No.1291110

Lifting technique also needed to be taken into consideration. As someone solidly built, but with less strength could brace himself against the wall, and let lighter folk use him as a staircase climbing onto his shoulders, with little effort put out on his part. Shorter people might need additional lifting to reach the top, taller people barely any at all.

Sorry the point. The point is, that most people started of thinking about weight. and it took them a while before they realized that other factors would also be relevant. But they considered discussion outside of weight to be stupid as it was irrelevant. Whereas those that immediately thought about these other issues, though the weight discussion to be stupid as it was to focused.

republicans and democrats.
both think a majority of the other side is stupid.

>> No.1291142


Not reading this.

You're self-important faggot who writes long stories to try and impress people with your so-called intelligence.

Enjoy your inferiority complex.

>> No.1291266

There is nothing wrong with writing long stories. Although we are on an image board, the majority of interaction is done through words. I would wager that you have not spent enough time evaluating me to properly diagnose me. First off, you define me as writing long stories. Which while it is true that occasionally I have a longer than average post, this particular thread is the first time I have gone over post limit, most of my posts are in fact very short, as I post from my phone, which takes a long time, short direct posts make it easier to communicate my thoughts.

Secondly you make assumptions as to my reasons for posting. I have never claimed to be more intelligent than any particular person. While education and intelligence are certainly different, they are related. I spend much time on /sci/ speaking with more learned brethren, asking questions and apologizing for not previously knowing items many consider to be basic information. Sharing of my own beliefs and thoughts are becoming more frequent, but only because the questions posted here are so circular, I am increasingly finding myself with relevant knowledge I had gained perhaps a few hours or days before.

As your observations seem to be incorrect, I cannot accept your diagnosis of inferiority complex. It certainly has never come up in sessions with my therapist.

>> No.1291349
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>> No.1291363

>implying that story displays intelligence and not just common sense, and implying anyone with >100 IQ couldn't follow that common sense

>> No.1291374

Your picture speaks the truth.

>> No.1291387

>Average: 34.1%
>Above average: 34.1%


>> No.1291391

Einstein = Plagiarising Kike.

>> No.1291437


I don't see what you were trying to get at with these shitty stories.

That you knew this before anyone else? So why didn't you say something to end it? Because you didn't know?
And after all that, you provided no solution to the problem at hand.

Are you a good thinker? Or just a great listener?

The answer seems obvious.

>> No.1291470

Oh, see this is where we get into the nitty gritty. First is there really much difference between logic and common sense. Secondly, intelligence is measured by how quickly you can apply logic to various tests.

So while I agree that its just common sense. And really everyone was on the same page about it within a few minutes. My point was how it took some people longer to reach the same conclusions. And more importantly, the inability to communicate to properly communicate until that common ground was established.

>> No.1291735

I was trying to give an example of my point without going into too many details, as it wasn't the specific incident that was important. Also I had thought I had mentioned that everyone was on the same page after a few minutes. Which changes things slightly. But as to your "the answer is obvious" that was also one of the reasons I selected the story i did. I was hoping an easy to relate to story. Yes the answer is obvious to you, I like to believe that I was one of the first to come to the obvious conclusion myself that day, however not everyone reached it at the same time, and for some it too a while longer. But this isn't about pointing out stupid people. I'm trying to show that for those that reach the conclusion slower those that reach it faster appear to be stupid.
Douglas adams had a theory in one of his books "everyone is stupid" Basically his point is that everyone is stupid at some point in someone else's point of view. Douglas Adams, seems fairly intelligent to me, yet his own example was returning a non-functioning pager to radio shack, where the employee took 20 seconds to open it and turn a battery right side up.

The difference is that, while douglas adams believes everyone does stupid things. (I agree) especially when outside their field of expertise (i agree), I believe that stupidity is relative to understanding.

A different example then. not starting with the whole scenario or any thought pattern.
You are in a class room taking a test, when someone stands up, states apples are blue, and walks outside.
take a few moments to consider.

Now the complete scenario, the test is 10 pages long. First line says read all instructions before beginning. Last line says if you say apples are blue and walk out the door within 5 minutes of the test starting you receive an A.

With his actions now in perspective, how does your opinion differ from before?

>> No.1293755
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>> No.1293960

173 here, I don't know.

>> No.1293996

>Secondly, intelligence is measured by how quickly you can apply logic to various tests.
Aside from the fact that you're a tripfag and are already not entitled to an opinion on anything, no, it is not.

>> No.1294008

>Implying processing speed is not a measure of intelligence.

>> No.1294306

This thread is dildos.

>> No.1294426
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